A |
1957 Chevrolet | 39, 176 |
1963 Chevrolet | 176 |
1968 Cadillac El Dorado | 176 |
1976 Chevette | 11 |
24 Hour Truck Stop Cafe | 199 |
Ace Wrecking Company | 85 |
Ackley, Parker | 125 |
Adair, Dr | 28 |
Adair, Ms I H | ix |
Adams, Elden | 163 |
Adams, Terry | 163 |
Adams County | 98 |
Adams Trucking Company | 163 |
Adrian, Oregon | 144 |
Agent Orange | 1 |
Air Command and Staff School | 22 |
Air Force | 19, 22, 23, 56, 64, 76, 80, 94, 109, 116, 165 |
Air Force One | 23 |
Air Force Two | 23 |
Air Guard | 22 |
Air National Guard | 64 |
Alar | 138, 139 |
Alberta, Canada | 87 |
Albertson, Joe | 18 |
Alexander, Moses | x, 98 |
Alexander the Great | 2 |
Allen, James K | 31 |
Allen, Jerry | 103 |
Alma Mater | 206 |
ALS | 85 |
Aluminum Company of America | 165 |
American Find Foods | 119, 181 |
American Guild of Organist Professionals | 32 |
American League | 62 |
American Legion | 161 |
Anderson, C C | 176 |
Anderson, Fred | xiv |
Angioplasty | 157 |
Angus | 15, 129 |
Angus Cattle | 129 |
Angus Cows | 129 |
ANR Freight System | 173 |
Aphrodisiac | 87 |
Appaloosa | 17, 195 |
Apple Bin | 85 |
Apple Blossom Parade | 4, 74, 170 |
Applegate, Emma | viii |
Applegate, Jesse | viii |
Applegate, John | viii |
Apples, Arkansas Black | 27 |
Apples, Delicious | 27 |
Apples, Winesap | 27 |
Arabian Horse | 195 |
Argus Observer | 26 |
Armstrong, Lyle | 174 |
Army Reserve | 54 |
Art Deco | 7 |
Ashton, Blanche | 133 |
Ashton, Willard | 133 |
Asmussen, Harry | 131 |
Asmussens | xii |
Atlanta, Georgia | 155 |
Atomic Energy Installation | 42 |
B |
Brainbridge, Robert Eugene | 67 |
Baker, Bob | 1 |
Baker, Willard and Beulah Baker | 1 |
Baker, Oregon | 7, 56 |
Baldridge, John | 82 |
Ballentyne and Short | xii |
Bancroft Hotel | 46, 67 |
Barger-Mattson Auto Salvage Yard | 176 |
Barton, Orville | 120 |
Baseball's Hall of Fame | 206 |
Baskett, Neil | 140 |
Bass, Gordon | 72 |
Bauhaus | 7 |
Bay Meadows | 17 |
Beckwiths | viii |
Being Thankful | 212 |
Belknap, Cheryl | 186 |
Bell, Linda | 64 |
Belvoir, Janet | 48 |
Bemidji State University | 116 |
Bend, Oregon | 160 |
Bertonneau, Helen Griffin | 4 |
Big Willow | 148 |
Birch, Bruce | 41 |
Birch Creek Valley | xiv |
Birney, David Bell | 19 |
Bivens, Ben | xii |
Bivens, John | xii |
Bivens, William | xii |
Black, Eugene R | 1 |
Blair, E A | xviii |
Blanchard Maternity Home | 148 |
Bliss, Michael | 165 |
Block Home Program | 40 |
Blue Valley | 65 |
Boeing 747 | 76 |
Bogart, Humphrey | 73 |
Boise City | xiv |
Boise Gallery of Art | 150 |
Boise Inter Agency Fire Center | 107 |
Boise Junior College | 155 |
Boise National Forest | 108 |
Boise State University | 54, 56, 58, 161 |
Bolus, Holly | 120 |
Bon Marche' | 176 |
Bonus Baby | 62, 206 |
Boomerang | xii, xiii, xiv |
Boone and Crockett Club | 87 |
Borden Milk | 163 |
Borgholthaus, A E | 52 |
Boston University | 31 |
Boy's Nation | 161 |
Boy's State | 161 |
Boyer, Imogen | 148 |
Brahmin Bulls | 130 |
Brangus Bulls | 129 |
Brannan, Tom | 11 |
Broder, Ed | 87 |
Brown, Horace | 50 |
Brown, Ken | 161 |
Brown Shipbuilding Company | 111 |
Bruce, Claude | 135 |
Burroughs, V P | 66 |
Butcher, Dick | 146, 171 |
C |
C.A.T. Scanners | 157, 158 |
Caesar, Julius | 2 |
Callahan Center | 56 |
