VOL. IV No. 10
March 25, 1946
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Editor …....... Don Hendrickson
Assistant …....... Marjorie Penrod
Sports Editor …....... John Murata
Assistant …....... Bob Whaley
Feature Editor …....... Beverly Stuart
Assistant …....... Carroll Flack
High School Editor …....... Barbara Aultz
Class Reporters …....... Clara Jean Robinson, Alma Adell Paul and Irene Kreps
Circulation Managers …....... John Green, Pat Sharp, Donna Sharp and Bob Boyer
Advisor …....... Mrs. Goldsmith
The Tuberculin patch tests which were given in the high school Tuesday, March 12, by Miss Galbreth showed whether a body had been invaded by T. B. germs Invasion or infection does not necessarily mean disease. At least sixty million people live and enjoy good health who are carrying a tuberculosis infection.
When T. B. first invades the body, people usually do not feel sick and they therefore will not call a physician. After T. B. has advanced, sickness becomes apparent and the doctor is called, but eight times out of ten, it is advanced T. B.
Tuberculosis begins with an infection which one receives from a person with active T. B. In most cases the infection does not develop into serious illness, at least at first. No definite line can be drawn where the minor infection ends and serious trouble begins.
The T. B. testing program is of special importance to all high school students, as this is the most vulnerable age. This work is made possible by the Christmas Seal Sale program.
Don Hendrickson
Sophomore Class Editor
The Pilgrims journeyed to Pocatello to play in the state tournament for the third straight year. On Wednesday, the Pilgrims dumped the Ammon five by the score of 43-35. Kenneth Laudermilk laid the fire words for Plymouth. He scored 18 points in the first half and 6 in the second, with total points to his credit.
New Plymouth Drubs Ammon
New Plymouth Defeats Iona
Pilgrims edged out Iona to get into the finals. The Plymouth boys couldn't get started in the game, but slowly beat Iona by a score of 28-27. Kenny, "our giant center", was high with 12.
Pilgrims Lose To American Falls
In the championship game, the fighting Plymouth five couldn't overcome the American Falls Beavers. They led in the first half 22-13. In the third period the boys played hard trying to go ahead but lacked 2 points at the end of the 3rd period. In the final period the Beavers started to roll in the points and won 46-37. Moss and Carpenter were high with 9 apiece followed by Purcell with 8.
Baseball practice is in session and we hope we can get some games with other schools. About 9 returning lettermen are out for practice.
Annette G. - memories, men and Mercurys
Imogene R. - a good time and well-
Darlene - to ask for my mail every morning
Helen C. - Mrs. Hughes and Geometry I
Margie G. - the Army
Albert B. - wine, women and song
Beverly S. - a tall, dark and handsome boy in Nampa named Johnny
Alma Adell P. - what I didn't do
Leota Munger - a certain merchant marine
Keith W. - that's my business
Nadine D. - memories of Emmett
Irene K. - light brown hair
Mary L. Baker - New Plymouth and you all
Floyd S. - the night of January 22
Barbara A. - a black '41 chevy
Emma C. - English assignments
Bessie K. - Polonaise and physics
John G. - the fun we have in Latin I
Jeanette F. - just some good old memories
Wanda Lee - a week's visit with my Iowa boyfriend
Joyce S. - school
Pat S. - Riddlebarger
Paul Criss - Pocalello "subways"
Blanche F. - Geometry
James Clement - Pocatello women
Ruby K. - my ex-soldier
Jack Penrod - my trip to Denver
Elva W. - I remember everything
Virginia B. - anything I want to
Carroll F. - V. J. Day night
What Did You Think Of The Pocatello Girls?
Jim Clement - Ruff! Ruff!
John Crawford - Not bad
Bob Whaley - Hot stuff
Bob P. - Ahhhh!!??
Frank Moss - Never noticed
Bob Platz - Never again
Alex C. - Ah La La hm hm!
Kenny L. - Nothing
Gene T. - Didn't notice them
Paul Criss - I yi yi!
Jack Penrod - I'll settle for New Plymouth
Yosh M. - Weren't much to look at
Common school districts No. 12, 13J, 20 and 74 voted recently to join Independent Dist. No. 11. A new district will be formed and will be officially declared to be Joint Independent District No. 11 J. For the present school term these districts have been in temporary consolidation with Dist. 11. Much of the money used in conducting the school business comes from tax on property. Thus, with a larger district more funds will be available. Plans are being made to gradually improve conditions in the elementary school.
