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Time Marches On: Volume II of the Gems of Payette
by Dee Klenck


1957 Chevrolet39, 176
1963 Chevrolet176
1968 Cadillac El Dorado176
1976 Chevette11
24 Hour Truck Stop Cafe199
Ace Wrecking Company85
Ackley, Parker125
Adair, Dr28
Adair, Ms I Hix
Adams, Elden163
Adams, Terry163
Adams County98
Adams Trucking Company163
Adrian, Oregon144
Agent Orange1
Air Command and Staff School22
Air Force19, 22, 23, 56, 64, 76, 80, 94, 109, 116, 165
Air Force One23
Air Force Two23
Air Guard22
Air National Guard64
Alar138, 139
Alberta, Canada87
Albertson, Joe18
Alexander, Mosesx, 98
Alexander the Great2
Allen, James K31
Allen, Jerry103
Alma Mater206
Aluminum Company of America165
American Find Foods119, 181
American Guild of Organist Professionals32
American League62
American Legion161
Anderson, C C176
Anderson, Fredxiv
Angus15, 129
Angus Cattle129
Angus Cows129
ANR Freight System173
Appaloosa17, 195
Apple Bin85
Apple Blossom Parade4, 74, 170
Applegate, Emmaviii
Applegate, Jesseviii
Applegate, Johnviii
Apples, Arkansas Black27
Apples, Delicious27
Apples, Winesap27
Arabian Horse195
Argus Observer26
Armstrong, Lyle174
Army Reserve54
Art Deco7
Ashton, Blanche133
Ashton, Willard133
Asmussen, Harry131
Atlanta, Georgia155
Atomic Energy Installation42
Brainbridge, Robert Eugene67
Baker, Bob1
Baker, Willard and Beulah Baker1
Baker, Oregon7, 56
Baldridge, John82
Ballentyne and Shortxii
Bancroft Hotel46, 67
Barger-Mattson Auto Salvage Yard176
Barton, Orville120
Baseball's Hall of Fame206
Baskett, Neil140
Bass, Gordon72
Bay Meadows17
Being Thankful212
Belknap, Cheryl186
Bell, Linda64
Belvoir, Janet48
Bemidji State University116
Bend, Oregon160
Bertonneau, Helen Griffin4
Big Willow148
Birch, Bruce41
Birch Creek Valleyxiv
Birney, David Bell19
Bivens, Benxii
Bivens, Johnxii
Bivens, Williamxii
Black, Eugene R1
Blair, E Axviii
Blanchard Maternity Home148
Bliss, Michael165
Block Home Program40
Blue Valley65
Boeing 74776
Bogart, Humphrey73
Boise Cityxiv
Boise Gallery of Art150
Boise Inter Agency Fire Center107
Boise Junior College155
Boise National Forest108
Boise State University54, 56, 58, 161
Bolus, Holly120
Bon Marche'176
Bonus Baby62, 206
Boomerangxii, xiii, xiv
Boone and Crockett Club87
Borden Milk163
Borgholthaus, A E52
Boston University31
Boy's Nation161
Boy's State161
Boyer, Imogen148
Brahmin Bulls130
Brangus Bulls129
Brannan, Tom11
Broder, Ed87
Brown, Horace50
Brown, Ken161
Brown Shipbuilding Company111
Bruce, Claude135
Burroughs, V P66
Butcher, Dick146, 171
C.A.T. Scanners157, 158
Caesar, Julius2
Callahan Center56
Carico, Corky54
Carico, Curtis, Jr54
Carnegie Hall32
Carroll, Eugene25
Casa Loma Convalescent Center25, 184, 185
Catalina Island121
Catron, Dr83
Cavalryxvii, 16, 195
Caxton Printers152
Central Methodist Church31
Cerveny, Walter184
Chacon, Debbie159
Challenge Cheese163
