A Dictionary of Altitudes in the United States
A Dictionary of Altitudes in the United States (First Edition)
A Dictionary of Altitudes in the United States (First Edition)
Department of the Interior, Bulletin of the United States, Geological Survey, No. 5
Washington, Government Printing Office, 1884
A Dictionary of Altitudes in the United States (Second Edition)
A Dictionary of Altitudes in the United States (Second Edition)
Compiled by Henry Gannett, Chief Topographer, 1891
From: United State Geological Survey, J. W. Powell, Director
Found In: The Miscellaneous Documents of The House of Representatives
For The First Session of the Fifty-Second Congress, 1891-1892
RAILROADS (Pages 10-11)
The elevations determined by railroad levels are credited to the roads by which they were furnished.
On pages 15-19, will be found a list of these railroads, with the abbreviations used for their names, arranged alphabetically in the order of the abbreviations.
Unless otherwise stated, the elevation given in each case is that of the railroad track at the station of the road given. In cases where two or more railroads meet or cross at grade, the elevation furnished by one of them only, and that the best determined one, is given.
Page 274
Station: Payette, Idaho
Authority: U.P.R.R. (Union Pacific Railroad)
Elevation: 2,152
Page 371
Station: Washoe, Idaho
Authority: N.P.R.R. (Northern Pacific Railroad)
Elevation: 2,152
A Dictionary of Altitudes in the United States (Third Edition)
A Dictionary of Altitudes in the United States (Third Edition)
Compiled by Henry Gannett, 1899
Department of the Interior, Bulletin of the United States, Geological Survey, No. 160
Washington, Government Printing Office, 1899
RAILROADS (Pages 13-14)
The elevations determined by railroad levels are credited to the roads by which they were furnished.
Unless otherwise stated, the elevation given in each case is that of the railroad track at the station of the road given. In cases where two or more railroads meet or cross at grade, the elevation furnished by one of them only - the best determined one - is given.
Page: 134
Station: Payette, Idaho
Authority: Weather Bureau
Elevation: 2,195 feet
Page: 135
Station: Washoe, Idaho
Authority: U.P.R.R. (Union Pacific Railroad)
Elevation: 2,155 feet
A Dictionary of Altitudes in the United States (Fourth Edition)
A Dictionary of Altitudes in the United States (Fourth Edition)
Compiled by Henry Gannett, 1906
Department of the Interior, United States, Geological Survey, No. 274, Series F. Geography 47
Charles D. Walcott, Director, Washington, Government Printing Office, 1906
The elevations determined by railroad levels are credited to the roads by which they were furnished.
Unless otherwise stated, the elevation is that of the railroad track at the station of the road given. In cases where two or more railroads meet or cross at grade, the elevation furnished by one of them only - the best determined - is given.
A vast number of elevations are credited to this source. They have been determined by various means, but almost entirely by trigonometric methods and by level lines. Elevations of mountains, hills, and other points used as triangulation stations have, as a rule, been determined by trigonometric methods. Elevations of towns, railway stations, and the like have commonly been determined by spirit leveling, most of which is of sufficient accuracy to be classed as precise. Since the year 1895 the leveling operations of this organization have been extensive, and the altitudes of great numbers of points have been determined. This leveling has been carried on wherever surveying for the preparation of maps has been in progress, and is therefore scattered widely over the country.
Page: 215
Locality: Payette, Idaho, O.S.L. (Oregon Short Line)
Authority: U.S.C. and G.S. (United States Geological Survey)
Elevation: 2,147
Page: 215
Locality: Payette, Idaho, Do (Same as Above)
Authority: Weather Bureau
Elevation: 2,195