Idaho, The Fruitful Land

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By George Yost and Dick d'Easum
Published by Syms-York Company, Boise, Idaho 1980

Copies Available from the Idaho State Horticultural Society

Adams, Alfred62
Adams, George66
Ahlstrand, F. C.129
Albee, A. R.112
Albertson, Ona D. (Johnson)83
Alexander, Gov. Moses4, 18, 19
Allen, C. B.71
Allison, J. J.143
Allison, W. B.69
Allison, William35
Ames’, The147
Ames, George R.112, 144
Ames, Robert97
Andrasen, Joseph145
Anson, Austin126
Appel, W. H.127, 148
Arata, Frank125
Arnold, Harry46
Arstein, Oscar C.145
Bailey, Liberty HydeI
Baird, Craig121
Baisch, Fred62
Baldrige, H. C.81
Ball, Brian40, 41
Ball, Emma40, 41
Ball, James41
Barnes, "Doc” N. B.127, 128
Barnhill, N. R.76
Barrymore, Ethel21
Bartlett, Bruce71
Bartlett, Tom71
Bassett, George76
Beckman, Joy41
Bennett, E. R.20, 108
Bennett, T. W.43
Benson, Dr. O. H.8
Benson, Robert97, 149
Benz , Reuben126
Bicknell, J.71
Bigger, Charles71
Bisbee, Charles76
Bishop, Earl62
Bishop, Phil30
Black, William43
Blackman, L. A.19
Blackwell, J. C.81
Blodgett, Earle109
Blunck, L. A.125, 150
Boe, A. A.119
Boehner, C. R.71
Bogardus, R. L.9
Bolt, Lee E.V, 62, 144, 145, 157
Boone, Lafe91
Borah, Sen. Wm. E.80, 124, 135
Borup, Phil144
Bossen, O. E.92
Bowman, Dewey62, 112, 144, 152
Bowman, Earl Wayland44
Bradshaw, A. E.71
Brainard, C. E.50
Braum, Ronald115
Brenneman, J. F.71
Brodersen, C. F.92, 154
Broxon, Charles19
Brubaker, Jerome144
Brubaker, Scott124
Budge, Wm. H.9
Bunton, O. W.92
Burke, Walter49, 51
Burns, Dr. J. B.49
Burns, J. W.49
Burroughs, A. H.40
Burt, Callie62
Burton, Claude101, 103
Bush, Dave126
Cahill, John92
Cairns, Charlie91
Callender, W. T.145
Campbell, Charles R.47
Cannon, Jim62
Cannon, Miles19, 20, 46, 145
Carlisle, Prof. W. D.13
Carlton, Lee7
Carmen, Russell71
Carnefix, Joseph155
Carnefix, Warren144
Carrier, D. R.49
Carter, Capt. O. M.35
Cartree, La Fayette26
Cartwright, W. R.53
Case, Claris71
Chaffer, H. E.76
Chaney, A. U.124, 125
Chaney, Burton40, 124, 125, 156
Chaney, S. F.9
Charleston, Jim71
Churchill, Bob71
Clemens, Rev. D. A.49
Clinton, J. E. Jr.53
Collins, O. W.69
Connell, E. L.71
Connell, H. T.71
Connell, R. H.71
Cook, Clarence71
Cooke, Henry57
Coonard, C. L.75
Cooper, Dale62
Coston, I. N.9
Coughanour, W. A.14, 107
Cox, L. H.53
Coxe, C. B.49
Craig, V. T.62
Crane, Frank127
Cummings, Doc66
Dahl, L. L.41
Dahlgren, Peter39
Danielson, Carl127
Daum, Harry N.41
David, Frank31
Davidson, Harold145
Davis, Bill70
Davis, D. W.31
Davis, Tom23, 24, 25
Davis , Warden126
Dawson, P. P.157
Dayton, Guy127
Dean, Emil E.65, 143
Dean, M. L.145
d’Easum, DickIV, V
DeGeus, Klaus71
