A |
Ada County | 3, 8, 15 |
Adams County | 119 |
Adjutant General | 51, 55, 89, 91 |
Albert, George W.H. | 46 |
Albertson, Joe | 192, 194 |
Albertsons, Inc. | 39, 191-193, 195 |
Alcock, James | 15 |
Alexander, Carlos | 74 |
Alger, Horatio | 215 |
Allender, Father | 10 |
All Conference Football | 187 |
Allerton, Amanda | 63, 64 |
Allerton, Isaac | 89 |
Allerton, Robert | 63, 89 |
Allerton, Samuel Waters | 63, 89 |
All Northwest Football Conference | 119 |
All States Choir | 162 |
Alpha Beta Markets | 39 |
Amendola, Virginia | 203 |
American Academy of Dramatic Arts | 232 |
American Can Co | 40 |
American Fine Foods | 7, 37-41, 193, 227, |
American Gem Society | 156 |
American Legion | 54 |
Amish | 224 |
Anderson, Conrad | 171-173 |
Anderson, Fred | 85 |
Anderson, Odie | 85, 86 |
Andrus, Gov & Ms Cecil | 218 |
Apollo Space Flight | 134, 135 |
Apple Blossom Parade | 56, 94, 95, 115 |
Applegates | 24 |
Applegate, Delia | 44 |
Archer, Fred | 113 |
Arment, Horace | 87 |
Armour Meat Packing Co | 19 |
Armour, Philip | 89 |
Arnold, Frank | 189 |
Arthur Murray Dance Studio | 200 |
Ashworth, Raymond | 198 |
Asmussen, Carl, Christina & Lucy | 28 |
Asmussen, Harry | 25, 28-32 |
Assn of Home Appliance Mfg | 86 |
Avy, Dr | 29 |
B |
Baker, Oregon | 7, 15, 24 |
Baldridge, H.C. | 58 |
Ballentine, James M. | 43 |
Baltimore Orioles | 189 |
Bancroft Hotel | 110, 202 |
Bannock County | 55 |
Bannocks | 12, 21 |
Barber, Danny | 189 |
Barker, Lora Johnson | 46 |
Barnum, P.T. | 19, 61, 62 |
Barowsky, Bob | 212-214 |
Barrymore, Ethel, John & Lionel | 62 |
Batt, Steve | 151 |
Bay Meadows Racetrack | 113 |
Beamguard, Clark | 102 |
Beery, Wallace | 92, 113 |
Belmont States | 185 |
Bench, Johnny | 198 |
Benny, Jack | 83 |
Bethany Theological Seminary | 177 |
Bi Centennial Wagon | 109 |
Big Foot | 22 |
Big Steer Drive Ins | 146 |
Big Willow | 43, 44 |
Birding Island | 15 |
Bivens, Ben | 7 |
Bivens, David | 5, 17, 18, 21, 28 |
Bivens, Ellen | 18 |
Bivens, John | 5, 18, 21, 22 |
Bivens, Josephine | 18, 26 |
Bivens, Rachel & Rebecca | 18 |
Bivens, Theodoria | 18 |
Bivens, Walker | 18-20, 25 |
Bixby, Anna | 43 |
Black Canyon | 3 |
Blue Angels | 91 |
Bluff's Ferry | 24 |
Bluff's Station | 3, 15, 43 |
Buffview Art. Insem. Sv | 131 |
Bockhahn, Gayland | 166-168 |
Boise Basin | 3 |
Boise Business University | 150 |
Boise County | 3, 15 |
Boise Jr College | 181 |
Boise River | 24 |
Boise State University | 171, 228, 230 |
Bon Marche' | 174 |
Bonneville Power | 123 |
Bonnie Wallis Show | 85 |
Book of Genesis | 1, 88 |
Boomerang | 3, 13, 14, 24, 36 |
Borah Scholastic Award | 119 |
Borah, William | 44, 46 |
Boston University | 134 |
Bowman, Jack | 126, 154, 155 |
Bowman, Logan & Ezra | 155 |
Bradshaw, R.D. | 45 |
Brady, Diamond Jim | 62 |
Brainard, Lawrence | 85 |
Brayman, Gov | 4, 43 |
Brerton, Harold | 74 |
Brigham Young University | 189 |
Burke, Gwen | 208 |
Bury St. Edmonds Field | 123 |
Business Week | 68 |
C |
Cadet Corps | 78 |
Caliente Racetrack | 113 |
Cannon Pictures | 215 |
Canyon County | 15, 119, 195 |
Carnation Can Co | 40 |
Carnation Milk | 79 |
Carnefix, Dutch | 222 |
