report problem

The Gems of Payette County
by Dee Klenck



Ada County3, 8, 15
Adams County119
Adjutant General51, 55, 89, 91
Albert, George W.H.46
Albertson, Joe192, 194
Albertsons, Inc.39, 191-193, 195
Alcock, James15
Alexander, Carlos74
Alger, Horatio215
Allender, Father10
All Conference Football187
Allerton, Amanda63, 64
Allerton, Isaac89
Allerton, Robert63, 89
Allerton, Samuel Waters63, 89
All Northwest Football Conference119
All States Choir162
Alpha Beta Markets39
Amendola, Virginia203
American Academy of Dramatic Arts232
American Can Co40
American Fine Foods7, 37-41, 193, 227,
American Gem Society156
American Legion54
Anderson, Conrad171-173
Anderson, Fred85
Anderson, Odie85, 86
Andrus, Gov & Ms Cecil218
Apollo Space Flight134, 135
Apple Blossom Parade56, 94, 95, 115
Applegate, Delia44
Archer, Fred113
Arment, Horace87
Armour Meat Packing Co19
Armour, Philip89
Arnold, Frank189
Arthur Murray Dance Studio200
Ashworth, Raymond198
Asmussen, Carl, Christina & Lucy28
Asmussen, Harry25, 28-32
Assn of Home Appliance Mfg86
Avy, Dr29
Baker, Oregon7, 15, 24
Baldridge, H.C.58
Ballentine, James M.43
Baltimore Orioles189
Bancroft Hotel110, 202
Bannock County55
Bannocks12, 21
Barber, Danny189
Barker, Lora Johnson46
Barnum, P.T.19, 61, 62
Barowsky, Bob212-214
Barrymore, Ethel, John & Lionel62
Batt, Steve151
Bay Meadows Racetrack113
Beamguard, Clark102
Beery, Wallace92, 113
Belmont States185
Bench, Johnny198
Benny, Jack83
Bethany Theological Seminary177
Bi Centennial Wagon109
Big Foot22
Big Steer Drive Ins146
Big Willow43, 44
Birding Island15
Bivens, Ben7
Bivens, David5, 17, 18, 21, 28
Bivens, Ellen18
Bivens, John5, 18, 21, 22
Bivens, Josephine18, 26
Bivens, Rachel & Rebecca18
Bivens, Theodoria18
Bivens, Walker18-20, 25
Bixby, Anna43
Black Canyon3
Blue Angels91
Bluff's Ferry24
Bluff's Station3, 15, 43
Buffview Art. Insem. Sv131
Bockhahn, Gayland166-168
Boise Basin3
Boise Business University150
Boise County3, 15
Boise Jr College181
Boise River24
Boise State University171, 228, 230
Bon Marche'174
Bonneville Power123
Bonnie Wallis Show85
Book of Genesis1, 88
Boomerang3, 13, 14, 24, 36
Borah Scholastic Award119
Borah, William44, 46
Boston University134
Bowman, Jack126, 154, 155
Bowman, Logan & Ezra155
Bradshaw, R.D.45
Brady, Diamond Jim62
Brainard, Lawrence85
Brayman, Gov4, 43
Brerton, Harold74
Brigham Young University189
Burke, Gwen208
Bury St. Edmonds Field123
Business Week68
Cadet Corps78
Caliente Racetrack113
Cannon Pictures215
Canyon County15, 119, 195
Carnation Can Co40
Carnation Milk79
Carnefix, Dutch222
Carnefix, Warren222
Carnegie Hall62
Carpenter, George27
Carroll, Eugene208
Carroll, Ron126, 208, 209
Carter, Jimmy65
Casa Loma Orchestra83
Caterpillar Club181
Cathay Pacific Airlines159
Certified Grocers39
Chambers Cable167
Channel 2 TV85
Chapman, Rick210
Charles Stark Draper Lab134
