History of Idaho, Gem of the Mountains, Volume 2, by James H. Hawley
S. J. Clarke Publishing Co, 1920, Page 565-566
Almost the width of the continent separates Martin O. Luther, of Payette from the place of his birth, for he is a native son of New York, his natal day being March 8, 1876. His grandparents in the paternal line were both born in Jefferson county, New York, his grandfather, Isaac Luther, becoming a captain in the War of 1812 and participating in the battle of Sackett's Harbor. The powder horn which he carried during that war is now in possession of George L. Luther, a brother of Martin O. His father, A. S. Luther, was born in Watertown, New York, in 1834 and is now living at Payette. He married Amanda Thum, also a native of Watertown, and she, too, survives at the age of eight-two years. They are both enjoying good health and on the 5th of July, 1919, occurred the sixty-third anniversary of their marriage. They had a family of nine children, six of whom are living: Mrs. Hattie L. Ackerman, of New Plymouth, Idaho; Marion M., who is keeping house for her parents; George L. and Herbert S., residents of Watertown, New York; Mrs. Ada C. Duke, living at Albany, New York; and Martin O., of this review.
The last named, spending his youthful days in New York, attended the common schools and afterward entered college but owing to illness was unable to complete his course. He afterward pursued a business course and at the age of nineteen years left school. Later he spent four years as a bookkeeper and in 1899 he came to Payette, Idaho, where in a short time he was appointed to the office of deputy assessor for Canyon county, the county seat being Caldwell. This position he held for a year and a half and then went to Boise, where he taught bookkeeping and stenography at Ways Business School for three years. On account of the illness of his mother he returned to the east but after three years again came to Payette, Idaho, arriving the second time in 1907. In the following year he was elected to the office of city clerk and police judge and in 1918 he was appointed probate judge. His leisure time is devoted to the study of law and he expects to be admitted to the bar within the next two years and will then engage in law practice. He is naturally of a studious nature and is the possessor of one of the finest private libraries in the state, containing about twelve hundred volumes. He is particularly fond of natural history and especially of ornithology and has read broadly along those lines.
In 1917 Mr. Luther was married to Miss Pearl B. Waterman, a native of Kansas. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias. He has always been a great admirer of Theodore Roosevelt, whose example in many ways has stimulated his own activity. Mr. Luther is a most affable and genial young man who at all times commands the respect and confidence of those who know him, and his circle of friends constantly broadens as the circle of his acquaintance increases.