History of Idaho, Gem of the Mountains, Volume 2, by James H. Hawley
S. J. Clarke Publishing Co, 1920, Page 901-902
Joseph F. Platz is one of the substantial citizens that the little republic of Switzerland has furnished to Idaho. He now makes his home in New Plymouth, where he follows farming. He was born in Graubinden, Switzerland, February 25, 1861, a son of Martin and Marie Ursula (Poltera) Platz, who were also natives of Graubinden and were married at Roffna, where the father was a drayman. There he was killed while hauling a load of tiling which had become loose on the dray and fell on his head.
Joseph F. Platz was educated in the schools of his native country and served his time in the army of Switzerland, which he believes the finest in the world, his military training, therefore, being of excellent character. He is also an expert horseman, becoming proficient in that line while still in his native land. He came to America in 1883 and later two brothers and a sister also crossed the Atlantic. They settled in Iowa and it was in that state that Joseph F. Platz took up his abode on reaching the United States.
In 1903 Mr. Platz came to Idaho and settled on his present place of forty-seven acres a mile and a quarter northwest of New Plymouth. He planted a fine orchard of ten acres and his trees are now in excellent bearing condition. He also carries on dairying in a small way and raises alfalfa and some grain. In 1919 he had eighty tons of hay and he sold his apples for fifty dollars a ton, putting upon the market about seventy-two tons. His industry and perseverance are producing excellent results and he is adding to his property as the years go by.
About twenty-eight years ago, in Nebraska, Mr. Platz was united in marriage to Miss Emelia Marie Ackerman, whose parents, Antone and Anna Marie Ackerman were natives of Switzerland and became pioneers of Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Platz have ten living children. Martin Antone, twenty-six years of age, married Mildred Blayden, a native of Idaho, and they have one child, Richard. Thresa Veronica is at home. John Joseph, twenty-two years of age, was a member of the Twelfth Regiment and was stationed at Norfolk, Virginia, during the World war. Clarence George, twenty-one years of age, is at home with his father. Clara Marie is also at home. Don Albert, aged sixteen, Arnold Frank, fifteen, Carrol Christian, aged twelve, born on Christmas day, Leonard Paul, aged eleven, and Antone Francis, nine, are all in school. Glenn William died in infancy. Mr. Platz has an interesting family who are a credit to his name. He has never regretted his determination to try his fortune in America for here he found the opportunities which he sought and is today the owner of a valuable property worth three hundred and fifty dollars per acre.