200 Years in the Making

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Highlighting Malheur, Payette, Washington, Owyhee and Baker County History in Idaho
by Malheur Publishing Co. (Publishers of the Daily Argus Observer)
Bicentennial Edition, 1976, Page 1970

Applegate family 1970
Arcadia 1842
Arock 1955-1956
Barbed wire 1874
Bailey, Rev. Leslie B 1951, 1956
Banking, early days 1963-1964
Barker family 1966
Basque boarding house 1946
Becker, Charlie of Westfall 1973 A
Before 200 years Front of book
Belknap, Dr. Roderic 1975-1977
Blackaby family 1963-1964
Blue Bucket Mine 1836
Brice, Pat - Indian Uprising 1971-1971 A
Brinon, G. W. 1952
Chase house 1778
Chief Joseph, Boat on the Snake River 1947
Chinese in Gold Country 1973 B
Chinese in Malheur County 1798
Circuit-riding preachers 1973 C
Coleman washing machine 1926
Curry family 1915
Davis, Frank 1974 C
Dead Ox Flat 1973 C
Early law and order 1828
Eldorado city 1791-1793
Edwards, Dottie C. 1972 A
Falk store 1927-1928
Farewell Bend 1831
Fort Boise 1859
Freedom Bell ringing, Fern Trull 1890
Fruitland settled 1867-1870
Fruit orchards 1942
Galloway family 1858
Gheen, Evan 1975, 1975 A, 1975 B
Gambler’s House 1863
Gas wells 1972 A
Gilmore, Mae of Payette 1930
Gold mining 1791-1793
Grace family 1948-1949
Harper cabin of Weiser 1830
Harper Valley settlers 1782
Hill family 1973 C
Holy Rosary Hospital 1979-1980
Honest Scot, the tale of 1855-1856
Huntington 1831-1834
Huntington Pioneer’s recollections 1854
Huntington Railroads 1851-1852
Hurst Bible 1958
Idaho Power 1974-1974 A
Independence Day celebrations 1819-1822
Indian uprisings, Brice recollections 1971-1971 A
Indian uprisings, Sisley articles 1935-1936
Keeney, Jonathan 1891-1894
Kennedy, Robert 1975 C
Kinney and Keele 1954
Lake Owyhee fishing 1814
Lewis and Clark 1803-1805
Locey family 1823-1824
Loveland in Jordan Valley 1950
Malheur County 1827
Malheur City told by Ed Woodcock 1974 B
Malheur County justice 1907
Malheur territory 1903-1904
Meek Cutoff, Ray Nelson 1973
Moonshining in the Owyhees 1918
Moore family 1883-1884
Moore Hotel 1883-1884
Mortimer’s Island 1919
Mustangs 1818
Nelson, Ray, Meek Cut Off 1973
Newspapers, early day 1875
Norma, steamboat on the Snake 1943
Nyssa cheese factory 1846
Old Stone House of Vale 1931
Ontario’s first school 1871-1874
Ontario’s beginnings 1905
Oregon Trail 1835
Oregon Trail park 1919
Oregon Trail with map 1939-1940
Oregon Trail, traced by P. D. Wood 1790
Owyhee Dam 1839-1840
Packer, Don Lee 1811-1812
Palumbo, Jim 1976-1976 A
Payette or Pillet 1796
Payette Methodist Church 1946
Pelota Court 1965
Peterson, Willis 1899-1900
Petroglyphs 1832
Pierce Chronicle 1886
PIN line, Pacific and Idaho Northern Railroad 1878
Plymouth Church 1916
Plymouth Slope irrigation 1787-1788
Poem of the Oregon Trail Last page
Prohibition in Ontario 1944
Rattle Snake Jack 1798
Rinehart house, old stone house of Vale 1931
Ross, Sam 1976 C
Sacajawea 1809-1810
Sacajawea’s papoose 1807-1808
Sagebrush saga 1815-1817, 1847-1850, 1879-1881, 1887-1890, 1895-1898, 1906, 1911-1913, 1932-1934, 1938
Sarazin, Dr. J. J. 1857, 1864, 1839-1840
Shortline Railroad 1843
Shoshone, Steamboat on the Snake River 1943
Silver City 1924
Sisley, E. M., Articles by early settler 1935-1936
Skinner family 1959-1962
Skull Springs 1967-1968
Snake River development 1974-1974 A
Steamboats on the Snake River 1943
Thacker’s stallion 1806
Thomas, Herb and Jo 1923
Trenkel, Esther and Fred 1783-1785
Van Orman family, Sinker Creek massacre 1799-1801
Vendome Hotel 1795
Weiser Congregational Church 1786
Weiser 1795, 1914
Weiser fire of 1890 1862
Weiser’s first fiddle 1826
Weiser school 1882
Wild horses in Owyhee Breaks 1876
Wood, P. D., Tracing the Oregon Trail 1790
Woodcock, Ed 1974 B

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