History of Idaho, Volume 2, by Hiram T. French, M.S.
The Lewis Publishing Co., Chicago and New York 1914, Page 806
Iowa has made a large contribution to the citizen-body of Idaho, and her sons, for the most part, have been an honor to the state that sent them and have been of that vigorous type that has made the West famed for its accomplishment and progressiveness. One of these young, worthy and energetic workers is Walter V. Martin editor and proprietor of the New Plymouth Sentinel at New Plymouth, Idaho. He was born at Guthrie Centre, Iowa, July 3, 1889, the youngest of two sons that came to John S. Martin and Minnie (Hutchinson) Martin, both of whom are representatives of very early pioneer families of Iowa. John S. Martin was born in Muscatine, Iowa, of which city his father was a pioneer merchant, engaged in the retail and wholesale grocery business and a very prominent factor in both the commercial and social life of that city in his day. The father of our subject now resides at Palisade, Colorado, and is there very extensively engaged in fruit raising. His wife, Miss Minnie Hutchinson, as a maiden, who was born at Wapello, Iowa, also comes from an old pioneer family of that state and is still living. Their two sons are Clinton H. Martin, formerly editor of the Emmett Examiner, Emmett, Idaho, and at one time associated as editor and part owner of nine publications in this section of Idaho and Colorado, and who is now engaged in fruit raising near Emmett; and Walter V. Martin, the immediate subject of our mention.
Walter V. was educated in the common schools of his native state and Colorado, completing his high school education at Utah, where he was graduated in 1908. Following that he attended the Polytechnic College at Oakland, California, where he studied journalism. Mr. Martin began his acquaintance with printer's ink at the early age of nine and continued to work at the printer's trade during vacation periods until he had completed his education, when he took up newspaper work independently as editor of the Boise County Sentinel, published at Sweet, Idaho, after which he became owner. He was then but twenty-one years of age and was the youngest editor in Idaho, a distinction which is probably his at the present time also. On April 1, 1912, he purchased the New Plymouth Sentinel, originally established February 8, 1910, at New Plymouth, Idaho. He is a young man of ability, vim and push and mirrors his energy and progressive spirit in his paper, which is a bright, newsy sheet devoted to local interests and to the dissemination of matters of general interest. Mr. Martin owns the plant and the building and ground of its location, and his paper has a circulation of five hundred subscribers, which is a very satisfactory showing in consideration of its recent establishment. He started out for himself with a capital of $3 in the way of money, but character is the determining asset in the career of every man and Mr. Martin is succeeding. He is independent in his political views and his paper reflects the same policy. He is a director of the New Plymouth Commercial Club and both personally and through his paper lands influence to the progress and development of this community and of the state.
At Caldwell, Idaho, Mr. Martin was married on April 1, 1911, to Miss Amy Woody, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Woody, of Emmett, Idaho. Mr. Woody is one of Idaho's pioneer's having been a resident of the state over thirty years.