Albert Bartlette Moss
A Biographical History with Portraits of Prominent Men of the Great West
Manhattan Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois, 1894
Albert Bartlette Moss, son of Edward and Mary (Carter) Moss, was born at Belvidere, Illinois, on the 29th day of November, 1849. Both parents were born in New York, but removed to Belvidere in 1836.
He attended the public schools at Belvidere until his sixteenth year, receiving a good common school education, and then went West, spending the next fifteen years of his life in Nebraska, Colorado, and Wyoming, where he was engaged in contracting, merchandising and in stock raising.
In 1882 he formed a partnership with his brother, engaging in the general merchandise business, stock raising and real estate at Payette, Idaho.
Here he has lived ever since. Mr. Moss is vice-president of the Payette Valley Bank.
He is a Republican and has always taken a deep interest in politics. He was the first mayor of Payette and in 1890 was a member of the constitutional convention of Idaho. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity and also of the order of Odd Fellows.
He is broad and liberal in his religious views, and does his full share toward alleviating the sufferings of poverty. He was married Mary 10th, 1880, to Miss Celia A. Mellor, daughter of William H. Mellor, at Rock Springs, Wyoming. Three sons have been the result of the union.
Personally Mr. Moss is a man of fine appearance, being six feet tall and built in proportion. He is an active, energetic business man and owes his present high standing to his own individual efforts.
Aside from his sterling worth as a business man he is admired for his social qualities by hosts of warm personal and political friends, who having every confidence in his business ability and strick integrity, will be glad to confer upon him as occasion offers positions of high honor and trust such as he is so well fitted to adorn and which are so justly his due.