Carico, Corky | 54 |
Carico, Curtis, Jr | 54 |
Carnegie Hall | 32 |
Carroll, Eugene | 25 |
Casa Loma Convalescent Center | 25, 184, 185 |
Catalina Island | 121 |
Catron, Dr | 83 |
Cavalry | xvii, 16, 195 |
Caxton Printers | 152 |
Central Methodist Church | 31 |
Cerveny, Walter | 184 |
Chacon, Debbie | 159 |
Challenge Cheese | 163 |
Charity Breakfast | 197 |
Chase, D C | xii |
Cheek, Helen | 63 |
Cheney, Warehouse | 67 |
Chevette | 11 |
Chic Supreme | 17 |
Chicaro | 17 |
Chief Joseph | 195 |
Chip Lake | 87 |
Christian Day Care Center | 192 |
Christmas | 2, 15, 83, 108, 135, 147, 186, 214, 216, 217, 218, 219, 223 |
Cicero | 151 |
City Clerk | 144 |
City Hall | xix, 27, 29, 35, 140, 144, 145, 171, 183 |
City of Fontana | 165 |
City of Payette | xviii, xix, 6, 39, 171 |
Civil War | xiii, 19, 97, 125, 151, 161 |
Clark, Roy | 81 |
Classic Properties | 128 |
Clay Peak | 67 |
Cleveland, Ohio | 72 |
Coast Guard | 2, 23 |
Coca Cola | 25 |
Cochrane, Frederic | 175 |
Coeur D'Alene | 7, 32 |
College in McPherson | 177 |
College of Idaho | 76, 109, 184 |
Colony Company | 38 |
Colony Houses | 37 |
Colton, Cliff | 100 |
Columbia Law School | 47 |
Computer and I | 201 |
Conestoga Wagon | 31 |
Congressional Medal of Honor | 19 |
Conrad, Joseph | 73 |
Controlled Atmosphere | 27, 139 |
Conyers, John | xiv |
Cookie Kid | 183 |
Cooperstown, New York | 62 |
Copley Square | 31 |
Cortez | 17 |
Coughanour, Billy | xiii |
Cox, Andrea Christine | i, 194, 208 |
Crawford, Marion | 62 |
Crawford, Ralph | 128 |
Crawford and Company | 155 |
Crawford Associates | 128 |
Cross, Ray | 87 |
Currier and Ives | 99 |
Custer, George Armstrong | 19 |
D |
Da Nang Hilton | 20 |
Dairyman's Creamery Association | 163 |
Davis, Earl | 105 |
Davis, Frances | 105 |
Davis, Gulielma | 101 |
Davis, Mark | 157 |
DC 10 | 77 |
Death Valley | 121 |
Debord, Ann | 176 |
Debord, Ann Keim | 177 |
Debord, Chris | 177 |
Debord, Don | 35 |
Debord, Eric | 177 |
Debord, Robert | 176 |
Deer | 87, 88 |
Delicious Apple | 27 |
Depression | x, 15, 34, 37 |
Diamond Springs Valley | 46 |
Dick, Mr and Mrs | 170 |
Diederichsen | xiii |
Diedrichsen, Antone | xiv |
Diedrichsen, Henry | xiv |
Diedrichsen, Leona | xiv |
Diehm, Otto | 27 |
Diener, Hugh | 35 |
Dietrich, Marlene | 73 |
Digital Systems, Inc | 165 |
Dillon, Janet | 96 |
Dillon, Richard | 95 |
Disney World | 86 |
Distinguished Flying Cross | 109 |
Dodson, Gary | 186 |
Dolphus, Val | 103 |
Dolton, Ed | 109 |
Dolton, Joshua | 57 |
Dolton, Lil and Jack | 57 |
Dolton, Michael | 56 |
Don Domo | 16 |
Dooley, Joe | 87 |
Dorthy, Elmer | 147 |
Dragster Magazine | 12 |
Dunn, Deborah | 194 |
E |
Eades, Ed | 110 |
Eades, Eddie | 19 |
East Junior High School | 116 |
Eastern Oregon State College | 95 |
Eaton, Loy | 192 |
Edison, Thomas | 173 |
Edison Corporation | 173 |
Egypt | 7 |
Eisenhower, Dwight | 2 |
Elk | 87, 88, 125 |
Elko County, Nevada | 87 |
Ellsasser, Richard | 32 |
Elmer's Glue | 89, 120 |
Engineer | xviii, 4, 6, 14, 31, 76, 116, 157, 168, 188 |
English Spitfire | 120 |
Enterprise Newspaper | i, 194 |
Evel Knievel | 56 |
Evelyn's Fabrics | 26 |
F |
F-102 | 22 |
F-11 | 120 |
Fach, Gus | xii |
Fair Debt Collection Practices Act | 105 |
