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Published by
New Plymouth High School
New Plymouth, Idaho

Senior Class Edition
New Plymouth High
Vol. II, NO. 16
May 11, 1944

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New Plymouth Class of 1944
Wayne Naylor, Janie Pankau, Carl Sorenson, Donna Lee Pope, Edward Wessler, Monzell Munger

Verlene Hillyer, Don Bostic, Gladys Freeman, John Wherry, Camille Meechan, Don Carpenter

Kenneth Gard, Betty Lou Grove, Eldon Mills, Ruth Makinson, Lawrence Tuttle, Beunita Moss

Fred Nichols, Wayne Springsteen

Don Bostic
Glee Club 1-2; P. E. 1-2-3-4; Baseball 2-3-4; Basketball 2-3-4; Football 3-4; Class Pres. 3; N.P. Club Vice Pres. 3; N.P. Club 2-3-4; Student Body Vice Pres. 4.

Don Carpenter
Class Pres. 1; Student Council 2; Yell King 2-3-4; Glee Club 1-2-3-4; P.E. 1-2-3-4; Tune In 2; Lights 0ut 3; Aunt Tillie goes to Town 3; Funny Phinnie 4; N.P. Club. 3-4, N.P. Club Sec-Treas. 3; Buzz Saw Staff 4; Sgt. at arms 3; Student Body Pres. 4

Gladys Freeman
P.E. 1-4; Class Vice Pres. 4; Buzz Saw Staff 4.

Kenneth Gard
Glee Club 1-4; P.E. 1-3-4; Football Manager 4.

Betty Lou Groves
Glee Club 1-2-3; P.E. 1-2.

Verlene Hillyer
Class Sec-Treas. 2; Yell Queen 2-3-4; Glee Club 1-2-3; P.E. 1-2-3-4; Lights Out 3; Funny Phinnie 4; Buzz Saw Staff 4; Girl Reserves 1-2-3; Pep Club 2.

Ruth Makinson
Glee Club 1-2-3 4; P.E. 1-2-3-4; Girl Reserves 1-2-3; Pep Club 2; Buzz Saw 4; Lights Out 3; Funny Phinnie 4; Girls Sextet 1-3; Band 1-2-3-4; Class Vice Pres. 2.

Camille Meechan
Class Vice Pres. 1; Glee Club 1-2-3-4; P.E. 3-4; Treas. Girl Reserves 2; Pres. Girl Reserves 4; Girl Reserves 1-2-3-4; Buzz Saw 4; Pep Club 2; Funny Phinnie 4; Aunt Tillie Goes to Town 3; Student Council 3; Sgt. At Arms 3; Class Reporter 4.

Eldon Mills
Glee Club 1-2-3-4; Quartette 2-3-4; . Operetta 1-2; Baseball 3-4; Class Sec-Treas. 3; P.E. 1-2-3-4.

Beunita Moss
Glee Club 1-2-3; Pep Club 2; P.E. 1-2-5-4; Lights Out 3; Funny Phinnie 4; Buzz Saw Staff 3-4.

Monzell Munger
Glee Club 1-2-3-4; P.E. 1-2-3-4.; Girl Reserves 1-2-3-4; Student Council 4; Operetta 2.

Wes Naylor
P.E. 1-2-3-4; Band 2-3-4.

Fred Nichols
Class Treas. 1; Glee Club 1-2-3; Lights Out 3; P.E. 1-2-3-4; “Funny Phinnie” 4; Tune In 2; Football 3-4; Buzz Saw Staff 4; Band 2-3-4; N.P. Club 3-4.

Janie Pankau
Buzz Saw Staff 4; Glee Club 1-2-3-4; P.E. 1-2-3-4; Sec-Treas. of Student Body 4; Funny Phinnie 4; Aunt Tillie Goes to Town 3; Pep Club 2; Girl Reserves 1; Class Reporter 3.

