November 5, 1945
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Editor …............. Annette Gaston
Assistant Editor …............. Bob Whaley
Sports Editor …............. Frank Moss
Assistant …............. Bill Carpenter
Feature Editor, Eveline McDaniel
Assistant …............. Jimmy Oliver
Reporters …............. John Crawford, Millie Ann Woody, Margie Gard, John Henry Paulson
Circulation Mgrs …............. John Green, Pat Sharp, Donna Sharp, Bob Boyer
News Editor …............. Blanche Fishback
Business Manager …............. Melbadean McDaniel
Class Reporters:
Freshman …............. Mary Carpenter
Sophomore …............. Hazel Boehm
Junior …............. Shirley Pope
Senior …............. Darlene Darrall
Advisor …............. Mrs. Goldsmith
Thanks To You - Our Advertisers
THIS - fellow students and subscribers - is a revised edition of our old high school paper, thanks to New Plymouth's businessmen.
At the beginning of this school year, we doubted if it would be possible to have a school paper because there were no advanced typing students to type the stencils. But the generosity and the contributions of the town's business firms made it possible for Makinsons to print it for us.
Each and everyone of us are greatly indebted to these people, for the support they have given us. In appreciation we will try to make this paper , worthy of their support and patronize the firms who gave us such loyal support.
The Editor
This year, in the past, and in years to come, New Plymouth has played and will always play, for good sportsmanship. Our coaches have taught us to play the cleanest ball we know how to play.
It is not always the players that show poor sportsmanship but the people on the sidelines also get riled up because something doesn't go just as they think it should and start crabbing and booing. This is not good sportsmanship and is what we are trying to get away from.
Frank Moss
L.G. — G. Tuttle
R.G. — A. Conger
L.T. — B. Platz
R.T. — K. Wooly
C.J. Moss, B. Carpenter
L.E. — G. Watson
R.E. — B. Pureed, J. Clement
Q.B. — F. Moss, Y. Murata
R.H. — B. Whaley, G. Tackett
L.H. — W. Wight, D. Sasser
F.B. — B. Carpenter, B. Purcell
Pilgrims Win First Game
The New Plymouth boys started off the season with an unusually exciting ball-game defeating Notus 12—0.
Moss made a 70 yard return on a kick for the first tally.
Carpenter, with a minute to go, dashed around his own right end 80 yards for the second tally.
Plymouth Loses To Wilder
Plymouth lost a hard game to Wilder for the first defeat. After battling without dividends for sixty minutes we found ourselves the losers by a score of 27 - 7. Moss doing the scoring for Plymouth.
Pilgrims Suffer Second Loss
The Pilgrims journeyed to Homedale to be defeated by a hard playing eleven to the tune of 13 - 6. Moss doing the scoring for Plymouth.
Parma Drubs Plymouth
Plymouth met their third defeat when the Parma eleven made a visit and went home out in the lead by a score of 25—6. A pass from Moss to Sasser was our only score.
Pilgrims Have Close One
Plymouth lost to Middleton for the most exciting game of the season.
After hard fighting by both teams Middleton finally won 14—13. Carpenter scored both times.
The night was dark and cold but the NPHS students didn't let that bother them, they were out for a grand time. We gathered in front of the High School about 7:30, Friday evening and after waiting for the wagons for about 30 minutes we were off to our first wiener roast of the year. Jim O. dropped his glasses off the wagon, but could still wear them. After getting on the wrong road, we turned back and finally arrived at the Bluffs. First we told the teachers how to build a fire, then most of us climbed the "cow trail". After getting all tired and hungry we came down to the big, warm fire to get warm. It started raining when we began to eat, but we didn't notice it as we were having the best time.
This evening brought out some of the most special couples - Bob P. and Winnie; Jack P. and Ruth F.; Gene and Darlene; Alex and Billie, and many, many more too numerous to name. Two special guests were Dale Carpenter, home on leave from the Navy, and Jack Purcell, on furlough from overseas. They both helped make the evening successful.
It was raining pretty hard when we started home and everyone was either under blankets or getting soaked. When we arrived home, we were soaked clear through, but we didn't care as we had such a grand time.
National Assembly was held at the theatre for the grade and high school students on Friday October 19. It was a motion picture called "Beyond Singapore" showing experiences of Harry Schenck and his comrades in the Thialand jungle. The students were very interested in the wild animals that were shown especially the python and crocodiles.
Another National Assembly is to be held in the high school gym on Monday November 5 at 1:00 p.m. The Serenaders under the direction of Ralph Bloem will be featured. Everyone is invited to attend.
Try-out for the Senior Class Play was held on Friday morning and the first practice was held Monday evening. The play will be presented the last of November.
School will be dismissed on Friday. The faculty is planning to attend the Teachers Institute in Boise.
The last football game of the season will be played Thursday.
The Senior Class is giving a combined Halloween-Sadie Hawkins Dance on Thursday evening, November 1. The student body is invited to attend.