Falcon Missile | 121 |
Family Practice Center | 26 |
Farber Building | 82 |
Farber's Department Store | 140 |
Farmers Mutual Telephone | x |
FBI | 77 |
Federal Aviation Agency | 89 |
Federal Express | 159 |
Fenske, A C | xviii |
FFA | 54 |
Ficken, Clarence | xi |
Ficken, Irene Puchert | xi |
Fiedler, Arthur | 73 |
Field Artillery Battalion | 93 |
Field Marshal Montgomery | 2 |
Finch, Catherine | 138 |
Firemen | xix, 13, 141, 146, 147 |
First National Bank of Payette | 148 |
First Security | 21, 148 |
First United Presbyterian Church | 32 |
Fish and Game Department | 87, 91 |
Fitch, Scott M | xviii |
Fix It Every Morning | 28 |
Fjuitsu Ten Corp of America | 58 |
Floral Telegraph Delivery | 135 |
Flower Truck | 135 |
Flying Cross | 109 |
Football | 54, 63, 95, 111, 145, 151, 210, 221 |
Ford, Henry | 186 |
Forest Ranger | 107 |
Fort Benning, Georgia | 54 |
Fort Independence, Missouri | viii |
Foucher, Kyle | 208 |
Franks, Cathy | 144 |
Franks, John | 144 |
Freehafers, A L | 97 |
From Youth to Eternity | 194, 208 |
Frost, Jack | 98 |
Fruitland | viii |
Fruitland Banner | ix |
Fruitland Chamber of Commerce | 86 |
Fruitland High School | 34, 50, 56, 76, 85, 109, 111, 139 |
Fruitland Nursery | 160 |
Fujii, Frances | 58 |
Fulbright Commission | 31 |
Fulbright Scholarship | 31 |
Furrer, Kathy | 191 |
Furrer, Rick | 191 |
G |
Gable, Clark | 121 |
Gala Gardens | 25 |
Garden City | 81 |
Garden of Eden | 212 |
Gayway Junction | 25 |
GE | 83, 157, 158 |
GED | 80, 116, 192 |
Gem Electric | viii, ix, 82 |
Gem Publishing Company | 2 |
Gem State Bakery | 179, 180 |
General Electric | 83, 157, 158, 173 |
General Parsons | 23 |
Genoway, Joyce | 137 |
Genoway, Mildred | 135 |
Genoway, Sam | 135 |
Genoway, Sonia | 137 |
Germany | xiii, xiv, 31, 94, 118, 142, 168, 193 |
Gilkey, Lloyd | 188 |
Gin Rummey | 18 |
Giraffe | 177 |
Gissel, Henry and Lillian | 70 |
Gladiators | 57, 210 |
Goff, Dallas | 80 |
Goff, Ron | 40 |
Goldsmith, Claire | 37 |
Gooch, Jannie | 159 |
Good, Mary | 60 |
Good, Robert | 61 |
Gossner Cheese Products | 164 |
Gowan, Paul | 19 |
Gowan Field | 21, 23, 64 |
Gowland, Duane | 6 |
Gowland & Johanson | 6 |
GPA | 56 |
Grace, Charlie | 151 |
Grace, Dodie | 81 |
Grace, Ray | 80 |
Grace High School | 13 |
Great Depression | x, 37 |
Great Pyramid of Gizeh | 7 |
Greater Twin Falls Chamber of Commerce | 57 |
Green Beret | 54 |
Griffis Air Force Base | 94 |
Grim Reaper | 5, 108, 149, 170 |
Grimmett, Richard | 168 |
Grosdidier, Herb | 161 |
Guadalcanal | 46, 109, 110 |
Guam | 20 |
Gunther, Henry | xiii |
H |
Haake, R E | 13 |
Hagerman Valley | 174 |
Hailey Ketchum Railroad | xiv |
Hale's Glass Company | 62 |
Hall, Ron | 188 |
Hallberg, Fritz | 125, 126 |
Halloween | 210, 223 |
Hamilton Corners | 153 |
Hanford Atomic Plant | 66 |
Hanigan, Bob | 140 |
Hannibal | 2 |
Harper, Dorothy | 161 |
Harper, Margaret | 161 |
Harper, Shirley | 161 |
Harper, Sy | 25, 161 |
Hartley, Ellis | 98 |
Hatley, George | 17 |
Haus, Amerika | 31 |
Health & Welfare | 70 |
Health, Education and Welfare | 171 |
Hells Canyon | 107, 159 |
Helmich, Bryan | 91 |
Hemenway, Arvid | 103 |
Hemenway, Val | 104 |
Henderson Field | 109 |
Henry | xiii, xiv, 70, 71, 125, 186 |
Hepatitis | 52 |
