VOL. V. No. 5
March 10, 1947
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Editor ................ Margie Penrod
Assistant Editor .... Joyce Gaston
Features ............ Annette Gaston
Sports .................... Bill Carpenter, Jimmie Gilmore
News ....................... Ruth Fishback, Helen Capps, Laura Donner, Marie Haines
Class Reporters
Senior ........................ Eula Wisner
Junior ................ Virginia Clowser
Sophomore ............ Vera Sattgast
Freshman ........ Alene McDaniels
Business Mgr..... Clara B. Harris
Advertising ............ John Green
Charlene Chandler Circulation .. Mary Louise Baker Shirley Harwell Neil Dillon
Advisors ........ Miss Kostenbader, Mr. Price
It seems that spring has come at last to New Plymouth. The days are filled with sunshine and it gives one almost an overpowering urge to forget the school books and sit looking wistfully out the window, or better yet to forget about school. However, since that can't be done fellow students, here's a pleasant thought; think of the poor teachers, who having also been smitten with spring fever, must not only force themselves to work but force us students likewise! Perhaps they will take pity on us worn out students and on a particularly nice sunny day will forget to give us an assignment or maybe even a test - Who knows? Some things happen that are stranger than fiction!
Seventeen years ago marked the beginning of one of the world's greatest depression, but sometimes Gary Wilson being like all other brothers in this world didn't think Shirley's arrival at Weiser on November 28, helped it any. But we very definitely disagree with Gary, although 99 per cent of the time he is on good terms with her. This blond, vivacious Senior girl is 5 feet 2 inches and weighs 123. She can give you detailed information on Caldwell, Payette and Fruitland for the Wilson's lived there before moving to New Plymouth.
Some of Shirley's favorites include:
Subject: Typing even if I do get F's.
Food: Ginger cookies.
Movie: Al Jolson.
Book: Little Women.
Actor: Larry Parks.
Actress: Rita Hay worth.
Pastime: Running around with Jeanette.
Sport: Football.
Pet Peeve: Chemistry.
Activities: Glee Club 2 years, P. E. 2 years.
After graduation her plans include Business College where she can fulfill her plans to "sit-on-a-boss'-lap. Best of luck, Shirley, in anything you try to do, keep your present personality and you'll always find the fun in life.
This gray eyed, brown headed, Senior girl was born October 18, 1929 in Harvard, Nebraska. She is five foot, three inches tall and weighs 115 pounds - which makes for long, low whistles from the male section. She is of course, Elva Worthington. And you ail immediately recognize her as our cheerleader for the last three years. Those of you who are her classmates know she has taken Glee Club for four years and has been a member of the P. E. class for three years. She was also an important member of the Girls' Sextette in her Sophomore and Junior years.
Elva just simply adores Joan Leslie and that hunk of man-Alan Ladd (who doesn't admire him?) and she says "Till the Clouds Roll By" was her favorite movie. She dotes on good books and "Tomorrow is Forever" seems to be a favorite there - maybe books are what she talks about - cause she says talking is her favorite pastime. But somehow I can't understand that since she says she likes Shorthand anu Bookkeeping better than any subject in school. Elva's favorite food is shrimp salad and french fries Drool, drool. Basketball we know why, of course is her favorite sport. After graduation Elva plans to go on to school elsewhere. But might I say in closing that her telephone number is not available because her time is occupied by a certain redheaded Senior. And on all his property is a sign reading, "No Trespassing."
If you were to happen in on the Stockton home and suddenly hear a screaming shout of "Open the door, Richard," don't run, it's only Florence telling her brother in a polite way, that she wants in the house and has somehow misplaced the key. By taking further inventory of Florence Elizabeth you"l wonder somehow if she is or isn't the type that brutally beats "little brothers." For Florence is the unpredictable type, has dark brown hair, which she wears in Chinese bangs, green eyes, a much envied wardrobe, an dis 5 feet 7 inches tall and weighs 123. Born in Payette, on Oct. 13, 1928, this Senior girl began school here in New Plymouth twelve years ago.
Here are some of her favorites:
Subject: History, (surprise.)
Food: Dill pickles, ice cream.
Book: Any good mystery.
Actors: Cary Grant and Gary Cooper.
