VOL. V. No. 2
January 25, 1947
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Editor ................ Margie Penrod
Assistant Editor .... Joyce Gaston
Features ............ Annette Gaston
Sports .................... Bill Carpenter, Jimmie Gilmore
News ...................... Ruth Fishback, Helen Capps, Laura Donner, Marie Haines
Class Reporters
Senior ........................ Eula Wisner
Junior ................ Virginia Clowser
Sophomore ............ Vera Sattgast
Freshman ........ Alene McDaniels
Business Mgr..... Clara B. Harris
Advertising ............ John Green, Charlene Chandler
Circulation .. Mary Louise Baker, Shirley Harwell
Advisors ........ Miss Kostenbader, Mr. Price
This little blond, blue-eyed, gal was born 17 years ago in Overton, Neb (much to her mom's regret. She is 5 feet 4 inches tall and weighs about 113 pounds!!
To give you a little inside dope on her I'll begin by saying she is just nuts about Betty Grable and Frank Latimore as they appeared in "Dolly Sisters" which incidentally is her favorite movie. Her favorite food is ripe olives; she likes History better than any other subject and wouldn't you know it - her pet peeve is Mr. Price, no less. Her favorite sport is basketball and as you know, yells her lungs out at games. Eula especially likes the song "Pretending" and after reading "Duel in the Sun" declares it's her favorite book. She says she's going to Business College . after graduation, but "you'd never guess" her ambition. When asked who her hero was she replied, "Florence."
The Buzz Saw Staff is very lucky to have her as a co-worker this year. Oh, by the way, her favorite pastime is running a; round with Mary Louise. In closing may I say, she likes everybody (namely one-guess who?) and everybody loves her.
Born in Kent, Washington, May 12, 1928, Yosh is a dark haired dark eyed Senior this year and plans to graduate this semester. He has been going to N.P.H.S. for two years. This seems to be his line-up of favorites:
Actor: Frank Sinatra.
Actress: Ester Williams.
Book: None.
Food: Nothing special.
Show: "Boys Ranch."
Subject: Chemistry.
Pet Peeve: Gerlach.
Sport: Basketball.
Pastime: Sleeping.
Song: "Old Lamplighter."
Yosh was on the Buzz Saw Staff last year and has lettered in Basketball, Football and Baseball. He plans to go to college in a couple of years and we all wish him the best of luck.
This 6 foot 2 inch Senior was born in New Plymouth on July 16, 1929.- He has gone to school here since the first grade and loves it -naturally- Chemistry in particular. He has brown eyes and hair. By this time you know this is Brian Hillis - no less.
To give you a few more facts here are a few of his favorites:
Actor: Haven't any.
Actress: Rita Hay worth.
Show: "Young Widow."
Sport: Baseball.
Food: Just food.
Subject: Chemistry.
Pet Peeve: Bookkeeping.
Ambition: Haven't any.
Brian has been active in sports during his high school period having played basketball for three years and football one year. He says his favorite pastime is reading History and his heroine is-take notice- Jane Russell! He says he plans on "just messing a-round" after graduation and at this I hope he is very successful.
This Senior was born at Lostine, Oregon, Jan. 20, 1929. He has brown eyes and brown hair and is 5 feet 8 inches tall. He is very active in sports, has taken three years of basketball and two of football. We were very fortunate by having him arrive here in the Seventh grade. Surely by this time, you have guessed that it could be no other than Duane Sasser. His favorite food seems to be anything and everything, but by the looks of things he likes the food at the Jensen's Cafe pretty good. He admires Gary Cooper's acting, his favorite actress is Ingrid Bergman and his favorite movie was "Bells of St. Mary's." After reading all the books he could get his hands on, he finally concluded that his favorite book was "Gone With the Wind." His favorite subject seems to be Chemistry, and as almost everyone goes to him for their answers, I guess he must be pretty good in it. His favorite sport is football and his favorite pastime is trying to get out of work! He says he has no pet song, but declares that his pet peeve is taking basketball under Mr. Thompson. Duane plans to go to college after graduating and has his future pretty well in mind, as he intends to take up Forestry or Civil Engineering. I'm sure that everyone wishes him a lot of luck in the future.