Den Boer, John39
Dennison, R. A.104
Denny, John124, 126
De Witt, John31
Dewey, Cecil62, 128, 158
Dewey, E. H.140
Dewey, John C. Jr.61, 62, 66
Dewey, John Raymond92, 118, 144
Dewey, Raymond J.V, 61, 160
Diehms, The162
Dilley, Edgar84, 85
Dilley, Joseph84
Dilley, Meriam84
Donant, Charles94
Donant, George38
Dorman, Henry W.19
Dorsey, D. E.70
Downing, W. H.71
Drake, W. H.43
Dudgeons, The163
Eidemiller, Glenn71
Eidemiller, Orville71
Eidemiller, Raymond71
Eggars, Fred91
Elgin, Cliff71
Elliott, Norvil144
Evans, Bill39
Falen, E. Leroy144
Falen, Ernest71, 98, 144, 164
Falen, LeRoy71
Fairman, Charlie71
Feldman, L.61, 62
Fenton, James A.9
Fenwick, Harry S.114
Field, I. R.3, 17
Field, J. R.49, 53, 56, 66, 92, 125
Field, J. R. Jr.40, 49
Field, Robert66
Fife, Leland146
Fisher, Wallace R.146
Flanagan, John146
Foote, S. S.9
Fox, Professor107
Franklin, De LanceI V, V, 111, 112, 113, 115, 116, 117, 118
Franklin, "Doc” D. F.61, 77
Galbraith, Robert49
Galloway, Thomas C.46, 143
Galloway, Walt94
Gamage, Charles58, 66
Gamble, Rev. Daniel O’Connell31
Gammon, G. E.70
Garman, Grover71
Garman, Ralph144
Garman, Walter144, 145
Garmans, The166
Garrett, Frank Sr.71
Gee, Roy92
Gilmore , Allen71
Gipson, A. E.9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 17, 69, 143
Glass, C. A.61, 66
Gooding, Gov. F. R.6, 13
Goodwin, C. G.55
Graber, Ancil71
Graber, G.71
Graham, Guy4, 18, 19, 92, 136, 145
Graves, D. W.49
Gray, Jude P.35, 36, 37, 72, 143
Greeley, Newell62
Green, Kenyon75
Groom, John F.9
Grow, Keith71
Grows, The184
Guthrie, Harriet195
Gwinn, Monte B.26
Gwinn, R. M.1
Haga, O. O.53
Hagan, E. E.76
Haines, Gov. John M.18
Hale, Rev. Edward Everett47, 48
Hale, Nathan47
Hall, George P.57
Hamilton, W. A.9
Hankins, Ival62
Hankins, The227
Hannah, V. D.9, 43
Hansen, Max145
Hard, Wade78
Hardin, J. W.76
Harper, Fred92, 127, 168
Harper, Wayne128, 144
Harpt, Edward128
Harpts, The170
Harrell, James W.9
Harris, Carl71
Harris, Chester71
Harris, Tom62
Hart, C. C.49
Hart, Ed39
Hartley, Charles P.9, 17, 18, 19, 57, 58, 143
Hawley, Gov. James5, 7, 13, 24
Harwell, W. A.62
Heigho, Edgar N.46
Heller, Harry75, 76, 125, 144
Helton, Dr. A. W.113
Hendrichsen, Chris55
Henggler, C. B.112, 125
Henggler, Joe V.144
Henggler, Robert144
Hengglers, The172
Hersley, George145
Hinshaw, M. C.71
Hitt, A. F.3, 14
Hogue, F. C.144
Hogue, F. H.40, 62, 65, 66, 67, 92, 97, 124, 136, 179
Hogue, Rick V.97
Holman, William92
Hoover, John125
Hopper, H. F.57
Horn, Anton "Tony”112, 115, 118, 119, 120, 121, 145, 181
Hoskins, Harold69
Hoskins, Hugh69
Hoskins, O. W.69
Hostetler, Karl125
Howard, J. R.140
Howe, H. H.76
Hull, Haus61
Hull, Vessey61
Hume, Ward92
Hungerford, Dr. C. W.109
