November 19, 1945
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Editor …............. Annette Gaston
Assistant Editor …............. Bob Whaley
Sports Editor …............. Frank Moss
Assistant …............. Bill Carpenter
Feature Editor, Eveline MeDaniel
Assistant …............. Jimmy Oliver
Reporters …............. John Crawford, Millie Ann Woody, Margie Gard, John Henry Paulson
Circulation Mgrs …............. John Green, Pat Sharp, Donna Sharp, Bob Boyer
News Editor …............. Blanche Fishback
Business Manager …............. Melbadean MeDaniel
Class Reporters:
Freshman …............. Mary Carpenter
Sophomore …............. Hazel Boehm
Junior …............. Shirley Pope
Senior …............. Darlene Darrall
Advisor …............. Mrs. Goldsmith
N. P. H. S. sent ten delegates, including o u r Principal Mrs. Purkhiser, to attend the Student Body Officer's Meeting of the Snake River Valley Conference Schools at Payette on Thursday November 8.
This all-day meeting was mainly to discuss and answer immediate problems the various high schools have - as well as bring together these neighbori ng schools. Represented besides New Plymouth were Emmett, Fruit-la n d, Ontario, Weiser, Nyssa, Vale, Adrian and the host, Pay-e 11 e. The morning consisted mainly of registration, a general assembly and group meetings such as Girls Activities, Class officers, Music students, Athletics, etc.
A lunch was served to about 80 at Harold's Cafe. This was followed by a Matinee Dance in Payette's old gym downstairs.
I exchanged ideas about our paper with the eight other student editors at the afternoon session. I was really quite surprised to find that no two of the schools ran their papers alike. I came home with the happy thought that N. P. H. S. has a paper we can be proud of. It can share first place honors with these larger schools.
Perhaps the main interest of the day was the Panel and Discussion concerning School Dances, Social Affairs, Student Initiative and Responsibility in Conducting their Activities. It quite surprised us to find that some schools had never even heard of a Sadie Hawkins Dance. Then again others have an annual Cinderella Ball, May Day Promo and a Victory Prom that were new to us. Others have their Junior-Senior Banquet in the fall and the Prom in the spring. "How to get boys to dance, how to increase attendance at Social Affairs, the kind of music, etc." were only a few of the questions discussed. All in all the ten of us, Frank Moss, Bill Carpenter, Alex Conger, Bob Whaley, Grant McDaniels, Barbara Aultz, Virginia Bean, Donna Sharp, Mrs. Purkhiser and myself, came home more determined than ever to endorse some of those ideas in N. P. H. S. We'd | like the students opinions on some of these ideas, so, how about it kids - let's not put off until next year the things we can begin today!
The Editor
This year Thanksgiving should mean a great deal more to us, perhaps more than any we of New Plymouth High School have ever known. This is the first Thanksgiving for many years that men have not been exchanging life for death in some foreign battle field, that mothers and relatives have not eaten their Thanksgiving dinner without wondering if perhaps they will never again see their boys home from service whole and happy again.
In many of our hospitals, men who are suffering from malnutrition or wounds from treatment received in prison camps may not be able to eat large dinners and have their friends about them. Never-the-less they know the true meaning of Thanksgiving. They are thankful for food, clothing, shelter from wind, snow and rain, and freedom from fear.
"The Calamity Kids"
Emily (Eleanor Fisher) and Hezekaih (John Henry Paulson), a laughable but lovable old couple, have spent their married life and most of their cash befriending homeless orphans. Four orphans living with the Hoskins: Bonnie Blue (Darlene Darrall) a girl hitchhiker with a mysterious past; Brad Rivers (Bob Purcell), an empecunious college student; and Midge (Margie Gard) and Mickey Starr (Alex Conger), a pair of mischievous thirteen-year-old twins. The twins relatives, tight fisted Gideon Garvey (Grant MeDaniel) and grasping Opal Ludlow (Ruby Kreps), plan to separate the twins and use them for servants; the twins play many side splitting tricks to discourage their relatives plan. Also included in the play are snobbish Loraine Ludlow (LaVena Jim) spoiled fifteen-year-old; Elmer (Gene Tuttle); and Clara Clagg (Lucille Herman), a gossipy spinster. This tender and appealing comedy-tempered with lively humor and touches of pathosis warranted to remove every wrinkle from both head and heart.
The New Plymouth basketball team Wednesday answered the first call to practice with abut 25 men reporting for the squad. About 5 lettermen are returning to bolster the Pilgrims. Coach White sent them through a light workout. The Pilgrims first take the floor in conference play December 18 at Weiser.
A National Assembly was held in the high school auditorium at 1:00 p. m. on November 9. The Serenaders, with Ralph Bloem as director and basso and Miss Frances Copeland as mezzo soprano and concert pianist, provided the entertainment. They sang and played several selections from "New Moon" and Miss Copeland played the "Pollanaise". The students enjoyed the performance very much.
School was dismissed on Monday afternoon for Armistice Day.
Imogene R. - Not so bad.