Cheek, Helen111
Cheese, Eula150-153
Chennault, Gen Claire154
Chicago Board of Trade89
Chicago Mdse Mart68
Chicago Museum of Science & Industry101
Chicago Stockyards63, 64, 89
Chicago World's Fair62
China Trust Bank198
China Cup Invitational198
Christensen Rodeo Equip210
Christian Church in Burns126
Church, Frank65, 89
Church of the Brethren177
Cimarron Brand40
Cinderella Room83
Civilian Conservation Corp100
Civilian Pacific Sv Camp224
Clark, Barzilla57
Cleveland, Grover33, 34
Cleveland, Indians189
Coble, Ray & Rose105-107, 144
Cockerum, Guy226
Codr, Brent201
Cooke, Charles200
Cole, Fred230
College of Idaho76, 89, 192, 205, 207, 234
College of Mortuary Science179
College of the Pacific74
Collier's Magazine90
Collins, Charles70
Colorado AG & Mech College181
Columbia Pictures215
Columbia River17
Columbia University68
Comstock Mine72
Continental Can40
Coors, Adolph96, 97
Coughanour, Dave27
Coughanour, William13, 38, 50
Council High School98
Courtney, Maude63
Craig, Larry89
Cram, Ada44
Craven, Tom61, 139-141
Crawford, Marion9, 24, 66, 67, 111, 196
Croix de Guerre54
Crosby, Bing58, 83, 92, 93, 113
Csutoras, Jerry216-217
Cuban Missile Crisis206
Cudahy, John & Michael89
Currin, Amy & Ivy46, 47
Currin, Robert, Clyde46
Curtis, E.J.43
Daj Hammarskjold162
The Dalles, Oregon3
Damrosch, Walter School of Music62
Daniels, Vernon (Crabby)151
Danny Thompson Golf181
Davis, D.W.53, 55
Davis, Gulielma38, 159, 192, 221
Daws, Ted144-145
Days of Our Lives232
Debban, Mel187-190
Debban, Rod190
DeBord, Don146-147
DeBord, Gerald146
DeBord, Robert146
De Medici, Catherine53
De Medici, Dr70
Demerit, Jimmy186
Denny & Co7
Desert Research Ctr72
Detroit Tigers189
Dewey, Wilma135
Dibble, Everett40
Dickinson Frozen Foods7
Diedrichsen, Henry6
Discovery Channel167
Disney Land139
Disney World139
Doctor Doolittle121
Dogs For The Deaf121
Donald Duck117
Dorsey, Jimmy83
Douglas, Field123
Douglas, Lloyd192
Douglas, William O69
Dragoo, Milford121
Driscoll, Inez70, 71, 111, 141, 186, 230, 236
Dworshak, Henry89
Dyer, Jack64
Earp, Howard96, 97
Earp, Wyatt96
Eastern Nazarene College134
Eastman, Ed18
Eastman, George63
Eastman, Kodak63
East St Louis Stockyards63, 64, 89
East Texas Oil Museum101
Easy (Movie)215
Easy Aces83
Eaton, Loy200
Eblin, B.D.205
Egan, Chief43
Electronic Warfare Dept148
Elk Creek3
Elks Club76, 190
Elliott, Glenn224
Elliott, Hilda224-225
Ellis Island140
Elman, Ziggy83
Emmettsville3, 4, 8, 24, 43
Emperor of China34
Empire (dog)78-79
Empire State Bldg68
Ervin, Henry18, 26, 27
Fairbanks, Douglas78
Fairchild, Roger205-207
Falk, Leo55
Falk's Store3, 4, 10, 21, 24
Fantasy Island89
Farber's Dept Store185
Farewell Bend Motel146
Farson, Dortha58
FBI96, 97, 212
Federal Deposit Insurance Corp30
Fearless Farris154
Fiddler on the Roof232
Fidelity Union Trust68
First Baptist Church117, 126
