VOL. III, NO. 14
MAY 18, 1945
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Parents, members of the faculty, members of the school board and friends.
We the graduating seniors of the class of 1945 are bringing to a close our High School days. We can truly say they have brought knowledge to us as well as enjoyment and we are deeply grateful to our parents who have kept us in school and to the teachers who have so patiently put up with our adolescent pranks and have endeavored to import education to us.
We have enjoyed spending our high school days in such a fine modern building and we hope that we have contributed in some small way to Mr. Hutton's tireless effort to keep the High School and grounds in such fine condition as to win the praise of Mr. Condie, State High School Supervisor, who said on a recent visit here that New Plymouth has one of the finest kept High School building in Idaho.
The School Board receives our thanks also for providing us with fine equipment and backing us in our activities.
After graduation we are faced by a dark and yet a bright future. By the dark future I mean the war which we are all praying will terminate soon and by the still brighter future I mean the years after the war, when the world will live and work in peace for the betterment of all mankind.
We cannot accurately predict what tomorrow's world holds for us seniors, for there have been so many rapid advancements in today's world that it is hard to visualize coming changes.
For example let's review some modern achievements.
Science has taken the first strides in the fields of plastics and synthetics. Television and radar are also in the inventive stages.
Aeronautics has advanced from the Wright's Brothers and Lindbergh's planes to today's Lockheed P-38 and Boeing's B-29, the latter which can be changed to a cargo carrying plane that will transport good's all over the world.
Automobiles have progressed from the famous Model T to the streamlined Ford V-8.
Jet propulsion is the latest progress taken in engines.
Every home is equipped with modern appliances which make every day tasks easier.
Even schools have progressed from the little red school house to the modern consolidated schools.
New fields and opportunities are opening in every line of endeavor and we Seniors realizing this are facing the future with clear heads and steady hands prepared to meet any problem arising in the future.
We also realize that the road ahead is not a path of roses, but is filled with many obstacles and discouragements which can only be overcome by using to the fullest extent the knowledge, patience, cooperation, and good sportsmanship learned by us in High School.
In attaining our goals we will realize and appreciate more and more the efforts and sacrifices of our parents and teachers in helping us to obtain the benefits of a high school education, that will help us to become God fearing and law abiding citizens, of the future.
We, Seniors may be a small stream in the river of today but watch that stream for it's launched on its way to the sea of success in the world of tomorrow.
The entire High School mourned the death of our coach and Science teacher, Bert Pearson, who's death came as a result of ulcers of the stomach. While on his way to Ontario, Saturday, April 28, he became ill and was rushed to the Ontario hospital. Several students donated blood.
He died May 1, at 7:55 A.M. Funeral services were held at the St. Aloysius church, May 4, at 10 A.M. School was closed Friday.
Bert had won the love and respect of the entire high school in his one year. His team won many trophies and his high standard of sportsmanship will live forever in the hearts of those who knew him.
Members of the faculty, parents, schoolmates, and friends.
We, the members of the class of 1945 welcome you to our class night exercises. We want to express our appreciation, first to the faculty members for trying to bring knowledge to us, to our parents for their support, encouragement, and loving helpfulness through twelve long years, to our schoolmates for the fun and companionship that goes with our school life and to our friends for their constant loyalty. We hope all of you have an enjoyable evening here with us tonight.
This graduating class of 1945 is going out into a topsy-turvy world. We have already lost three of our members, Gerry Wilson, Bob Brumet, and Jay Morrell, to the armed forces and Uncle Sam will probably soon call others of our classmates into his service. Those of us who do not join the armed forces are also going to have hard problems to face. Shall we continue our education now or get a good job and save for the future? How can we plan for the future? And after the final victory day we will have to choose not only our vocations but also how to prepare for them. It is our job to help rebuild the world. Life does not seem as rosy, now that we are on our own, as it did a year or two ago when we were secure in our school life. We can't see into the future with our crystal ball nor can we protect ourselves from the hardships to come. But this poem by Paul Laurence Dunbar shows us how to make the load a little lighter and meet life more courageously.
I've a humble little motto That is homely, though it's true,
Keep a-pluggin' away. It's a thing when I've an object That I always try to do,
Keep a-pluggin' away.
When you've rising storms to quell, When opposing waters swell, It will never fail to tell,
Keep a-pluggin' away.