Charity Breakfast197
Chase, D Cxii
Cheek, Helen63
Cheney, Warehouse67
Chic Supreme17
Chief Joseph195
Chip Lake87
Christian Day Care Center192
Christmas2, 15, 83, 108, 135, 147, 186, 214, 216, 217, 218, 219, 223
City Clerk144
City Hallxix, 27, 29, 35, 140, 144, 145, 171, 183
City of Fontana165
City of Payettexviii, xix, 6, 39, 171
Civil Warxiii, 19, 97, 125, 151, 161
Clark, Roy81
Classic Properties128
Clay Peak67
Cleveland, Ohio72
Coast Guard2, 23
Coca Cola25
Cochrane, Frederic175
Coeur D'Alene7, 32
College in McPherson177
College of Idaho76, 109, 184
Colony Company38
Colony Houses37
Colton, Cliff100
Columbia Law School47
Computer and I201
Conestoga Wagon31
Congressional Medal of Honor19
Conrad, Joseph73
Controlled Atmosphere27, 139
Conyers, Johnxiv
Cookie Kid183
Cooperstown, New York62
Copley Square31
Coughanour, Billyxiii
Cox, Andrea Christinei, 194, 208
Crawford, Marion62
Crawford, Ralph128
Crawford and Company155
Crawford Associates128
Cross, Ray87
Currier and Ives99
Custer, George Armstrong19
Da Nang Hilton20
Dairyman's Creamery Association163
Davis, Earl105
Davis, Frances105
Davis, Gulielma101
Davis, Mark157
DC 1077
Death Valley121
Debord, Ann176
Debord, Ann Keim177
Debord, Chris177
Debord, Don35
Debord, Eric177
Debord, Robert176
Deer87, 88
Delicious Apple27
Depressionx, 15, 34, 37
Diamond Springs Valley46
Dick, Mr and Mrs170
Diedrichsen, Antonexiv
Diedrichsen, Henryxiv
Diedrichsen, Leonaxiv
Diehm, Otto27
Diener, Hugh35
Dietrich, Marlene73
Digital Systems, Inc165
Dillon, Janet96
Dillon, Richard95
Disney World86
Distinguished Flying Cross109
Dodson, Gary186
Dolphus, Val103
Dolton, Ed109
Dolton, Joshua57
Dolton, Lil and Jack57
Dolton, Michael56
Don Domo16
Dooley, Joe87
Dorthy, Elmer147
Dragster Magazine12
Dunn, Deborah194
Eades, Ed110
Eades, Eddie19
East Junior High School116
Eastern Oregon State College95
Eaton, Loy192
Edison, Thomas173
Edison Corporation173
Eisenhower, Dwight2
Elk87, 88, 125
Elko County, Nevada87
Ellsasser, Richard32
Elmer's Glue89, 120
Engineerxviii, 4, 6, 14, 31, 76, 116, 157, 168, 188
English Spitfire120
Enterprise Newspaperi, 194
Evel Knievel56
Evelyn's Fabrics26
Fach, Gusxii
Fair Debt Collection Practices Act105
Falcon Missile121
Family Practice Center26
Farber Building82
Farber's Department Store140
Farmers Mutual Telephonex
Federal Aviation Agency89
Federal Express159
Fenske, A Cxviii
Ficken, Clarencexi
Ficken, Irene Puchertxi
Fiedler, Arthur73
Field Artillery Battalion93
Field Marshal Montgomery2
Finch, Catherine138
Firemenxix, 13, 141, 146, 147
First National Bank of Payette148
First Security21, 148
First United Presbyterian Church32
Fish and Game Department87, 91
Fitch, Scott Mxviii
Fix It Every Morning28
Fjuitsu Ten Corp of America58
Floral Telegraph Delivery135
Flower Truck135
Flying Cross109
Football54, 63, 95, 111, 145, 151, 210, 221
Ford, Henry186
Forest Ranger107