First Christian Church126
First Security Bank36, 51
First United Methodist145
Flicks (movie)215
Florida Hospital, South208
Flying Tigers154
Flynn, Sally65
Ford, Gerald133
Fort Boise17, 24
Fort Nez Perce17
Foyt, A.J.185
Franklin, Ben133
Fraser, Bill155
Frazier, Ken226
French, Ron232-233
Fresno State University181
Fruitland Nursery222
Garden of Eden1, 88
Gardner, Larry234, 235
Gatchel, John151
Gaylord, Orange15
Gayway Ballroom76
Gayway Junction105
Gehrke, Ed84
Geisler Bros14
Gem County119
Gem State Academy208
General Motors68
Geneva Convention124
General Dynamics183
General Electric137
Genoway, Sam & Mildred226
Georgia Pacific68
Gibson, Hoot113
Gissel, Arlene187-189
Gist, Kent131-133
Glover, G.W.121, 1560158
Glover, Ruth156
Goff, Dennis66, 195-197
Goldfield Mine72
Gonzaga University92
Goodhart, George17
Good Housekeeping208
Gooding, Frank55
Goodman, Benny83, 162
Goodyear Blimp140
Goodyear Tire & Rubber68
Gowan Field89, 91
Grable, Betty113
Gray, Glen83
Greene, Grace62, 63
Greif's Music Store73, 137
Griffin, J.W.43
Grigg, Nephi41
Grimes, Jeanne126, 127
Grimes, Lee94, 95
Grimes, Leonard126
Guyana Jim Jones181
Hall, Eldon134-136
Halstead, Henry83
Harding, Warren G.56
Harlan, Paul78
HARM Weapons148
Harper, Shirley169
Harper, Sy & Margaret169
Harris, Phil58, 83, 93
Hart, Clay65
Hartman, Howard76, 77
Hartman, Marguerite77
Harvard University134
Harvey, Paul195
Hatfield, Mark65
Hawley, Ed & Jess55
Hayes, Richard218
Haynes, John M.51
Haynes, R.E.54
Hays, Alvin186
Heap, Ms.22
Hearst Corp92
Hearst, W.R.89
Hedeman, Tuff210
Heincke, Madame S.61
Hello Dolly162
Herndon, Jess163-165
Hickenbotham, Annie46
Hicks, Bill128-130
Hill, Bill44
Hiner, Leroy91
Hi Tec Ind7, 183, 184
Hoack, Harry139
Hochstrasser, Gib77
Hogue, F.H.88
Hoiland, Dennis223
Holland, John18
Holliday, Ben3
Hollywood78, 142, 233
Hollywood Park Racetrack113
Holy Family Church146
Hoover, Herbert92, 93
Hoover, J. Edgar96, 97
Hopkins, E.10
Horn, Clifford123-125
Howard, C.O.43
Howe, Gordy186
Howerton, Pauline117, 129, 138, 142, 144, 159, 169, 186, 192, 234
Hoyle, Cindy197
Hudson Bay Co.15, 16, 24
Hughes Aircraft135
Hulley, Mary66
Hummel, Fritz55
Hunt, George5, 15
Idaho Canning Co7, 36-38, 55
Idaho City23
Idaho Historical Society61
Idaho National Guard51, 55, 89, 91, 154
Idaho Power Co36, 85, 86, 146
Idaho State High School Golf Tournament198
Idaho State School70
Idaho Statesman5, 57, 58, 164, 235, 236
Idaho Territory3, 4, 15
Idaho Vinegar Co7
Idi Amin181
Illinois Institute of Technology193
Independence Hall162
Independence Square162
Independent Enterprise23
Indianapolis 500185
Indians1, 3, 4, 12. 13, 16, 21, 22, 43, 46, 87, 110
Indian Valley21
International Business Machine68
International Harvester68
Ish & Hailey3
Israeli Entibbe Raid181
Jackson, Al12
Jacobson, Arnold28
Jacobson, August28
James, Harry83, 113
Jaycee Jr Tournament198