Carnefix, Warren | 222 |
Carnegie Hall | 62 |
Carpenter, George | 27 |
Carroll, Eugene | 208 |
Carroll, Ron | 126, 208, 209 |
Carter, Jimmy | 65 |
Casa Loma Orchestra | 83 |
Caterpillar Club | 181 |
Cathay Pacific Airlines | 159 |
Certified Grocers | 39 |
Chambers Cable | 167 |
Channel 2 TV | 85 |
Chapman, Rick | 210 |
Charles Stark Draper Lab | 134 |
Cheek, Helen | 111 |
Cheese, Eula | 150-153 |
Chennault, Gen Claire | 154 |
Chicago Board of Trade | 89 |
Chicago Mdse Mart | 68 |
Chicago Museum of Science & Industry | 101 |
Chicago Stockyards | 63, 64, 89 |
Chicago World's Fair | 62 |
China Trust Bank | 198 |
China Cup Invitational | 198 |
Christensen Rodeo Equip | 210 |
Christian Church in Burns | 126 |
Church, Frank | 65, 89 |
Church of the Brethren | 177 |
Cimarron Brand | 40 |
Cinderella Room | 83 |
Civilian Conservation Corp | 100 |
Civilian Pacific Sv Camp | 224 |
Clark, Barzilla | 57 |
Cleveland, Grover | 33, 34 |
Cleveland, Indians | 189 |
Coble, Ray & Rose | 105-107, 144 |
Cockerum, Guy | 226 |
Codr, Brent | 201 |
Cooke, Charles | 200 |
Cogglens | 15 |
Cole, Fred | 230 |
College of Idaho | 76, 89, 192, 205, 207, 234 |
College of Mortuary Science | 179 |
College of the Pacific | 74 |
Collier's Magazine | 90 |
Collins, Charles | 70 |
Colorado AG & Mech College | 181 |
Columbia Pictures | 215 |
Columbia River | 17 |
Columbia University | 68 |
Comstock Mine | 72 |
Continental Can | 40 |
Coors, Adolph | 96, 97 |
Coughanour, Dave | 27 |
Coughanour, William | 13, 38, 50 |
Council High School | 98 |
Courtney, Maude | 63 |
Craig, Larry | 89 |
Cram, Ada | 44 |
Craven, Tom | 61, 139-141 |
Crawford, Marion | 9, 24, 66, 67, 111, 196 |
Croix de Guerre | 54 |
Crosby, Bing | 58, 83, 92, 93, 113 |
Crystal | 3 |
Csutoras, Jerry | 216-217 |
Cuban Missile Crisis | 206 |
Cudahy, John & Michael | 89 |
Currin, Amy & Ivy | 46, 47 |
Currin, Robert, Clyde | 46 |
Curtis, E.J. | 43 |
D |
Daj Hammarskjold | 162 |
The Dalles, Oregon | 3 |
Damrosch, Walter School of Music | 62 |
Daniels, Vernon (Crabby) | 151 |
Danny Thompson Golf | 181 |
Davis, D.W. | 53, 55 |
Davis, Gulielma | 38, 159, 192, 221 |
Daws, Ted | 144-145 |
Days of Our Lives | 232 |
Debban, Mel | 187-190 |
Debban, Rod | 190 |
DeBord, Don | 146-147 |
DeBord, Gerald | 146 |
DeBord, Robert | 146 |
Defenbach | 17 |
Delmonico's | 62 |
De Medici, Catherine | 53 |
De Medici, Dr | 70 |
Demerit, Jimmy | 186 |
Denny & Co | 7 |
Desert Research Ctr | 72 |
Detroit Tigers | 189 |
Dewey, Wilma | 135 |
Dibble, Everett | 40 |
Dickinson Frozen Foods | 7 |
Diedrichsen, Henry | 6 |
Discovery Channel | 167 |
Disney Land | 139 |
Disney World | 139 |
Doctor Doolittle | 121 |
Dogs For The Deaf | 121 |
Donald Duck | 117 |
Dorsey, Jimmy | 83 |
Douglas, Field | 123 |
Douglas, Lloyd | 192 |
Douglas, William O | 69 |
Dragoo, Milford | 121 |
Driscoll, Inez | 70, 71, 111, 141, 186, 230, 236 |
Dworshak, Henry | 89 |
Dyer, Jack | 64 |
E |
Earp, Howard | 96, 97 |
Earp, Wyatt | 96 |
Eastern Nazarene College | 134 |
Eastman, Ed | 18 |
Eastman, George | 63 |
Eastman, Kodak | 63 |
East St Louis Stockyards | 63, 64, 89 |
East Texas Oil Museum | 101 |
