VOL. IV. NO. 11
April 8, 1946
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Editor …............. Annette Gaston
Assistant Editor …............. Bob Whaley
Sports Editor …............. Frank Moss
Assistant …............. Bill Carpenter
Feature Editor, Eveline McDaniel
Assistant …............. Jimmy Oliver
Reporters …............. John Crawford, Millie Ann Woody, Margie Gard, John Henry Paulson
Circulation Mgrs …............. John Green, Pat Sharp, Donna Sharp, Bob Boyer
News Editor …............. Blanche Fishback
Business Manager …............. Melbadean McDaniel
Class Reporters:
Freshman …............. Mary Carpenter
Sophomore …............. Hazel Boehm
Junior …............. Shirley Pope
Senior …............. Darlene Darrall
Advisor …............. Mrs. Goldsmith
Why doesn't every student in N. P. H. S. be a Sherlock Holmes and find the guilty person who who takes library books without signing for them, who leave-magazines on the library floor j and draws elaborate cartoons in all encyclopedias. Also find the persons that raid lockers of all articles that don't belong to them, especially pencils.
Have you noticed the waste baskets in the class rooms? If so why not use them for your waste paper. If you haven't noticed them - then we suggest getting glasses - we mean eye glasses.
It is shame that our floors should be littered with unsightly scraps of every size and description. Let's show everyone that we like to see clean floors and let's cooperate by helping to improve the looks of the halls and classrooms.
If everyone would do with others property as they would want others to do with theirs, how happy we all would be.
The results of the recent Americanism Essay contest, conducted by the American Legion Auxiliary, is as follows:
1st - John Green
2nd - Charlene Chandler
3rd - Bessie Knight and Kenneth Laudermilk tied.
The first prize essay is being entered in the state contest.
Our baseball season so far has been, stopped by the weather. We have about 13 men and 9 are lettermen from last year. Men applying for positions in the infield are catcher, Bob Purcell; pitcher. Bill Carpenter; first, Frank Moss; short-stop, John Murata; second Yosh Murata; third, Jim Gilmore. For the outfield we have three lettermen back, center field, Bob Platz; left field, Gene Turtle; right field, Alex Conger. Other outfielders are Groves, Whaley, German and Gardener. We have an eight game schedule this year.
This year N.P.H.S. has started a track team of which 4 men have turned out, Laudermilk, Zahm, Townsend and Wight. We hope the team this year is successful so track can be permanently established in the school. The track special tried out on the Fruitland track and they did pretty well.
Days may come and days may go, But Love goes on forever.
Latest Date Dope
Mary Louise x Keith W. x Bob B.
Bob Boyer x "Arky" x Imogene
Alex x Helen
Bill C. x Shirley P.
James C. x Donna
Paul C. x Lucille W.
Jeanette x Logan
Faye x Fred
Wanda Lee x "Iwa"
Orpha M. x Bert
Imogene x Norman C. x Bob B.
Frank x Pat
Gene R. x Annette
Bob P. x Shirley W.
Ora B. x Harvey K.
Darryl B. x Lucille
Jack D. x Barbara A.
Jack M. x Verna S.
Keith R. x Beverly S.
Barbara A. x Bill Y.
Billie x Clifford
Bob W. x Beverly
Beverly x Cecil x Tom M.
Darlene x Bob
Margie x Eldon
Ruby x Jerrold M.
Melbadean x an "ex-sailor"
Ruth R. x Everett Y.
What do you think about high school kids going steady?
Imogene R. - I don't think they should, they're too young.
Darlene D. - Naturally, I think it is swell.
Donna S. - Definitely not.
Joyce G. - All right if they have enough nerve to go out.
Mary C. - Rather ignorant.
Kenny L. - I'm neutral.
Ora B. - Good idea.
Margie B. - Depends on who you go steady with.
Lucille W. - Depends
Louise W. - Okay, as long as they don't fight.
Jack M. - Sounds okay to me.
Robert S. - All right if you can do it.
Millie Ann - All right according to the kids.
Jack D. - Okay as long as they can get away with it.
Darryl B. - Don't think they should.
Jennie B. Carr - I don't think they should.
John G. - All right if they want to.
Orpha M - If they go steady they should get along better.
Bob Bover - I don't think there's anything wrong, it's lots of fun.
Jeanette F. - Swell!!
John C. - Up to them.
Pat Sharp - All right.
Albert Burke - I don't care.
Mrs. Eckel - Just so they don't get too serious.
Wanda Lee G. - I think it's all right.
Emma C. - All right if they think so.
Shirley P. - Oh! That would be telling.
Shirley W. - Depends on who the kids are.
Ruth F. - Okay and how!
Jim. G - Pretty good.
Yosh M - Let 'em go.
Lynn G. - All right I guess for some people.
Billie C - All right.
Margie G. - Fine!
Beverly S. - Never again!
Carroll F. - Depends.
Melbadean McD. - Okay by me!
Floyd S. - All right if they want to. I don't care.
Faye G. - All right, I guess.
