Formation of Payette County

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Canyon County Commissioners Minutes, April 11, 1917
Book 5, Volume 445, Page 447

In compliance with the provisions of House Bill No. 108, passed by the State Legislature and approved by the Governor, providing for the creation of Payette County out of a part of Canyon County subject to the approval of 66 2/3 percent of the qualified electors residing in the proposed new County, an election is hereby called for the 11th day of May, 1917, in all that part of Canyon County, which is set apart by the aforesaid act to be included in the proposed new county. The voting precincts for said election are as follows: East Payette, North Payette, South Payette, West Payette, North Fruitland, South Fruitland, Stuart, and Willow Precincts as same are now created in Canyon County.

South Fruitland Precinct, all of South Fruitland Precinct as now created together with that part of Apple Valley Precinct included within the boundaries of the proposed Payette County. New Plymouth Precinct, all that part of New Plymouth Precinct as now created together with that part of Notus Precinct included within the boundaries of the proposed Payette County.

The Judges appointed as receiving Judges for the above named Precincts at the July meeting of the Board of County Commissioners for 1916, are hereby designated to serve as Judges of the Special Election and the polling places designated at the aforesaid July meeting are hereby designated as polling places for the Special Election. The Clerk of the Board is hereby ordered to prepare and give notice of said Special election as required by law.

Canyon County Commissioners Minutes
Book 5, Volume 445, Page 469


WHEREAS, the formation of Payette County from a part of Canyon County on July 2nd, 1917, will make it necessary to redistrict Canyon County, it is hereby ORDERED that from and after July 2nd, 1917, the county shall be divided into commissioners Districts as follows: -

District No. 1, to be bounded as follows; - Beginning at the point of intersection of the Range line between Range 3 West and Range 4 West, with the north boundary of Canyon County, and running thence south on s id Range line to the middle of the main channel of the Boise River; thence in a northwesterly direction along the middle of the Boise River to the intersection with the North and South Section line between Sections 2 and 3m Township 4 North Range 4 West, and thence south along said section line to Snake River, which is the South boundary line of Canyon County; thence in a southeasterly direction along Snake River to the intersection with the range line between Range 2 West and Range 3 West; thence north along said range line to the middle of the main channel of the Boise River; thence in an easterly direction along the middle of the Boise River to the Ada County line; thence following the boundary lines of Canyon County, with Ada, Gem and Payette Counties to the place of beginning.

District No. 2; - All that part of Canyon County lying north and West of District No. 1; -

District No. 3; - All that part of Canyon County lying south and East of District No. 1.

Canyon County Commissioners Minutes, Caldwell, Idaho, May 15, 1917
Book 5, Volume 445, Page 458-459


The Board of County Commissioners met this date pursuant to a recess taken on the 14th inst.
Present    C. Q. Admams, Carl W. Giesler, Commissioners
L. C. Knowlton, Clerk

The Chairman of the Board, Chas Benj Ross, not being present, Carl W. Giesler was elected Chairman, pro tem.

Whereupon the following preceedings were had to wit:- WHEREUPON the Board proceeded to canvas the votes cast at the Special Election which was help May 11th, 1917, to determine whether or not, Payette County should be created, and if upon such canvass it appears that 66 2/3 per cent of the votes cast, from the Precincts given below, were for a "Creation of Payette County - Yes," then this Board will enter upon its minutes the canvass of said Special Election, defining the boundaries of said Payette County.

As result of canvass of votes of said Special Election held May 11th, 1917, the following is an

For and Against the Creation of Payette County.
North Fruitland27440
South Fruitland17540
North Payette3675
East Payette5009
South Payette1543
West Payette4752
New Plymouth87376
The Boundary lines of the newly created Payette County are as follows:-