Herb Shockey's Idaho Sheet Metal | 188 |
Hewlett Packard | 168 |
Hi Ho Club | 81 |
High Tech Industries | 119, 144 |
High Valley | 15, 16, 18 |
Highway to Heaven | 116 |
Hildebrandt, Joe | 140, 170, 172 |
Hill, Gene | 191 |
Hill, Mr | 165 |
Hoffman, Dorothy | 161 |
Hoffman, Glenn | 161 |
Hoffman, Michael | 161 |
Hogue, F H | xi |
Hollis, Karen | 128 |
Holstein Milk | 163 |
Holy Rosary Hospital | 103 |
Homer | 4, 151 |
Horseshoe Bend | viii |
House, Raymond | 107 |
Howard, Nolan | 82 |
Howard, Randy | 160 |
Howe, Earl | 109 |
Howerton, Pauline | 1, 22, 101, 163 |
Hughes, Howard | 120 |
Hughes, Raymond | xi |
Hughes Aircraft | 120 |
Hull, Mr | 100 |
Humphrey, Hubert | 73 |
Hydro Era | 175 |
I |
ICS | 54 |
Idaho Centennial Train | 13 |
Idaho Commission on the Arts | 150 |
Idaho Employment Office | 171 |
Idaho First National Bank | 118, 123, 140, 177 |
Idaho National Guard | 21, 155 |
Idaho Power | viii, ix, 54, 74, 82, 173, 174, 175 |
Idaho Power Company | 173, 175 |
Idaho Sheet Metal Co | 188 |
Idaho State University | 49 |
Idaho Statesman | 15 |
Idaho's Hall of Fame | 63, 172 |
Idahoan | 13, 46, 68, 95, 125, 142, 144 |
In The Shadow of the Squaw | 37 |
Independent Enterprise | i, 4, 67, 194 |
Independent Enterprise Newspaper | i, 194 |
Indermuehle, Charles | 72, 93 |
Indermuehle, Warren "Bud" | 93 |
Indian Creek | 177 |
Indians | xi, xii, xvii, 17, 89, 99, 195, 196, 212 |
Industrial College of the Armed Forces | 22 |
Info Magazine | 13 |
International Jazz Festival | 32 |
International Relief Pilot | 76 |
Iran | 31, 32 |
Irby, Carol | 135 |
Iseri Travel Agency | 177 |
J |
Jackson, Wyoming | 159 |
Jacobsen, August | xii |
Jacobsen, Carl P | xviii |
Jacobsen, N A | x |
Jalopy Jungle | 176 |
Jaycees | 48, 55 |
Jersey Milk | 163 |
Jockey Club | 16 |
Jocobsen, Adolph | xii |
Johanson, Marvin | 6 |
Johnson, George | xiv |
Johnson, Jim | 157, 161 |
Johnston, Charles | 6 |
Josephson, Leonard | 171 |
Josephson's Produce | 26 |
Junction City | xiv |
Junior League of Boise | 150 |
Justice of the Peace | 4, 151 |
K |
Kail, Perry and Ann | 74 |
Kaiser Aluminum | 165 |
Kautz, Jerry and Virgil "Red" | 80 |
Keim Meat Packing Company | 177 |
Keith, Bob | viii |
Kennedy, Joseph Jr | 109 |
Kerney Cross | 19 |
Kilimanjaro | 32 |
Killebrew, Clay | 151 |
Killebrew, Culver | 151 |
Killebrew, Harmon Clayton | 62, 151 |
Killebrew, Harmon | 63, 206 |
Killebrew, Katherine | 151 |
Killebrew, Robert Culber | 151 |
Killebrew Art Project | 206 |
Killebrew Drive | 63 |
Killebrew Field | 63 |
Kimoto | 58 |
King, Brent | 128 |
Kinney, Chuck | 35 |
Kiss of Death | 108 |
Kiwanis Park | 171 |
Klenck, Dee | 199 |
Klenck, George Jr | 206 |
Kniefel, Robert | 118, 140 |
Koepang Timor | 93 |
Korean War | 46 |
KSRV Radio Station | 80 |
L |
Lackland Air Force Base | 22, 64 |
Lake Pend Oreille | 120 |
Lamm, Dave | xiii |
Landon, Edith | 136 |
Larson, C E | xviii |
Lattig, C P | xviii |
Lauer, Emma Taylor | 148 |
Lava Rock | 89 |
Lemen, Dan | 11 |
Lemen, Scott | 11 |
Lemhi River | xiv |
Lemons, Larry | 76 |
Lester Creek Guard Station | 107 |
Lettunich, Mike and Ed | 129 |
Lettunich & Sons | 130 |
Lewis, Derrick | 208 |
Lewis and Clark | 78 |
Limbaugh, Barbara | 139 |