Fort Benning, Georgia54
Fort Independence, Missouriviii
Foucher, Kyle208
Franks, Cathy144
Franks, John144
Freehafers, A L97
From Youth to Eternity194, 208
Frost, Jack98
Fruitland Bannerix
Fruitland Chamber of Commerce86
Fruitland High School34, 50, 56, 76, 85, 109, 111, 139
Fruitland Nursery160
Fujii, Frances58
Fulbright Commission31
Fulbright Scholarship31
Furrer, Kathy191
Furrer, Rick191
Gable, Clark121
Gala Gardens25
Garden City81
Garden of Eden212
Gayway Junction25
GE83, 157, 158
GED80, 116, 192
Gem Electricviii, ix, 82
Gem Publishing Company2
Gem State Bakery179, 180
General Electric83, 157, 158, 173
General Parsons23
Genoway, Joyce137
Genoway, Mildred135
Genoway, Sam135
Genoway, Sonia137
Germanyxiii, xiv, 31, 94, 118, 142, 168, 193
Gilkey, Lloyd188
Gin Rummey18
Gissel, Henry and Lillian70
Gladiators57, 210
Goff, Dallas80
Goff, Ron40
Goldsmith, Claire37
Gooch, Jannie159
Good, Mary60
Good, Robert61
Gossner Cheese Products164
Gowan, Paul19
Gowan Field21, 23, 64
Gowland, Duane6
Gowland & Johanson6
Grace, Charlie151
Grace, Dodie81
Grace, Ray80
Grace High School13
Great Depressionx, 37
Great Pyramid of Gizeh7
Greater Twin Falls Chamber of Commerce57
Green Beret54
Griffis Air Force Base94
Grim Reaper5, 108, 149, 170
Grimmett, Richard168
Grosdidier, Herb161
Guadalcanal46, 109, 110
Gunther, Henryxiii
Haake, R E13
Hagerman Valley174
Hailey Ketchum Railroadxiv
Hale's Glass Company62
Hall, Ron188
Hallberg, Fritz125, 126
Halloween210, 223
Hamilton Corners153
Hanford Atomic Plant66
Hanigan, Bob140
Harper, Dorothy161
Harper, Margaret161
Harper, Shirley161
Harper, Sy25, 161
Hartley, Ellis98
Hatley, George17
Haus, Amerika31
Health & Welfare70
Health, Education and Welfare171
Hells Canyon107, 159
Helmich, Bryan91
Hemenway, Arvid103
Hemenway, Val104
Henderson Field109
Henryxiii, xiv, 70, 71, 125, 186
Herb Shockey's Idaho Sheet Metal188
Hewlett Packard168
Hi Ho Club81
High Tech Industries119, 144
High Valley15, 16, 18
Highway to Heaven116
Hildebrandt, Joe140, 170, 172
Hill, Gene191
Hill, Mr165
Hoffman, Dorothy161
Hoffman, Glenn161
Hoffman, Michael161
Hogue, F Hxi
Hollis, Karen128
Holstein Milk163
Holy Rosary Hospital103
Homer4, 151
Horseshoe Bendviii
House, Raymond107
Howard, Nolan82
Howard, Randy160
Howe, Earl109
Howerton, Pauline1, 22, 101, 163
Hughes, Howard120
Hughes, Raymondxi
Hughes Aircraft120
Hull, Mr100
Humphrey, Hubert73
Hydro Era175
Idaho Centennial Train13
Idaho Commission on the Arts150
Idaho Employment Office171
Idaho First National Bank118, 123, 140, 177
Idaho National Guard21, 155
Idaho Powerviii, ix, 54, 74, 82, 173, 174, 175
Idaho Power Company173, 175
Idaho Sheet Metal Co188
Idaho State University49
Idaho Statesman15
Idaho's Hall of Fame63, 172
Idahoan13, 46, 68, 95, 125, 142, 144
In The Shadow of the Squaw37
Independent Enterprisei, 4, 67, 194
Independent Enterprise Newspaperi, 194
Indermuehle, Charles72, 93