If the hills, are high before And the paths are hard to climb,
Keep a-pluggin' away. And remember that successes Come to him who bides his time,
Keep a-pluggin' away. From the greatest to the least, None are from the rule released. Be thou toiler, poet, priest, Keep a-pluggin' away.
Delve away beneath the surface, There is treasure farther down,
Keep a-pluggin' away. Let the rain come down in torrents, Let the threatening heavens frown,
Keep a-pluggin' away. When the clouds have rolled away, There will come a brighter day All your labor to repay,— Keep a-pluggin' away.
Not only do we need the stick-to-it-iveness to keep a-pluggin' away but we need a worthy goal to work toward. There's no use working away and keeping at a job unless we achieve something. Well - what are we looking for and working toward? For myself, I am looking for success. And I don't mean fame and fortune. I mean the kind of success you feel inside yourself when you have done a job well. I don't care how little the job is - maybe it's only digging a ditch but if you dig the straightest and the longest ditch you can you'll feel a kind of content and pride, in yourself and in your work. Just doing a job a little better than someone else doesn't give this pride. It comes only when you have done something to the very best of your ability.
None of us can tell what we are going to be in the future. Most of us don't even know what we want to do or be. But no matter whether we become engineers, farmers, businessmen, nurses, secretaries or housewives, if we do the best we possibly can, if we do the greatest good to the greatest no. we can and if we live up to American ideals we will be successes - at least within ourselves.
After all it doesn't matter how big you are on the outside - it's the inside that counts as this poem by an unknown author tells;
I little care how tall you are, (Continued from Page 2) Nor, if you're small, how small you are. The thing that matter most to me Is not how big your body be Or on the scales how much you weigh But what' s the value of your heart And how much soul you set apart, If these be always kept at par, It matters not how small you are.
On this sixteenth day of May, in the year of our Lord, one thousand, nine hundred and forty-five, A. D. we, the Seniors, hoping, to be of sound mind and memory, do hereby make, publish, and declare this our last will and testament in the manner following:
Alpha Derrick wills her fast reading ability to Avla Farley.
Dorothy Haroll wills her brilliant Public Speaking ability to Margie Gard. See if you can bush it up, Margie.
Margerite James wills her eagerness to track down deer to Shirley Wilson was tracking four legged deer, Shirley.
Neva Forgy wills her jolly 'giggle to Blanche Fishback. We doubt if you can hit the high tremble, Blanche, but do your best.
Bernice Zahm wills anything you can take away from her to anyone who can get it. Don't plan on becoming suddenly richer, anyone.
Gladys Capps wills her place in their family orchestra to Leslie Brinken. You can see Gladys between 9:30 and 4 on Saturday about your new job Leslie.
Arlene Bean wills her pictures and addresses of all her past boyfriends, but Jay, to Barbara Aultz. You have them, Barbars hang on.
Timeylee Dean wills her dirty looks to Peggy Shurts. Careful, Peggy, if looks could kill ---.
Peggy Friend wills her busy body attitude to Millie Ann Woody. It fools some people, Millie.
Johnnie Milligan wills his roaring giggle and his jitter-bugging ability to Paul Criss. See if you can improve on them, Butch.
Eleanor Joyce and Betty Jean Springsteen will their peaceful ways to the Sophomore girls. Enough said.
Bob Wherry wills his way with women to John Henry Paulson. Careful, John, you'll get your face slapped.
Bonnie Naylor wills her dancing Darlene Darrall. Use them as you like Darlene.
Catherine Davis wills her studious efforts to Elaine Miesback. Quit trying so hard, Elaine, you'11 get grey hairs.
Eddie Benjamin will his army physical to Frankie Derrick. His craze for basketball goes to you also, Frank.
Frances Sorenson wills her courage to Alex Conger. Being the only member of the opposite sex in class didn't stop her, Alex.
Joe Hopper wills his correspondence courses to Bill Carpenter. Feel a headache coming, Willie?
Josephine Gottsch wills her ability to stick to one man to her sister. Better try it, Helen, can't tell what might happen.
Lloyd Chadwick wills his henpecked, ways to Bob Purcell. No more talking back, Bob.
Margaret Wicks wills her sprained ankle to Jackie Joyce. Learn to walk on air, Jackie.
Logan Lanham wills his jokes to Bessie Knight. See if you can clean them up, Bessie.