Hunter, Colonel95
Hurst, L. L.126
Hurtt, C. B.80, 81, 92
Hurtt, Mrs. C. B.80
Hurtt, Jessie (Sterry)80, 82
Huston , Bert71
Hutchinson, Vern129
Huycke, A. M.53
Huycke, H. S.53
Iddings, E. J.108
Ingalls, A. R.49
Ingard, D. L.19, 20, 143
Jacobsen, N. A.92
Jacquith, Gail69, 92
Jacquith, Myrtle69
Jandt, Charles132
Jennings, Talbot140
Jimmerson, Wes92
Johnson, Charles E.83
Johnson, Dorothy (Basshardt)83
Johnson, E. G.81, 82, 83, 124
Johnson, F. Lee109, 145
Johnson, H. B.76
Johnson, Lois (Stroup)83
Johnson, Louise (Balls)83
Johnson, Robert A.83
Johnson, Sterling E.83
Johnson, Walter43
Jolley, J. L.57
Jordan, Frank71
Joy, C. W.66
Kallman, O. N.71
Kamal, Abdul L.114, 117
Karns, Jim71
Kaufman, F. E.71
Keckler, Gus39
Keedick, E. M.71
Keedick, W. E.71
Keegan, John T.9
Kellett, R. C.71, 144
Kellogg, Wilson145, 146
Kerrick, J. E.81, 82
Kicheloe, Richard71
Kilgore, James33
Killgores, The182
Kinder, R. C.71, 92
Kinney, Art104
Kinney, Herbert104
Kinneys, The183
Kirk, R. Kent144
Kirkpatrick, Elbert Marion80, 81, 82
Kirkpatrick, Mary82
Kitchie, Del115
Kjosness, A. W. B.145, 146
Kochan, Dr. Walter J.114, 115, 117, 118, 120, 121
Kossen, Mick92
Krall, Lou25, 26
Kraus, Dr. James E.112, 116
Kruger, John D. C.7, 19, 31
Kull, Fred104
Kull, Roy104
Kullman, Oscar92
Langroise, William40
Larimer, Bob41
Launder, Wiley31
Lawson, R. A.71
Leichty, Vern62
Lemmer, Dick62
Lemmer, Pete62
Lewis, Major Harry55, 92, 143
Lewis’, The184
Lill, john W.49
Limbaugh, Lawrence112, 144
Limbaugh, Lawrence Jr.144
Limbaughs, The184
Lincoln, G. A.76
Link, Larry126
Little, Fred91
Locke, James127
Loney, C. E.117
Long, Lida82
Longley, L. E.109
Lowell, J. H.77, 78, 80, 81, 107, 143
Lundstrom, Bill91
Lyman, M. A.146
Lynch, Bill37
Mc Birney, Henry91
Mc Birney, J. H.143
Mc Birney, Robert144
Mc Birney, William S.91, 95, 143
Mc Bride, Annette E.49
Mc Bride, Dr. C. M.47, 49
Mc Call, Matt6, 7
Mc Clymonds, Harold112
Mc Connell, Gov. William J.6, 9, 10
Mc Donald, Ralph126
Mc Farland, A. J.9
Mc Intyre, Don71
Mc Intyre, Ron71
Mc Millan, J. A.124
Mc Millan, John135
Mc Pherson, Alexander A.3, 10, 15, 17, 143
Mc Pherson, John U.3, 4, 6, 17, 46
Macey, C. K.4, 18, 19, 35, 146
Maggard, Uvon71
Manis, Dr. H. C.112, 113, 114, 119
Marcellus, Frank9
Marcellus, I. P.9
Marshall, F. J.75
Masteller, Frank49
Marston, Bill71
Marti, Elsie41
Mason, Billy103
Mauer, Darrell71
Means, Marcus145
Meltveldt, Chris82
Mercer, Mae71
Merrill, Dora57
Mertz, Jim69
Mertz, Kathy70
Meyer, Julius27
Michaelson, Ed126
Miesse, C. E.35
Milliken, Prof. Robert9, 145
Mills, Harry37
Mills , Lyla37
Milner, Harley75
Minster, Roger71, 144
Minton, Robert82
Modin, Earl128
Modin, Ross128
Moore, Gov. C. C.140