Donna Lee Pope
Band 1-2-3-4; Glee Club 1-2-3-4; Girl Reserve 1-2-3-4; Pep Club 2; Student Council Member 2; P.E. 3-4;. Lights Out 3; Funny Phinnie 4; Aunt Tillie Goes To Town 3; Class Vice Pres. 3; Pres. of P.E. 4; Vice Pres. of Girl Reserves 4; Buzz Saw Staff 4.

Wayne Springsteen
Student Council 1-3; Glee Club 1-2; Band 1-2-3-4; Class Pres. 4; P.E, 1-2-3-4.

Carl Sorenson
P.E. 1-4; Football 4.

Lawrence Tuttle
Band 2-3-4; Glee Club 1-2-3-4; P.E.. 2-3-4; Lights Out 3; Football 4; Basketball 3-4; Boy's Quartette 4; Sgt. at Arms 4; Baseball 4.

Edward Wessler
Glee Club 1-4; P.E. 1-4; Student Council 1; Basketball 1; Football 1.

John Wherry
Band 2-3-4; Student Council 4; Glee Club 1-2; P.E. 1-2.

To the class of '44, I extend my most sincere congratulations on your graduation. As a class you will soon cease to exist. You are soon to become individuals who will assume your places in the social structure of the community and nation. How well you will perform this important duty may well depend upon how well you have shouldered the duties and responsibilities up until the present time. That you may live a useful and happy life is the sincere wish of your superintendent.

E. G. Alley

Class Will
On this ninth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred forty four A. D. we, the Seniors, swearing to be of unsound and undisposing mind and memory do hereby make, publish and declare this our last will and testament in manner following:

Don Bostic Wills his ability to play all sports and also his ability to get redheaded women to Kenny Laudermilk.

Don Carpenter wills his job as yell leader and dancing ability to --- and Bob Wherry. We hope they will be able to improve on it.

Gladys Freeman wills her height to Geraldene Ross. Use it to the best advantage, Geraldine.

Kenneth Gard wills his duck hunting, height, good looks, and way with women to Eddie Benjamin and Junior Darnall.

Betty Lou Groves wills her Shorthand back to anyone who has the courage to tackle it.

Verlene Hillyer wills her junior boyfriend and one dozen roses to any one who thinks they can get them.

Ruth Makinson wills all her old clarinet music to Margie Gard. We hope she can pick up the mistakes Ruth skipped over.

Camille Meechan wills her letter writing ability to Darlene Darnall.

Eldon Mills wills his Frank Sinatra crooning ability to Lawrence Rasmussen.

Beunita Moss wills all her week old gum and empty Lipstick tubes to Timeylee Dean.

Monzell Munger wills her quiet ways to Ruby Capps.

Wesley Naylor wills his candid camera and films – ruined, censored, and otherwise to anyone who dares to try it.

Fred Nichols wills his squirrel hunting ability to Lynn Groves

Janie Pankau wills her diamond ring to Gladys Capps.

Donna Lee Pope wills her trumpet and frog voice to Jimmy Gilmore.

Carl Sorenson wills his Rolls Royce convertible and “civies” to Johnnie Milligan

Wayne Springsteen wills his hair-triggered shotgun and goat hunting ability to Logan Lanham.

Lawrence Tuttle wills his “civies” and 5 worn out tires to Dean Bertles.

Edward Wessler wills his curly hair and friendly smile to Bill Carpenter.

John Wherry wills his tenor sax and Bookkeeping practice sets to Dale Carpenter.

First: To the Juniors we leave all our stubby pencils; waste paper, American History books, old gum; and anything else we don't want.

Second: To the Sophmores we leave our ability to plan and execute successful parties.

Third: To the Freshman we give and devise the questionable honor of creating more stir in high school than any other class.

Fourth: To Mr. Hutton we will all our empty peanut shells, full waste paper baskets and messed up locker rooms

Fifth: To the Eighth Graders who will be freshman next year we give our space in the hall and lockers.

Sixth: To the faculty and school board we will the best of luck, success, and happiness in the future.