Marylin Goldsmith wills her gulliblity to Phyllis Moore. Are you a good runner, Phyllis?
Ruby Capps wills her feminine ways to Marjorie Penrod. We can't all be tom-boys, Margie.
Harvey Kreps wills his heart to the girl who can get it. Take it easy, girls, don't break a leg in the rush.
Coral Rose Flock wills her Home Economics book to Johnnie Lanham. Take it seriously and you'll make someone a good wife, Johnnie.
Duane Ness wills his garden plowing to Idabell Pankau. Guess who's going to make the living in that family.
First: To the Juniors we will our punctuality, American History books, brains, and anything else that won't do them any good.
Second: To the Sophomores we will our prompt payment of class dues.
Third: To the Freshman we will our ways with our teachers and our ambition to go ahead.
Fourth: To the eighth graders, who will be Freshman next year, we will our neat lockers and empty pop bottles.
Fifth: To the faculty and school board we will the best of luck, success and happiness in the future.
Lastly: We hereby nominate and appoint Frank Moss, Student Body President, to be executor of this, our last will and testament, hereby revoking all former wills and testamentary instruments, made.
In witness hereof, we have set our seal this sixteenth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand, nine hundred and forty-five.
Best Point
Arlene Bean
Wish I'd get a letter!
Get a letter
Gladys Capps
Horse Feathers!
Be five feet tall
Sister's boyfriends!
Lloyd Chadwick
Hen pocked
Railroad Engineer
Timeylee Dean
I beg your pardon!
Control temper
Boy friend for 2 years
Neva Forgy
I wish the war was over
Josephine Gottsch
Home Ec. And P.E. Teacher
Eddie Benjamin
Well, I'll be darned!
Army Marching
Ruby Capps
By Heifer
I haven't decided yet
Acting my age
Catherine Davis
Lazy India
Typing ability
Coral Rose
Clarence Housewife
Diamond Ring
Marylin Goldsmith
Now give me a real argument
Six Kids
Rattlesnake skins
Dorothy Harrell
Be a nurse
Joe Hopper
Oh, Fiddle!
Eleanor Joyce
Logan Lanham
Hi, George!
Civilian Pilot
Bonnie Naylor
For Pete's Sake!
Medical Missionary
Francis Sorenson
Oh my gosh!
Bob Wherry
Getting by
Bernice Zahm
Holy Moses!
Margurete James
Tall and dark
What's ya' know?!
To graduate
Messy locker
Harvey Kreps
Sorry Please
Duane Ness
How do you do?
To be or not to be
Freshman girl
Margaret Wicks
Peggy Friend
Good Heavens
Just getting by
Johnnie Milligan
Cuss Words
Get some money
Betty Jean Springsteen
Tall and Blond
You don't say
Grow short
Alpha Derrick
College Quick smile
I knocked him so cold he fell on a cake of ice and it scorched him.
Bonnie.N.: Started to go to school with her pajamas on under her dress? - Freshmen!
Logan L.: Couldn't get "together" with Timeylee in the Junior Play?
Eddie B.: Was a Chinese cook and fixed "flied lice?"
Lloyd C.: Ran into the Ontario bridge because (?) the fog was so thick?
Josephine G.: Boy friend was home instead of the army?
Timeylee D.: Started wearing lipstick?
Neva F.: Ran around with the Capps girls and talked about Arlene?
Marylin G.: Liked Wes Carpenter?
Catherine D.: Argued For Wilkie?
Dorothy H.: Came to school with bags under her eyes and without her Public Speaking?
Johnnie M.: Wore a cow-boy suit and had a pony?
Bob W.: Told jokes that everyone had already heard?
Ruby C.: Jumped off the "haunted house" and skinned her arm?
Gladys C.: Was short?!!
Duane N.: Got kicked out of school for playing hooky?
Alpha D.: Didn't know what to do when Peggy left?
Betty Jean S.: Had to take a taxi to the State Pen?
Eleanor J.: Went to Chicago?
Harvey K.: Had all the girl's in 4th grade "nutty" about him?
Jerry Wv.: Didn't fight with Darlene but over her?
Marguerite J.: Waited on Belnap?
Coral Rose.: Was the only girl in school with a diamond?
Margret W.: Had her leg hurt?
Francis S.: Couldn't get any of her three cars to run so she could "Drag" a man to the Sadie Hawkins Dance.