Six weeks exams were given Wednesday and Thursday of last week. The students received a different kind of report card. The cards are in the form of graphs.
Any student, who signs the pledge that he will not molest property on Halloween, is given a free ticket to the show "Son of Lassie" to be shown at the theatre on November 12.
The Seniors, after leaving their nice warm and familiar school room about 7:15, Tuesday, October 9, started for Boise on their annual Senior Sneak Day. Arriving at Boise after a rather breezy and cold trip in an open truck, driven by Mr. Remington, the Seniors made for Hellers to finish eating breakfast and to thaw out.
The Seniors then separated into groups and each went on various excursions of his own, such as bicycling and visiting the radio studio. Some of the girls had their pictures taken and were good looking. They were chosen for a Halloween window display.
Meeting again at 11:30 in front of the Statesman building, they then went through the Statesman plant and learned how the Statesman newspaper was printed.
During the afternoon they all got in the truck and drove out to the penitentiary and went through it. Seeing everything on the inside they ended up by buying souvenirs made by the prisoners.
They then drove to Gowen Field where they saw how pilots are trained for the use of oxygen masks. After seeing life rafts and equipment they were showed the Norden Bomb sight, automatic pilot and how the bombardier is trained. The girls were given a ride in a jeep which proved exciting to them. Chaplain Joop, who took them around Gowen Field, then took pictures of the group.
They then went back to Boise. Some went bowling; afterwards going to the show. Leaving Boise about 11:00 they arrived home frozen and tired but pleased with the trip.
Class Advisor …............. Mr. White
President …............. Alex Conger
Vice Pres …............. Blanche Fishback
Sec. Treas …............. John Paulson
Student Council …............. Grant McDaniel, chairman; Melbadean Mc-Daniels and Bob Platz, representatives
News Reporter …............. Darlene Darrall
Class dues $1.00
Mr. Autry was here a week ago and the Seniors chose their announcements and also selected class colors and flowers. The colors are orchid and white and the flower is gardenia. As yet no class motto has been chosen.
Class Advisor …............. Mr. Good
President …............. Bill Carpenter
Vice Pres …............. Milly Ann Woody
Sec. Treas …............. Helen Capps
Student Council Rep …............. Jimmie Gilmore and Pat Sharp
News Reporter …............. Shirley Pope
Class dues 10c per month
The Juniors have ordered their class rings. They will arrive sometime in February and are a ruby design, different from any ever selected by a class before.
Junior Class Party
On October 12, the Junior Class planned a party at the Community Hall, but it seems that not only Juniors attended for about nine o'clock Seniors, Sophomores and Freshman came bouncing in as though they too had been invited. After much threatening and persuasion they left - except for one or two who remain to be called "privilege characters". An enjoyable evening was spent dancing to the phonograph. Annette Gaston gave a reading. Refreshments then ended a happy and successful evening.
Class Advisor …............. Mr. Hopper
President …............. Bob Whaley
Vice Pres …............. Barbara Aultz
Sec. Treas …............. Billie Castles
Student Council Rep …............. Franklin Derrick and Betty Whitman
Class Reporter …............. Hazel Boehm
Peggy Shurts, John Pearson and Ruth Farris have left us and are attending different schools. Peggy is going to St. Teressa's School in Boise. John is going to a military school in Texas and Ruth is attending Nampa High School this year.
Betty Whitman and Gene Tackett are new pupils.
Advisor …............. Mrs. Goldsmith
President …............. Lucille Waldo
Vice pres …............. Marjorie Bennett
Sec. Treas …............. Ora Barrett
Student Council Rep …............. Daryl Betts and Verna Sattgast
News Reporter …............. Mary Carpenter
Class dues $1.35 per year
On Thursday October 3 the day started with the Freshman girls coming to school in long underwear, with dresses backwards and long, stringy hair in their eyes. The reason their hair was stringy from the washing it had received the night before was the absence of ribbons and pins.
If you had been there you would have seen the boys in gunny sacks with their pants on wrong side out and rolled up to the knees. They were bedecked in the latest make-up too.
The Freshmen were required to bring a broom and wear one bedroom slipper and a logger.
Now to start the day off the little, green "Freshies" were greeted at the high school door by a few Sophomores carrying a can of bright green paint and the inevitable brush. The next thing you saw was a large green F on their foreheads and were knocked out by a strong whiff of garlic.
It was decided upon to bow and say "Madam" and "Sir" to all up-perclassmen. They also discovered they were to sweep the paths of the Sophomores as they desired. Also clear the sidewalk when an upper classman was sighted.
Classes went on as usual with some of the Freshmen arriving late due to the "sweeping of paths."
After lunch they visited the grade school, where everyone stood up and laughed. Then a tour of Main Street was begun. The stores were visited then they returned to High School. The afternoon was spent much the same as the morning. At four o'clock the tired, but happy group departed for their homes with the memories of a day long to remember.
First Grade
Mrs. Odom, Teacher Jerry Graven moved to Portland, Oregon.
Charles Pierce went to the west coast.