Limbaugh, Elizabeth Ann | 138 |
Limbaugh, I V | 138 |
Limbaugh, Larry Jr | 138 |
Limbaugh, Lawrence | 138 |
Limbaugh, Mark | 138 |
Limbaugh, Mrs Lawrence Sr | 139 |
Limbaugh, Tom | 138 |
Lindbergh | 23, 120 |
Lindbergh, Colonel Charles E | 120 |
Lions Club | 9 |
Little Willow | xii, 70, 125, 147 |
Little Willow Creek | xii |
Lloyd, Dennis | 85 |
Lloyd, Elaine | 85 |
Lloyd, Mel | 13 |
Lodging Hospitality Hall of Fame | 72 |
Lodging Hospitality Magazine | 73 |
London, Jack | 151 |
Long Beach, California | 120 |
Lost Lake Reservoir | 66 |
Lost River | 174 |
Lou Gehrig's Disease | 85 |
Loudermilk, Dave | 192 |
Lucky Peak Nursery | 108 |
Lunsford, Jerry | 78 |
Lutz, Vernon | 147 |
Lying in Home | 98 |
M |
MacArthur, Douglas | 2 |
MacFarland, A J | viii |
Madison Avenue | 130 |
Mafia | 134 |
Magnetic Resonance Imaging | 158 |
Magnetic Scanners | 157 |
Mai, Karl | 31 |
Malheur Experiment Station | 189 |
Manser, Shirley | 100 |
Manser & McClure Ford | 109 |
Marines | 19, 20 |
Mark Hopkins | 72 |
Mark Hopkins Hotel | 72 |
Mark Twain | 84, 151 |
Marlboro Man | 46, 130 |
Marshall Fixture | 119, 170 |
Marsters, Leo | 15 |
Marugg, Barbara | 25 |
Masingill | viii |
Masingill, Ann | 83 |
Masingill, Claire | 83 |
Masingill, Clifford | 82, 162 |
Masingill, Kay | 83 |
Masingill, Lee | 83 |
Masingill, Nettie | viii, 82 |
Masingill, Shirley | 162 |
Masingill, Tobe | 82 |
Masingill, Tollie | viii, 82 |
Masingill's Furniture | 83 |
Masons, Perry | 41 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology | 1 |
Masters, D H | xiii |
Matlock, Ben | 41 |
Mattson, Jack | 176 |
Maughn, W Somerset | 73 |
Mayans | 32 |
Mayor of Payette | 140 |
Maytag | viii |
McBride, Opal | x |
McCain, Warren | 18 |
McCall, Idaho | 21 |
McClellan Air Force Base | 165 |
McClune, Connie | 103 |
McClure, James | 97 |
McClure, Jamie | 101 |
McClures, W R | 98 |
McConnell, William J | xiv |
McCue, Jim | 35, 75 |
McGary, Bud | 67 |
McGary, H E | 65 |
McGehee, Frank | 35 |
McGuire Air Force Base | 94 |
McKay, Laura | 165 |
McKinney Island | 50 |
McMasters | 18 |
Meadow Gold Plant | 163 |
Mercedes Benz | 176 |
Mesa Orchard | 65 |
Mesa Park | 66 |
Methodist Cathedral | 32 |
Methodist Church | 32 |
Migrant Workers | x |
Millbrook, S J | 1, 22, 101, 181 |
Miller, Lucille | 16 |
Miller, Mel | 48 |
Millionaire | 87, 121 |
Minneapolis City College | 160 |
Minnesota Twins | 63 |
Minnesota Twins Ball Club | 63 |
Mississippi River | 152 |
Mistletow | 108, 136 |
Mitsubishi Motor Sales | 58 |
Model T | 28, 83, 87, 100 |
Model T 1921 | 100 |
Mona Lisa | 69 |
Montgomery Ward | 82 |
Moore Financial Group | 119 |
Morgan, J P | 173 |
Morrison, Terry | 166 |
Morrison Knudsen | 16, 66 |
Morrison Performing Arts Center | 150 |
Morse, Samuel F B | 173 |
Mosquito Bomber | 120 |
Moss, A B | xiii |
Moss, Frank | xiii |
Moss Mercantile Store | xiv |
Most Valuable Player | 62 |
Mother Nature | 29, 107 |
Mother's Day | 136, 177, 223 |
Moyer, Floyd | 40 |
Multiple Sclerosis | 61, 127, 128 |
Multnomah Hotel | 72 |
Musgrove, Bess | 21 |
Musgrove, H O | xviii |
N |
Nam | 1, 20 |
Napoleon | 2 |
NASA - Dryden | 165 |
National Appaloosa Horse Club | 17 |
National Guard | 1, 21, 22, 39, 56, 64, 93, 147, 155, 177 |