The last issue contained a very picturesque description of the early morning Biology class; I'm sure Orrin would be very much disappointed if his teaching talents weren't commented upon so I'll entertain you further with a very minute and detailed- description of his most popular class, that subject of subjects-
American History.
Time: 2:00.
Place: Room 6.
Characters: All 40 of those easily pleased, ever quiet little Seniors.
Teacher: "Bunker" Hill.
After the 40 little darlings have all quietly taken their seats and it's so peaceful one could hear a pin drop. Mr. Hills proceeds to check roll which is very swiftly done with the splendid co-operation of the class. All in all this is the perfect example of a well behaved group of students. No one ever talks without permission, no one ever doubts the teacher's word, no one ever carries on little afternoon chats with his neighbors, and John Crawford never says a word. It's really puzzling how one ever guesses his opinion in an argument. He's always so silent during the daily discussions. Paul Criss and Mary Louise B. sit with hands neatly folded in their laps. They never care if the Negroes out number the whites and get to rule the land. Oh. no, thev're just like John. And. Pat Moss never answers questions because Jimmie Gilmore hurriedly gives detailed description of the battle plus all the important factors, before Pat never gets a chance. Shirley W. is just like Gary, she is alert and up on her toes in every argument I guess that love for speech was inherited. Junior Darnall's eyes are so wide awake he is forever being accused of actually staring at the teacher. Junior is a good boy, though, never atays out late at night. Helen C. has pretty eyes too, so wide and never drooping. (Lots of sleep, you know.) Bob Boyer and Kenny Cisney just sleep so much in class that they never have a chance to make cute funny side remarks to Annette and Imogene who are never talking and always get A's on their test papers. Jack Penrod never has a reason to doubt the teachers word or the Book, for Hann and Muzzy follow each other exactly in fact, one must have copied the other. Eula W.. Lawrence R., and Weldon W. do so much back and forth talking that Millie Ann and Duane S. can't ever achieve the historical knowledge they are so earnestly seeking from class discussions. Lynn G. and Elva would never think of arguing whose class ring is the better. They listen so intently they never find time! And the row next to the window! They're just little angels, always so perfectly silent that they never even answer a question, they love peace and quiet so much. They are Bill, Helen, Keith, Pat, Virginia, Mary Louise and Paul. And that my dear readers is American History. Due apologies to Mr. Hills for using this class as a sighted example of perfect behavior; for we think you're a grand sport and will take this only as the lighter side of our version of life.
- 40 Little Seniors
Friday, January 17, the Girl's Glee Club presented the program for a student assembly. The numbers on the program were announced by Virginia Bean and were as follows: a double duet, "Follow The Gleam", sung by Marie Haines, Anna Ruth Pitman, Maxine Hill and Imogene Russell, a piano solo, "Gertrude's Dream Waltz", played by Barbara Eoggs, a vocal duet by Velma Carpenter and Shirley Harwell, who sang "Londonderry Air", a piano solo by Lorraine Paulson, a solo, "When You Wish Upon a Star", by Jean Robison, and another solo, "Tears On My Pillow", was sung by Bonnie Whitman. The program was concluded by the entire Girl's Glee Club singing, "Onward Christian Soldiers". The half hour program was very entertaining and was enjoyed very much by the student body.
Due to a misunderstanding of the status which the local school now has in the Snake River Valley conference, Payette high is not going to compete with the New Plymouth high school on the maple court this season.
No other school in the conference received such an erroneous understanding as Payette professes to have, and local school officials are under the impression that Payette High is choosing this way out to avoid risking defeat at the hands of New Plymouth's Class B aggregation, Coach H. - Troy Thompson commented. "No announcement of this understanding was made to the local school and it wasn't until a published Pirate schedule disclosed that New Plymouth had been dropped from their schedule that the local school became aware of the facts."
Coach Thompson stated that he regrets the loss of these games since a keen rivalry exists between the schools and Payette would draw a good crowd. It is also too late to replace them with another team.
In our school, the same as in other schools, there are many opportunities for service. Many of these services are performed by students who are elected to a student body or class office. It is expected that these students will carry out their duties and generally speaking, that is true of all our elected officers. Many times these students go far beyond their regular duties and render services that are unbeknown to the rest of the student body. This willingness to work and make our school life a success is duly appreciated by myself and other administrative officers.