Jenkins, Pat182
Jensen, Keith179
John Hopkins Hospital79
John Hopkins University68
Johnson, Cal10
Johnson, Lloyd131
Joint Chiefs of Staff181
Jones, Tom14
Jordan, Len89
Jordan, William218-219
Josephson, Leonard112
Josephson, Lynn112-113
Josiah (movie)215
Jules Verne220
Kabat, Roy121
Kail, Perry70
Kendor Publishing76
Kennedy, John F.154
Kennedy Performing Arts162
Kentucky Derby185
Kentucky Fried Chicken146
Kenya Uganda Crisis181
Kholberg, Gustavis3
Killebrew Art Project237
Killebrew, Clay150
Killebrew, Harmon66, 111, 186, 189, 198, 237
Killebrew, Katherine150
Kit Mfg Co206
Kiwanis Park13, 26, 222, 237
Klenck, George236-237
Knot's Landing232
Koeppel Show, Ted206
Koo, Jeffrey198
Korean Tree Cutting Incident181
Krupa, Gene83
Kuwalt Show, Charles102
Lakeside Golf Club92
Lakewood Shopping Ctr68
Leistner, Charles3
Lettunich Ranch26, 27
Levers, Glenn121, 163, 210
Lewis & Clark College102
Lewis & Clark High School Choir161
Lewiston Normal66
Liberty Island40
Life Magazine89
Lightfoot, Hal102
Lincoln, Abraham3, 17, 18
Lind, Jenny61, 62
Lindbergh, Charles110
Link's Business College88
Lion's Club121, 122
Little Willow29, 66
Logan Music Center102
Loma Linda College200
London School of Econ233
Los Angeles Dodgers189
Lovett, Dan185, 186
Lower Payette Ditch21
Lucky Markets39
Lunar Excursion Module135
Lust In The Dust215
Lynn, Elmer58
MacArthur, Douglas93
MacKenzie, Donald15
Mack Trucks105, 144, 145
MacLeroy's Ballroom76
Macy's Dept Store140
Madison Square Garden62
Maeda, Tom142, 143
Magic Valley Christian College139
Magnificent Obsession192
Malheur River1
Mangun, Mildred111
Manning, Darrell91
Manser, Shirley115
Marshall Fixture Co7, 94
Marshall Mine144
Masingill, Ann, Lee & Brad138
Masingill, Clifford137, 169, 170
Masingill Furniture137
Masingill, Nettie137, 173
Masingill, Scott137, 198-199
Masingill, Shirley169
Masingill, Tobe137, 138
Masingill, Tollie137, 173
Masonic Organizations132
Masonic Presidents133
Massachusetts Institute of Technology134
Maudie's Cafe202
Maule, Abe83, 84
Maule, Reuel25, 68, 84, 102
Mayer, John15
Mayo, Charles56
May Trucking Co7, 193, 199
McCain, Warren41, 191-194
McCarroll, Leona161, 162
McCarroll, Mark126
McCarthy, Joseph93
McClure, James65, 89, 150, 230
McClure, Raymond220-221
McClure, W.R.150
McConnell, W.J.8
McFarland6, 10, 18, 24
McKay, Tom16
McKinley, William89
McKinney, Robert36
McPike, Christine88
Meechan, Richard159-160
Mell, Tony222-223
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer78, 92
Metropolitan Opera61, 63
Metsker, The Map Man224
Midnight (horse)106
Midnight Tabloid65
Millbrook, S.J.138, 142, 150, 159, 192, 221
Miller, Al228
Miller, Alice228, 229
Miller, Glenn83
Mills, Nellie Ireton16
Mix, Tom113
Moore, Henry222
Mordhorst, Andy230
Morgan Guaranty Trust68
Morrison, Harry55
Morrison, Knudsen Co55
Mortuary Science215
Moss, A.B.13, 36, 38, 50
