VOL. IV. NO. 6
January 21, 1946
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Editor …............. Annette Gaston
Assistant Editor …............. Bob Whaley
Sports Editor …............. Frank Moss
Assistant …............. Bill Carpenter
Feature Editor, Eveline McDaniel
Assistant …............. Jimmy Oliver
Reporters …............. John Crawford, Millie Ann Woody, Margie Gard, John Henry Paulson
Circulation Mgrs …............. John Green, Pat Sharp, Donna Sharp, Bob Boyer
News Editor …............. Blanche Fishback
Business Manager …............. Melbadean McDaniel
Class Reporters:
Freshman …............. Mary Carpenter
Sophomore …............. Hazel Boehm
Junior …............. Shirley Pope
Senior …............. Darlene Darrall
Advisor …............. Mrs. Goldsmith
It seems to me our high school students have just about the low-, est sense of responsibility of any school in the country. Perhaps I'm being too poor a judge of character, but that's the honest truth. I just can't understand what's wrong - you ask a person to do something and in five minutes he has completely forgotten what you said. I don't mean that everyone here is like that. There are some that have my deepest admiration concerning responsibility. They're always willing to really pitch in and do a job worth while. But that's only a mere few and I do mean FEW! It's about high time everyone set their minds to the task asked to do.
Every time we yell about a teacher being a little too severe, is it really the teacher. More than likely it's us - for not getting an assignment completed, in on time and still being worth while material. I have to go through the same routine every time this paper comes out but who is the first to holler because they disliked this weeks issue? The ones that failed to contribute or forgot their assignments.
Another thing is the lack of co-operation during class meetings and gossiping in Glee Club etc. Perhaps these aren't all written topics, yet the outcome is still the same. Is it any wonder that people by the thousands become insane every year. To boil it all down - it's high time YOU snapped out of it and got it in your head that N. P. H. S. is anything but a place to loaf.
The Editor
Plymouth Defeats Emmett
On January 11, the Pilgrims journeyed to Emmett to play their 6th S.R.V. conference game. The game progressed slowly, until the final moment. The score at the end of the 3rd quarter was 25-15 in the Huskies favor but in the last minute the Pilgrims seemed by magic to grab the ball and made baskets which won the game.
Gilmore sunk the last basket that put us ahead 27-26. Moss scored high with 10 points.
The second string lost the' preliminary game 14-11.
New Plymouth Downs Nampa
The New Plymouth Pilgrims dumped the Nampa Soph-Frosh last Saturday night by a count of 36-20. The first half went very slow with the Pilgrims holding a slight advantage, but after the intermission the Pilgrims really got moving and ran up the score. The scoring for the Pilgrims was done bv Moss, Carpenter, Penrod, Clement, Gilmore and Purcell. It was a non-conference battle and does not count in the standings.
Rally Downs New Plymouth
After leading all the way, New Plymouth was overtaken in the final minutes of the game with Vale, and the Vikings went on to win 33-28 in a S.R.V.C. game. New Plymouth led at the half 16-14. Penrod, Carpenter, Moss, Clements and Purcell figured in the scoring.
This gives the Pilgrims a Conference record of 4 wins and 3 losses. New Plymouth journeys to Vale Tuesday night for another conference game with the Adrian Antelopes. The N. P. team is expected to be strengthened by the return of their six ft. seven in. center, Kenny Laudermilk.
Saturday evening was spent in fun and frolic for all those attending the dance January 5. The high and mighty Seniors were the sponsors. A couple of frivalous mishaps, however, started the evening off with a bang when Darlene and Pat were sent rolling across the floor in a Conga.
Mr. Good was a little late in arriving but the moment he stepped in the door Helen Capps jumper up and claimed him in a "Lady's Choice".
The man shortage is a little better now since the war is over but Darlene and Margie lacking knowledge of the fact dragged the eligible bachelor, Jimmy Oliver, out on the porch for a breath of air-so they say.
Everyone has concluded that the Capps - Whaley quarrel has been dropped for they were seen leaving at just the proper time before the end of the dance.
The stag line spent the evening playing cards and monopoly. And even if the girls did spend their time dancing together everyone had fun.
Billie C - Jim Oliver (Ickey!)
Margie G. - Darlene and shorthand
Darlene D. - Margie and not getting letters
Orpha M. - Sociology - Oh! Those themes
Jim O. - women in general
Shirley W. - Men!
Annette G. - girls who think Glee Club is the place to gossip
Margie B. - Algebra and such problems as 3x - 2x is 0
. Joyce G. - Jennie
Ernest T. - too big assignments from the teachers
Gloria H. - a person that can't drop an irritating subject
Barbara B. - boys who swipe my books
Thomas M. - Science
Norma F. - someone who calls me "Red"
Dsryl B. - failing grades in Algebra!
Juanita M. - semester exams
Louise W. - Algebra
Robert S, - not getting to play on the string
Martha C. - school
Verna S. - Mr. Riddlebarger
Kenny L. - Latin!