Indermuehle, Warren "Bud"93
Indian Creek177
Indiansxi, xii, xvii, 17, 89, 99, 195, 196, 212
Industrial College of the Armed Forces22
Info Magazine13
International Jazz Festival32
International Relief Pilot76
Iran31, 32
Irby, Carol135
Iseri Travel Agency177
Jackson, Wyoming159
Jacobsen, Augustxii
Jacobsen, Carl Pxviii
Jacobsen, N Ax
Jalopy Jungle176
Jaycees48, 55
Jersey Milk163
Jockey Club16
Jocobsen, Adolphxii
Johanson, Marvin6
Johnson, Georgexiv
Johnson, Jim157, 161
Johnston, Charles6
Josephson, Leonard171
Josephson's Produce26
Junction Cityxiv
Junior League of Boise150
Justice of the Peace4, 151
Kail, Perry and Ann74
Kaiser Aluminum165
Kautz, Jerry and Virgil "Red"80
Keim Meat Packing Company177
Keith, Bobviii
Kennedy, Joseph Jr109
Kerney Cross19
Killebrew, Clay151
Killebrew, Culver151
Killebrew, Harmon Clayton62, 151
Killebrew, Harmon63, 206
Killebrew, Katherine151
Killebrew, Robert Culber151
Killebrew Art Project206
Killebrew Drive63
Killebrew Field63
King, Brent128
Kinney, Chuck35
Kiss of Death108
Kiwanis Park171
Klenck, Dee199
Klenck, George Jr206
Kniefel, Robert118, 140
Koepang Timor93
Korean War46
KSRV Radio Station80
Lackland Air Force Base22, 64
Lake Pend Oreille120
Lamm, Davexiii
Landon, Edith136
Larson, C Exviii
Lattig, C Pxviii
Lauer, Emma Taylor148
Lava Rock89
Lemen, Dan11
Lemen, Scott11
Lemhi Riverxiv
Lemons, Larry76
Lester Creek Guard Station107
Lettunich, Mike and Ed129
Lettunich & Sons130
Lewis, Derrick208
Lewis and Clark78
Limbaugh, Barbara139
Limbaugh, Elizabeth Ann138
Limbaugh, I V138
Limbaugh, Larry Jr138
Limbaugh, Lawrence138
Limbaugh, Mark138
Limbaugh, Mrs Lawrence Sr139
Limbaugh, Tom138
Lindbergh23, 120
Lindbergh, Colonel Charles E120
Lions Club9
Little Willowxii, 70, 125, 147
Little Willow Creekxii
Lloyd, Dennis85
Lloyd, Elaine85
Lloyd, Mel13
Lodging Hospitality Hall of Fame72
Lodging Hospitality Magazine73
London, Jack151
Long Beach, California120
Lost Lake Reservoir66
Lost River174
Lou Gehrig's Disease85
Loudermilk, Dave192
Lucky Peak Nursery108
Lunsford, Jerry78
Lutz, Vernon147
Lying in Home98
MacArthur, Douglas2
MacFarland, A Jviii
Madison Avenue130
Magnetic Resonance Imaging158
Magnetic Scanners157
Mai, Karl31
Malheur Experiment Station189
Manser, Shirley100
Manser & McClure Ford109
Marines19, 20
Mark Hopkins72
Mark Hopkins Hotel72
Mark Twain84, 151
Marlboro Man46, 130
Marshall Fixture119, 170
Marsters, Leo15
Marugg, Barbara25
Masingill, Ann83
Masingill, Claire83
Masingill, Clifford82, 162
Masingill, Kay83
Masingill, Lee83
Masingill, Nettieviii, 82
Masingill, Shirley162
Masingill, Tobe82
Masingill, Tollieviii, 82
Masingill's Furniture83
Masons, Perry41
Massachusetts Institute of Technology1
Masters, D Hxiii
Matlock, Ben41
Mattson, Jack176
Maughn, W Somerset73
Mayor of Payette140
McBride, Opalx
McCain, Warren18
McCall, Idaho21
McClellan Air Force Base165
McClune, Connie103