Easy (Movie) | 215 |
Easy Aces | 83 |
Eaton, Loy | 200 |
Eblin, B.D. | 205 |
Egan, Chief | 43 |
Electro-Fence | 100 |
Electronic Warfare Dept | 148 |
Elk Creek | 3 |
Elks Club | 76, 190 |
Elliott, Glenn | 224 |
Elliott, Hilda | 224-225 |
Ellis Island | 140 |
Elman, Ziggy | 83 |
Emmettsville | 3, 4, 8, 24, 43 |
Emperor of China | 34 |
Empire (dog) | 78-79 |
Empire State Bldg | 68 |
Ervin, Henry | 18, 26, 27 |
ESPN | 186 |
F |
Fairbanks, Douglas | 78 |
Fairchild, Roger | 205-207 |
Falk, Leo | 55 |
Falk's Store | 3, 4, 10, 21, 24 |
Fantasy Island | 89 |
Farber's Dept Store | 185 |
Farewell Bend Motel | 146 |
Farson, Dortha | 58 |
FBI | 96, 97, 212 |
Federal Deposit Insurance Corp | 30 |
Fearless Farris | 154 |
Fiddler on the Roof | 232 |
Fidelity Union Trust | 68 |
First Baptist Church | 117, 126 |
First Christian Church | 126 |
First Security Bank | 36, 51 |
First United Methodist | 145 |
Flicks (movie) | 215 |
Florida Hospital, South | 208 |
Flying Tigers | 154 |
Flynn, Sally | 65 |
Ford, Gerald | 133 |
Fort Boise | 17, 24 |
Fort Nez Perce | 17 |
Foyt, A.J. | 185 |
Franklin, Ben | 133 |
Fraser, Bill | 155 |
Frazier, Ken | 226 |
Freemasonry | 132 |
French, Ron | 232-233 |
Fresno State University | 181 |
Fruitland Nursery | 222 |
G |
Garden of Eden | 1, 88 |
Gardner, Larry | 234, 235 |
Gatchel, John | 151 |
Gaylord, Orange | 15 |
Gayway Ballroom | 76 |
Gayway Junction | 105 |
Gehrke, Ed | 84 |
Geisler Bros | 14 |
Gem County | 119 |
Gem State Academy | 208 |
General Motors | 68 |
Geneva Convention | 124 |
General Dynamics | 183 |
General Electric | 137 |
Genoway, Sam & Mildred | 226 |
Georgians | 76 |
Georgia Pacific | 68 |
Gibson, Hoot | 113 |
Gissel, Arlene | 187-189 |
Gist, Kent | 131-133 |
Glover, G.W. | 121, 1560158 |
Glover, Ruth | 156 |
Goff, Dennis | 66, 195-197 |
Goldfield Mine | 72 |
Gonzaga University | 92 |
Goodhart, George | 17 |
Good Housekeeping | 208 |
Gooding, Frank | 55 |
Goodman, Benny | 83, 162 |
Goodyear Blimp | 140 |
Goodyear Tire & Rubber | 68 |
Gowan Field | 89, 91 |
Grable, Betty | 113 |
Gray, Glen | 83 |
Greene, Grace | 62, 63 |
Greif's Music Store | 73, 137 |
Griffin, J.W. | 43 |
Grigg, Nephi | 41 |
Grimes, Jeanne | 126, 127 |
Grimes, Lee | 94, 95 |
Grimes, Leonard | 126 |
Guyana Jim Jones | 181 |
H |
Hall, Eldon | 134-136 |
Halstead, Henry | 83 |
Harding, Warren G. | 56 |
Harlan, Paul | 78 |
HARM Weapons | 148 |
Harper, Shirley | 169 |
Harper, Sy & Margaret | 169 |
Harris, Phil | 58, 83, 93 |
Hart, Clay | 65 |
Hartman, Howard | 76, 77 |
Hartman, Marguerite | 77 |
Harvard University | 134 |
Harvey, Paul | 195 |
Hatfield, Mark | 65 |
Hawley, Ed & Jess | 55 |
Hayes, Richard | 218 |
Haynes, John M. | 51 |
Haynes, R.E. | 54 |
Hays, Alvin | 186 |
Heap, Ms. | 22 |
Hearst Corp | 92 |
Hearst, W.R. | 89 |
Heartaches | 83 |
Hedeman, Tuff | 210 |
Heincke, Madame S. | 61 |
Hello Dolly | 162 |
Herndon, Jess | 163-165 |
Hickenbotham, Annie | 46 |
Hicks, Bill | 128-130 |
Hill, Bill | 44 |
Hiner, Leroy | 91 |
Hi Tec Ind | 7, 183, 184 |
Hoack, Harry | 139 |
Hochstrasser, Gib | 77 |
Hogue, F.H. | 88 |
Hoiland, Dennis | 223 |
Holland, John | 18 |