Lastly: We hereby nominate and appoint Harvey Kreps, Student Body President, to be executor of this our last will and testament, hereby revoking all former wills and testementary instruments made.

In witness hereof we have here unto subscribed our seal this ninth day of May in the year of our Lord on Thousand nine hundred and forty-four.

The Class of Forty-four

Teacher: “Zeke, What Animal is most noted for its fur?”
Zeke: “The skunk; th' more fur you gits away from him th' better it is fur you.”

Class History
Twelve years ago six of the Seniors embarked on their scholastic career under the able guidance of Miss Florence Higgins.

Don Bostic, who from the beginning seemed to be a promise of a great sportsman;
Lawrence Tuttle, who was and still is the woman's choice;
Ruth Makinson; the girl who just couldn't stand to have a sliver in her finger and consequently, fainted;
Beunita Moss, who had to spit out her gum the first day, but she evidently found some more some place because she is still chewing it;
Wayne Springsteen, the bashful little boy who wouldn't say a word; and
Don Carpenter, who was a Romeo of the school from the first grade right up to now.

We managed to get through the first grade with flying colors.

During the second grade Camille Meechan, the dumb girl who turned out to be valedictorian, joined us. We probably would have never made it through the second grade without the help of Miss Mae Bennett.

In the third grade Camille Meechan, left us to go to school at Falk Store.
Little Donna Lee Pope entered our class.
Miss Bernice Burroughs guided us through the third grade, and
Mrs. Purkhiser taught us penmanship.

It was in the fourth grade that Donna Lee had to stand behind the stove because she wouldn't tell the story of William Tell.

Our first experience with peanut showers happened in this grade when we threw peanuts at our faithful teacher, Miss Marian Lewis.

Who should enter our class in the fifth grade but Janie Pankau, who was thoroughly initiated when Donna Lee took her for a few rounds.

In the fifth grade we had four teachers, with Miss Florence Kiethley acting as advisor.

In the sixth grade Don Bostic wasn't satisfied with Mr. Riggs teaching and consequently hit him in the eye with a spit wad. Monzell Munger, our present Carmen Miranda, joined us in this grade. Miss Mae Parsons taught us in the sixth grade. After 9 long months we got through the grade and continued on our journey.

We had now passed through six of the twelve grades and were raring to go on. Mr. Elbert K. Macy was our teacher in the seventh grade and here we took one of our state exams.

Four more of our present Seniors joined us in the eighth grade.
They were Kenneth Gard, who went after and got any woman he wanted.
Verlene Hellyer, the popular girl who was at every party to liven it up.
Fred Nichols, who was most apt to take Lawrence's place as the womans choice.
John Wherry, who just couldn't resist talking to Edith Hillis.
Mr. Riggs was our teacher. After the state exams were taken and passed we entered High School.

It was in September of 1940 that we walked into the High School.
We were certainly green and treated as Freshman but we didn't mind that because we knew that we would be upper classmen someday.

From Falk Store came seven students, three of whom are still with us.
They are Camille Meechan, who had gone to school with us in the second grade.
Eldon Mills, who could play any instrument you gave him and
Betty Lou Groves, that bashful quiet girl.
Mr. Ralph Woodward was advisor.
We were the largest class to ever start as Freshman in New Plymouth.
Wes Naylor entered our class the second semester of our Freshman year.
He has now been promoted to Plaisted bus driver.

We started our Sophomore year out right by initiating the Freshmen.
Carl Sorenson entered our class this year, you'll know him by his blue and red chevy.
Donald Caine was our class advisor and after studying hard and an occasional class party we passed on into our Junior year.

Gladys Freeman, the tall girl who doesn't have much to say was the only new member of our class this year. Our Junior year proved to be the most exciting of all. First came the Junior play, "Lights Out" a total of $90.60 was made. Miss Brassfield, our advisor, directed the play. Excepting for a few class parties nothing happened until May when we gave the banquet for the Seniors. The theme of our banquet was "South American Way.”