Claire C.: Virginia got tired of him and tried to drown him as means of disposal.
Bob B.: Got arrested for disturbing the peace?
Elizabeth B. : Was scared to go out when her boy friend came?
Arelen B.: Got into a fight with Mr. Riggs over a note her boy friend wrote her?
Everett F.: Went with Bernice Simmons?
Bernice Z.: Went with Harvey?
Jay M.: Started going with Arlene in January and never told his mother till Easter.
Then the Seniors all remember, staying in an hour after school for being five minutes late - all walking out of class when Harvey K. got kicked out – buying thumb tacks for the Junior-Senior Banquet - going on a Junior party with the Freshmen — freezing nearly to death on the Senior Sneak — and many more mile stones in our elderly lives.
In September of 1933 seven little darlings with shiny faces tripped happily off to school. Little did they know what was in store1 for them. They were greeted by Miss Higgins but her joy didn't last long. Johnnie Mulligan, the freckle-face got hit over the head with a ruler the first day. Among the other shiny faces were:
Harvey Kreps, the little tot all the girls were chasing and still are.
Arlene Bean, the snippy member of the class.
Marylin Goldsmith, our gullible girl who is still getting jokes played on her.
Lloyd Chadwick, the little chick that grew up to be henpecked.
Catherine Davis, the girl with the black stockings, and Betty Jean Springsteen, the tall quiet girl with the sweet face.
We all managed to make it to the second grade.
In this grade we had a year's relief from Arlene which we did not then fully appreciate. Aside from that, vaccinations, and general devilment that year proved uneventful. Miss Richy saw us through this trying year.
In the third grade the Capps's our talented family, wandered in and they've been wandering in and our ever since Miss Smith was our talented teacher – or victim. Take your pick.
A little brown-eyed Kansas girl, Peggy Friend joined us in the fourth grade.
All of the boys were in love with Miss McCarthy, our pretty black-haired teacher.
It was in this grade that Gladys Capps tackled Oscar Butler. It seems the girls were the best football players in school. For some strange reason we all got better grades under Miss Kiethly in the fifth grade than we ever had before although many of us bore smudged noses and black stockings, formerly brown, home to our parents, the marks of punishment for chewing gum and fooling around in class. The black, by the way came off of the greasy floor. In this grade our favorite sport was a game of cop and robber, which consisted of the boys chasing the girls or vice versa. Whoever thought up that name was slightly misinformed.
Miss Parsons guided us successfully through this grade but brought a lot of extra grief on herself by doling out our favorite punishment in case of mischief. Most of us probably won't admit it but we got into a lot of extra devilment just so we could sit with a member of the opposite sex, much to our apparent grief. Toward the end of the year our teacher got romantic and married Mr. Purvis, our superintendent.
Four new members joined the class, Bob Brumet, long and lanky, Timeylee Dean, the radical republican, Bernice Zahm, usually cheery but on occasion found to have a black temper, and Duane Ness, the mathematical genius.
With Mr. Schubert's help and as little of our own brain work as possible we managed to sneak into tho eighth grade taking Bob Wherry the boy with the girl's complexion and Neva Forgy, nicknamed Red for her unusual blushing ability, with us. Strangely enough Mr. Schubert has now left the teaching profession, for good I hear. He probably couldn't stand the shock of having another class as good as ours.
Eddie Benjamin, the basketball fiend who became a hook-shot artist, Alpha Derrick, short and sweet - anyhow short, and Jay Morrell, the quiet farmer boy joined us in the eighth grade.
We probably got into more mischief in this grade than in all the rest of our school life put together and we ran poor Mr. Riggs ragged. Among our meaner tricks were fights, tobacco on the radiators, (in the wintertime, too) tacks in seats and wire shooting. We weren't particular when we fought, either, or whether we did it individually, with other classes or with our teacher. We all enjoyed ourselves.
Three more angels (?) joined our happy little group in the year of our Lord, 1941. These innocents were Ronnie Naylor, who had a terrific quarreling capacity, Corky Flock, the quiet country girl, and Eleanor Joyce, the cutie with the big blue eyes. We had a few scraps with Mrs. Barton, our advisor, but we finally got through the year.
Gorry Wilson, the wolf and Frances Soronson, the meek female, joined us in our escapades in our tenth year.