National Irrigation Committee | 37 |
Neighborhood Watch | 40 |
Nelore Strain | 130 |
Nelson, Bill | 188 |
Nelson, Elmo | 188 |
Nelson, Gene | 188 |
Nelson Metal Technology | 119, 188 |
Nelson Sheet Metal | 188 |
Neu, Tillie | 179 |
New Plymouth Irrigation Colony | 37 |
New Year | 222, 223 |
New Years Day | 223 |
New York Times | 32 |
Newby, Alan | 17 |
Newman, Don | 127, 128 |
Newman, Gerry | 127 |
Nez Perce | 17, 195, 196 |
New Perce Indians | 17, 195 |
Nichols Steakhouse | 159 |
Nikola Tesla | 120, 168, 173 |
Nixon, Richard | 73 |
Noble Canal | 113 |
Norris, John H | xviii |
North American Continent | 87 |
North Platte, Nebraska | 27 |
Northwest Nazarene College | 183 |
Nutting, Paul | 19 |
Nyssa, Oregon | 21, 23 |
O |
O'Hare Airport | 77 |
Oddfellows | 55 |
Officer's Training School | 22 |
Ogburn, Dave | 166 |
Ontario, Oregon | 3, 63, 80 |
Oregon Short Line | xii |
Oregon Slope | 151 |
Oregon State Police | 56 |
Oregon State University | 91, 144, 188 |
Oregon Washington Industrialist Magazine | 73 |
Osborn, Bert | 68 |
Outsdoorsman | 125 |
Owyhee Butter Toffee | 123 |
Oxford University | 162 |
P |
P'anmujom | 2 |
Painter, Bob | 195 |
Painter, Louise | 195 |
Palmer, Ron | 135 |
Palumbo, J C | 82 |
Paratrooper School | 54 |
Park, Annette Manser | 150 |
Parsons, Ed and Bess | 64 |
Parsons, Ed Sr | 80 |
Parsons, Eddie and Sharon | 64 |
Parsons, Edward E | 21 |
Pasadena City College | 54 |
Patch, Alexander | 155 |
Patch, Colonel L V | 82 |
Patch, Don | 155 |
Patch, Ernest | 155 |
Patch, Joseph D | 155 |
Patch, Leroy V | 155 |
Patch, Vernon | 155 |
Patton, George | 2 |
PAYCCSY | 159 |
Payette Cider and Vinegar Works | 28 |
Payette Cooperative Creamery | 163 |
Payette County | viii, ix, x 3, 33, 103, 111, 119, 130, 137, 148 |
Payette First National Bank | x |
Payette Golf Course | xi |
Payette High School | 1, 11, 39, 48, 52, 54, 58, 62, 78, 93, 103, 135, 146, 155, 157, 161, 165, 166, 181, 188, 191, 206 |
Payette Municipal Golf Course | 148 |
Payette Pirates | 207 |
Payette River | xiv, 99, 130 |
Payette School District | 95 |
Payette State Bank | 148 |
Payette Valley | i, xii, xiv, 10, 21, 50, 138, 139 |
Payette Valley Riders | 10 |
Payette Valle Vigilantes | xiv |
Payette, Idaho | i, 2, 136, 158, 194 |
Pearl Harbor | 46, 93, 111 |
Pease, E W | xviii |
Pembroke-Brown University | 31 |
Pence, David | 148 |
Pence, Edward | 148 |
Pence, Eric | 148 |
Pence, Jack | 148 |
Pence, Loyd | 148 |
Pence, Peter | viii, x, xii, 148 |
Pennington, John | 22 |
Pennsylvania Avenue | 27 |
Pentagon | 109 |
Pep Appeal | 17 |
Persian Language | 32 |
Phillips, Jerry | 146 |
Phillips, Steve | 146 |
Pirates | 96, 207 |
Plato | 151 |
Platt, W H | xii |
Platz, Richard | 36, 142 |
Police Academy | 40 |
Pony Express | 159 |
Pope, Mrs | 37 |
Port of Seattle | 21 |
Portland Hotel | 4 |
Powers, Bill | 161 |
Presley, Elvis | 81 |
Prestel, J W | 173 |
Price, Johnny | 82 |
Pro-Am Auto Parts | 11 |
Probart, Ted | 6 |
Prohibition | 47, 65 |
Prosser, Washignton | 36 |
Psychedelic Lights | xii |
Puckerts | viii |
Purple Heart | 19 |
Q |
Quada, Jerry | 40 |
Quadriplegic | 54 |
Queen of the Netherlands | 4 |
R |
Raffles Inns | 73 |
Rand, Barbara | 25 |
Rand, Harold | 25 |
