History of Idaho, Volume 2, by Hiram T. French, M.S.
The Lewis Publishing Co., Chicago and New York 1914, Page 687-688
Canyon county has been fortunate in securing for its officials, men of integrity and ability, who have been conscientious in the performance of their duties and have had high regard for the dignity of their office. The office-holder who is content to merely follow the routine duties of the office, following slothfully (even if faithfully) in the foot-steps of his predecessors, does little for his community, and if it is a progressive locality like Canyon county he is really regarding its advancement. The official who really assists in promoting his community's welfare, is he who confronts each duty of his position as a problem to be solved, and enthusiastically endeavors to discover some easier and more economical manner of solving it. In the latter class stand some of Canyon county's chief officials, among who may be numbered without fear of contradiction, George W. Stovel, county clerk, recorder and auditor, who has been the efficient incumbent of these offices since 1910. Mr. Stovel has been a resident of Idaho since 1895, and at all times has so conducted himself and his affairs as to win the universal confidence of the citizens of those communities in which he has made his home. A sketch of his career shows that his rise has been steady and continuous.
George W. Stovel was born in Chicago, Illinois, January 28, 1872, and is a son of George and Marguerite (McFarlane) Stovel. His father, a native of England, immigrated to the United States as a young man, and eventually established himself in the clothing business, becoming wealthy through perseverance and thrift. He was a resident of the Windy City for forty-eight years, and at the time of his death, in 1905, when he was seventy-five years of age, he was one of the city's highly respected citizens. His wife, also a native of England, passed away in Chicago some years previous.
After attending the Chicago public schools, George W. Stovel entered the University of Chicago, from which institution he was graduated in 1890, and immediately secured employment in an undertaking establishment. Learning the embalming business, he embarked in that vocation as proprietor of an establishment of his own, but in 1895 disposed of his interests in Chicago and came to Idaho where, for a time he followed various occupations. Eventually, he entered the title and abstract business at Payette and while thus engaged made a set of abstract books for Canyon county. He was subsequently appointed United States commissioner, in which capacity he was acting in 1910, when he was placed in nomination for the office of district auditor, county clerk and recorder, and was elected by a handsome majority, still continuing to efficiently discharge the duties of these offices. With supreme confidence in the future of this section of Idaho, Mr. Stovel has been a heavy investor in real estate, both in Caldwell and Canyon county, and was one of the organizers of the Commercial Club, of which he is still a valued member.
On January 17, 1894, Mr. Stovel was married in Chicago, Illinois, at the home of his bride's parents to Miss Laura A. Reynolds, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Reynolds, early settlers of that city, both of whom are deceased. Three children have been born to this union; Edith, born in 1898 at Plymouth, Idaho, the first female child born in that city, now attending the Caldwell high school; George R. born in 1900 in Plymouth; and Helen, born in 1903, in Caldwell. He has always been loyal in his support of Republican candidates and principles, although he has many friends in both of the leading parties. Mrs. Stovel belongs to the Methodist Episcopal church and like her husband is very popular in social circles of Caldwell.