The Tuberculin test was given in the New Plymouth schools recently. Miss Violet Galbreth, of the state anti-T. B. Association and Mrs. E. Maudlin, county health nurse gave the tests. Out of a total of seventy three tests given in high school three were re-actors. In the grade school 276 were tested and twenty-one reacted. X-ray pictures will be given those who re-acted to this skin test. Those who can pay a dollar to help defray the cost of the X-ray are asked to turn their money in to the office. Those who were absent at the time the test was given will have time to take the test at some later time. Chest X-rays are quite expensive and the remaining cost of these pictures is being borne by the Payette Co. Anti-T. B. Assoc., whose funds are raised by the annual seal sale at Christmas. The cost of sending the state nurse into the field and the expenses relative to the test are also financed by the seal sale funds.
Tuesday morning Mr. Schweibert, from the College of Idaho, came to show some slides to the Seniors. He encouraged them to go to college when they have finished high school.
The Seniors enjoyed a weiner roast at the bluffs Monday night and were joined later in the evening by a few of the Juniors. As usual this party was planned in a hurry but a swell time is reported.
We have received our class pictures and have been measured for our caps and gowns.
Try outs for the Junior Class play, "Too Many Mothers," by Robert Ray were held Monday evening, March 18, in the auditorium at the high school. A Committee composed of the faculty members selected the cast as follows:
Junior Class Play
Lawrence Holmes .... Bill Carpenter
Sharon Hassler ...... Shirley Pope
R. J. Hassler .............. John Green
Russell Anderson ......Wayne Dillon
Dorothy Bish .............. Pat Sharp
Roberta Bish ........ Ruth Fishback
Suzanne Drake .... Laura Donner
Emma Braden ...... Bessie Knight
Paul Grund .................. Bob Boyer
The production staff includes:
Virginia Bean ................ Prompter
Jimmy Gilmore .... Stage Manager
Jeanette Fitzsimons .... Property Manager
Faye Gardner and Imogene Russell ........ Make-up
Millie Ann Woody .... Advertising Manager
Annette Gaston .... Business Manager
The play is to be presented in April.
The members of the Junior English classes are preparing essays for entrance in the American Legion Essay contest. The topic this year is "American Citizens, Our Responsibilities, Our Privileges". The essays cannot contain more than five hundred words. A committee appointed by the American Legion Auxiliary president, Leona Lawrence, will judge the essays submitted by Fruitland and New Plymouth schools.
The Junior class rings arrived this week and are being admired by the other classes.
Two new pupils have enrolled in the Sophomore class, Douglas Cross, Nampa, and Tommy Malson, Ontario.
Kerstine Rasmussen is ill with the measles.
March 29 has been set for a Sophomore class party.
The Sophomores made booklets and used the story "Silas Marner" by George Elliot. Some very nice booklets were handed in.
The Freshman class gave a party Friday night for the entire high school. Spring was the motif for decorations, which included daffadils, pussy willows and forsythia. A yellow and white color scheme was used for the party. Dancing and a short program made a happy evening for all who attended.
We have two new Freshman girls in our class, Ramona Cross, Nampa, and Barbara Walker, Vale. We all hope they like New Plymouth High School and continue coming to this school.
Why is it that the Freshmen are looking in every poetry book they see? Are you getting interested in poetry or is it just those booklets they are making?
Lucille Waldo and Mary Carpenter were the Freshmen in attendance at the basketball tournament in Pocatello last week.
We have four Freshmen boys who are going to try out for baseball and some are going to take track. The boys who are trying out in baseball are Claire German, Thomas Mitsubu, George Gardner and Jack Moss. Robert Sewell is trying to get the job of baseball manager.
Spring must be coming. Notice the pussy willows in Room 2.
In study hall Keith Remington and Micheal Zahm took quite a beating from the Bombshells of one-half inch thick rubber bands, poor boys, maybe they deserve it.
Every day is the same old routine, namely - going to class without a lesson finished, having that day's assignment again, receiving the same bawling-outs. There is certainly no place like school (comment of a Freshman.)
Some very attractive booklets are being prepared by the members of the Freshman class. Poems which appeal to them were selected and copied. Artistic covers were prepared to hold the selections.
Hovering over the house tops of New Plymouth, the stork got tired of carrying its little? package, stopped in at the home of John Paulsen and left a belated Christmas present on December 26, 1929. (little John Henry Paulsen.)
John Henry was probably an ornery little? tyke as he grew up, but anyway he grew up, and how!
He started to school in a little country school called Plaisted, attending all eight grades there. Then he came to New Plymouth High School, where he spent four long years. He had some enjoyment, however, by taking part in the Junior and Senior plays. He took the part of the "Butcher Boy" in the Junior play, "Professor How Could You," and the part of Hes Hoskins in the Senior play, "Calamity Kids".
His favorite movie actor is Walter Pidgeon and his favorite actress is June Haver. John's ambition is to go to college to study forestry. He likes school you see. His hobby is hunting. I wonder what connection there is between forestry and hunting outside of the animals and fowl? And so the life of John Henry Paulsen marches on, we hope.