Verna S. - Let's not go into details.
Joyce G. - I think it's "goofy"!
Shirley W. - Don't like it.
Margie G. - Unfair.
Johnny G. - Not so bad.
John C. - Stinks.
Jim G. - Phew!
Paul C - (Hasn't got time to think?)
Evelene M. - (J u s t holds her nose.)
Franklin D. - Ha! Ha!
Bob B. - Not much.
Wayne D. - Don't like it! (Exclusively)
Ora B. - Don't like it!
John L. - I don't know. (?)
Mary C - Well -.........?!
Kenny L. - Don't think much of it.
Helen C. - Never could get an F+ anyway.
Ruth F. - Really I mustn't say!?
Bessie K. - I don't like it.
Jack P. - I hate it!
Mary Louise B. - I really like it.
Geraldine R. - I think it's awful
Eula W. - I don't think!
Florence S. - All right I think; but could be better.
Lynn G. - Oh, it ain't so bad.
Leota M. - I don't know.
Yosh M. - Nothing wrong with it as far as I know.
Bill C - Ha! I don't know!
Charlene C. - Don't like it.
Gloria H. - A's are hard to get.
Gene Tackett - Huh! Huh!
Virginia B. - Terrible!
Billie C. - Don't think very much of it.
Elva W. - (*?%#")
Bob W. - I don't like it.
Orpha M. - I don't know.
Jeanette F. - That would be telling.
Southwest of Almo, Idaho on the Oregon Trail is a city of rocks. It is about 600 acres in size, with cone shaped hills in the distance to the west. Some of the rocks are several hundred feet high, with narrow trails and passages in between them. To the south runs Raft River.
Where the Oregon Trail crosses the pass there is a long valley. Where the trail leaves the city are two rock-like gate posts called the Twin Sisters.
One day before there were any towns in that part of the country, a wagon trains, 100 strong, was traveling through Oregon. The Shoshone Indians attacked the company killing everyone except a woman and her little girl. They managed to hide from the Indians in the passages. After the Indians were gone they found a bottle in the wreckage. They put a message in it and threw it into Raft River.
About a month later a man on a horse was crossing the river. He saw the bottle and thought it strange since no one lived in that part of the country. After reading the message, with some other men they made the trip up the river. After a long trip they found the woman and her daughter. They had managed to live on roots and the supplies the Indians had not destroyed.
Today the old iron wagon gears are still to be seen. On the rocks are written the names of those who died in the massacre.
It has been proposed that a National Park and Monument be built there.
Lawrence Rasmussen
During my summer vacation this year, I worked on my brother-in-law's Silver Fox Farm. Here I learned something of the primary steps of the making of a fur coat.
In April or May - the fox pups are born. During this period and for about two weeks after, it is necessary to be as quiet as possible to avoid disturbing the mother fox in which case she would eat her young.
When the fox pups are about two weeks old they begin to eat the preparation of meat, skimmed milk and ground fox food especially prepared by Purina Co.
The litters number from one to six and sometimes more.
After they are six to eight weeks old the mother fox is taken away from her young and put into a wire inclosed pen or shaded pasture, which affords her more opportunity for exercise and development. The fox pups are then tatooed and corded. By this I mean a number is tattooed in the foxes left ear and the owner's initial in the right, also the claw cords on the foxes front feet are cut to make it very hard for them to get out.
After they reach a certain size, they are put into an enclosed pasture. It is here that they really learn how to run. They aren't put into the same pen as the old ones at first because they would fight and cause the death of many a valuable fox. They are left in the enclosed run until they are mature and then put in with the old ones.
Late in the year, about November or December, the foxes are caught and examined. The best are saved and the worst are killed. They are killed by injecting a strong solution of epsom salts directly into the heart. They are then pelted. The pelts are cured and sent to Salt Lake to be sold to the various fur buyers at an auction.
Some of the different types of foxes are the Black Silver Fox, the Silver Fox, the Ringneck and the Platinum. The last type named is a mutation.
The Ringneck is a fox with a white ring of fur around or partially around its neck and usually a white strip of fur down between its eyes.
The Platinum is a fox with a very light colored coat. The Cody Platinum is the lightest. The La Forest Platinum is one with light guard hair and a blue underfur. Of the two the La Forest Platinums are more valuable.
John Green
The good old summertime seems to be the time for many unusual happenings, at least there are few people who don't have at least one small experience.
My unusual accident occurred this summer while I was attempting to drive a derrick cart.
I had been insistent that I wanted to drive derrick. I hadn't driven very much and I thought it would be fun and a change from usual things. Most of the time there was enough help but on this particular afternoon we were short one man so it was decided that I would drive derrick.
Everything went well. I did occasionally back the horses in the wrong direction. My luck soon left me though. Something happened to the lines and the horses couldn't tell when I wanted them to back up. After getting that straightened out, the horses got turned in the wrong direction (with my accidental help no doubt). While trying to back them and get turned in the right direction I got awfully close to the big drain ditch. In trying to get away from the ditch I succeeded in backing the horses, derrick cart and myself over the edge of the bank. I had my first swim of the season. When the dust cleared away we discovered that the tongue in the derrick cart was broken, the derrick cart was half way in the ditch but the horses weren't as badly scared as I thought they would be. I was quite thoroughly wet and had a few bruises. Fortunately there as no more damage than that.