Alex C. - whiskers
Melbadean McD - shorthand
Mr. Riddlebarger - mine are too numerous to mention
Shirley P. - New Plymouth boys
Bob B. - not knowing how to dance
Donna S. - too numerous to mention
Pat S. - Frank
Alex rode around all noon with a car full of girls, (where did you get that rationed gas???)
Jim Oliver came to a dance dressed like a girl!!!
Mrs. Hughes lost her safety pin!
We were all soaked on the hay ride!!
Geraldine R. tried to prove that African men had tails.
The Seniors stole the food on a picnic.
"Somebody" put a calf in the gym on Halloween and this year it was rabbits.
Mr. Sorenson's difficulties at Rupert.
Jonesy's frequent hang-overs.
Leslie B. chased Marylin G. all over town one night.
Ed Hopper would "rather not read." in English.
Mr. Alley would drive his car five miles in second gear.
Virginia and Claire were constantly fighting.
Every Sophomore boy in high school had at one time or other gone with the Sattgast twins.
They used to give Typing II in high school.
The Juniors broke the phonograph needle.
Every Freshman girl thought she couldn't have a date unless it was with a Senior boy.
They gave dances and nobody came.
Bill, Paul and John C. got kicked out of Geometry.
Belnap ate candy during her English classes.
Three guesses who this is - only everything I write will give "him" away. First off this person is blessed with medium height and that luscious blond hair so uncommon among men. And I also think he has blue eyes although I have never really gazed into their depths. He is usually identified by that black and orange out-of-town letterman sweater. New Plymouth is his "home sweet home" although other landscapes very prominently figure in. One sees him constantly tripping through the halls from the early morning hours to long after dark - even. I don't know very much about his personal interests, but he strikes me as the type that could share high honors concerning "appetite" with Purcell and Pen-rod. Bugs Bunny is his favorite comic Oh yes, the other day I heard him say he liked the song "Chickery Chick". A basketball game without "him" would be like a. school without a principal. Now I know you know who "he" is, so why mention the fact that he could make a career of music if he so wished. This is our own high school coach - Harold White.
Another one of N.P.H.S.'s prominent citizens is identified by her trim neat figure that really draws the whistles!!! Her height is about average and her hair is a naturally curly soft brown. As far as clothes she could win in the title "Best dressed woman of the year." She is a whiz at Math and Latin too and very active in scholastic, affairs for the school. Without her is like a basketball game without a coach. Now you know this couldn't be anyone but our principal - Frances Purkhiser.
Lucille Herman was born in New Plymouth, Idaho on December 8, 1928.
She grew up and started her first year of school at Plaisted, where she received her diploma from the eighth grade. While in Plaisted she learned to play the piano by ear and to tap dance.
Lucille's hobby is playing the piano and her favorite sports are basketball, football and swimming. He favorite actor is Alan Ladd and actress, June Allyson. She was an old maid, Clara Clagg, in the Senior play, "The Calamity Kids".
Lucille is 5'3", has blond hair and blue eyes and weighs 98 lbs.
After her graduation this spring she plans to attend Business School. We all know she will "go places" with her quiet personality and we are all wishing her the very best of luck.
Charlene Chandler .......... 1
Jack Penrod .......... 2
John Murata .......... 8
Bob Whaley .......... 12
Jack Davis .......... 16
Vera and Verna Sattgast .......... 17
Duane Sasser .......... 20
Geraldine Ross .......... 25
Billie Castles .......... 25
Virginia Clowser .......... 30
Eugene Ratcliff .......... 30
Louise Ratcliff .......... 30
Bonnie Naylor - home
Dorothy Harrell - College of Idaho at Caldwell
Betty Jean Springsteen - a nurse in Spokane
Marguerite James - business school in Boise
Eleanor Joyce - business school in Boise
Catherine Davis - home on vacation
Timey Lee Dean - dehydrator
Neva Forgy - married and living in Weiser
Johnnie Milligan - University of Utah Salt Lake
Lloyd Chadwick - army
Eddie Benjamen - teaching the 7th grade
Logan Lanham - University of Utah Salt Lake
Harvey Kreps - home
Bob Wherry - Navy
Duane Ness - Army
Josephine Gotch - Boise working in a hospital
Bernice Zahm - married
Coral R. Flock - married
Marylin Goldsmith - Corvallis State College
Alpha Derrick - Groceteria
Arlene Bean - home and married
Peggy Friend - Vancouver, Wn.
Margaret Wicks - married
Frances S o r e n s o n – Spokane school of nursing
Gladys Capps - home
Ruby Capps - night operator at the telephone office
The Freshman Class assembled at the Community Hall, Saturday night January 12 for a picnic lunch and party. They went to the basketball game here with Nampa then returned to the hall to complete the evening with dancing. They feel the party couldn't have been a success without the presence of their advisor, Mrs. Goldsmith, who contributed to the fun by being as ever her patient and congenial self.
The classes also had another get-to-gether, a skating party, which was enjoyed by all.
What The Well Dressed Girl Will Wear To School
White fur mittens like Jeanette F. Casual hairdo by Darlene D.