McClure, James97
McClure, Jamie101
McClures, W R98
McConnell, William Jxiv
McCue, Jim35, 75
McGary, Bud67
McGary, H E65
McGehee, Frank35
McGuire Air Force Base94
McKay, Laura165
McKinney Island50
Meadow Gold Plant163
Mercedes Benz176
Mesa Orchard65
Mesa Park66
Methodist Cathedral32
Methodist Church32
Migrant Workersx
Millbrook, S J1, 22, 101, 181
Miller, Lucille16
Miller, Mel48
Millionaire87, 121
Minneapolis City College160
Minnesota Twins63
Minnesota Twins Ball Club63
Mississippi River152
Mistletow108, 136
Mitsubishi Motor Sales58
Model T28, 83, 87, 100
Model T 1921100
Mona Lisa69
Montgomery Ward82
Moore Financial Group119
Morgan, J P173
Morrison, Terry166
Morrison Knudsen16, 66
Morrison Performing Arts Center150
Morse, Samuel F B173
Mosquito Bomber120
Moss, A Bxiii
Moss, Frankxiii
Moss Mercantile Storexiv
Most Valuable Player62
Mother Nature29, 107
Mother's Day136, 177, 223
Moyer, Floyd40
Multiple Sclerosis61, 127, 128
Multnomah Hotel72
Musgrove, Bess21
Musgrove, H Oxviii
Nam1, 20
NASA - Dryden165
National Appaloosa Horse Club17
National Guard1, 21, 22, 39, 56, 64, 93, 147, 155, 177
National Irrigation Committee37
Neighborhood Watch40
Nelore Strain130
Nelson, Bill188
Nelson, Elmo188
Nelson, Gene188
Nelson Metal Technology119, 188
Nelson Sheet Metal188
Neu, Tillie179
New Plymouth Irrigation Colony37
New Year222, 223
New Years Day223
New York Times32
Newby, Alan17
Newman, Don127, 128
Newman, Gerry127
Nez Perce17, 195, 196
New Perce Indians17, 195
Nichols Steakhouse159
Nikola Tesla120, 168, 173
Nixon, Richard73
Noble Canal113
Norris, John Hxviii
North American Continent87
North Platte, Nebraska27
Northwest Nazarene College183
Nutting, Paul19
Nyssa, Oregon21, 23
O'Hare Airport77
Officer's Training School22
Ogburn, Dave166
Ontario, Oregon3, 63, 80
Oregon Short Linexii
Oregon Slope151
Oregon State Police56
Oregon State University91, 144, 188
Oregon Washington Industrialist Magazine73
Osborn, Bert68
Owyhee Butter Toffee123
Oxford University162
Painter, Bob195
Painter, Louise195
Palmer, Ron135
Palumbo, J C82
Paratrooper School54
Park, Annette Manser150
Parsons, Ed and Bess64
Parsons, Ed Sr80
Parsons, Eddie and Sharon64
Parsons, Edward E21
Pasadena City College54
Patch, Alexander155
Patch, Colonel L V82
Patch, Don155
Patch, Ernest155
Patch, Joseph D155
Patch, Leroy V155
Patch, Vernon155
Patton, George2
Payette Cider and Vinegar Works28
Payette Cooperative Creamery163
Payette Countyviii, ix, x 3, 33, 103, 111, 119, 130, 137, 148
Payette First National Bankx
Payette Golf Coursexi
Payette High School1, 11, 39, 48, 52, 54, 58, 62, 78, 93, 103, 135, 146, 155, 157, 161, 165, 166, 181, 188, 191, 206
Payette Municipal Golf Course148
Payette Pirates207
Payette Riverxiv, 99, 130
Payette School District95
Payette State Bank148
Payette Valleyi, xii, xiv, 10, 21, 50, 138, 139
Payette Valley Riders10
Payette Valle Vigilantesxiv