Moore, D. C.117
Morris, Chester71
Morrison, Ed92
Morrison, Roy71
Moulton, Ira71
Moulton, John46, 92, 143
Mulkey, Wesley5, 29
Mullarky, J. R. "Jean”29, 30
Munsey, C. M.70
Nelson, Warren62
Neiman, F. W.1
Newport, J. B.145
Newton, G. W.103
Nichols, Edwin G.186
Nichols, Walt95
Neilson, Andrew27
Nieswander, J.62
Nock, Stephen39
Norland, Alex85
Obermeyer, Bill92
Obermeyer, Florence62
Obermeyer, John62, 92, 97, 187
Obermeyer, Lew92
O’Learys, The188
Olson, Norman71
Pace, A. L.76
Packer, D’Orr129
Palumbo, Jim124, 189
Parks, C. L.81
Parsons, Earl92
Parsons, Ed124, 144, 192
Parsons, W. I.69
Patrick, Jim66
Patricks, The193
Paulson, Albert71, 92, 144
Pavlova, Anna20
Payne, Charlie79
Payne, Chauncy62, 196
Peacock, J. H.103
Pearson, Hannah78
Peckham, H. G.71
Peckman, Hubert92
Perkel, George71, 197
Perkel, Verl71
Perrine, Ira Burton3, 6, 7, 26, 43, 75, 76, 143
Peters, George46
Peterson, Ross71
Petrashek, George124
Pettit, Lillian37
Pettygrove, E. N.145
Phinney, Bill70
Pierce, W. E.53
Platt, H. V.140
Platt, Wendell71
Ploeger, John B.144, 200
Pope, Sen. James135
Porter, L. A.3
Portman, Roland W.113, 116, 120
Potter, Wilma33
Powell, U. F.125
Powers, Harry30
Priest, Joel L.140
Prince, F. E.103
Pugsley, Lester71
Raeder, Prof. I. M.113
Rands, Sally85
Ready, L.112
Reed, Mayor Fred1
Reed, Hugh76
Reed, J. Loe127
Reed, Leslie144
Reichert, Robert145, 146
Reins, Henry201
Reins, Ted112, 144
Richards, A. A.9
Richards, J. H.53
Riggs, J. D.9
Robison, Stanley70, 71, 98, 144, 204
Rogers, C. C.62
Rogers, Max144
Ross, Gov. C. Ben79, 84, 109
Rose, Elmer62
Rowell, Paul T.125, 145
Rudder, George71
Rush, Clyde I.36, 37, 39, 41, 143
Russell, Elmer126
Russell, H. A.3
Russell, L. A.97, 125
Ryells, Dick30
Sako, Hiroshi71
Sanders, Maury W.97, 118, 144
Saxton, Gordon V.69, 72, 144, 207
Saxton, Harvey212
Schleicher, R.9
Schneider, Meree129
Schultz, Edward71
Seavers, Joe H.75, 76, 143
Selders, Leslie R.144
Seymour, Charles P.37, 38
Seymour, Mrs. Charles P.39
Shake, Rod124
Shank, Roy103
Shaw, J. M.49
Shaw, John127, 128
Shawhan, B. P.48
Shawhan, Capt. J. H.49, 143
Shinn, Prof. J. R.107, 145
Shirer, William111
Shrank, Claude82
Shropshier, Harry58
Shull, Dr. W. E.111
Shurtleff, Cecil144
Shurtleffs, The214
Sinsel, Charles J.17, 125, 143
Smitchger, Lawrence27, 91
Smith, Andrew71
Smith, EdwinI, II
Smith, George W.70
Smith, Morgan71
Smith, O. F.3
Smith, Scott128
Smith, W. E.143
Smythe, Wm. E.47, 48
Snyder, L. A.76
Snyder, Prof. R. H.109
Sparkman, Joe75
Spaulding, Rev. W. W.5, 77
Spence, Harry L.40
Spence, Helen40
Spencer, Richard72
Steele, Alvin78, 79, 124
Steele, Ethel (Kieffer)79, 80
Steele, John71, 77, 78, 79, 92, 143
