History of Idaho, Gem of the Mountains, Volume 2, by James H. Hawley
S. J. Clarke Publishing Co, 1920, Page 883-884
About five miles south and two miles west of Fruitland, in Payette county, is situated the home farm of ninety acres owned by Clyde E. Hurd, who took up his abode thereon in 1904. He is one of Idaho's native sons, having been born at Washoe, when Payette county was a part of Ada county, his natal day being February 15, 1882. His father, F. E. Hurd, was born in Illinois and in 1881 came west to Idaho accompanied by his wife, who in her maidenhood was Phyanna Clement and was born in Michigan. They made the long journey across the plains after the primitive manner of travel at that time and took up their abode on the Washoe bottom, between the Snake and Payette rivers. There the father homesteaded one hundred and sixty acres of land, which he devoted to general farming.
There was nothing on the land but sagebrush when it came into his possession. The rabbits and coyotes were numerous and destroyed crops and the small farm animals. The Indian still lived in the district and there was every evidence of frontier life. The soil was as yet untouched by the plow and it was some time before they could make it profitable to farm. F. E. Hurd worked in the vicinity of Boise and Emmett in order to keep the wolf from the door. His father, F. F. Hurd, came to Idaho in 1882 and homesteaded near Payette, on the Payette river, after which he worked with his son, F. E. Hurd. He died upon the old homestead property and his wife, who in her maidenhood was Permila Walters, is now living at the advanced age of more than eighty years with her son,
Dr. R. B. Hurd, in Payette. F. E. Hurd, the father of Clyde E. Hurd, sold his homestead and purchased a part of his father's land and thereon still resides with his wife, having occupied that place for the past thirty years. He carries on general farming and to some extent engages in dairying but is practically living retired, enjoying the rest which he has truly earned and richly deserves. To him and his wife were born five children: Clyde E., of this review; Claude A., thirty-six years of age; Glenn F., aged thirty; Earl C., aged twenty-five; and Stella G., the wife of Robert L. Jimerson, who follows horticultural pursuits near Weiser. Earl C. was married in 1916 to Miss Marian E. Arment, a native of Iowa, and they reside upon a farm adjoining that of his brother Clyde. They have two children, Frank Grant and Joselyn. Claude A. does general farming and dairying, having fifty acres of land, and in addition to the cultivation of his fields he raises a few horses and has twenty head of cattle.
The father, F. E. Hurd, was a constable in the early days of Payette and at that period it took a real man to fill the job, as in the execution of the duties of the office it required great fearlessness and bravery.
Clyde E. Hurd was reared under the parental roof upon the old homestead and while acquiring a public school education devoted his vacation periods to work upon the farm. He purchased his present place of ninety acres in 1904 and has an excellent farm property near Fruitland. It was unimproved when it came into his possession and still is without irrigation facilities, but it is believed that water can be secured in 1920. He now raises cattle, having eleven head upon the place, and which he now occupies, as his father worked on the ranch of Lash Bellar, who was at that time the owner of the property. The poplar grove which surrounds the home is over forty-five years old and is supposed to be the oldest grove in the state. The trees are over one hundred feet in height and measuring one of the trees, Mr. Hurd found it to have a circumference of eleven feet.
In 1912 Clyde E. Hurd was married to Miss Effie Adams, of Oklahoma, and they have one son, Clyde E., Jr.