Rayburn, Harold and Beverly | 9 |
Reb Hills | 67 |
Red Badge of Courage | 19 |
Red Delicious | 139 |
Red Lion Inns | 72 |
Redlin, Kirk | 43 |
Reed, John | xiii |
Reed Hotel | xiii |
Rhodes Scholarship | 161 |
Rich, Don | 131 |
Richards Electric Fence Co | 188 |
Rickenbacker | 23 |
Ricks College | 168 |
Rinelli | xiii, 67 |
Rinelli Fruit Company | xiii |
River Street | 98 |
Roadmaster | 13 |
Roberts, Goldie | 50 |
Robinson, Mrs H E | ix |
Roe, Charles (Chuck) | 46 |
Roe, Charles O'Leary | 46 |
Roe, Quentin Charles | 46 |
Roehr, Rosalie | 141 |
Roehr, Wesley | 140, 141 |
Rohrer, Wesley | 171 |
Romansk | 142 |
Roosevelt, Eleanor | 4 |
Roosevelt, Theodore | 87 |
Rosetta Stone | 32 |
ROTC | 22 |
Roy, Klaus | 32 |
Royston, Florence | 28, 29 |
Rupp, Alex | 147 |
Rupp, Rick | 159 |
Ryan Aircraft | 120 |
S |
Sacrifice of Christmas | 218 |
Sagebruch | xii, 15, 138, 177 |
Salem, Oregon | 153 |
Salerno, Ken | 184 |
Salerno, Tres | 183 |
Salerno, Vickie | 184 |
Samson Music | 99 |
Samson Trail | 99 |
Sands R V Repair | xi |
Sandy's Flower Boutique | 135 |
Santa Anita | 17 |
Santa Rosa, California | 168 |
Sawtooth National Forest | 108 |
Saxophobia | 111 |
Schmid, Ilo | 31 |
Schoen, Barbara Watson | 34 |
Schoen, Ron | 181 |
Schooley, John | 17 |
Scotch Pines Golf Course | 85 |
Scotch Pines Road | 24 |
Sealark Channel | 110 |
Secret Service | 73 |
Senkbeil, Betty and Paul | 115 |
Senkbeil, Gene | 115 |
Settle, Celia | 151 |
Seventh Day Adventist School | 183 |
Shafer Jensen Memorial Chapel | 136 |
Shakespeare | 69 |
Shawhan, B P | 37 |
Shell Oil Company | 165 |
Shepherd, Martha Brady | 135 |
Sherwood, W F | xviii |
Shockley, Joe | 153 |
Simplot, Jack | 18, 177 |
Sims, Becky | 192 |
Sims, Gene | 192 |
Sisley, Dave | xii |
Slattery, James | 159 |
Slattery, Lois | 159 |
Smith, Charles | 103 |
Smith, Sharman | 125 |
Smith, Zelma | vi |
Smithsonian Institution | 31 |
Snake River | xi, xiv, 29, 57, 89, 146, 159, 172, 174 |
Snake River Canyon | 57 |
Snook, Alice | 83 |
Socrates | 151 |
South America | 119, 130, 168 |
Southern Oregon State University | 144 |
Southland Sod Farms | 58 |
Southwest Canners | 119 |
Sower, Stan | 170 |
Spain | 17, 195 |
Spaulding, L W | xviii |
Spirit of St Louis | 120 |
Spruce Goose | 120 |
Spud Bar | 123 |
Squadron Officers School | 22 |
Squaw Butte | 89 |
Stanford University | 76 |
Star That Beckoned | 214 |
State of Idaho | xii, 16, 50, 91, 104, 150, 160 |
Steffner, Asia | 179 |
Steffner, Walt | 179 |
Stegner, E A | ix |
Stetson | 46, 130 |
Stevenson, W S | 101 |
Stewart, Jimmy | 21 |
Stinker Station | 76 |
Stoner, Jay | 111 |
Strawn, Richard | 89 |
Strong, Elmer | 80 |
Submarine | 115, 116 |
Submarine Service | 115 |
Sun Valley | 26 |
Sunshine Brand | 163 |
Suzuki | 183 |
Swedenborg, Emanuel |
Swisher, Sandy | 135 |
Swiss Village Cheese | 163, 164 |
Sylvan Beach | 21 |
Symphony Hall | 32 |
T |
Targhee National Forest | 108 |
Tarzan | 151 |
Teapot Dome Scandal | 27 |
Ten Outstanding Women in Idaho | 150 |
Territory of Idaho | xii, 173 |
The American Indian | xvi |
The Armoral Tuttle Library | 36 |
The Cookie Kid | 183 |
The Denver Post | 199 |
The Enterprise | xiii |
The Flower Trunk | 135 |
The Hotel and Resort Industry Magazine |