It was on August 30, 1943 that we started our last stretch. The only new member this year was Ed Wessler, who is seen quite a bit with the redheaded girls. During our Senior year we gave the play “Funny Phinnie” which proved to be a great success. Sneak day is indeed a day to remember. We journeyed to Boise and enjoyed ourselves very much. First we went to the --- then we went to the state Capitol. After this, the class broke up some going bowling, others going to shows, and by-the-way Mrs. Purkhiser, our advisor, was introduced to the governor. The only sad thing about it was the day had to end and it was time to come home.

Another day of great interest was dress up day. We arrived at school dressed in all different kinds of costumes. Some dressed as babies, clowns, gangsters, and well most any kind of a creature.

It wasn't until the past few weeks that we realized how much we are going to miss High School and the kids. The Juniors gave us the best banquet ever and we certainly enjoyed ourselves. We never go on ---- or a day never goes by that we don't think of Jim F., Don M., Cecil W., and Collin W., who are in the armed forces and consequently unable to graduate with us. Now that our school days are coming to a close we have any things to talk about and many other things to remember.

Class Prophecy
Now I lay me down to sleep to conjure a vision of tho 1944 graduates in 1964. The war is over and there is plenty of gas so I climb into my Chinese yellow Kiser plane to look for my old friend Donnie Carpenter. I head due east for N.Y. I find him leading yells for the Brooklyn Dodgers. On the side he is a dime a dance guy at the Chick Chick Cafe. His steady customer is Monzell Munger. She has become famous by condensing the --- which put Dorothy Lamour out of style. Donnie tells me that he has just received a letter from Ruth Makinson the old maid hair dresser of Jerk Water, Missouri. She tell him that she has made a startling discovery of skyblue pink hair dye.

I bid Donnie goodbye and zoom southward into Georgia. I look below and see what resembles a circus so I fly lower and lo and behold its that nimble little nuisance Donna Lee Pope and her husband Herbert Brooks, a veteran of the air corps, doing flip flops off of the flying trapeze. I decide this should be worth watching so I land and am amazed to recognize Betty Lou Groves the ticket taker. She informs me that for a little extra dough she is a Hollywood model. After seeing Donna Lee fall and break her neck I decide to leave and on the way out encounter my old friends Carl Sorenson selling peanuts. He doesn't say what he does to make extra money but I have not gone far when I notice my bill fold missing.

When I last heard of Verlene Hillyer she was living in Miami, Florida wanting to see the old girl again I head my airplane in that direction. Verlene has become a nultimillionaire by selling her corny jokes to the corn on the cob tribune. On the side Verlene is a favorite pin up girl in Plastic bathing suits. We resume our journey into the Ozarks hill where Janie Pankau is happily married to her old high school beau Paul Gilmore. Paul is raining mules and Janie is writing a novel on how to snag men in ten easy lessons.

I then zoom on westward into Hollywood where I learn Eldon Mills and Lawrence Tuttle have run Abbot and Costello out of business. I hear Lawrence and Eldon always laugh at each others jokes so as not to be embarrassed. They also have a two piece band. Eldon plays the saxophone and Lawrence sings confidentially I hear they are quite a gruesome twosome.

I decide to drop in on my old friend Kenny Gard who is in the hospital recovering from an accident. Kenny a successful inventor was trying to figure out how to use the same postage stamp twice. I hear he got a couple of hard licks out of the deal. In his spare time he hangs out the window whistling at the pretty girls that go by. I notice that that cute little nurse is none other than Camille Meechan who after all these years is still trying to keep up the patients morale. She tells me that she has been working years trying to figure out a way to put amputated arms and legs back into action.

Leaving the hospital I hear a terrible screech and there sits Wesely Naylor driving the ambulance. He got his experience driving the plaisted school bus. His motto is Bring 'em beck dead or alive" !!! He tells me that he has just passed Donald Bostic and didn't know whether to pick him up or not; So I decide to investigate, he looks just like always except for his three years growth of beard. Don tells me that he has retired from sports to give some one else a chance and has decided to see the world on his thumb.