Payette, Idahoi, 2, 136, 158, 194
Pearl Harbor46, 93, 111
Pease, E Wxviii
Pembroke-Brown University31
Pence, David148
Pence, Edward148
Pence, Eric148
Pence, Jack148
Pence, Loyd148
Pence, Peterviii, x, xii, 148
Pennington, John22
Pennsylvania Avenue27
Pep Appeal17
Persian Language32
Phillips, Jerry146
Phillips, Steve146
Pirates96, 207
Platt, W Hxii
Platz, Richard36, 142
Police Academy40
Pony Express159
Pope, Mrs37
Port of Seattle21
Portland Hotel4
Powers, Bill161
Presley, Elvis81
Prestel, J W173
Price, Johnny82
Pro-Am Auto Parts11
Probart, Ted6
Prohibition47, 65
Prosser, Washignton36
Psychedelic Lightsxii
Purple Heart19
Quada, Jerry40
Queen of the Netherlands4
Raffles Inns73
Rand, Barbara25
Rand, Harold25
Rayburn, Harold and Beverly9
Reb Hills67
Red Badge of Courage19
Red Delicious139
Red Lion Inns72
Redlin, Kirk43
Reed, Johnxiii
Reed Hotelxiii
Rhodes Scholarship161
Rich, Don131
Richards Electric Fence Co188
Ricks College168
Rinellixiii, 67
Rinelli Fruit Companyxiii
River Street98
Roberts, Goldie50
Robinson, Mrs H Eix
Roe, Charles (Chuck)46
Roe, Charles O'Leary46
Roe, Quentin Charles46
Roehr, Rosalie141
Roehr, Wesley140, 141
Rohrer, Wesley171
Roosevelt, Eleanor4
Roosevelt, Theodore87
Rosetta Stone32
Roy, Klaus32
Royston, Florence28, 29
Rupp, Alex147
Rupp, Rick159
Ryan Aircraft120
Sacrifice of Christmas218
Sagebruchxii, 15, 138, 177
Salem, Oregon153
Salerno, Ken184
Salerno, Tres183
Salerno, Vickie184
Samson Music99
Samson Trail99
Sands R V Repairxi
Sandy's Flower Boutique135
Santa Anita17
Santa Rosa, California168
Sawtooth National Forest108
Schmid, Ilo31
Schoen, Barbara Watson34
Schoen, Ron181
Schooley, John17
Scotch Pines Golf Course85
Scotch Pines Road24
Sealark Channel110
Secret Service73
Senkbeil, Betty and Paul115
Senkbeil, Gene115
Settle, Celia151
Seventh Day Adventist School183
Shafer Jensen Memorial Chapel136
Shawhan, B P37
Shell Oil Company165
Shepherd, Martha Brady135
Sherwood, W Fxviii
Shockley, Joe153
Simplot, Jack18, 177
Sims, Becky192
Sims, Gene192
Sisley, Davexii
Slattery, James159
Slattery, Lois159
Smith, Charles103
Smith, Sharman125
Smith, Zelmavi
Smithsonian Institution31
Snake Riverxi, xiv, 29, 57, 89, 146, 159, 172, 174
Snake River Canyon57
Snook, Alice83
South America119, 130, 168
Southern Oregon State University144
Southland Sod Farms58
Southwest Canners119
Sower, Stan170
Spain17, 195
Spaulding, L Wxviii
Spirit of St Louis120
Spruce Goose120
Spud Bar123
Squadron Officers School22
Squaw Butte89
Stanford University76
Star That Beckoned214
State of Idahoxii, 16, 50, 91, 104, 150, 160
Steffner, Asia179
Steffner, Walt179
Stegner, E Aix
Stetson46, 130
Stevenson, W S101
Stewart, Jimmy21
Stinker Station76
Stoner, Jay111
Strawn, Richard89
Strong, Elmer80
Submarine115, 116
Submarine Service115
Sun Valley26
Sunshine Brand163
Swedenborg, Emanuel
Swisher, Sandy135
Swiss Village Cheese163, 164