Holliday, Ben | 3 |
Hollywood | 78, 142, 233 |
Hollywood Park Racetrack | 113 |
Holy Family Church | 146 |
Hoover, Herbert | 92, 93 |
Hoover, J. Edgar | 96, 97 |
Hopkins, E. | 10 |
Horn, Clifford | 123-125 |
Howard, C.O. | 43 |
Howe, Gordy | 186 |
Howerton, Pauline | 117, 129, 138, 142, 144, 159, 169, 186, 192, 234 |
Hoyle, Cindy | 197 |
Hudson Bay Co. | 15, 16, 24 |
Hughes Aircraft | 135 |
Hulley, Mary | 66 |
Hummel, Fritz | 55 |
Hunt, George | 5, 15 |
I |
Idaho Canning Co | 7, 36-38, 55 |
Idaho City | 23 |
Idaho Historical Society | 61 |
Idaho National Guard | 51, 55, 89, 91, 154 |
Idaho Power Co | 36, 85, 86, 146 |
Idaho State High School Golf Tournament | 198 |
Idaho State School | 70 |
Idaho Statesman | 5, 57, 58, 164, 235, 236 |
Idaho Territory | 3, 4, 15 |
Idaho Vinegar Co | 7 |
Idi Amin | 181 |
Illinois Institute of Technology | 193 |
Independence Hall | 162 |
Independence Square | 162 |
Independent Enterprise | 23 |
Indianapolis 500 | 185 |
Indians | 1, 3, 4, 12. 13, 16, 21, 22, 43, 46, 87, 110 |
Indian Valley | 21 |
INEL | 221 |
International Business Machine | 68 |
International Harvester | 68 |
Ish & Hailey | 3 |
Israeli Entibbe Raid | 181 |
J |
Jackson, Al | 12 |
Jacobson, Arnold | 28 |
Jacobson, August | 28 |
James, Harry | 83, 113 |
Jaycee Jr Tournament | 198 |
Jenkins, Pat | 182 |
Jensen, Keith | 179 |
John Hopkins Hospital | 79 |
John Hopkins University | 68 |
Johnson, Cal | 10 |
Johnson, Lloyd | 131 |
Joint Chiefs of Staff | 181 |
Jones, Tom | 14 |
Jordan, Len | 89 |
Jordan, William | 218-219 |
Josephson, Leonard | 112 |
Josephson, Lynn | 112-113 |
Josiah (movie) | 215 |
Jules Verne | 220 |
K |
Kabat, Roy | 121 |
Kail, Perry | 70 |
Kendor Publishing | 76 |
Kennedy, John F. | 154 |
Kennedy Performing Arts | 162 |
Kentucky Derby | 185 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | 146 |
Kenya Uganda Crisis | 181 |
Kholberg, Gustavis | 3 |
Killebrew Art Project | 237 |
Killebrew, Clay | 150 |
Killebrew, Harmon | 66, 111, 186, 189, 198, 237 |
Killebrew, Katherine | 150 |
Kit Mfg Co | 206 |
Kiwanis Park | 13, 26, 222, 237 |
Klenck, George | 236-237 |
Knot's Landing | 232 |
Koeppel Show, Ted | 206 |
Koo, Jeffrey | 198 |
Korean Tree Cutting Incident | 181 |
KPID | 185 |
Krupa, Gene | 83 |
Kuwalt Show, Charles | 102 |
L |
Lakeside Golf Club | 92 |
Lakewood Shopping Ctr | 68 |
Leistner, Charles | 3 |
Lettunich Ranch | 26, 27 |
Levers, Glenn | 121, 163, 210 |
Lewis & Clark College | 102 |
Lewis & Clark High School Choir | 161 |
Lewiston | 3 |
Lewiston Normal | 66 |
Liberace | 65 |
Liberty Island | 40 |
Life Magazine | 89 |
Lightfoot, Hal | 102 |
Lincoln, Abraham | 3, 17, 18 |
Lind, Jenny | 61, 62 |
Lindbergh, Charles | 110 |
Link's Business College | 88 |
Lion's Club | 121, 122 |
Little Willow | 29, 66 |
Logan Music Center | 102 |
Loma Linda College | 200 |
London School of Econ | 233 |
Los Angeles Dodgers | 189 |
Lovett, Dan | 185, 186 |
Lower Payette Ditch | 21 |
Lucky Markets | 39 |
Lunar Excursion Module | 135 |
Lust In The Dust | 215 |
Lynn, Elmer | 58 |
M |
MacArthur, Douglas | 93 |
MacKenzie, Donald | 15 |
