Who's Who in Finance
A Biographical Dictionary of Contemporary Bankers, Capitalists, and Others Engaged in Financial Activities in the United States and Canada
Edited by John William Leonard, Joseph and Sefton Publishers, 1911, Page 101
Physician. banker; born Logan, Ohio, Dec. 31. 1857: son of George L. and Mary (Fox) Avey: graduated from Penn. College. Oskaloosa, Iowa. July IB. 1886. Lorie Pomeroy, lege.
Chicago. M. D.. 1001; married. Oskaloosa, Iowa. A. B., 1881, Rush Medical Col-President Payette National Bank. Payette Valley Land & Orchard Co., Ltd. Republican. Member Idaho State Medical Society, American Medical Ass'n; president Board of Education. Shriner, Knight Templar, Royal Arch Mason. Recreations: Hunting, photography. Club: Payette Rod and Gun. Address: Payette.
Who's Who in Finance and Banking, A Biographical Dictionary of Contemporaries
Edited By John William Leonard, 1920-1922, Page 22
AVEY, Oliver Hammond, 13 N. 8th St., Payette, Idaho; res. 105 N. Ninth St., Payette, Idaho. Physician, banker; b. Logan Ohio., Dec. 31, 1857; s. George L. and Mary (Fox) Avey. Grad. from Penn Coll., Oskaloosa, Iowa, A. B., 1881; grad. from Rush Med. Coll., (Chicago), M. D., 1901; m. Oskaloosa, Iowa, 1886, Lorie Pomeroy;
one dau. Irene. Pres. Payette Nat. Bank. Payette Valley Land & Orchard Co., Ltd. During war served on Med. Advisory Bd., Capt. Med. R. C. Idaho Nat. Guard; mem. Am. Med. Assn., Pres. Bd. of Ed., Payette, Idaho 9 yrs. Shriner, Knight Templar, Royal Arch Mason; Elk. Recreations: Hunting, photography. Clubs: Payette Rod and Gun.