Actresses: Bette Davis and Jennifer Jones.
Movie: Any with the above stars.
Pastime: Reading.
Sport: Walking to her locker and back.
After graduation, Florence knows she will go on to college but has yet to decide on a definite university. No matter where her decision takes her, we wish her the very best of luck.
Wednesday evening, February 19, tryouts were held for the Junior play, "Tell It To The Marines." The cast includes: Margie Penrod, who was selected to be the charming and devoted young wife of Vance Wilson, her likewise devoted young husband. Then we have Toby Dodd's brother, Carroll Slack, a practical joker accompanied by Portia, Prue's domineering sister who is Virginia Clowser. Of course, we can't forget the glamorous movie star of our play, Nadine Donner to you, who always has to make her presence felt. These are just a few of the many stars you will see. Others include: Tommy Malson, as the cranky warden, Irene Kreps as Lizzie Mumm who is never mum about anything, Alma Adell Paul as a newspaper reporter, Awana Shaw as Nola Beacham, Lyla's sister, Gean Robi son as Barbara Ring, a friend of Portias, and then last but not least we have Keith Woolley as the snoopy detective. Rehearsals have already been started and the play will be presented the first of April. So make an early date to see the laughing, new sensation, "Tell It To The Marines" as presented by the Junior Class.
With the second defeat of the Pilgrim squad at the district tourney in Wilder last Thursday, the basketball season was brought to a close.
In a brief review of the past sea son the records show that the local team won 13 games and lost seven during the season's play. Six of the seven games lost were against schools in the Snake River Valley conference. In the class B league the team won nine out of ten games and were crowned champions in this conference. The seasons total of points scored was 660, an average of 33 points per game. Pilgrim opponents scored 620 points or an average of 31 per game. Bill Carpenter was the leading scorer, as he made 136 points in 17 games. James Gilmore was a close second with 132, in 19 games. Glen Darnall was also one of the leading scorers with 113 in 14 games. Jack Penrod was credited with 71 and Duane Sasser made 68. The balance of the points was spread among other members of the squad. The close of the season ended the high school basketball careers of the following boys: Bill Carpenter, James Gilmore, Duane Sasser, Jack Penrod, John Crawford, Brian Hillis and Lynn Groves. The loss of these boys will be keenly felt another year, as only Vance Wilson, John Murato and Gene Tackett are re turning lettermen.
Until the Pilgrims were eleminated in the tournament, Carpenter was in second place among the high scorers with 36 points in three games. He was topped only by Middleton's Matsumato, who had 37. Bill will indeed be missed another year, in as much as he has been playing for the past four years, and there is no substitute for the ability and experience that he takes away from the local school.
Coach Thompson wishes to express his appreciation for the fine support that the townpeople have given the team this past season and to thank each and every one that has helped to make the season a success.
The Boxers from Weiser high scored a 4 to 3 victory over the Pilgrim leather pushers Monday evening. One bout ended in a tie. The local team was considerably weakened with three members absent with the flu and injuries received last week with Payette.
Harold Randebers drew with Bob Owens.
Billy Zahm outpointed Bob Scheloske.
Jack Naylor gained a decision over Alex Lawn.
James Hatfield lost his fight to Jim Jordan.
Carroll Flack lost a close decision to Duane Eisenbarth.
Ogden Alen easily outpointed Richard Spurlock.
Paul Currit was shaded by Bill Coppedge.
Richard Stockton dropped a decision to Jim Parker.
Mac Smith and Don Crook, both Weiser boys fought an exhibition.
This Friday evening Parma visits the local school and the Plymouth boxers will be out to avenge an early season defeat at Parma. This match will conclude the boxing season for New Plymouth.
"Where's your pencil, Alf?"
"Ain't got one, teacher."
"How many times have I told you not to say that? Listen I haven't got one, you haven't got one, we haven't go one, they haven't got one - "
"Well, where are all the pencils?"
The best thing about spring - it comes when it is most needed.