Oft times we find students in our midst that make it a point to offer their services, even though they hold no office. Many times students are asked to do many of the "behind the scene" jobs that help to make our school "Click". Not wanting to slight any of those who have helped out I will not attempt to name all of them, for I might fail to enumerate some, but I am going to call to your attention one case that I feel deserves the gratitude of the entire student body.
To those of you who arrive early at our basketball games, you may, or may not, have noticed that a certain young lady is always selling tickets and when you get to the balcony entrance another certain party is on duty there, either of these girls are elected officials, and after being asked once to help out before student body officers arrived, they have always been present to assume these responsible duties. They carry out their task in a quiet, business manner, never asking any special favors and so I take this opportunity to personally thank them. I feel that we can say "Orchids to You" Emma and Virginia Clowser for a service well done.
From time to time Mr. Thompson will use this space for special consideration of students that help to make our school one of the best in Idaho.
Here are some Shows which pertain to some of the members of N.P.H.S.
Out of This World - The Phonograph in Room 6.
Over 21 - Nobody.
Keeper of the Flame - Mr. Hutton.
Wonder Man - Mr. Gerlach.
Anchors Aweigh - Pat Moss.
Conflict - Junior Darnall.
Dillinger - Floyd Strom.
Practically Yours - Virginia and Millie Ann.
The Key(s) of the Kingdom: - Mr. Riddlebarger.
The Southerner - Mary L. Baker.
Wilson - Eula Wisner.
And Then There Were None - Seniors.
Blonde Trouble - Bob Boyer.
Slightly Dangerous - The Faculty
Wall Street Cowboy - Wayne D.
My Bill - Barbara B.
Road to Utopia - From Here to Beacon Hall.
The Outlaw - Gene Tackett.
Gentleman Jim - Elva W.
I sometimes wonder if Eula W. really likes Welton Wilson's daily 6th period visits in the library. But then, being a woman and also being the quiet type it shouldn't be hard to guess her answer to the question. Maybe something will come out of this, who knows!
I came to the conclusion that chivalry is dead when I overheard Don H. and Tommy M. telling of picking up two girls one nite to push them in case they got stuck! (I think it was the girls, not the car that got stuck.)
I shouldn't think Alberta Dewey's parents would have to pay very much school-bus tax, with Alberta's transportation being furnished like it is by Richard Stockton and his friends.
Poor Bessie not getting to speak the rest of the year in a certain subject. But then that shouldn't be too hard to do m that class!
The noon hour isn't long enough for a certain Soph, boy to ward off starvation, so he devours three Snicker candy bars; and two boxes of chocolate almonds, all during his 5th period class!
You can't hide anything from little sisters, Keith. But I would liked to have heard what Nancy was telling concerning you and Ora B.
I guess Juanita Peterson is still going with Cecil Fowler. Or at least I see them almost nightly at the show.
For information on Emmett, Weiser, Ontario, Fruitland, Adrian or Payette, just ask Beverly. She knows them all. Why don't you set up a date bureau or something, Bev.
Mary Louise has been doin' all the neighboring towns with the town Romeo, Claron Jensen. Which do you like the better "Arky", the car or him?
Pat Caffey is noticed quite frequently in the company of Darryl Sorenson and the Lake, boys. But this isn't really news, they are seen so often together Laura Donner and a certain dark somebody named Johnny (from Emmett, I believe) are seen on the nights that Laura doesn't want to study for test, which is more than likely every night plus a few (?) week ends thrown in for variety.
Ah! Boys what are you waiting for? A new Junior girl and she's cute too. Why don't we girls get a chance at a new boy occasionally. Could be cause none ever move into N. P.
Last Friday evening the New Plymouth Pilgrims won their fifth straight victory in the Class B conference as they outscored the Wildcats from Wilder 38-33. This victory is the halfway mark of this conference with the Pilgrims holding the top spot. From the way things are shaping up, it appears that the game with Homedale next Friday will determine the championship of the conference. Homedale is gaining strength as the season progresses and seems to be the strongest team in the southern part of the conference. B. winning this game the Pilgrims should be champions, barring of course, some upsets by the weaker teams. Such things are possible, but Coach Thompson is taking no chances and each game will be prepared for just as if it was the championship game.