Steele, Mrs. John (Hannah)79
Steele, Ruth (Bates)79
Stephens, Alene84
Stephens, E. F.19, 70
Stephens, Ella (Dulaney)84
Stephens, F. F.70
Stephens, Livi F.84
Stephens, Lucile84
Stephens, Walton84
Sterry, Christopher W.80, 82
Sterry, Mary80
Steuneberg, A. K.81
Steunenberg, Gov. Frank14, 107
Stevens, E. F.72, 73
Stevens, W. W.71
Steward, G. E.45
Stoehr, Karl71, 92
Stoehrs, The217
Stone, Sam218
Stone, W. C.143, 145
Stone, W. W.71
Stubblefield, David A.145, 146
Sudweeks, J. D.76
Sullins, Elmer219
Sykes , McCready27
Symes, The220
Symms, Darwin V.69, 70, 139, 144, 145
Symms, R. A.69, 70, 139
Symms, R. A., Sr.69, 70
Symms, R. Doyle70, 144
Symms, Richard144
Symms’, The222
Talcott, A. F.69
Tarr, Tom71, 92
Taylor, "Uncle Billy"31
Terkel, Studs85
Thomas, A. F.9
Thomas, Harry135
Thurman, D. O.128
Thurston, Mary36
Toole, John J.9, 13
Toole, John T.143
Townsend, Dan71, 226
Travis, Al71, 92
Travis, Harry71
Trenhaile, Stanley I.145
Truax, I. Lee145
Tucker, L. R.110, 111
Tucker, William58
Tuckers, The231
Tuning, Sam G.81, 82
Tussing, B. F.7, 55
Ustick, Dr. H. P.3, 13, 17, 91
Vahlberg, Dave128
Vandenberg, S. C.20, 125, 232
Van Hoesen, David W.36, 38
Van Hoesen, Enderse36, 37, 38
Van Hoesen, Mynderse36, 38
Van Slyke, C. M.71
Van Slyke, D. Arthur92, 144, 234
Van Tress, Bert71
Van Vliet, Pete71
Verhalen, Walter104
Verhalen, Walter Jr.104
Vermeer, Norman71
Verner, Leif85, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118
Vetch, Fred30
Vincent, Dr. C. C.108, 109, 110, 143
Voss, John82
Wakelund, Dr. Claude108, 109, 111
Walker, John72
Walker, Lester72
Wallace, Henry (Sec’y of Agri.)110, 136
Watson, Dolfa May (Parker)84
Watson, Emma (Tillotson)83
Watson, James F.83, 84, 124, 144
Watson, J. C.82, 83, 124, 144
Watson, Jim V.71
Watson, Jon C.84
Watson, Robert83
Watsons, The234
Weidman, John92
Weidman, J. P.71
Weitz, George92
Welch, John S.145
Weld, Robert Henry81
West, Harold145
White, Ed30
White, Kathleen Johnston129
Whitney, W. G.9
Whitsell, Carl144
Wicks, Prof. W. J.20, 108, 145
Wilder, Marshall P.43
Wilkinson, Emma19
Williams, Mary Jane41
Williamson, Jack70, 72, 98, 144, 236
Williamson, N.31
Wills, Kenneth128
Wilson, Edgar27
Wilson, Robert B.7, 26, 27, 58
Wilson, Silas143
Windle, George55
Wolf, A. M.71
Womack, Wm.58
Wood, Judge Fremont13, 18, 108, 143
Woodbury, Dr. George111, 112
Woodmansee, Horace39
Woodmansee, Mrs. Horace39
Woods, H. R.7, 8
Yasuda, Kendo237
Yates, John27
Yoder, Lewis125
Yost, Charles71
Yost, George L.11, 91, 95, 112, 123, 127, 144, 145
Yost, Goldie127
Yost, Harry L.21, 22, 125, 136
Yost, W. N.18, 143
Yosts, The238
Young, R. H.145
Zuck, O. G.19

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