I went back the same afternoon and drove some more but only after they had moved the derrick away from the ditch (not because of me though, the haystack was finished).
I am sure if I ever drive derrick again I will be much more careful and I am sure everybody concerned, including the horses, would appreciate it very much.
Bessie Knight
Betty Whitman has quit school. Plans are being made for a Sophomore class party which was postponed to a future date. We are looking forward to having a swell time.
Well, here I am again - but as a simple little hint - the same person that "tore you apart" last week isn't doing the slandering this time. So don't go blaming the same one everytime.
Advice to the lovelorn: Take a few tips from Pat and Frank. "True love never ran smoother." We hand you honors for the weeks No. 1 couple.
Mary Carpenter doesn't need any advice on how to catch a man. From the results of her daily winking lessson to Ronald Weed-she's doing just OK and it isn't even leap year!!!
Last time I believe the outcoming romance of Joyce Sorenson and Claire German was predicted. And this time we really have proof. Remember the show "Here Come the Co-eds"? Well they were there sitting in one seat as I happy as you please!
Notice - to Bob Purcell. N. P. H. S. will have a new student next I week. She's from Emmett and you know what that means! We thought we'd warn you so you could get your tuxedo back from the cleaners in time.
Another honor couple of the week who need no advice from i the public in general on how to j run a smooth romance is Barbara Aultz and her one and only, Dean Morell. Best of luck kids!!
Ora Barrett isn't exactly sitting home dateless at night either. Hardly a night passes but I see her and Harvey Kreps. How do you do it Ora?
Everyone rushes up to me and says to mention Orpha Martins trip home one moonlight night with our own romantic "Leslie".
Okay!! Okay!! Virginia make up your mind, please? With such j a man shortage as is on now you j can't go with both Floyd and Harold Strom (Or can she?)
What's the trouble James? Doesn't she care for jewelry? I see you're wearing your basketball again. (Oh sorry readers - she's Shirley Stein of the Home Cafe).
I couldn't believe my ears when: I heard it - is it really true? Jimmy Oliver is starting a date campaign - every girl he meets "Oh, I wonder if I can get her to go with me". (But even at this writing Jimmy is still a bachelor).
Beverly S. looks oh! so very lonesome since Glen has left school. Don't feel so bad, Bev - he's not so too faraway.
Ronald Weed …............. 1
Ruby Kreps …............. 2
Joyce Sorenson …............. 3
Mary Carpenter …............. 10
Leslie Brinken …............. 12
Jack Moss …............. 13
Orpha Martin …............. 18
Joyce Gaston …............. 22
Lucille Waldo …............. 24
Jeanette Fitzsimons …............. 26
Lynn Groves …............. 26
Franklin Derrick …............. 4
Grant MeDaniel …............. 6
Melbadean MeDaniel …............. 7
Eveline MeDaniel. …............. 7
Florence Stockton …............. 13
Elva Worthington …............. 18
Mary Louise Baker …............. 22
George Gardener …............. 24
Ruth Fishback …............. 25
Eleanor Fisher …............. 27
Jack Naylor. …............. 28
Weldon Wight …............. 1
Bill Carpenter …............. 6
Ernest Townsend …............. 12
Irene Kreps …............. 19
Shirley Wilson …............. 28
Keith Remington …............. 29
If you have ever tried to write someones biography, you know what it's like and may appreciate my try.
To start with I find that Alex Conger was born in Payette, Idaho, on February 5, 1928. He started to school when he became six and although he has attended other schools off and on, he plans to finish here.
The sports Alex Conger enjoys most are basketball, football and hunting. Right Guard is his position on the football field and when I asked him what he liked to hunt most he just smiled and didn't answer - I wonder why???
The drivers license with Alex's name on it says that he has brown hair, hazel eyes, weighs 150 lbs. and is 5 ft. 11.
So far in school he has been in two plays. In the Junior play he played the part John Appleby, and in one act he appeared in disguise of a woman about 40. Boy! did he draw the whistles! He is now working on the part of "Mickey" in the Senior play. Alex is also president of the Senior class.
Upon receipt of his diploma, Alex plans to join the Navy.
Conrad's Pharmacy
Phone 1
Nicholson Equipment Company
White Hardware and Implement Co.
Payette Valley Cooperative, Inc.
Glenn's Shoe Repair Shop
Mil-Ray Cafe
"It's a Good Place to Eat"
Wherry Hardware
New Plymouth Mercantile Co.
PHONES 40 and 41
New Plymouth Groceteria
R. J. Sullivan, Owner
Mary's Beauty Shoppe
Shampoo and Wave
Beauty Necessities
Hatfield Feed and Fuel
RES. 83
Idaho Power Company
"A Citizen Wherever It Serves"
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