History of Idaho, Volume 3, by Hiram T. French, M.S.
The Lewis Publishing Co., Chicago and New York 1914, Page 925

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William F. Breckon, a prominent business man and one of the progressive and public-spirited citizens of Kimberly, Idaho, may really be classed among the pioneers of this state for his advent here dates back to 1891, when, as a young man and like the state to which he had come, he was just entering upon an independent career and had yet to prove his merit. Idaho in the interim of a little more than twenty years has made remarkable strides in its development as a commonwealth, and Mr. Breckon, in that period has earned a place among the representative men of the state. He is a product of the central west, born October 2, 1869, in Nebraska City, Nebraska, and grew up not unfamiliar with western ways and the progressiveness that has become proverbial of the people of that great section. The pioneer era, in the old sense, had passed ere he reached man's estate and the frontier lines from time to time depicted as pushed farther westward had entirely disappeared from the maps. However, the same restless spirit that had caused civilization to advance steadily from one ocean to the other led the young man farther westward and in 1891 he came to Idaho to try out the merits of the new state and his own ability to achieve success in life.

When he was three years of age his parents removed from Nebraska to Missouri, and from thence to western Kansas three years later, residing in the latter location about twelve years. Returning once more to Nebraska, the parents located this time in Merrick county and William F. remained with them about two years before coming to Idaho. He earned his first money when a lad about thirteen years of age driving cattle from Kansas to Nebraska and after that and until he left the parental home he assisted his father in farm work. His schooling, begun in Missouri, was concluded in the public schools of Kansas. Upon coming to Idaho he settled at Payette, Canyon county, in which vicinity he remained some sixteen years, being engaged the while in farming and in mercantile pursuits. From there he came to Kimberly, Twin Falls county, where for the first three years he was engaged in the real-estate business and served as the postmaster of the place for three and one-half years. In 1911 he established his present business, that of the Kimberly Store Company, of which organization he is secretary, treasurer and manager and which handles a full line of everything usually carried in a general mercantile establishment. The business has prospered and this has been largely due to the good business acumen of Mr. Breckon and to his principles of fair and honorable dealing. He has been influential in furthering projects tending to advance his town and county along civic and material lines and has taken more than usual interest in the educational affairs of his community. He is president of the Kimberly Commercial Club, and has been a member of the Kimberly board of education for several years, having during that time served as clerk and then as president of that body. Under his administration as president of the board many new improvements were made in the school yards under his care and at all times he has manifested the same progressiveness in regard to educational matters that have characterized his activities as a business man and citizen. Mr. Breckon is a Republican in political views and to some extent active in party work, being now a precinct committeeman. He has "passed all the chairs" in the local lodges of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and Modern Woodmen of America and is also a member of the Royal Highlanders. For a number of years he has been identified with the National Guards of Idaho and has had the honor of having risen from the rank of private to that of captain. After his resignation from the company of which he was first a member it was disbanded but subsequently was reorganized and once more Mr. Breckon became successively second lieutenant, first lieutenant and captain. He had been similarly connected in Nebraska, having been a member of the National Guards of that state and out in active service when Sitting Bull, the famous Sioux Indian chief, was killed in 1890. Mr. Breckon is one of Idaho's many enthusiasts and very loyally claims that the state is surpassed by no other of the Union in the opportunities it affords in all vocations.

At Payette, Idaho, on December 25, 1906, Mr. Breckon was united in marriage to Mrs. Mary Lemp, formerly of Boise, Idaho. Both are attendants of the Methodist Episcopal church and Mrs. Breckon is a member of the Ladies Aid Society of that denomination in Kimberly.

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