As Sophomores we had a lot of fun initiating Freshman. Otherwise, not a whole lot happened, even though Mr. Kribs, our advisor, and his wife gave us a lot of entertainment by throwing parties and picnics and by producing twine.
Logan Lanham, the boy with the ready wit - three fourths ready, one fourth wit.
Marguerite James, our energetic superwoman, very handy to have along on a weiner roast.
Margaret Wicks, the girl with the twisted ankle and Josephine Gottsch, a certain soldier's favorite blonde added their smiling faces to ours last year. This year the school was almost minus a Senior class because we tried too hard to take a Junior sneak in '44 and almost got kicked out. Miss Belnap pulled us through. We sponsored our first play,'"Please Mr. Featherway" and the proceeds went toward putting on a lovely Junior - Senior Banquet. For the first time in years our basketball team went to the state tournament. All in all we had a very eventful year.
Snubnosed Dorothy Harrell, and Joe Hopper, our one studious member joined us in this, our last year. But we suffered a loss, too, for three of our members who probably would have finished with us, Gerry W., Jay M., and Bob B., now represent us in all three branches of the service, and two of our teachers, Mr. Stokesberry and Mr. Pearson passed away. Our Senior play, Mr. Beane from Lima, was a smashing success, hitting an all time high of close to $130 dollars, and setting a nice example which the Juniors followed. We've had parties and picnics galore this year not to mention our Sneak which we took late in the fall accompanied by our advisor, Mrs. Purkhiser. Many of the girls have blossomed our with diamonds this, just to show how far we really have advanced from the time we took our first feeble steps through the big doors of the old school hours. We hope we can progress as much in the next twelve years.
Gather round us, fellow students
Gather round us, while we preach some,
Feel a sermon, coming on us.
The topic is your grades and how
to use your haids.
If you want some good advice
Then settle back and just sit tight
While we start reviewing the attitudes of studying right.
You've got to CO-OP-ER-ATE with teachers,
Get along with fellow creatures,
Study hard the English literatures
Don't waste your time in-be-tween.
Have fun but on a maximum,
Keep pranks down to a minimum
Liable to walk upon the scene.
To illustrate our last remark
The ole' swimming hole, a nice shady park.
Where do you go just when classwork seems so dark.
"Kids," we say, "you better ac-cent- tchu-ate Geometry
Acc-omm-o-date the fac-ul-ty,
Latch-on-to trig-on-ometry
Don't let your subjects get you down.
No, don't let your subjects get you down.
We graduate, at least we strive,
Seniors of New Plymouth, Class of forty-five
What have we done, just to make us all survive?
"Folks," we say, "we have gone and captivated history,
Motivated the prophecy,
Bequeathed our only legacy
Now we are starting on our own.
Yes! Now we are starting on our own.
"Did you ever hear about the Scotchman going away and leaving his change on the counter?"
"No, I never have.."
"Neither have I."
I was sitting by the fire one lonely winter evening in this year of 1935 and reminiscing about my old classmates. Out of an old closet I seldom looked into, I got a scrapbook with the date 1965 on the cover. In it were clippings I had cut out of a newspaper telling of, the Whereabouts of all the members of the Class of 1945 just 20 years from the time they graduated. I had these clippings out of a newspaper edited, by Marylin Goldsmith, it was called the Goldsmith Gullible Gossip. She got most of her news by working on the switchboard.
Out of the science column was an article telling of Joe Hopper working on a way to dehydrate soil so he could raise dehydrated vegetables.
Looking in the theatre column I saw several items of interest. One said Arlene Bean took Hollywood by storm in 1964 and had just completed her 4th straight triumph entitled, "How Lean was My Sally," or "My Ration Books must Have Been Misplaced."
Another one told of Catherine Davis starring in "Carmen", the famous opera that has been running for 20 years on. Broadway. After opera hours she was known as "Plumpo", the fat lady in the circus.
After being a soda jerk at the Mil-Ray for so long Neva Forgy finally became just a jerk.
Looking in the advertising section of the paper I saw that Bob Wherry's school girl complexion was still making headlines in the social circle due to his new invention, a famous facial and skin cream called, "Afternoon in Plymouth".
Gladys Capps finally attained the half inch needed to make 5 feet. She was considering an offer from the Bungling Sisters, Brainem and Barley Circus.
On the back page of one issue I had found an article saying that Peggy Friend and Alpha Derrick had started an old maids home for bachelors only.