Moss, Frank13
Moss, Fred36, 37, 41
Moss Mercantile Store36
Moss, Robert36-38, 41
Moss, Timothy38
Moss, Tony37, 38, 41, 42
Moss, Wentworth36, 37
Motel 6174
Mountain Bell Telephone121
Mountain States Wholesale193
Murphy, Pat64
Murrow, Ed R.89
NCAA189, 198
Napoleon Bonaparte52
National Biscuit Co68
National Federal Music Clubs162
National Music Council162
Navy Merit Civilian Service Award148
Naval Weapons Center148
Nebraska Cornhuskers49
Nebraska National Guard50, 51
Neese, Bob76
Neiman-Marcus Museum101
Nesbitt, Clarence24, 25, 27
Nesbitt, Frank6, 23
Nesbitt, John23, 24
Nevada State Museum72
Nevada Test Site220
Neves, Ralph113
News Tribune234
New York Stock Exchange89
New York Stockyards 
Nez Perce13
Nichols, Cash18
Nichols, Elmer202-204
Nichols, Eyvonne202-204
Nichols Steakhouse202, 203
Nixon, Richard65
Norris, Gilbert119, 120
Notre Dame University110
Northwest Passage92
NS Savannah220
Nuce, Ted210
Oakland Sensible Six31
Odie's Quick & Favorite Recipes85
Ogden, Peter Skene16
Omaha's Stockyards63, 89
Omaha's Worlds Fair48, 49
One Dark Night215
Operation "Teddy Bear"213
Orchard School98
Oregon, Baker7, 15, 24
Oregon, The Dalles3
Oregon Short Line RR6, 24, 26, 36
Oregon State University24, 79, 193, 198
Oregon Symphony Orchestra102
Oregon Trail23, 24
Ore Ida41
Osburn, Walter96, 97
Oswald, Glenn83
Owens, Bert & Maudie202
Owyhee County119
Palumbo, J.C.88, 110
Palumbo, Leo110, 111, 141
Pancho Villa51
Parsons, Ed142
Pasch, Marvin219
Pattee, Joseph & Lizzie17
Patton, George82
Patton, James3
Patton, Lester66
Patch, Alexander82
Patch, Allerton48, 51, 60, 64, 65, 78, 89-91
Patch, Cooperative Canal51
Patch, Ernest51, 64, 81, 82, 131
Patch, Ernestine61-65
Patch, Joseph48
Patch, Leroy V.37, 38, 48-61, 63, 78, 81, 82, 89-91, 148
Patch, Oliver51, 64
Patch, Vernon51, 64, 78-80, 150
Payette Baptiste17
Payette Brick Mfg Co7
Payette Cider & Vinegar205
Payette City Hall146
Payette Coop Creamery6
Payette County6, 7, 8, 12, 14, 15, 119
Payette County Beauty Pageant122
Payette County Museum88
Payette County Recreation Dept126
Payette County Rodeo Board106, 109, 145
Payette, Francois10, 15, 16, 17
Payette Heights Invest54
Payette Irrigation51
Payette Hospital183
Payette Lakes6
Payette Louis & Joseph17
Payette National Bank7, 30, 36, 46, 51
Payette Packers Border League189
Payette Payette161
Payette River1, 3, 5, 13, 15, 16, 24, 26, 110
Payette School Endowment Fund99, 237
Payette Valley1, 3, 6, 8-10, 23, 50
Payette Valley Branch RR6
Payette Valley Land & Orchard Tract Co54
Payette Valley Riders109
Payette Valley Sanitarium47
Payette Valley Vigilantes8
Pearson, Helen111, 221
Pederson, Jess87
Pederson, Mary87, 88
Pence, Belle, Edward, Harry, Walter, Grace44
Pence, Loyd93
Pence, Gladys, Harline, Fred45
Pence, Peter10, 12, 18, 21, 26, 38, 43, 44, 50
Pepperdine College139
Pershing, John J.49