Seniors - You'll Know Im By
Bob Purcell - Platform shoes
Bob Platz - growling wolf calls
Gene R. - red letterman sweater
Eleanor F. - ability to sing
LaVena J. - Ontario boy friend
Lucille H. - ability to play the piano by ear.
Ruby K. - diamond
Ruth R. - Junior girl friend
Grant McD. - "historical" galopy
Evelene McD. - giggle
Melbadean - white pearl combs
Darlene - ever-present letters from the Navy
Margie - ever-present letters from the Army
Donna S. - ring on chain
Frank M. - bracelets
John Henry - "bad boy" personality
Saturu - Nash
Alex - junk jewelry
Gene T. - sarcastic remarks
Lloyd B. - height
Blanche F. - hands
It's nice to have a mother, but what if you had three - all at once? It can't be done? Then come to see the three-act play, "Too Many Mothers" when it is presented by the Junior Class at the high school on the evening of April 12, 1946 and see just how much trouble so many mothers at once can cause a poor young man, who only asked for one! "Too Many Mothers" is what the movies call a "laugh riot". It was written by Robert Ray, often called one of the country's most prolific playwrights and was leased from the Northwestern Press of Minneapolis, one of our leading publishers of dramatical material. This combination of author an 1 publisher guarantees the play as being clever, new and just about the last work in good entertainment. At every rehearsal the local cast finds new things to laugh at in the funnv complications and witty lines. This promises local theatre-goers an enthusiastic performance. Don't forget the date, April 12, the place, high school, or the time, 8:15. Put it down in your date book right now because you'll miss one of the best theatrical treats of the year if you fail to see "Too Many Mothers."
Cast is as follows:
Lawrence Homes - Bill Carpenter
Sharon Hassler - Shirley Pope
R. J. Hassler - John Green
Russell Anderson - Wayne Dillon
Dorothy Bish - Pat Sharp
Suzanne Drake - Laura Donner
Emma Braden - Bessie Knight
Pearl Sweetser - Charlene Chandler
Paul Grund - Bob Boyer
Prompter - Virginia Bean
Stage Manager - Jim Gilmore
Property Manager - Jeanette Fitzsimons
Make-up - Imogene Russell, Faye Gardener and Elva Worthington
Business Manager - Annette Gaston
Advertising Manager - Millie Ann Woody
The Public Speaking Class and Music Department of New Plymouth high school will present two one-act plays and a variety of musical numbers at 8:15 p. m. in the high school auditorium.
The first play is "Are We Dressing", a fast moving comedy by Don Pierre.
Dad sheds his coat and shoe' and orders corn beef and cabbage for supper when Fred and Polly wish to impress rich friends, so the children threaten to turn the tables by appearing in bathrobes to greet Dads important business caller. There are mixed identities and a lot of excitement before the the happy ending is reached.
The cast is as follows:
Homer Andrews ...... Gene Tuttle the father
Lora. Andrews, the mother, ............................ Melbadean McDaniel
Fred Andrews .............. Paul Criss their son
Polly Andrews ........ Helen Capps their daughter
Greg Millard ................ Jim Oliver Polly's boy friend
Joan Millard............Donna Sharp Fred's girl friend
Felicia .............. Elva Worthington maid
Mr. Konrad ............ John Paulson business man
The second play is "The Pest Guest", a comedy in one act by Jay Tobias.
Daisy Bradford, president of the Pineville Pen-Women's Club, has invited Randolph Stoddard, writer of the famous book "So Strong the Wind", to speak to her club. How Daisy's brother impersonates the writer and what he does to humiliate her is the comedy. When they find out who Randolph Stoddard is, what a surprise they get.
The cast is as follows:
Daisy Bradford......Virginia Bean a celebrity hound
Sue Bradford ........ Faye Gardner her older daughter
Amy Bradford, Eveline McDaniel her younger daughter
Marthanna Mudge, the Henglish cook .................. Annette Gaston
Slats Slater .................... Bob Platz Sue's heart interest
Buddy Rose ............ Alex Conger Amy's ditto
Randolph Stoddard Frank Moss a novelist, alias, Jack Carlton
Pomona Potts, the gawky maid, alias, Mary Jones ....................................................Imogene Russell
Seniors Enjoy Chicken Dinner
Wednesday night, April 3, 21 Seniors and Mr. and Mrs. Hopper and family enjoyed a delicious chicken dinner at the Country Club. Dancing was enjoyed by a few after dinner and most of the group attended the show following that. The evening made a memorable event.
Friday, March 29, the Student Body enjoyed forty-five minute' listening to Mr. Parkingson tell of India's customs, types of food, caste systems and climate as it appeared to him while he served there in United States Army for a period of years. His discussion was both educational and entertaining.
The Editor and her assistant plan to attend a Press Conference all day April 18 at Boise. In the evening a dinner and dance will be given to honor the Idaho high school newspaper representatives.
One bright autumn day some eighteen years ago, October 3, 1927 to be exact, the stork circled over Burley, Idaho and dropped a promising bundle of humanity to Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Randell.