The Pilgrims scored on the opening tip-off and were never headed. All of the Plymouth players were in top form and kept their opponents from getting any close shots, but Wilder came up with several long shot artists who kept them in the game.
In an exciting preliminary game, the Juniors won an overtime contest 23-21. The baby Pilgrims were slow in getting started and it wasn't until the fourth quarter that they came to life, scoring 8 points while their opponents went scoreless. In the overtime, Wilder made a free throw and Gardner bucketed a field goal for the victory.
In a rough and tumble contest New Plymouth met their fourth defeat of the season as Adrian came from behind in the second half to win 53-49.
Adrain with a rangy,fast breaking ball club, got away to a 6 point lead early in the game, but at the end of the first quarter the Pilgrims had forged ahead to lead 12-8. The locals held a 29-24 advantage at halftime, but were on the short end of a 38-31 score at the end of the third-canto. A spirited rally the fourth quarter overcame this lead and with less than a minute to play, Gilmore made what was apparently the tying score only to have it annuled by one of the officials and Adrian chucked in another quick basket to sew up the game.
The team goes to Weiser next Tuesday evening and play again at home on Friday, Jan. 31, with Homedale.
One Foot in Heaven - Vance W.
Ride With Me - Richard S.
The Wilder Wildcats came to New Plymouth to be handed a first class defeat. It was a hard fought game with everyone taking some hard knocks. At the half the Pilgrims led by a three point margin. In the final phase of the game the Pilgrims brought the score up to 38-28, but the Wilder boys got hot and brought the margin down to five points. The final score was 38-33 in favor of New Plymouth with Carpenter scoring 16 points.
The New Plymouth B squad played overtime in their game game and won 34-32 with Gardner playing an outstanding game.
As I was looking at the books in the library one day, I suddenly thought how well the titles suited some of us. So here is my contribution to the literary world Tragic Ground – N.P.H.S.
Sound of the Trumpet - GeneTackett.
With the Ring - Virginia and Millie Ann.
Seventeen - Senior Girls.
Fortune in Formulas - ChemistryClass.
Henry VIII - World History class
The Story of Indians - American History class.
I Married Adventure - Pat Moss.
Reptiles of the World - Faculty.
The Harvey Girls - Ora and Mildred.
Big Ben - Margie Penrod.
They Were Expendable - The Team.
That Girl From Memphis – Mary L. Baker.
Along Life's Highway - Seniors.
This Side of Innocence - Paul C. and John C.
The King's General - Mr. Thompson.
Also the Hills - Mr. Hills.
The Gauntlet - Jimmie Oliver.
I Love Miss Tillie Bean - Bill Carpenter.
Wake of the Red Witch - Elva W.
Try and Stop Me - Tommy M. and Don H.
Adventures in Good Eating - Jack P.
Give Your Hair a Chance – Paul C. and Jack M.
The Wandering Jew - Imogene.
The Basque People - Annette.
How to Play Poker - The Boys.
The (In)human Comedy - Mr. Gerlach.
Come, Spring - N.P.H.S.
Brave Men - Letterman's Club.
The Green Years - Freshmen.
Let Us Consider One Another - Jim and Elva.
Male Call - Shirley W.
The Sad Sack - Wayne Dillon.
The World's Best Joke(s) - Mr. Price.
Carpenter Work - Barbara B.
Microbe Hunters - Biology class.
Pilgrim's Progress - Team.
So Big - Ronnie Moss.
Penrod - Ruth F.
The Secret Panel - "Kilroy" Jennings.
Drake Drug Co.
Sav-Mor Drug
Phone 1
Marshall-Wells Stare
WARE & SON, Owners
You'll find scores of extra values in every
Glenn's Shoe Repair Shop
Wherry Hardware
New Plymouth Groceteria
R., J. Sullivan, Owner
Hatfield Feed and Fuel
PHONE 32 RES. 83
Payette Valley Co.op. Oil Co., Inc.
New Plymouth Mercantile Co.
PHONES 40 and 41
"The Home of Good Things to Eat and Wear"
Nicholson Equipment Co.
Shampoo - Hair Cream
Mahdeen for Dandruff
Jensen's Cafe
"It's a Good Place to Eat"
Idaho Power Company
"A Citizen Wherever It Serves"
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