One cold February day about eighteen years ago a little boy arrived at the Nakamura home in Seattle, Wa. He was name Saturu Nakamura.
Saturu attended school at the following places: Renton, Wa., Tule Lake, Calif, and Vale, Ore. before attending New Plymouth High School. Saturu enjoys basketball and his hobbies are eating and sleeping.
When asked what he will do following graduation Saturu says he will have to graduate before making any plans. Saturu has no favorite movie actress or actor but likes quite a few.
First Grade
Mrs. Joyce
The first grade has a new pupil, Patricia Hopkins.
First Grade
Mrs. Odoms
Dale Kaurin has been ill for several days but is well now and back in school.
There are two new pupils in the class, Janet Cross, Nampa, and Francis Johnson, also from Nampa.
Brenda Cofer is leaving for California where her parents expect to put her through school.
Second Grade
Mrs. Collinsworth
The second grade has a new student, Lyncie Walker. Eleanor Gaston is an honorable mention student.
Third Grade
Mrs. Gorton
Glenn Snyder has moved out of the district.
Donald Wagner is back to school after an appendectomy operation.
Third Grade
Mrs. Fishback
Glen McKee has the chicken-pox.
La Veryl Gerlock and Carl Tyler are high honor students.
LeRoy Brownell, Bobby Haggerty, Lauren Jackson, Steven Myers, Jim Nakamura and Ellen Wolfley are on the honorable mention.
Fourth Grade
Mrs. Highsmith
The class has two new students, George Mitchel and Harmen Walker.
There are now fifty students in the fourth grade.
Fifth Grade
Mrs. Burns
The class has a new student, Betty Walker from Vale.
Mrs. Burns now has 47 students.
Marjorie Chandler, Fern Osborne and Lois Reager are high honor students.
Patsy Gilmore, Ila LaCrone, Grace Lee and Jo Ann Ray are on the honorable mention.
Sixth Grade
Mrs. Betts
The class has two new students, Dale Cross, Nampa, and Jo Ann Combs, Caldwell.
Donald Capps and Dorothy Boehme are on the honorable mention.
Seventh Grade
Mr. Benjamin Charles Caba has left the class and a new student, Aleyne Walker, has joined the class.
Shirley Gallaher, Beverly Knight and La-Vera Jackson are on the honorable mention.
Eighth Grade
Mr. Heighten All the eighth grade girls are interested in Mr. Heighton's son, who is home from the army.
Loraine Paulsen, Maxine Hill and Barbara Bean are high honor students.
Dorothy Barrett, Velma Carpenter, Betty Morell and LeRoy Paulsen are on the honorable mention.
What's this we hear about some Frosh boys getting the Sattgast twins mixed up and taking the wrong one out.
Why was Lucille W. hunting frantically for a pencil and some paper? Couldn't Dean wait, Lucille?
What has gotten into Joyce G. and Ora B.? All they think of is Caddilacs, sailors and Filer. Not planning to take a trip are you?
Hey! Barbara A., who is it going to be, Keith W. or Billy Y.?
Joyce S. was seen getting a letter and chuckling and groaning as she read it. It wasn't that bad was it, Joyce?
After this, Lucille W. you and Dean had better find a better place than main street to park on Sunday nights.
From what we hear the girls at "Poky", had a good time at the skating rink. How about that Jeanette F., Shirley P., Lucille W. and Elva Worthington.
It seems that Jim G. had two girls at Pocatello. Can't have two - or can you?
The swings had a certain attraction for certain people the night of the Junior try-out. How about that Laura D. and Louise W.?
Just look around kids and you will see a certain girl gazing at Floyd Strom with that dreamy look in her eyes!
We hear that Laura D. and Paul G. and Louise W. and Donnie C. had a nice time at the Carpenter residence. Just ask Mary how well she slept.
He kissed her on the chin. She exclaimed, "Heavens above!"
Son: "Pappy, what do you call a man who drives a car?"
Dad: Depend's on how close he comes to me."
"Here's where I stick this guy for the drinks," said the mosquito as he landed on Grandpa's head.
There are many exciting dates that never get into history books.
Did you know that gasoline makes you old? It made Ethyl 76.
Late hours are bad for one - great for two.
Laugh and the class laughs with you; study and you're left alone.
Conrad's Pharmacy
Phone 1
Nicholson Equipment Company
White Hardware and Implement Co.
Payette Valley Cooperative, Inc.
Glenn's Shoe Repair Shop
Mil-Ray Cafe
"It's a Good Place to Eat"
Wherry Hardware
New Plymouth Mercantile Co.
PHONES 40 and 41
New Plymouth Groceteria
R.J. Sullivan, Owner
Shampoo and Wave
Beauty Necessities
Hatfield Feed and Fuel
RES. 83
Idaho Power Company
"A Citizen Wherever It Serves"
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