Peterson, Ms.163
Pierce Chinese Massacre34
Piatte River15
Piatte Valley15
Pinkham, Joe43
Pittsburgh College for Women74
Piutes12, 43
Plaza Ranch8
Polaris Missle134
Portland Opera Orchestra102
Portland Rose Festival103
Portland Symphonic Band102
Portneuf, Joseph15
Powell, Ed132
Powers, Francis Fisher62, 63
Public Sv Electric & Gas68
Prudential Ins68
Radio WGN83
Raiders of the Lost Ark89
Ralph's Market39
Rankin, Bill77
Rawhide Mine72
Rayburn, Carl108
Rayburn, Morrell108, 109
Readers Digest97
Reagan, Ronald63
Remagen Bridge82
Reuff, Jacques53
Revenge of the Ninja (movie)215
Revere, Paul133
Rex Spray Co7, 51
Reynolds, Millard189
Richards, Fred100, 101, 103
Richards, John102-104
Richardson, Owen15
Richardson, Orland15
Riggs, Ada & H.F.3
Rinelli Fruit110
Rinehart, W.V.43
Riverside Dairy31
Roberts, Seth46
Robinson, Virgil117-118
Rodgers, Jimmie70
Roe, Howard66
Roland, Dan145
Roosevelt, Eleanor36
Roosevelt, Franklin133
Roosevelt, Theodore133
Ross, C. Ben76
Rotoring, Jean Gauer10
Royal Villa126
Russell Engine144
Russell, Lillian61, 62
Rutgers University68, 98, 134
Ryan's Hope232
Sabin, Harry155
Safeway Stores39
Salt Lake City3, 7, 25
Salyards, Wendell121, 122
Sampson, Charles210
Samuelson, Don89
Sand Hollow3
Sandy's Flower Boutique226
Santa Anita Racetrack113
Schiefer, G.R.148
Schline, Lester144
Schmidt, Max189
Schroeder, Michael215, 216
Scot, Mr. & Mrs.43
Scotch Pines Golf198
Second Terr. Legis.3
Sego Division78
Selover, Marian & Neva114-116
Senior Citizens Center219
Service Transportation7
Shafer Jensen Mortuary179
Shamberger, Hugh72, 73
Shamberger, Ralph72
Shanks, Carroll68, 69
Shephard Field123
Sheperd, Joseph4
Shoemaker, Willie113, 186
Shrike Weapons148
Shurtleff, Cheryl230
Shurtleff, George76, 77, 84
Shy People (movie)215
Silver Peak Mine72
Simonsen, Ivan180
Simonsen, Tim179, 180
Simplot, J.R.41
Sims, Duane189
Skelton, Red65
Skippen, Dr.29
Smith, Addison53
Smith's Food King39
Smith, Judson148, 149
Smithsonian Institute49, 61, 89, 230
Snake River1, 5, 13, 17, 22, 24, 25, 30, 44
Snakes12, 16
Snook, Bill230
Snyder, Claude74
Snyder, Cody210
Sorenson, W.S.142
So Oklahoma Jr College166
Spalding, Henry10
Spanish American War63
Spielberg, Steven215
Stadler, Craig198
Stanford University72, 235
Star Band Tobacco4
Stater Bros Market39
Statue Of Liberty61
Sterling Cafe187
Stevens, Ray151
Stevenson, Charles34
Stevenson, Edward A.33, 35
Stinker Station 
Stirm3, 14
St. Louis Browns189
St. Luke's Hospital117
Stoner, Jay102, 103, 110, 182, 221
Strong, Ed228
Stroup, Ms. Jacob13
Stuarts, Mary23
Sunday Capitol News55
Super Bowl167
Superior Court232
S & W Brand39
Swanson, Verne28
Swift, Gustavius89
Swift Meat Packing19
Swisher, Ron227
Swisher, Sandy226, 227
Swiss Family Robinson121
Symms, Steve89
Tabor, Agnes61
Tabor, Ernest50, 89
Tabor, Ernestine61, 62
Tabor, Isabelle64
Tate Triangle Dairies79
