History of Idaho, Volume 2, by Hiram T. French, M.S.
The Lewis Publishing Co., Chicago and New York 1914, Page 756-757

George C. Sothman has been identified with the business interests of Payette, Idaho, since February, 1910, at which time he located here and purchased the Payette Laundry, which was established here in 1905, being the first steam laundry in Payette. The laundry is one of the busy spots in the city and is run at capacity from morn till night, from six to ten persons being employed in its operation. Mr. Sothman is a thoroughly capable laundryman, and is making a splendid success of his first independent venture into business.

Born at Grand Island, Nebraska, on January 8, 1882, George C. Sothman, is the son of Theodore and Mary (Hopper) Sothman, both native born Germans. The father came to America in his boyhood and settled in Indiana, later removing to Nebraska, and he is now a resident of North Dakota, where he is engaged in farming on an extensive scale, combined with stock raising. He is well-to-do, and is located near the new town of Gregory, in the Rosebud Reservation. The wife and mother came to America as a young girl with her family and in Illinois she was married. She is still living, and with her husband is located at Gregory, North Dakota. Eight children were born to this couple, George C. being the fourth born.

In the public schools of his native town in Nebraska, George C. Sothman received his early education, and he later attended a Baptist college at Grand Island, finishing his studies there when he was twenty-one. Upon leaving school the young man removed to St. Cloud, Minnesota, there becoming associated with E. F. Meyers, a brother-in-law in the laundry business, and it was there he learned the business in which he is now engaged. For three and a half years he continued with Mr. Meyers, then went to Fargo, North Dakota, where he secured employment in the Fargo Steam Laundry and remaining thus occupied for five years or more. His experience here was of a comprehensive nature, and further fitted him to conduct a similar business, and when he came to Payette in February, 1910, he knew himself amply qualified to conduct a steam laundry successfully and profitably. He accordingly seized the opportunity to purchase the Payette Steam Laundry, as previously mentioned, and he has today a well established trade in and outside the city, with a constantly increasing patronage. The laundry is well equipped and modern in all its methods, and gives continuous employment to a force of about ten persons.

Mr. Sothman is a Republican, and at times takes an active interest in the political affairs of the district. He is a member of the Payette Commercial Club, and his religious affiliations are with the Methodist church. On February 5, 1913, he was married to Edith Anderson, a daughter of John and Nannie Anderson, natives of Illinois. That Mr. Sothman has shown exceptional industry may be deduced from the fact that he left home with but fifty cents in his pockets, and the first six months he worked in the laundry of his brother-in-law, his sole remuneration was his board and keep. He rewarded himself for his labors, however, by delving into the minutest details of the business, and learning just how everything was done, seeking to learn a better way if one existed. The fruit of his labors at that time, though not measured in actual coin of the realm, is amply in evidence today when one views his prosperous establishment and constantly growing business. Mr. Sothman is well satisfied with the outlook and prospect for the future in Idaho, and is content to remain in what he regards the fines state in the Union.

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