Mack Trucks | 105, 144, 145 |
MacLeroy's Ballroom | 76 |
Macy's Dept Store | 140 |
Madison Square Garden | 62 |
Maeda, Tom | 142, 143 |
Magic Valley Christian College | 139 |
Magnificent Obsession | 192 |
Malheur River | 1 |
Mangun, Mildred | 111 |
Manning, Darrell | 91 |
Manser, Shirley | 115 |
Mars | 220 |
Marshall | 115 |
Marshall Fixture Co | 7, 94 |
Marshall Mine | 144 |
Martinsville | 24 |
Masingill, Ann, Lee & Brad | 138 |
Masingill, Clifford | 137, 169, 170 |
Masingill Furniture | 137 |
Masingill, Nettie | 137, 173 |
Masingill, Scott | 137, 198-199 |
Masingill, Shirley | 169 |
Masingill, Tobe | 137, 138 |
Masingill, Tollie | 137, 173 |
Masonic Organizations | 132 |
Masonic Presidents | 133 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology | 134 |
Maudie's Cafe | 202 |
Maule, Abe | 83, 84 |
Maule, Reuel | 25, 68, 84, 102 |
Mayer, John | 15 |
Mayflower | 89 |
Mayo, Charles | 56 |
May Trucking Co | 7, 193, 199 |
McCain, Warren | 41, 191-194 |
McCarroll, Leona | 161, 162 |
McCarroll, Mark | 126 |
McCarthy, Joseph | 93 |
McClure, James | 65, 89, 150, 230 |
McClure, Raymond | 220-221 |
McClure, W.R. | 150 |
McConnell, W.J. | 8 |
McFarland | 6, 10, 18, 24 |
McKay, Tom | 16 |
McKinley, William | 89 |
McKinney, Robert | 36 |
McPike, Christine | 88 |
Meechan, Richard | 159-160 |
Mell, Tony | 222-223 |
Mennonites | 177 |
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer | 78, 92 |
Metropolitan Opera | 61, 63 |
Metsker, The Map Man | 224 |
Midnight (horse) | 106 |
Midnight Tabloid | 65 |
Millbrook, S.J. | 138, 142, 150, 159, 192, 221 |
Miller, Al | 228 |
Miller, Alice | 228, 229 |
Miller, Glenn | 83 |
Mills, Nellie Ireton | 16 |
Mix, Tom | 113 |
Moore, Henry | 222 |
Mordhorst, Andy | 230 |
Morgan Guaranty Trust | 68 |
Morrison, Harry | 55 |
Morrison, Knudsen Co | 55 |
Mortuary Science | 215 |
Moss, A.B. | 13, 36, 38, 50 |
Moss, Frank | 13 |
Moss, Fred | 36, 37, 41 |
Moss Mercantile Store | 36 |
Moss, Robert | 36-38, 41 |
Moss, Timothy | 38 |
Moss, Tony | 37, 38, 41, 42 |
Moss, Wentworth | 36, 37 |
Motel 6 | 174 |
Mountain Bell Telephone | 121 |
Mountain States Wholesale | 193 |
Murphy, Pat | 64 |
Murrow, Ed R. | 89 |
N |
NCAA | 189, 198 |
Napoleon Bonaparte | 52 |
National Biscuit Co | 68 |
National Federal Music Clubs | 162 |
National Music Council | 162 |
Navy Merit Civilian Service Award | 148 |
Naval Weapons Center | 148 |
Nebraska Cornhuskers | 49 |
Nebraska National Guard | 50, 51 |
Neese, Bob | 76 |
Neiman-Marcus Museum | 101 |
Nesbitt, Clarence | 24, 25, 27 |
Nesbitt, Frank | 6, 23 |
Nesbitt, John | 23, 24 |
Nevada State Museum | 72 |
Nevada Test Site | 220 |
Neves, Ralph | 113 |
News Tribune | 234 |
New York Stock Exchange | 89 |
New York Stockyards | |
Nez Perce | 13 |
Nichols, Cash | 18 |
Nichols, Elmer | 202-204 |
Nichols, Eyvonne | 202-204 |
Nichols Steakhouse | 202, 203 |
Nixon, Richard | 65 |
Norris, Gilbert | 119, 120 |
Notre Dame University | 110 |
Northwest Passage | 92 |
NS Savannah | 220 |
Nuce, Ted | 210 |
O |
Oakland Sensible Six | 31 |
Odie's Quick & Favorite Recipes | 85 |
Ogden, Peter Skene | 16 |
Omaha's Stockyards | 63, 89 |