Sylvan Beach21
Symphony Hall32
Targhee National Forest108
Teapot Dome Scandal27
Ten Outstanding Women in Idaho150
Territory of Idahoxii, 173
The American Indianxvi
The Armoral Tuttle Library36
The Cookie Kid183
The Denver Post199
The Enterprisexiii
The Flower Trunk135
The Hotel and Resort Industry Magazine
The Jockey Club
The Mayans
The Smithsonian Institution
Third World Countries100, 168
Thomas, Etta May111
Thomas, Jeannette109
Thomas, Jeannette Dyer111
Thomas, Leland E109
Thomas Leland19
Thorpe, Jim151
Thunderbird / Red Lion Corporation72
Toro Company58
Treasure Valley54, 56, 103, 119, 144, 166, 185
Treasure Valley Community College54, 56, 103, 144, 166, 185
Trinidad Junior College125
Trinity Church31
Truman, Harry2
Tussing, Benjamin Franklin27
Tuttle, Armoral36
Tuttle, Larry112
Tuttle, Ray37, 112
Twain, Mark151
Twin Falls Chamber of Commerce57
US Air Force National Guard56
Union Army151
Union Pacificxiv, 13, 52, 141
Union Pacific Railroadxiv, 13
United Air Lines29, 76
United Ambulance103
United Parcel159
United Statesix, xix, 1, 2, 3, 16, 21, 23, 24, 31, 35, 64, 93, 97, 107, 109, 112, 113, 130, 168, 176, 184, 188
United States Air Force23
Universeviii, xii, 43, 58, 77, 175, 202
University of Idaho6, 22, 47, 64, 74, 95, 139, 148, 150, 155, 166, 168, 178
University of Ohio28
University of San Francisco129
Up With People178
USS Houston93
USS Leland E Thomas111
USS Perry93
USS Portland110
Ute Indians196
Utopia75, 127, 212
VA Medical Center55
Van Patten, Mr67
Van Patten Lumber48
Veterans Administration Medical Facility54
Veterinary Clinic133
Vetter Flat129
Vetter Ranch129
Vienna Symphony183
Viet Cong20
Viet Nam1
Vietnam3, 19, 56
Vietnam War56
Vistair Orchards67
Volcanic Arms125
Wade, Ed66
Wager, Willis
Wagers, Gary123
Wall Street Journal176
Walla Walla176
Warm Lake107
Washington Countyxi, 98
Washington Senators62
Washington, D C1, 24, 62
Waterloo2, 20
Watts, Rayxi, 135
Watts, Roy135
Weiser High School208
Weiser River66, 98
Welker, Herman1, 62
Wells, Williamxiii
Wells and Davies Meat Packers181
West, Bryan21
West, Rhena1, 22
West One Bank123
West Point Academy1
Western States Arts Foundation150
Westin Hotels72
Westinghouseviii, 173
Westinghouse, George173
When a Man Becomes a Boy221
White, Jack and Joan39
White, Tom39
White House125
Whitebird Hill31
Whitman College123
Wichita, Kansas34
Wickersham's High Tech Industries144
Wildlife Biology91
Wilkie, Wendell4
Willowdale Farm177
Windy City37
Wing, Jack64
Wolfe, Dorotha140
Wood Riverxiv
Wood River Extensionxiv
Woodgrain Millworks Inc119
Woodward, Dr J C83
Woodward, I Rxviii
Woodward, Malcolm82
World Bank1
World War I36, 93, 99
World War II2, 16, 21, 46, 74, 83, 93, 99, 109, 115, 120, 13, 148, 155, 168
Wrangler Star Search Contest81
Wright, Frank Lloyd7
Young, George C175
Young, Ray166
Zeller's Crossing27

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