An Illustrated History of the State of Idaho
By Lewis Publishing Company, 1899, Page 561-562

One of the popular and enterprising young merchants of Payette is James A. Lauer, who is numbered among Idaho's native sons, his birth having occurred in Idaho City, on the 26th of February, 1872. His father, William Lauer, is numbered among the early settlers of the state, having located here in 1861, and is the pioneer hardware merchant of Payette. The subject of this review was educated in the public schools of Idaho City, and with his parents came to Payette in 1885. Here he accepted a position as clerk in the general mercantile store of Marquardsen & Lamme, acceptably serving in that capacity for seven years, during which time he mastered the business in every detail. Having gained an excellent knowledge of the methods of commercial life, in September, 1895, he began business on his own account, opening a general mercantile store in Payette. He carries a large and carefully selected stock of goods, is a most courteous and obliging salesman, and by means of moderate prices, fair dealing and reliability he has won success, his patronage constantly increasing.

Mr. Lauer is an active and valued member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, having taken the degrees in Payette Lodge, No. 22. He has passed all the chairs in the lodge, and in 1896 was its representative in the grand lodge of the state. In politics he is a silver-Republican, and is now serving as a member of the city council, so discharging his duties as to advance the best interests of the city. He is also a member and was one of the organizers of the Payette Band, a very creditable musical organization. He takes a deep interest in all that pertains to the material, political and social welfare of the city, and is a most courteous and popular young man, having the warm regard of a large circle of friends.

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