History of Idaho, Volume 2, by Hiram T. French, M.S.
The Lewis Publishing Co., Chicago and New York 1914, Page 812
In the person of Dr. Crispin Wright, of Fruitland, Canyon county, Idaho has a citizen that is a worthy representative of the Old Virginia commonwealth, one who springs from one of the most prominent and highly esteemed families of Pittsylvania county of that state and who in his own career is well bearing out the reputation which the family name has for worth and attainment. There are four sons in this family and all have taken up professional careers, three of them having chosen the profession of medicine. The brief ancestral mention that follows will serve to indicate the family influences that have moulded his character and inspired his ambition. Dr. Crispin Wright was born July 16, 1882, at Chatham, Virginia, of which place his father, Dryden Wright, also is a native. The latter has occupied a very prominent place in the public life of his state and community, being a Confederate veteran of the Civil war and having served from 1888 to 1892, or two terms, as a Democratic representative in the Virginia state legislature. He was a loyal supporter of the Southern cause in the war between the states and went into the Confederate service under Captain Henry A. Wise, later a brigadier-general in the Confederate army. Mr. Wright, who became first-lieutenant of his company, served in both the infantry and artillery and during four yeas at the front was never wounded or taken prisoner. His business career has been spent as a farmer and planter, and in political affiliations he is a Democrat. He continues to reside at the old homestead near Chatham. Octavia Clement Wright, the mother of Dr. Wright, was born in the same Virginia county as her husband and son and is yet living, aged, but yet the charming mistress of the old Virginia home.
Dr. Wright is next to the youngest of eight children that came to these respected parents. His earlier education was received in public and private schools in Virginia and later he was a student in the Virginia Military Institute at Lexington. To prepare for his profession, he took up studies in the University College of Medicine, Richmond, Virginia, remaining there two years and completing his course by two years of study in the University of Denver, Denver, Colorado, from which institution he was graduated in 1910 as an M. D. To be more fully prepared for his chosen work he became an interne in St. Luke's hospital at Denver, where he spend one year in acquiring practical experience in professional labor. In June, 1911, he located at Fruitland, Idaho, for independent practice and already has a very satisfactory clientele. The spirit of thoroughness shown in his careful preparation for his profession is one that cannot but make him a most efficient practitioner and warrants the prediction that in due time he will take a place among the most successful physicians of the state. He is local health officer and deputy health officer of Canyon county, and is medical examiner for several life insurance companies. He is licensed to practice in Colorado and Oregon, as well as in Idaho, and is a member of the Alpha Kappa Kappa medical fraternity, being identified with the Denver, Colorado, chapter. In politics he is a Democrat and in church membership he is identified with the Methodist Episcopal denomination. He is well satisfied with his choice of location and has an optimistic faith in the future of the Payette valley and in his own professional future there.
One of the brothers referred to in the beginning of this review is Joseph Wright, a civil engineer in the government reclamation service and now located at Babb, northern Montana, who has been in the government service since 1895. O. C. Wright, another brother, who is a prominent physician at Jarratts, Virginia, served one term as president of the Virginia State Medial society in 1910 and 1911; has been a member of the Virginia state board of medical examiners for the last eight years, and is now a member of the Virginia state board of health. Dr. F.J. Wright, the third brother, is a prominent and successful physician at Fork Union, Virginia, where he has been engaged in practice since 1899. Dr. Wright has three sisters, and another brother was deceased at the age of eight.
At Colorado Springs, Colorado, he was married on July 30, 1910, to Miss Emma Lane, a daughter of George H. Lane, of Chicago, Illinois, and to their union has been born one son, George Dryden Wright, born April 16, 1911, at Denver, Colorado.