"Beginning at the intersection of the north line of Township nine (9) North, Range Five (5) West, of the Boise Meridian, with the west line of the State of Idaho, said intersection being the southwest corner of Washington County, and running thence east a distance of twenty-two (22) miles more of less to the northwest corner of Section Three (3) Township Nine (9) North, Range One (1) West of Boise Meridian; thence south on section line six (6) miles to the southeast corner of Section Thirty-three (33) of said township and range; thence west on township line between Townships Eight (8) and Nine (9) North, Four (4) miles to the northwest corner of Section One (1) Township Eight (8) North Range Two (2) west of Boise Meridian; thence south on section line four (4) miles to the southwest corner of Section Twenty-four (24) of said Township and Range; THENCE WEST ON SECTION LINE TWO (2) miles to the northwest corner of Section Twenty-seven (27) of said township and range; thence south on section line two (2) miles to the southeast corner of Section Thirty-three (33) of said township and range; thence west on township line between Townships Seven (7) and Eight (8) seven (7) miles to the southwest corner of Section Thirty-three (33), Township eight (8) North of Range Three (3) West of the Boise Meridian; thence south on section line twelve (12) miles to the southwest corner of Section Thirty-three (33) Township Six (6) North Range Three (3) West of Boise Meridian; thence west on township line between Townships Five (5) and Six (6) two (2) miles to the southwest corner of Section Thirty-one (31) Township Six (6) North, Range Three (3) West of Boise Meridian; thence south on range line between Ranges Three (3) and Four (4) one-half (1/2) mile to the east quarter corner of Section One (1) Township Five (5) North Range Four (4) West Boise Meridian; thence west along the center line of section One (1) and Two (2) said township and range, two (2) miles to the east quarter corner of Section Three (3) said township and range; thence south along the section line one-half (1/2) mile to the southeast corner of Section Three (3) said township and range; thence west along the section line three (3) miles to the southwest corner of Section Five (5) and township and range; thence north along the section line of one (1) mile to the northwest corner of Section Five (5) said township and range; thence west along the township line between townships Five (5) and Six (6) North, two (2) miles to the southwest corner of Section Thirty-six (36) Township Six (6) North Range Five (5) West of Boise Meridian; thence north along the section line one (1) mile to the northwest corner of Section Thirty-six (36) said Township and range; thence west along the section line one (1) mile to the southwest corner of Section Twenty-six (26) said township and range; thence north along the section line one (1) mile to the southwest corner of Section Twenty-three (23) said township and range; thence west along the section line two (2) miles to the southwest corner of Section Twenty-one (21) said township and range; thence north along the section line three (3) miles to the northwest corner of Section Nine (9) said township and range; thence west along the sedtion line one and one-half (1 1/2) miles more or less to an intersection with the west line of the State of Idaho; thence in a northerly direction following the said west boundary line of the State of Idaho to the point of beginning, shall constitute the County of Payette."

WHEREUPON the Board took as recess until the 1st of June, 1917.

Approved, Chas Benj Ross (Chairman)
Attest, L. C. Knowlton (Clerk)

Canyon County Commissioners Minutes, September 4, 1917
Book 5, Volume 445, Page 502


WHEREAS, W. L. Girard and E. C. S. Brainard, the accountants heretofore appointed by Canyon County and Payette County, respectively, under the provisions of Section 8 of Chapter 11 of the 1917 Session Laws, for the settlement of accounts between Canyon County and Payette County, under the said act, did on the 29th day of August, 1917, agree upon a settlement of the said accounts, in a written report that day dated, a duplicate whereof was filed with the Board of County Commissioners of Payette County on the 29th day of August 1917, which said report shows a total indebtedness of $47770.25, due from Payette County to Canyon County, including the proportion of the bonded indebtedness of Canyon County which is charged upon the territory now embraced in Payette County:- and

WHEREAS, it appears to this Board that such report and account is fair and equitable and in accordance with the provisions of the said law as being a full and complete settlement of such indebtedness:

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the said report and account made and entered into by the said W. L. Girard and E. C. S. Brainard, accountants aforesaid, on the 29th day of August, 1917, be and the same is hereby adopted, ratified, and confirmed by the Board of County Commissioners of Payette County.

Payette County agrees to stand its share of all outstanding bills audited and allowed by the Canyon County Commissioners which were incurred prior to and including July 1st, 1917. Payette County is entitled to receive it proportion of any proceeds derived from any of the Bonding Companies for suits pending against county officials, after deducting expenses of suits.
(Passed by unanimous vote of Board)

WHEREUPON the Board took a recess until the 11th of September, 1917.

Approved, Chas Benj Ross (Chairman)
Attest, L. C. Knowlton (Clerk)

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