A green Chesterfield coat like Shirley Pope wears
Margie G.'s dark brown loafers
Virginia B.'s pastel plaid skirt
Mary L. Baker's pink sweater
Billie C.'s locket
Phyllis M.'s bracelet
Imogene R.'s kerchief
Beverly S.'s white anklets
Clara Belle H.'s white ribbon
What The Well Dressed Boy Will Wear To School
A black and red plaid shirt like Marvin Moore's
A blue hat like Harold White
Gene Tackett's white scarf
Yosh M.'s dark brown shoes
Mrs. Riddlebarger's gloves
John C.'s overcoat
Socks like Paul Criss
Neat hair cut like Henry Good
Cords as spotless as Grant McD.
Watch by Alex Conger
First Grade - Mrs. Odoms
Emma Jean Johnson and Charlette Creech are new pupils.
First Grade - Mrs. Joyce
Linda Schrecongost was hit by a car and is in the hospital.
Second Grade - Mrs. James
Ruth Michal is a new pupil.
Third Grade - Mrs. Gorton
Beverly Blarton was transferred to Mrs. Fishback's room.
Third Grade - Mrs. Fishback
Ray Creech is a new pupil.
Fifth Grade - Mrs. Burns
Enid Pearson is moving away.
Sixth Grade - Mrs. Betts
Johnny Michal and Thomas Creech are new pupils.
Seventh Grade - Mr. Benjamin
James Michal and Nine Creech are new pupils.
June Healy moved away.
Eighth Grade - Mr. Heighton
Dale Creech is a new pupil.
The school is having semester tests. We have started the Infantile Paralysis "March of Dimes".
Every morning we see Orpha Martin on her way to school. But not by herself. Oh no!!! Duane Sasser is right there, they say they are inseparable.
How was walking Sunday afternoon, Virginia? John C. knows where all the wild life lives. Does he not? Or was he taking pictures again?
The romance that really rang the gong this week is the Gilmore Donner infatuation. It seems everyone is talking about it. By the way Jim, how's hitch hiking down Emmett way.
Phyllis Moore has more boy friends than two average girls should. It seems they really stocked her Christmas tree this year.
I am sure all of you have seen old socks with so many patches in them they would hardly stay together. Well, personally I think that Donna and Bill C. resemble an old darned sock.
I thought spring was the time for all new romances but Christmas vacation brought a new couple into the light. Floyd Strom has been courting Ruby K. of late. But don't tell him I don't think she is too faithful.
Mother: What made you so late - have a flat tire?
Daughter: (Dreamily) No, mother. I could hardly call him that!
Well! Well! Gloria H. went to the Freshman party only on condition that Ora B. wouldn't be there. 'Smatter, does Ora like Charles or something?
Who was the cute little girl Jack P. was with Saturday night? Who ever she was sure made an armful. I believe it was Laura D. or are my "eyes" deceiving me? Better make up your mind though, Jack, you can't have two.
What's this about a few of the more respectable members o f N. P. H. S. in general, doing dramatics before a spotlight? All in all it was evidently taken more serious than was supposed to have been!!
What was Groves thinking of when his car slid into the ditch Monday night? Lynn who is she?
What's the matter with "Arky", Keith? How come the sudden change at the Emmett game? Or are we too inquisitive?
Alex C. was seen escorting one of our attractive students home Friday night after the dance. Wonder who it was? Oh, them blondes!!!
What's this wonderful choice that Shirley W. has between Bob P. and James C? You're having quite a time trying to make up your mind on which one you're going with aren't you Shirley?
Jimmy G. has been seen quite a bit lately with red "butterflies" plastered all over his face. How much is Tangee paying you for advertising, Jim?
Seems to me like school is the place for "increasing one's knowledge" not continuously hugging the "blond boy-friend" in the halls.
For the present Ruby K. is giving her undivided attention to one of the town's ex-soldiers. Wonder what, happened to .Wayne, Bill, Floyd and all the others?
Hat's off to the couple of the week, Marvin and Imogene. Who ever said that "True love never rut!" smoothly"?
Bob Whaley took a few quick gulps renewed his nerve and started anew. But she didn't feel the same way this time eh, Bob?
What is this about John C. flying into tantrums every t;me Johnny G. mentions a certain Freshmen girl? Oh, Johnnie.
"All out for the Navy" seems to be Phyllis M.'s motto. But wc bet she changes her mind when she gets to Caldwell. Oh, those boys.
Gee! I wish my boyfriend loved me enough to come visit me at school. Just ask Barbara and Dean if love isn't grand.
Conrad's Pharmacy
Phone 1
Nicholson Equipment Company
White Hardware and Implement Co.
Payette Valley Cooperative, Inc.
Glenn's Shoe Repair Shop
Mil-Ray Cafe
"It's a Good Place to Eat"
Wherry Hardware
New Plymouth Mercantile Co.
PHONES 40 and 41
New Plymouth Groceteria
R.J. Sullivan, Owner
Shampoo and Wave
Beauty Necessities
Hatfield Feed and Fuel
RES. 83
Idaho Power Company
"A Citizen Wherever It Serves"
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