Perfect attendance so far:
Lois Ann James, Arnold Strone, Stanley Nelson, Brenda Cofer, Eveylen Parken, Junior Ogdon, Beverly Pierceson, Olene Olsen
First Grade Mrs. Joyce, Teacher
Halloween Party Wednesday afternoon.
We have decorated our room with Halloween decorations.
Ray Kelso moved to Portland, Oregon.
Betty Lou Garner moved here from Ontario.
Perfect attendance so far: Bernice Caba, Jimmy Ducket, Russell Haggerty, Harold Ray, Dean Auker, Billy Anderson, Mary Ducket, Patty Ann Weed, Betty Lou Garner, Ruth Combs, Anna Dell Nesbitt.
Second Grade Mrs. Collinsworth, Teacher
Halloween Party Wednesday afternoon.
Perfect attendance so far:
Darlene Barker, Loraine Cole, David Chandler, Judy McCarty, Loren Ilett, Ronald Limbaugh, Bertan Olsen, Donald Rhodes, Owen Wells, Beverly Remington
Third Grade
Honor Roll LaVeryl Gerlach
Honorable Mention Carl Tyler
Fourth Grade
Halloween party Thursday.
Fifth Grade
Honorable Mention Marjorie Chandler, Jo Ann Ray, Lois Reagor
Sixth Grade
Honorable Mention Donald Capps, Dorothy Boehm
5th and 6th grades are working on a Thanksgiving play.
Seventh Grade
Honorable Mention Beverly Knight
Charles Caba has started to school.
Emma Lura Robinson has left to attend school at Nampa.
Eighth Grade
Verlin Belknap has started to school.
Barbara Grey left to attend school at Boise.
The whole grade school has been glowing with the holiday season. Witches, Jack O'Lanterns and black cats gleam in the windows. Many parties are being planned.
Well! Well! Another school year and this stuff still goes on. I made the rounds this morning and no one seems brave enough or maybe something has happened to New Plymouth romance.
First off, a cute gal in the Senior class seems to be infatuated by a long gangly, blond Sophomore. Say, Darlene, do you really like Boogie Woogie?
Donna seems to like them blond, anyway that's what she was telling me the other day. Anyway he makes a good fill-in doesn't he? Bill DO something!
Say Percy, what does Winnie Gross have that H. C. hasn't or Vice Versa. Just can't give up the old for the new can you, Bob. It is more fun with two than it is with one.
Could anyone tell me who this "Bickie" is that Eleanor Fisher is always moaning and groaning over?
I just found that Mr. Wooly likes that Southern Drawl. She is quite the gal isn't she? Oh, one thing more, you better teach her to drive. Stop signs are very hard to get; the war was just over you know.
I've heard Wayne D. was bragging about going with three gals in one week. Where did you get all that dough Wayne? I can only afford to go with one girl three times a week.
Say Alex, I wish you would make up your mind and quit playing ball in this tennis game between Billie and Elva. It's making me dizzy.
Hey Ruth F., what's your choice in cars? A black '41 Packard or a grey '38 Ford? Packards do have the nicest upholstery don't they?
Phyllis Moore and Keith Remington had a get-up and go romance one certain Saturday night last week. (After Marvin got-up and went!)
Didja ever hear the one about the thousand mile journey made in one night? Just ask Keith, ! Wooly, Mary Louise Baker, Imo-gene Russell and Marvin Moore. I hear they really toured the country "that week end"!
Vera and Verna Sattgast were seen riding around in a maroon and gray Nash last week. Unless I'm mistaken the owner was Johnny Grey.
Charles this! and Charles that! is the topic of discussing when we're around Gloria Hayek. At first I thought it was Charles At las, but now I find it's just her one and only - Charles Caba!
Advice to Jimmy Gilmore - Please, for Heavens Sake, quit calling every girl you meet a cow!!!! (Enough said.)
Billie and her "Wolf" were ably chaperoned recently by Shirley Wilson and some "guy without a name". (I'm still trying to figure this one out!) I think he was from Ontario though.
I can't remember exactly who she is but I think it's Joyce Sorenson. Anyway, Claire German has his eyes glued on her and it looks as if they'll be hard to pull away.
Well, I have exhausted my knowledge and so many of the people that are mentioned above have threatened to sue me that I think the wise and just thing-would be to stop. So until next time I very sincerely remain.
"Wouldn't You Like To Know"
Conrad's Pharmacy
Phone 1
Nicholson Equipment Company
White Hardware and Implement Co.
Payette Valley Cooperative, Inc.
Glenn's Shoe Repair Shop
Mil-Ray Cafe
"It's a Good Place to Eat"
Wherry Hardware
New Plymouth Mercantile Co.
PHONES 40 and 41
New Plymouth Groceteria
R. J. Sullivan, Owner
Mary's Beauty Shoppe
Shampoo and Wave
Beauty Necessities
Hatfield Feed and Fuel
RES. 83
Idaho Power Company
"A Citizen Wherever It Serves"
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