History of Idaho, Volume 3, by Hiram T. French, M.S.
The Lewis Publishing Co., Chicago and New York 1914, Page 908-909

Werner Klingler. A resident of Payette since 1905, Mr. Klingler is manager of the Payette-Weiser Milling Company, and a thoroughly experienced miller and business man.

Werner Klingler was born in St. Gallen, Switzerland, September 9, 1876, a son of Franz and Mary (Anderau) Klingler, both natives of Switzerland, the former of whom died in 1903 at the age of seventy years. Mrs. Klingler survives and still has her home in Switzerland. During the last forty years of his life Franz Klingler owned and controlled a mill at Gossau, Canton St. Gallen, Switzerland, and was a man of considerable prominence in his community. He and his wife were the parents of nine children, concerning whom the following data is here incorporated: Herman is a rancher in the vicinity of Vernon, Texas; Anna is the wife of William Brunshweiler, a wholesale wine dealer of Switzerland; Otto lives in Switzerland and is a manufacturer of lace curtains; Robert is a miller and owns and controls a 100-barrel mill in Switzerland; Walter is a miller in Chile, South America; Werner; Mary K., is the wife of August Kurrer, a lawyer, who resides in Switzerland; Hcdwig, married Joseph Huber, cheese dealer in Switzerland, and Oscar, a civil engineer, is also a resident of Switzerland.

In the public schools of Switzerland Werner Klingler attained his preliminary education, including a three-years' course in the high school. Subserviently he attended a French institute for one year and thoroughly learned the French language. Under the direction of his father he then acquired the trade of miller and for one year was a student in a miller school at Dippoldiswalde, Saxony, Germany. In 1900 he began his practical career with the management of a mill at Dole, France, where he remained eight months and was then employed in a Swiss milling plant for a short time. He was connected with different trades for several months and subsequently went to Russia, where he was in a shoe factory at Warsaw for one year. Going to England in 1902 he spent the first eight months studying the English language in a private school. From England he crossed the Atlantic to Old Mexico, where he took charge of a flour mill in the state of Sonora. Eighteen months later he went to Oregon, being associated with his brother Walter for one year in conducting a mill near Portland. Having sold out his interests in that place in 1905, he came to Payette, Idaho, establishing the milling concern known as Thomas & Klingler. The business name of this concern was Thomas & Klingler Milling Company for the first three years, since which time it has been the Payette-Weiser Milling Company. The company own and conduct two mills in Payette, Idaho, and one in Weiser, Idaho, and the firm also is engaged in the wholesale grain business. The Payette-Weiser Milling Company in the past few years has become one of the largest concerns of its kind in Idaho and its business and products are of substantial benefit to the people of the state.

Mr. Klingler maintains an independent attitude in his political opinions and activities, and is a Progressive and energetic citizen, one who displays a deep and sincere interest in all matters effecting the good of the community. He is a well read and well informed man, and has command of several languages. Mr. Klingler is unmarried.

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