Among the most popular hit songs of 1965 were 3 written by Coral Rose Flock. They were entitled "Climbing on a Cloud," "Nightmares" and "Chicken in the Hay."
A short biography of Johnny Willigan was printed in one issue of the paper. It said after he dieted for 20 years he began his singing career under the name of Tank Sumatra.
A piece about Josephine Gottsch, said that after she had finished her course in Homemaking she started her own construction company and turned out homes on a mass production scale. To speed up the sale of homes she was selling marriage licenses.
Eleanor Joyce and Betty Jean Springsteen have set up their own business of fortune telling by reading coffee grounds. The court news said that this was really just a front for their true profession of pickpocketing, which caused, their arrest frequently. They said that they then had a whole roomful of pockets they are trying to get rid of.
The sports headlines of one issue disclosed that Lloyd Chadwick decided that he liked more strenuous sports than baseball so he became the Checker Champion of 1965.
Dorothy Harrell made history by donating her black sweater to the Museum of Natural History, after which she was seen wearing a gorgeous, self designed sweater of egg-shell purple and bluebird orange.
Harvey Kreps also made the sports headlines. He became coach of New Plymouth High School and taught the boys how to catch flies in 3 easy lessons. I was told however that in the end he always had to sell them flyswatters.
From the foreign news came the report that Bonnie Taylor after trying for several years to convert the African natives finally gave up in despair and was last seen swinging from a coconut tree.
This report was written by Marguerite James who witnessed this amazing feat while traveling through th3 Dark Continent selling James Splotchy-Blotchy Sunburn and Freckle Cream to the natives.
There was an item that said that Ruby Capps got so tired of writing corn that she went to the middle west to sow some wild oats. In her spare time she just sews.
After graduating from Nurses Training, Frances Sorenson started her own medical practice. She had to retire soon after because of a lack of patience.
A political note had to do with Logan Lanham, the class politician. It said that he was so disappointed at not being able to run against Norman Thomas for the presidency that he quite politics altogether. Anotehr theatre item says that Margaret Wicks had become the world's most famous bubble dancer, known as Tipsey Toes Lee. She danced best to the tune of "Pop goes the bubble."
The following is a very important item from the front page of one issue. It stated that during the 20th year of the San Francisco Conference, Edward D. Benjamin, B.A., M.A., L.L.D., and also N.U.T.S. Introduced a new peace plan based on the Bubdarton Cedars World Security Peace Plan.
Timeylee Dean and Bernice Zahm were going to start a debating school, but they couldn't agree on the "Principles of Argumentation" so the first class would begin.
Duane Ness was the only one in the class to ever make the front page headlines. Here is the article that was written about him. Quote, Duane Ness was elected Chief of Police of New Plymouth but couldn't wake up early enough to get to work on time so he set to work on an invention guaranteed to please. This is how it works. First of all the alarm goes off, pulling a string that drops a marble hitting a mouse trap that snaps on a cats tail, who hits the electric fence switch causing the fan to blow a match across sandpaper and lighting a fuse attached to a stick of dynamite hook to one side of the bed, when the dynamite goes off it tosses Duane into the arms of waiting policemen who arrest him for disturbing the peace. Half-way to the police station he wakes up enough to explain who he is. The policemen leave him at his office and thus he gets to work on time every morning.
The last clipping I had, on the last page of my album says that our class advisor, Mrs. Purkhiser started a home for the mentally deranged. Her excuse was that it made her feel more at home after teaching in New Plymouth. So far her only patients have been teachers from New Plymouth High School.
Then I closed my album and put it away. I had spent a very enjoyable evening rehearsing the successes of my advisor and classmates.
On the evening of May 10, 1945 the Juniors of New Plymouth High School, held their annual Junior-Senior Banquet in honor of the Seniors.
The decorations elaborately, portrayed the theme of Maytime. The tables were set in rectangular fashion. In the center, of which, were eight beautiful dolls dancing around a maypole.
After a delicious dinner the program started with a Welcome by Blanche Fishback, followed by a Response by Frances Sorenson. In the time that followed the guests were entertained by two musical numbers – a saxophone solo by Ruth Eleanor Fisher, a reading by Adeline Peterson and talk by Supt. Riddlebarger.
When the banquet was over the members adjourned to the High School, where the Prom was held.
A good time was enjoyed by all.
He: "Are you fond of nuts?"
She: "Is this a proposal?"