Friday, February 29, the Freshman Class presented to the student body their assembly. Allen Ogden was master of ceremonies and the program was as follows: A piano solo by Loraine Paulsen; a skit, "Ma Perkins and the Photo Album" or "Minding the Brat,'' in which many talented Freshmen displayed their acting ability; a piano solo by Leroy Paulsen; two shootings of Dan McGrew, featuring Chuck Darrell and Ronnie Moss and a poem and piano solo by Shirley Harwell.
The program was greatly enjoyed by the student body.
There is an old saying that anything free isn't appreciated but the free show given to the public in general last Friday noon was really good.
Maybe Roger is smart though, and figures the advertising was good for the car. Maybe too, that was why he made Charlene sit on his side so not to detract from the "For Sale" sign!! All I can say is "Ain't love grand." And no wonder Charlene is minus lipstick when History class rolls around!
No, Geraldine tells us, she wasn't going to a masquerade ball Fri. - she only had her hair up for a date with Cecil Dewey that night.
Eula Wisner has been going with Jimmy Fitzsimons. Now "Arky'' and Claron have more transportation. But with Eula in bed with the mumps this week, the romance has been indefinitely postponed.
Ora B. quit school recently only to say she would return next year. But from the looks of that diamond from Harvey, we doubt if she ever makes it.
Lucille W. never seems to get up in time to come to school. Does that little story about Bob M. have anything to do with your reason, Lucille?
Anyone desiring information on Fleetline Chevs, please contact Annette or Joyce and from the looks of the 1G license, Bob and Tony must be from - you guessed it - Emmett!
And speaking of that town, Beverly doesn't seem to be doing so bad. And even Nadine and Laura did a little reminicing the other night with a couple of men from "up yonder."
Talk about Charlene and Roger. One should see Virginia and Oliver some night. Oh, happy day! Which isn't far away.
Lorraine and Joyce A. almost had a new sister-in-law last week. And Barbara Aultz would have been in the family if she hadn't gotten scared at the alter and ran away!
I wish Vance would hurry and decide on somebody. I'm getting tired of writing about him and a different girl every time the paper comes out.
What in the world was this little bet that involved the triangle of "three-well-known-celebrities"? The pay-off was a daily milkshake.
Wayne Dillon has so many bags under his eyes that you can't even see the color of them anymore. And he must "have it bad" to drive clear to Nyssa and back every night just to see Betty and her family of two dogs. For further information, consult Wayne. He has a picture of "the women."
I thought only the men in medieval days did such things as locking women in a room but Faye G. will tell you different if you ask her. Won't you, Faye?
Half the population of New Plymouth spent Monday charivaring Mr. Hills and his better half and from the noise they must all have had fun. "Here's where the trouble begins."
I don't see how Awana Shaw can lift her hand to write with her boy friend, Archie's ring on her finger. She tells me he's from Oregon.
Well! Well! Erma B. did say she would again make the news this week. But a funny way to make it I'd say, the way she rushed up to Keith W., her present heart-throb, and caught his hands. Look out, Crawford, you have competition!
Leona Lake is the proud owner of a new hair conditioner. Maybe she's fixing all up to go out after a Marine that's now home. Or so she says!
Darryl Betts couldn't you even let one day go by as sort of a tribute to Betty C. without turning around and flirting with her girl friend, Joyce S.? And the first thing in the morning. Or maybe you're being smart!
Keith R. is so happy now that he has a new car all his own that he wants to run an ad - "Girl Friend Wanted."
For the first time, Imogene is actually taking an interest in Am. History class discussion. But then wouldn't you if your best boy friend raised potatoes and farming was the week's lesson.
I believe Margie P. feels good this week, now that Ben is back from California. Now she can stay up in time to hear Jack come in.
Wonder how come Tackett hasn't caught spring fever yet and been giving the girls a rush? Too much tournament, no doubt.
Tommy and Don have reversed the "girl chase boy" theory. They're out desperately trying to get Marie Haynes. But Tommy not being the great track star that Don is, has withdrawn from the race. Run, Marie! He's closing in!
Jimmy G. must like publicity. At least he leaves his picture as a calling card in nearby neighboring towns. Maybe Elva, lost It though, Jim, you never can tell.
Glen Watson home on leave, visited school this week. To people not remembering him ask Beverly, she sure does!
Jack Naylor isn't wasting any time from the looks of affection he is giving the new girl, June S. And the way she returns those loving glances, I don't think she minds at all.