At last I am headed homeward and as I got "Deep in tho heart oŁ Texas" I see Fred Nickols rounding up the cattle on his $10,000 ranch. As a hobby he makes up tall tales and he actually believes them.

Before I return to New Plymouth I stop at Boise and find Ed Wesseler warden of the penitentiary. He tells me that he's always giving the prisoners a break. To get his bus fare home he stands on the street corner holding his little tin cup.

As I return to New Plymouth I find the old Potatoe dehydrater is turned into the John B. Wherry Dehydrated Onion Plant. His best Onion skinner is Beunita Moss who never cries about anything. She is dripping with diamonds but as yet has not found the right guy. Perched on Jon's lap is Gladys Freeman the best secretary this side of the Ozarks. She has been working for John since he took this plant over.

Swaggering down the streets of New Plymouth I see Ma or Wayne Springsteen and I am amazed at the growth of the little town since he took office. He informs me that he plans to run for President on the Republican ticket, in the near future.

As yet I have not been able to find my old class Advisor Mrs. Purkhiser but I hear that she is recovering from a nervous break-down that occurred while teaching the Class of '44.

But waking up and finding this only a dream I wonder what the future really holds for us.

May 5th the Juniors put on their annual banquet in honor of the Seniors. The time was set for 7 P.M. and upon arrival the Junior girls pinned beautiful oranges on the girls and boutonnieres on the boys. We gathered in the ball room to wait for the arrival of others. We then went down stairs. The hall was decorated in pink and white the Senior class colors. Silver stars placed adorned the ceiling. The hall was decorated very attractive and the theme "Memories” was very appropriate for the occasion. There was quite a commotion when everyone tried to find their places at the table. The programs were very cute, they had the pictures of all the Junior and Senior classes, on the cover. The Juniors served us a wonderful meal and we thoroughly enjoyed our selves singing songs, talking, and telling jokes.

Harvey Kreps distinguished himself by delivering a speech in which he dug up the past of the Seniors. Wayne Springsteen also distinguished himself by giving a fine response. "School Days" was rendered by the waiters and waitresses, who by the way looked very cute in their dark suits and box ties, dark dresses and white aprons.

Eddie Benjamin read a poem and Dunne Ness plays a piece on the guitar which everyone enjoyed. We then went up stairs and the rest of the evening was spent dancing.

We the Seniors wish to thank the Juniors for the lovely Banquet which will be a very pleasant memory for us to remember.

First Boarder: “Those cakes are as hard as stone.”

Second Boarder: “I know it. Didn't you hear the landlady say 'take your pick' when she handed them around?”

On such an occasion as this it is usual to and perhaps appropriate to be formal in one's manner of address, but being as we are a small body characterized by that spirit of family unity, I would like to dispense with formality and simply say; My dear friends.

Being the speaker of my class is a priviledge - one fully appreciated - and while expressing myself and my thanks to the various member present I am not only voicing my own opinion but that of my class also.

The great poet of poets, Shakespeare, says that "all the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players. They have their entrances and their exits. So it is with us, the graduating class of 1944. Already we have completed tho first act of the drama of life, and now that the scene has dropped we take time out to stop and look back into the various scenes which comprise the art and especially to give expression of our gratitude and thanks to those who put tho drama in motion and coached ot through to such a final success.

In thanking the ladles and gentlemen behind the scenes of school life, it is right that special mention be given to the school board, to the teachers, and to the parents. Without tho co-operation of any one of those, school life could not have been what it has been for us. So it is that we are grateful to you and owe you a great debt - a debt of gratitude which can be repaid to the fullest extent by each and every one of us. To you, the members of the school board, to you, members of the teaching staff, and to you, the parents, nothing would be more pleasing than that we become sons and daughters that you will be proud of — that America will be proud of. This can easily be accomplished if we take time to put into action. If we make the effort and allow to materialize the ideals and principles that have bean instilled and fostered and nourished in us during the past years.