Omaha's Worlds Fair | 48, 49 |
One Dark Night | 215 |
Operation "Teddy Bear" | 213 |
Orchard School | 98 |
Oregon | 15 |
Oregon, Baker | 7, 15, 24 |
Oregon, The Dalles | 3 |
Oregon Short Line RR | 6, 24, 26, 36 |
Oregon State University | 24, 79, 193, 198 |
Oregon Symphony Orchestra | 102 |
Oregon Trail | 23, 24 |
Ore Ida | 41 |
Osburn, Walter | 96, 97 |
Oswald, Glenn | 83 |
Owens, Bert & Maudie | 202 |
Owyhee County | 119 |
P |
Palumbo, J.C. | 88, 110 |
Palumbo, Leo | 110, 111, 141 |
Pancho Villa | 51 |
Parsons, Ed | 142 |
Pasch, Marvin | 219 |
Pattee, Joseph & Lizzie | 17 |
Patton, George | 82 |
Patton, James | 3 |
Patton, Lester | 66 |
Patch, Alexander | 82 |
Patch, Allerton | 48, 51, 60, 64, 65, 78, 89-91 |
Patch, Cooperative Canal | 51 |
Patch, Ernest | 51, 64, 81, 82, 131 |
Patch, Ernestine | 61-65 |
Patch, Joseph | 48 |
Patch, Leroy V. | 37, 38, 48-61, 63, 78, 81, 82, 89-91, 148 |
Patch, Oliver | 51, 64 |
Patch, Vernon | 51, 64, 78-80, 150 |
Payette Baptiste | 17 |
Payette Brick Mfg Co | 7 |
Payette Cider & Vinegar | 205 |
Payette City Hall | 146 |
Payette Coop Creamery | 6 |
Payette County | 6, 7, 8, 12, 14, 15, 119 |
Payette County Beauty Pageant | 122 |
Payette County Museum | 88 |
Payette County Recreation Dept | 126 |
Payette County Rodeo Board | 106, 109, 145 |
Payette, Francois | 10, 15, 16, 17 |
Payette Heights Invest | 54 |
Payette Irrigation | 51 |
Payette Hospital | 183 |
Payette Lakes | 6 |
Payette Louis & Joseph | 17 |
Payette National Bank | 7, 30, 36, 46, 51 |
Payette Packers Border League | 189 |
Payette Payette | 161 |
Payette River | 1, 3, 5, 13, 15, 16, 24, 26, 110 |
Payette School Endowment Fund | 99, 237 |
Payette Valley | 1, 3, 6, 8-10, 23, 50 |
Payette Valley Branch RR | 6 |
Payette Valley Land & Orchard Tract Co | 54 |
Payette Valley Riders | 109 |
Payette Valley Sanitarium | 47 |
Payette Valley Vigilantes | 8 |
Pearson, Helen | 111, 221 |
Pederson, Jess | 87 |
Pederson, Mary | 87, 88 |
Pence, Belle, Edward, Harry, Walter, Grace | 44 |
Pence, Loyd | 93 |
Pence, Gladys, Harline, Fred | 45 |
Pence, Peter | 10, 12, 18, 21, 26, 38, 43, 44, 50 |
Pepperdine College | 139 |
Pershing, John J. | 49 |
Peterson, Ms. | 163 |
Pierce Chinese Massacre | 34 |
Piatte River | 15 |
Piatte Valley | 15 |
Pinkham, Joe | 43 |
Pinocchio | 117 |
Pittsburgh College for Women | 74 |
Piutes | 12, 43 |
Placerville | 4 |
Plaza Ranch | 8 |
Polaris Missle | 134 |
Portland Opera Orchestra | 102 |
Portland Rose Festival | 103 |
Portland Symphonic Band | 102 |
Portneuf, Joseph | 15 |
Powell, Ed | 132 |
Powers, Francis Fisher | 62, 63 |
Public Sv Electric & Gas | 68 |
Prudential Ins | 68 |
Q |
Quakers | 177 |
R |
Radio WGN | 83 |
Raiders of the Lost Ark | 89 |
Ralph's Market | 39 |
Rankin, Bill | 77 |
Rawhide Mine | 72 |
Rayburn, Carl | 108 |
Rayburn, Morrell | 108, 109 |
Readers Digest | 97 |
Reagan, Ronald | 63 |
Remagen Bridge | 82 |
Reuff, Jacques | 53 |
Revenge of the Ninja (movie) | 215 |
Revere, Paul | 133 |
Rex Spray Co | 7, 51 |
Reynolds, Millard | 189 |
Richards, Fred | 100, 101, 103 |
Richards, John | 102-104 |
Richardson, Owen | 15 |
