Who's Who in Finance and Banking, A Biographical Dictionary of Contemporaries
Edited By John William Leonard, 1920-1922, Page 83
114 North Eighth St.; res. 370 Third Ave., Payette, Idaho. Certified public accountant: b. Onarga. Ill.; s. Byron S. and Phylinda L. (Porter) Brainard; ed. common school. Cedar Rapids, Coe College; m. Livonia, N. Y.. Sept. 26, 1888, Gertrude A. Woodruff; children: Scott B., Lawrence W. Telegraph operator, station agent, traveling auditor, train master, on various railways for 28 years;
real estate and insurance, Ogden, Utah, 1894; Payette, Idaho, 1904; dir. and member Executive Committee, First National Bank: sec. Lower Payette Ditch Co., Fruitland Co-operative Irrigation Co.. Whitley Bottom Hat Co., Drainage District No. 1, Payette County, Idaho Alfalfa Milling Co.. Lake Reservoir Co. (treas.); auditor The Payette Mills. Inc. Pres. Gooding Coll. one year, also trus. and chmn. Finance Committee. Member Board of Home Missions and Church Extension Methodist Episcopal Church, Philadelphia, representing 15th District. Republican. Methodist.