The Jockey Club |
The Mayans |
The Smithsonian Institution |
Third World Countries | 100, 168 |
Thomas, Etta May | 111 |
Thomas, Jeannette | 109 |
Thomas, Jeannette Dyer | 111 |
Thomas, Leland E | 109 |
Thomas Leland | 19 |
Thor | xi |
Thorpe, Jim | 151 |
Thunderbird / Red Lion Corporation | 72 |
Toro Company | 58 |
Treasure Valley | 54, 56, 103, 119, 144, 166, 185 |
Treasure Valley Community College | 54, 56, 103, 144, 166, 185 |
Trinidad Junior College | 125 |
Trinity Church | 31 |
Truman, Harry | 2 |
Tulagi | 110 |
Tussing, Benjamin Franklin | 27 |
Tussings | viii |
Tuttle, Armoral | 36 |
Tuttle, Larry | 112 |
Tuttle, Ray | 37, 112 |
Twain, Mark | 151 |
Twin Falls Chamber of Commerce | 57 |
U |
US Air Force National Guard | 56 |
UFO | 77 |
Union Army | 151 |
Union Pacific | xiv, 13, 52, 141 |
Union Pacific Railroad | xiv, 13 |
United Air Lines | 29, 76 |
United Ambulance | 103 |
United Parcel | 159 |
United States | ix, xix, 1, 2, 3, 16, 21, 23, 24, 31, 35, 64, 93, 97, 107, 109, 112, 113, 130, 168, 176, 184, 188 |
United States Air Force | 23 |
Universe | viii, xii, 43, 58, 77, 175, 202 |
University of Idaho | 6, 22, 47, 64, 74, 95, 139, 148, 150, 155, 166, 168, 178 |
University of Ohio | 28 |
University of San Francisco | 129 |
Up With People | 178 |
USA | 58 |
USS Houston | 93 |
USS Leland E Thomas | 111 |
USS Perry | 93 |
USS Portland | 110 |
Ute Indians | 196 |
Utopia | 75, 127, 212 |
V |
VA Medical Center | 55 |
Van Patten, Mr | 67 |
Van Patten Lumber | 48 |
Vandals | 96 |
Veterans Administration Medical Facility | 54 |
Veterinary Clinic | 133 |
Vetter Flat | 129 |
Vetter Ranch | 129 |
Vienna Symphony | 183 |
Viet Cong | 20 |
Viet Nam | 1 |
Vietnam | 3, 19, 56 |
Vietnam War | 56 |
Vistair Orchards | 67 |
Volcanic Arms | 125 |
W |
Wade, Ed | 66 |
Wager, Willis |
Wagers, Gary | 123 |
Wall Street Journal | 176 |
Walla Walla | 176 |
Warm Lake | 107 |
Washington County | xi, 98 |
Washington Senators | 62 |
Washington, D C | 1, 24, 62 |
Washoe | xiv |
Waterloo | 2, 20 |
Watts, Ray | xi, 135 |
Watts, Roy | 135 |
Weiser High School | 208 |
Weiser River | 66, 98 |
Welker, Herman | 1, 62 |
Wells, William | xiii |
Wells and Davies Meat Packers | 181 |
West, Bryan | 21 |
West, Rhena | 1, 22 |
West One Bank | 123 |
West Point Academy | 1 |
Western States Arts Foundation | 150 |
Westin Hotels | 72 |
Westinghouse | viii, 173 |
Westinghouse, George | 173 |
When a Man Becomes a Boy | 221 |
White, Jack and Joan | 39 |
White, Tom | 39 |
White House | 125 |
Whitebird Hill | 31 |
Whitman College | 123 |
Wichita, Kansas | 34 |
Wickersham's High Tech Industries | 144 |
Wildlife Biology | 91 |
Wilkie, Wendell | 4 |
Willowdale Farm | 177 |
Winchester | 125 |
Windy City | 37 |
Wing, Jack | 64 |
Wolfe, Dorotha | 140 |
Wolverines | 96 |
Wood River | xiv |
Wood River Extension | xiv |
Woodgrain Millworks Inc | 119 |
Woodward, Dr J C | 83 |
Woodward, I R | xviii |
Woodward, Malcolm | 82 |
World Bank | 1 |
World War I | 36, 93, 99 |
World War II | 2, 16, 21, 46, 74, 83, 93, 99, 109, 115, 120, 13, 148, 155, 168 |
Wrangler Star Search Contest | 81 |
Wright, Frank Lloyd | 7 |
Y |
Yorktown | 46 |
Young, George C | 175 |
Young, Ray | 166 |
Z |
Zeller's Crossing | 27 |