Richardson, Orland | 15 |
Riggs, Ada & H.F. | 3 |
Rinelli Fruit | 110 |
Rinehart, W.V. | 43 |
Riverside Dairy | 31 |
Roberts, Seth | 46 |
Robinson, Virgil | 117-118 |
Rodgers, Jimmie | 70 |
Roe, Howard | 66 |
Roland, Dan | 145 |
Roosevelt, Eleanor | 36 |
Roosevelt, Franklin | 133 |
Roosevelt, Theodore | 133 |
Ross, C. Ben | 76 |
Rotoring, Jean Gauer | 10 |
Royal Villa | 126 |
Rubinoff | 122 |
Russell Engine | 144 |
Russell, Lillian | 61, 62 |
Rutgers University | 68, 98, 134 |
Ryan's Hope | 232 |
S |
Sabin, Harry | 155 |
Safeway Stores | 39 |
Salt Lake City | 3, 7, 25 |
Salyards, Wendell | 121, 122 |
Sampson, Charles | 210 |
Samuelson, Don | 89 |
Sand Hollow | 3 |
Sandy's Flower Boutique | 226 |
Santa Anita Racetrack | 113 |
Schiefer, G.R. | 148 |
Schline, Lester | 144 |
Schmidt, Max | 189 |
Schroeder, Michael | 215, 216 |
Scot, Mr. & Mrs. | 43 |
Scotch Pines Golf | 198 |
Second Terr. Legis. | 3 |
Sego Division | 78 |
Selover, Marian & Neva | 114-116 |
Senior Citizens Center | 219 |
Service Transportation | 7 |
Shafer Jensen Mortuary | 179 |
Shamberger, Hugh | 72, 73 |
Shamberger, Ralph | 72 |
Shanks, Carroll | 68, 69 |
Shephard Field | 123 |
Sheperd, Joseph | 4 |
Shoemaker, Willie | 113, 186 |
Shoshones | 12 |
Shrike Weapons | 148 |
Shurtleff, Cheryl | 230 |
Shurtleff, George | 76, 77, 84 |
Shy People (movie) | 215 |
Silver Peak Mine | 72 |
Simonsen, Ivan | 180 |
Simonsen, Tim | 179, 180 |
Simplot, J.R. | 41 |
Sims, Duane | 189 |
Skelton, Red | 65 |
Skippen, Dr. | 29 |
Smith, Addison | 53 |
Smith's Food King | 39 |
Smith, Judson | 148, 149 |
Smithsonian Institute | 49, 61, 89, 230 |
Snake River | 1, 5, 13, 17, 22, 24, 25, 30, 44 |
Snakes | 12, 16 |
Snook, Bill | 230 |
Snyder, Claude | 74 |
Snyder, Cody | 210 |
Songfellows | 237 |
Sorenson, W.S. | 142 |
So Oklahoma Jr College | 166 |
Spalding, Henry | 10 |
Spanish American War | 63 |
Spielberg, Steven | 215 |
Stadler, Craig | 198 |
Stanford University | 72, 235 |
Star Band Tobacco | 4 |
Stater Bros Market | 39 |
Statue Of Liberty | 61 |
Sterling Cafe | 187 |
Stevens, Ray | 151 |
Stevenson, Charles | 34 |
Stevenson, Edward A. | 33, 35 |
Stinker Station | |
Stirm | 3, 14 |
St. Louis Browns | 189 |
St. Luke's Hospital | 117 |
Stoner, Jay | 102, 103, 110, 182, 221 |
Strong, Ed | 228 |
Stroup, Ms. Jacob | 13 |
Stuarts | 21 |
Stuarts, Mary | 23 |
Sunday Capitol News | 55 |
Super Bowl | 167 |
Superior Court | 232 |
S & W Brand | 39 |
Swanson, Verne | 28 |
Swift, Gustavius | 89 |
Swift Meat Packing | 19 |
Swisher, Ron | 227 |
Swisher, Sandy | 226, 227 |
Swiss Family Robinson | 121 |
Sylvania | 122 |
Symms, Steve | 89 |
T |
Tabor, Agnes | 61 |
Tabor, Ernest | 50, 89 |
Tabor, Ernestine | 61, 62 |
Tabor, Isabelle | 64 |
Tate Triangle Dairies | 79 |
Tammany Hall | 61 |
Taylor, Dorothy | 101 |
Tele Communications | 167 |
Telefloral | 227 |
Telephone Answering Service | 171 |
Temco Electronics | 101 |
Teton Mfg Co | 7 |
Texas A & M Veterinary School | 174 |
Texas Hall of Fame | 101 |
Tiffany Glove Co | 210 |
Tiffany Louis C | 127 |
Time Magazine | 68, 89, 232 |
Tipches Stores | 174 |
Tipton, Dwain | 227 |
