History of Idaho, Volume 2, by Hiram T. French, M.S.
The Lewis Publishing Co., Chicago and New York 1914, Page 776-777

George Ackerman, secretary, treasurer and general manager of the new Plymouth Mercantile Company, Ltd., which conducts the largest general store at New Plymouth, Idaho, is a Swiss-American.

Mr. Ackerman was born in Switzerland, March 27, 1867, son of Jacob and Marie (Gall) Ackerman, both natives of Switzerland, where they lived until 1882. That year, seeking the advantages offered in America, the Ackerman family set sail for this country, and upon their arrival in the United States, established their home at Herman, Nebraska. Here the mother died, in 1885, at the age of fifty-six years. The father survived her until 1901, when his death occurred, at the age of seventy-nine years, in Switzerland, where he had gone on a visit. They were the parents of eight children, one of whom died in infancy. One of the sons, A. W. Ackerman, is a farmer at Teko, Washington, and three - George, B. F. and J. A. being occupied as a carpenter and builder. George, the sixth in order of birth in the family, was fifteen years of age at the time of their removal to this country. His education, as far as schooling goes, was received in his native land, and after they came to America, his time, between the ages of fifteen and twenty-five, was spent on the farm with his father, his father owning and operating land in Nebraska. From farming, young Ackerman turned his attention to mercantile pursuits. For four years he was employed as clerk by G. A. Pegan, of Herman, Nebraska, at the end of which time he purchased the store in which he had been an employee. This he conducted successfully until 1903, when he sold out and came to Idaho. That same year he engaged in the lumber business at New Plymouth, as an employee of Wachter & Meyer. The next year he established the business in which he is now engaged. It was at first known as Ackerman & Hannigan. In September, 1910, Mr. Hannigan withdrew, and on April 7, 1911, an incorporation was consummated, under the name of New Plymouth Mercantile Company, Ltd., with M. M. Sullivan, president and George Ackerman, secretary, treasurer and general manager. The past year, the annual business of this concern was between $30,000 and $35,000.

Politically, Mr. Ackerman is a Democrat. He was one of the first town councilmen of New Plymouth, and he served as a member of the council from the time the town was incorporated until 1909. Fraternally, he is identified with the K. and P. and the A. O. U. W., and he has been a member of the New Plymouth Commercial Club ever since its organization. His religious faith is that of the Roman Catholic church.

Of Mr. Ackerman's domestic life, we record that on February 11, 1902, in Washington county. Nebraska, He married Miss Bessie M. Chadwick, daughter of T. E. Chadwick, a native of Nebraska. And to them have been given four children - Edytha, Felix G., Laura B., and Mildred.

Referring to his early experience, Mr. Ackerman says he started out in life a poor young man. His success in Idaho naturally gives him a kindly feeling toward the people of this state and its institutions, and he is regarded among his friends as an Idaho "booster." Indeed, he firmly believes in the great future of this state.

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