Arlene Bean: P.E. l-2-3-4; Glee Club 1-2-4; Buzz Saw 2-3-4; Please Mr. Featherway 3; Mr. Beane from Lima 4; Student Council Chairmen 4; G.R. 1-2-3.
Eddie Benjamin: P.E. l-2-3-4; Manager of Basketball 2-4; President of Class 2; Editor of Buzz Saw 3; Glee Club 1; Aunt Tillie Goes to Town 2.
Ruby Capps: P.E. 1-2-3-4; Secretary Club 1-2; Secretary-Treasurer of class 2; G.A.A. Sport Manager 3; President G.A.A. 4; Buzz Saw 3-4; G.R. 1-2-3; Please Mr. Featherway 3; Mr. Beane from Lima 4.
Lloyd Chadwick: P.E. 1-2-3-4; Baseball 2-3-4; Basketball 3-4; Glee Club 1-2; Class Treasurer 2; Student Council Representative 3; Please Mr. Featherway 4.
Catherine Davis: Glee Club 1-2-3-4; Buzz Saw 2-4; Acappella Choir 3; Tune In 1; Aunt Tillie Goes to Town 2; Mr. Beane From Lima 4.
Timeylee Dean: P.E. 1-2-3-4; Band 1-2-3; Buzz Saw 4; Glee Club 1; Class Pres. 1; Class Sec 2; Please Mr. Featherway 3; Mr. Beane from Lima 4.
Coral Rose Flock: P.E. 1-2-3; Glee Club 1-2.
Neva Forgy: P.E. 1-2-3; Glee Club 1-2; G.R. 1-2-3; Secretary of G.R. 2.
Marlin Goldsmith: P.E. 1-2-3; Glee Club l-2-4; Buzz Saw 2-3; G.R. 1-2-4; Sextette 2-4; Mr. Beane From Lima 4; Student Council 4.
Frances Sorenson: P. E. 1-2-3-4; Class President 4; Buzz Saw 2-4; G.R. 2-3-4
Alpha Derrick: Class Reporter 3; Class Vice President 2.
Josephine Gottsch: P.E. 1-2-3-4; Class Secretary Treasurer 4; G.A.A. Vice President 4; Chochotte Wedding 1.
Dorothy Harrell: P.E. 1-2-3; Class President 2; Glee Club 1-3.
Joe Hopper: P.E. 1-2; Boxing.
Margeurite James: P.E. 1-2; Glee Club 1; Pep Club 1-2.
Eleanor Joyce: Student Council 1; Class Reporter 2; Secretary Treasurer Student Body 4.
Harvey Kreps: P.E. 1-2-3-4; Baseball 2-3-4; Basketball 3-4; Class President 3; Vice President Letterman Club 4; Glee Club 1-2; President of Student Body 4.
Logan Lanham: P.E. 1-2-3-4; Baseball 4; Football; Vice President Of Student Body 4; Glee Club 3; Please Mr. Featherway 3; Mr. Beane From Lima 4; Buzz Saw 4.
Johnnie Milligan: P.E. l-2-3-4; Baseball 4; Football 4; Vice President of -3; Please Mr. Featherway 3; Mr. Beane from Lima 4; Glee Club 1-2.
Bonnie Naylor: P.E. 1-2-3-4; Glee Club 1; Band 1-2-3.
Duane Ness: Mr. Beane From Lima 4; Vice President 4.
Betty Jean Springsteen: P.E. 1-2-3, G.R. 1-2-3.
Bob Wherry: Student Council 2; P.E, 1-2-3.; Glee Club 1.
Margaret Wicks: P.S. 2; Glee Club 2.
Bernice Zahm: P.E. 1-2-3-4; G.C. 1-2-4; G.R. 1-2; Please Mr. Featherway 3; Mr. Beane From Lima 4.
Peggy Friend: 1-2-3-4.
Going some Place? Where? Have enough equipment? Think you can make it? Are you sure you are on the right road? Good. What's that? Got some help in a classroom? Talked over a thorny situation with an instructor? Sure, the teachers understand. They have been over the same road ahead of you.
You have become a part of us. We hope you take some of us along with you. Life is uncertain, yet sure. Keep faith in the right. Ambition will help you on your way. Friends will gather around you, and life will be much what you make it.
So you're leaving us? Good luck and success. Bye now.
William Riddlebarger
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