Tipton, Maxine | 227 |
Todd Shipyards | 220 |
Tom Thumb | 40, 62 |
Toombs, Charles | 15 |
Torchlight | 215 |
Townsend Plan | 57 |
Trabert, Margaret Holland | 18 |
Tracy, Spencer | 92 |
Traughber, Earl | 177-178 |
Treasure Valley | 1 |
Treasure Artist Assn | 201 |
Treasure Community College | 126, 177, 179, 218, 219 |
Tritsch, Emilie | 53, 54 |
Truman, Harry | 58, 133 |
Tukula, Alan | 215 |
Twain, Mark | 97, 104 |
Tweed, Boss | 61, 63 |
U |
Union Carbide | 68 |
Union Pacific RR | 6, 24, 94 |
United Nations Gala Concert | 162 |
United Sv Planning Assn | 154 |
University of California | 142 |
University of Chicago | 6 |
University of Hawaii | 79, 189 |
University of Idaho | 70, 78, 89, 92, 98, 100, 154, 169, 171, 183, 220, 228, 232 |
University of Nebraska | 49 |
University of No. Carolina | 98 |
University of Pacific | 74 |
University of Portland | 96, 159 |
University of So California | 84, 89, 102, 142, 189 |
University of Washington | 66, 68, 89 |
Updyke, Dave | 8 |
UPI Press | 235 |
U.S. Air Force Academy | 115 |
U.S. Department of Energy | 221 |
U.S. Maritime | 220 |
U.S. Naval Ordinance Test Station | 148 |
U.S. Open Golf | 198 |
USS Enterprise | 220 |
USS Nautilus | 220 |
Utah Opera | 74 |
V |
Valley Artists | 201 |
Van Cliburn | 162 |
Vandals | 78 |
Vanderbilt, Cornelius | 89 |
Vari Flo Valve | 100 |
Venable, Bessie | 44 |
Vernon, Leroy | 48, 89 |
Vernon, Mary Edna | 48 |
Victoria Bayliner | 225 |
Von's Market | 39 |
W |
Waldorf Towers | 92 |
Wall Street Business News | 225 |
Walla Walla, Washington | 17, 40, 44, 103 |
Walker, Lemuel | 46 |
Walt Disney Studios | 117 |
Warden, Johnny | 188 |
Washington County | 92, 119 |
Washington George | 133 |
Washington Territory | 3, 15 |
Washington, Walla Walla | 17, 40, 44, 103 |
Washoe | 3, 5, 13, 17 |
Waterman, Howard | 228 |
Watson, Tom | 198 |
Watts, Nell | 150 |
Weems, Ted | 83 |
Weiser | 3, 4, 10, 25, 105 |
Weiser Library | 146 |
Weiser River | 1, 16 |
Welk, Lawrence | 65, 76 |
Welker, Gladys | 92, 93 |
Welker, Herman | 45, 58, 83, 89, 92, 93, 151, 159 |
Wells & Davies | 146 |
West Point Academy | 36, 79, 81 |
West, Rhena | 142 |
West Idaho Fair | 118 |
Western Family | 39 |
Westinghouse | 220, 221 |
Westside Grocery | 216 |
WFAN | 186 |
Whalen, Dexter | 173, 229 |
Wheaton College | 68 |
White, Bill & JoAnn | 210, 211 |
White, Tom | 22 |
Whitley Bottom | 44 |
Whitman College | 102, 103, 119 |
Whitman, Marcus | 10, 17 |
Whorton, George & Rita | 74 |
Whorton, Nica | 74, 75 |
Wickersham, Ray | 183, 184 |
Wilcox, NA | 61 |
Wild Weasel Missions | 148 |
Williams, Fieldon | 174, 176 |
Williams, Robin | 176 |
Willow Creek | 24 |
Wilson, John | 115 |
Wilson, Virginia | 79. 80 |
Wing, Jack | 98, 99, 122 |
Wing, Shirley | 215 |
Winther, Pop | 66 |
Wolfe, Dorotha | 182 |
Wolfe, Robert | 181, 182 |
Woodgrain Moulding | 7 |
Woodward, Dr. Ira | 29 |
Works, John | 16 |
World War II | 24, 31, 36-38, 79, 81, 92, 96, 100, 117, 123, 193 |
Worthwine, Oscar | 55 |
Wyeth, Nathaniel | 17 |
Y |
Yale University | 68 |
Young, Blanche | 150 |
Young, Robert | 92 |
Youth Exchange Program | 122 |
Z |
Zuni Rockets | 148 |