With renewed thanks to all to whom thanks is due. I bring my talk to a close. In doing so I think it would be well for all of us, and especially the graduating class to observe and put into practice those precepts which say:

Give thy thought no tongue,
Nor any unproportioned thought his

Be thou familiar, but by no means

Those friends thou hast; and their
adoption tried,

Grapple them to thy soul with hoops
of steel,

But do not dull thy palm with

Of each new – hatch'd unfledged

Give every man thy ear, but few
thy voice:

Take each man's censure, but
reserve thy judgment.

Costly thy habit as thy purse can

But not express's in fancy; rich,
not gaudy:

For the apparel oft proclaims the

Neither a borrower nor a lender be:

For loan oft loses both itself and

And borrowing dulls the edge of

This about all: to thine own self
be true,

And it must follow, as the night
the day,

Thou canst not then be false to
any man.

Camille Meechan

Note of Appreciation
We wish to extend out thanks to the Payette Valley Sentinel for the programs contributed for our concert, which was held April 21, 1944.

Band, Glee Club and Director

Faculty, parents, and friends: On behalf of the Senior class of 1944 it is my privilege and pleasure to thank all those who have helped us attain the great threshold we will soon cross.

We are well aware of the fact that were it not for the countless efforts, time, and money furnished by those surrounding us,the educational provisions we have had would not have been possible.

First, I want to thank the teachers for their co-operation. By their guiding hand and superior knowledge they have helped us to see and select better things to aid in our work. Too often teachers are unjustly criticized. I wish to say that we think New Plymouth, has a fine faculty.

Second, I think we owe the school board much appreciation for the time, efforts, and money they have spent for our special benefits. Our idea of what the school board is for is too vague and many of us do not realize what they do for us. We must remember if it weren't for the school board the school couldn't run very successfully.

Third, I wish to thank the tax payers for their financial support.

And last but not least I wish to thank our parents who are the ones who have made all this possible.

During these last few months we Seniors have begun to realize what a precious thing education is. It isn't just something that is forced down our throats but something we must have, to get anything out of life. We must go after it.

Now that we are ready to graduate we mustn't just isolate ourselves from the world. We must use our own resources in keeping up with the news and educational matters of the day.

Our parents have spent many dollars in order to educate us and they naturally expect something in return. We are the only ones who can show them our appreciation and the best way is by what we make ourselves.

I believe one part of our education that will remain with us most is not only our studies but of the association with other young people. For instance, a student who has a private tutor lacks the opportunity of learning how to mix with people which means so much all through life.

In closing I wish to read how one poet has expressed his thoughts.

If you can't be a pine on the top
of the hill,
Be a scrub in the valley; but be
The best little scrub by the side of the rill.

Be a bush is you can't be a tree.
If you can't be a bush be a bit of the grass,
And some highway happier make;
If you can't be a muskie, then just
be a bass -
But the liveliest bass in the lake.

We can't all be captains, some have
to be a crew.
There's something for all of us
There's work to be done, and we've
all got to do
Our part in a way that's sincere.
If you can't be a highway, then
just be a trail,
If you can't be a sun, be a star;
It isn't by size that we win or we
Be the best of whatever you are.

Ruth Makinson

Senior Class Song
Tonight we're leaving to memories
Old Plymouth High,

We'll always cherish the memories
of days long gone by.

The days of work and play we've
had together we'll say,

Will always lingor in our memories
of this old happy day.

As we look onward into the future
a pathway to find,

We hope the days will be brighter For those left behind.


Don Bostic
Hey, Red
Section Hand

Don Carpenter
The best
Oh, Fossil!
Stick with Tut
Getting along with women

Gladys Freeman
Tall and quiet
Marry the boss
Speak only when spoken to

Kenneth Gard
Who me?
Got a new car

Betty Lou Groves
I don't know
Marry an Admiral

Verlene Hillyor

Ruth Makinson
Night life
Hair dresser
Red hair

Camille Meechan
I know it

Eldon Mills
Uncle Fudd!
Section hand

Bounita Moss
Oh, Gad!