Senior Biographies
Gene, our topic of discussion, grew up with the years and finally started to high school in Kimberly, changed to Fairfield, then dropped in on New Plymouth. His calendar of activities state him as being Freshman class, president, Junior vice-president, football, a play, an operetta and clarinet in band.
His favorite movie actor is Turhan. Bey and Betty Hutton also lures him to all her shows. Gene's hobby is staying up 'til the wee hours although I'm not in the position of stating just how late they are sometimes.
Gene's seven weeks in N. P. H S. have already made him a familiar figure in the halls. He thinks N. P. H. S. is pretty wonderful (but don't we all?)
A brownette with dark brown eyes, Gene is 5' 9" and weighs 156. His ambition, if undecided by the Army, includes an engineering degree from Moscow. And with either or both, we wish him lots of success.
The habit of a lifetime ha1-grown upon dear Keithie-Weithie as we again see him escorting "Arky" about. But this try brings competition in the form of the plumber in the Jr. play.
Now that the Packard has at last been overhauled Ruth can again save the leather on her shoe soles. No more dates on foot, eh?
And speaking of cars - Wayne D. is vainly seeking a winsome creature to accompany him on similar motor tours. Seems he has a car minus a motor. That's a big help.
Members are increasing daily in the "5000 Club." Rules for membership may be obtained easily from the office.
Imogene has at last met her match, after succeeding in forgetting Caldwell. But then maybe Norman Cooper is as good as any.
Wonder why Albert Burke makes those weekly visits to Vale? But then your guess is as good as mine.
Anyone doubting Gene Turtle's ability to play cards please write Kay Fletcher, Rte. 4, Boise.
The Randell-Gaston romance practically tops the list this week. Aren't Mercurys and love grand?
"Hello! Honey" writes Billie every third period to her Wolfish one and only. Again I say ain't love grand?
When you hear the professionally uttered wolf-calls in the Public Speaking play "The Pest Guest", you can really understand why Alex and Bob P. were chosen for the parts.
Martha C, with no luck so far, has been flirting with Floyd and Keith every moment they are available. If at first you don't succeed, Martha, try, try again.
I suggest you bring a bed to school. "Cookie", if you insist upon camping in the library every period. Our assistant Editor, Robert Whaley, is a steady visitor at the Stuart home. How do you do it, Bev?
Jack Moss - I'd think you'd get mixed up and take out the wrong one. Or can you tell Vera from Verna by now?
Jeanette looks lonesome these days. I wonder why?
Purcell hasn't been in the spotlight at all this week which is something too, too unbelievable. Or maybe that's the reason Shirley W. never comes to school.
Barbara A. and "Dubious" Davis stole brothers Buick and toured the country Sunday.
A new romance is being born. LaVena Jim and someone from Ontario. Oh, what this spring weather will do.
We're curious as to whose ring Donna Sharp is wearing around her neck. Do you anything about it "Clem"?
Who did you get in a fight with Mary C? But we really know it was only a cold sore.
These Freshmen really do things up in a hurry. Lucille W. and Darryl B. have patched up their troubles.
Just Try To Imagine
Shirley W. or Bob P. coming to school for one whole day.
"Cookie" F. studying any subject, period.
James C. not coming to play practice.
Jack P. spending the entire 7th period in study hall.
Shirley P. and Donna S. minus the arm jewelry.
Keith and Floyd not saying "I don't care and you're not old enough."
Lynn Groves ............................ Ben
Paul Criss .............................. Butch
Mary Louise .......................... Arky
Jack Davis ........................ Dubious
Wayne Dillon ...................... Pickle
Jim Gilmore ............................ Red
Carroll Flack ...................... Cookie
You can tell a Freshman as far as you can see him but you can't tell a Senior anything. (Read backwards: Do fools all, it do would you knew we.
Two can keep warm cheaper than one.
A girl's choice of a sailing vessel is a smack.
If you can't laugh at the jokes of the age, laugh at the age of the the jokes.
A kiss is a noun because it is both common and proper.
A kiss is a pronoun because "she" stands for it.
A kiss is a verb because it is both active and passive.
A kiss is an interjection because it shows strong feeling.
A kiss is a conjunction because it connects.
And again it is a preposition because it has an object.
Billie C. - that's no lie. Barbara A. - Now I've heard everything.
Floyd S. - I'm not old enough.
Margie G. - Darlene!
Virginia B. - Oh! For Heaven's sakes.
Jack Moss - Ain't the way I heard it.
Eleanor F. - hubba! hubba!
Frank Moss - those Freshmen!
Conrad's Pharmacy
Phone 1
Nicholson Equipment Company
White Hardware and Implement Co.
Payette Valley Cooperative, Inc.
Glenn's Shoe Repair Shop
Mil-Ray Cafe
"It's a Good Place to Eat"
Wherry Hardware
New Plymouth Mercantile Co.
PHONES 40 and 41
New Plymouth Groceteria
R.J. Sullivan, Owner
Shampoo and Wave
Beauty Necessities
Hatfield Feed and Fuel
RES. 83
Idaho Power Company
"A Citizen Wherever It Serves"
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