All Along the River
by Nellie Ireton Mills

Territorial and Pioneer Days on the Payette

Table of Contents

1The River7
2Explorers and Fur Traders13
3Gold, Trails, Roads and Transportation31
4Settlers, Indians, Vigilantes, Organized Government47
5Homes Border the Trails; The Lower Payette Valley and Emmettsville55
6On Down the River; Falk's Store; Boomerang103
7Buoners on the Basin Trail (The Marsh and Ireton Ranch)131
8Lower Squaw Creek (Sweet)161
9Upper Squaw Creek (Ola)177
10The Big Bend on the River - Warrinersville or Horseshoe Bend201
11Jerusalem and the Indian Camp221
12The Upper Payette Valley (Garden Valley)227
13Tripod; The Ferry; Round Valley263
14Long Valley and Payette Lake267

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