Monzoll Munger
Carmen Miranda
You're crazy
Get out of N.P.

Wes Naylor
You got me
Own my own airplane
Roller skating

Janie Pankau
You devil
Ring to match my diamond
Blood curdling scream

Donna Lee Pope
Short and sweet
Irrigation dam
Tell teachers off
Big foot

Wayne Springsteen
Oh slop
Cir corp
.22 bullet

Carl Sorenson
Oh Gottsch
Bag a Jap
Pull with Fruitland girls

Lawrence Tuttle
You'll get hurt
That Pope girl
Bass horn

Ed Wessler
Tall, dark, and gruesome
Strictly confidential
Wavy hair

John Wherry
Got bookkeeping in
Ink Bottles

Fred Nichols
Very efficient
Oh, you dope
Squirrel hunting

Plymouth Takes Eagle
New Plymouth started off to a good start in the first inning by running across 10 scores. The spree was led by Chadwick's home run. After the first inning Eagle settled down and held us to only nine scores the remainder of the game. We finally won a 19 - 5 victory. Moss knocked a home run in the sixth inning. Nearly everyone was able to hit the Eagle pitcher. Bostic and Moss was the batteries for New Plymouth.

Pilgrims Victors
Middleton got an early lead and kept it until the sixth inning when New Plymouth started their usual rally and scored eight runs. The game ended with a 9 to 5 score in our favor. Junior Darnall got his third home run of the year in the sixth. Batteries for New Plymouth were Bostic and Moss.

Win Second Place
New Plymouth journeyed to Fruitland to play off the tie for second place on the Idaho side of the Snake River Valley Conference, Wednesday afternoon. We got off to a good start by getting a score in the first inning but Fruitland came to bat in the same inning and ran in three scores. In the fourth inning we made three runs bringing the score to four to three. Fruitland made another run in the fifth inning tying the game. No more scores were made until the ninth inning when we scored three runs and Fruitland scored one. The game ended with a score of 7 to 5 in favor of the Pilgrims.

This puts the Pilgrims in second place on the Idaho side of the conference, with a total of six wins out of nine games played.

Student Body News
A student body meeting was held May 1 for the purpose of electing new student body, officers.

Harvey Kreps was elected to take Don Carpenters place as student body President. Gerald Wilson will take over Don Bostics duties as Vice-president and Eleanor Joyce will fill the office of Secretary-Treasure vacated by Janie Pankau. The Sargeant - at - Arms Chairman will be Johnnie Milligan and his assistants will be Eddie Benjamin, Margio Gard, Blanche Fishback and Bob Wherry. Those who held positions, this year were Gerald Wilson as Chairman and Lawrence Tuttle, Junior Darnall and Eddie Benjamin as Assistants.

Seniors Outstanding Features
Wes Naylor - Eyes, frankness
Janie Pankau - Eyes, teeth
Carl Sorenson - Temperment
Donna Lee Pope - Hair, efficiency
Ed Wessler - Friendliness
Monzell Munger - Complexion, lips
Verlene Hillyer - Personality
Don Bostic - Basketball, grin
Gladys Freeman - Neatness, manners
John Wherry - Neatness
Camille Meechan - daintiness
Don Carpenter - Personality, dancing
Kenny Gard - Height, bashfulness
Betty Lou Groves - Quietness
Eldon Mills - Musical talent
Ruth Makinson - Red hair
Lawrence Tuttle - Good looks
Beunita Moss - Giggle
Fred Nichols - Physique
Wayne Springsteen- - Cuteness

Thank You
The Buzz Saw Staff wishes to thank the students who have contributed articles to the paper, also the typists, mimeograph, and mimeoscope operators.

Good Luck!
Don Carpenter - Editor
Lawrence Tuttle – Asst. Ed.
Donna Lee Pope
Mrs. Purkhiser
Verlene Hillyer
Jamie Pankau

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