Tammany Hall61
Taylor, Dorothy101
Tele Communications167
Telephone Answering Service171
Temco Electronics101
Teton Mfg Co7
Texas A & M Veterinary School174
Texas Hall of Fame101
Tiffany Glove Co210
Tiffany Louis C127
Time Magazine68, 89, 232
Tipches Stores174
Tipton, Dwain227
Tipton, Maxine227
Todd Shipyards220
Tom Thumb40, 62
Toombs, Charles15
Townsend Plan57
Trabert, Margaret Holland18
Tracy, Spencer92
Traughber, Earl177-178
Treasure Valley1
Treasure Artist Assn201
Treasure Community College126, 177, 179, 218, 219
Tritsch, Emilie53, 54
Truman, Harry58, 133
Tukula, Alan215
Twain, Mark97, 104
Tweed, Boss61, 63
Union Carbide68
Union Pacific RR6, 24, 94
United Nations Gala Concert162
United Sv Planning Assn154
University of California142
University of Chicago6
University of Hawaii79, 189
University of Idaho70, 78, 89, 92, 98, 100, 154, 169, 171, 183, 220, 228, 232
University of Nebraska49
University of No. Carolina98
University of Pacific74
University of Portland96, 159
University of So California84, 89, 102, 142, 189
University of Washington66, 68, 89
Updyke, Dave8
UPI Press235
U.S. Air Force Academy115
U.S. Department of Energy221
U.S. Maritime220
U.S. Naval Ordinance Test Station148
U.S. Open Golf198
USS Enterprise220
USS Nautilus220
Utah Opera74
Valley Artists201
Van Cliburn162
Vanderbilt, Cornelius89
Vari Flo Valve100
Venable, Bessie44
Vernon, Leroy48, 89
Vernon, Mary Edna48
Victoria Bayliner225
Von's Market39
Waldorf Towers92
Wall Street Business News225
Walla Walla, Washington17, 40, 44, 103
Walker, Lemuel46
Walt Disney Studios117
Warden, Johnny188
Washington County92, 119
Washington George133
Washington Territory3, 15
Washington, Walla Walla17, 40, 44, 103
Washoe3, 5, 13, 17
Waterman, Howard228
Watson, Tom198
Watts, Nell150
Weems, Ted83
Weiser3, 4, 10, 25, 105
Weiser Library146
Weiser River1, 16
Welk, Lawrence65, 76
Welker, Gladys92, 93
Welker, Herman45, 58, 83, 89, 92, 93, 151, 159
Wells & Davies146
West Point Academy36, 79, 81
West, Rhena142
West Idaho Fair118
Western Family39
Westinghouse220, 221
Westside Grocery216
Whalen, Dexter173, 229
Wheaton College68
White, Bill & JoAnn210, 211
White, Tom22
Whitley Bottom44
Whitman College102, 103, 119
Whitman, Marcus10, 17
Whorton, George & Rita74
Whorton, Nica74, 75
Wickersham, Ray183, 184
Wilcox, NA61
Wild Weasel Missions148
Williams, Fieldon174, 176
Williams, Robin176
Willow Creek24
Wilson, John115
Wilson, Virginia79. 80
Wing, Jack98, 99, 122
Wing, Shirley215
Winther, Pop66
Wolfe, Dorotha182
Wolfe, Robert181, 182
Woodgrain Moulding7
Woodward, Dr. Ira29
Works, John16
World War II24, 31, 36-38, 79, 81, 92, 96, 100, 117, 123, 193
Worthwine, Oscar55
Wyeth, Nathaniel17
Yale University68
Young, Blanche150
Young, Robert92
Youth Exchange Program122
Zuni Rockets148

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