Glen D. is in the news again, this time it's Jeanette F. and that flirting in History and Chemistry classes.
What Is Your Worst Fault?
Martha C: Screaming at prices.
Joyce A.: Singing "Open the Door, Richard," everytime I get around Mr. Brumett.
Gladys C: Yelling too much at the games and coming to school hoarse.
Charles D.: Trying to keep a-wake the next day after games.
Ron Moss: Science and History.
John C: Staying up late every night.
Duane S.: Letting the coach catch me out late at night.
Eula W.: Forgetting to mail letters.
Lorraine A.: Being bashful.
Lamoyne N.: Getting in late.
Florence S.: Bad memory.
Patty C: Being bashful.
Gean R.: Going out every night.
John C: I don't have any faults. Never heard of 'em.
Lorraine P.: Beating up my brother. Ha!
Mary L. B.: Now, that's a good question.
Bessie K.: I don't know.
Milly A. W.: What a question.
Charlene C: Charlene Chandler
Emma C: Speech class.
Jeannette F.: Biting my fingernails. It makes me so mad!
Imogene R.: Always saying something before I think.
Shirley P.: Not getting enough sleep.
Paul C: Bad moods.
Weldon W.: What d'ya mean, worst faults? I have none.
Mr. Gerlach: Impediment of speech.
Yosh M.: Stooge.
Keith W.: Women in general.
Mr. Hills: Teasing.
Miss Kostenbader: Slamming doors when I'm mad!
Pat M.: Getting mad at people.
Faye G.: Talking about people.
Nadine D.: Getting mad easily.
Keith B.: Not studying Chemistry.
Shirley W.: Not studying Chemistry.
Beverly S.: Going with blonde-headed men!
Annette C: Same as Beverly's 'ah reckon.
Irene K.: I don't know.
He slept beneath the moon
He basked beneath the sun;
He lived a life of going-to-do,
And died with nothing done.
Paul Criss handed the teacher this letter:
"Dear Teacher - My son, Paul, is a very delicate, nervous and timid child, and if he should be naughty, I wish you would punish the boy next to him, for that will frighten him so that he will behave himself."
Gene Tackett came home from school dejectedly one day.
"Ain't goin' tomorra,'' he said.
"And why not?" his mother asked.
"Well, I can't read and I can't write, and they won't let me talk, so what's the use."
Mr. Hills: "John C, name all the presidents."
John C: "I can't name them all. There are too many of them."
Mr. Hills: "But John, when I was your age I could name them all."
John C: "Sure, but there wasn't more than a half-dozen in those days."
I used to eat Wheaties for breakfast every morning. I'd split open the top of the package with a bread knife, sprinkle an ordinary amount of the cereal in an ordinary cereal dish, pour in just enough cream, and coat the mixture with some plain white sugar. It wasn't so bad when, grasping the edge of the bed to pull myself out mornings, I'd tear it to bits under me. I didn't mind particularly when the steering wheel of my car crumpled under my bands and we turned over three times into a ditch. I thought it was a good joke when I banged the door of my fraternity house and it fell to the ground. But when I tried to kiss the only girl I ever loved and broke her neck, I went back to Grapenuts.
Count your assets. If you have a clear conscience and a good liver, if you have three good friends and a happy home, if your heart has kept its youth and your soul its honesty - then you are one of life's millionaires.
Mother: "You are at the foot of the spelling class again, are you?"
Boy: "Yes."
Mother: "How did that happen?" Boy: "I got too many z's in scissors."
Ephraim: Dat child o' yourn am mighty slow learnin' at school. How does you' all account for dat?
Ezekial: Well, de school am two miles from heah, an' dat chile done fo'gits all de teacheh tell him 'fo' he gits half way home.
TACTFULNESS The art of making folks 'round yo uthink they amount to something.
Marshall-Wells Store
WARE & SON, Owners
You'll find scores of extra values in every
Glenn's Shoe Repair Shop
Wherry Hardware
New Plymouth Groceteria
R. J. Sullivan, Owner
Hatfield Feed and Fuel
Payette Valley Co.op. Oil Co., Inc.
New Plymouth Mercantile Co.
PHONES 40 and 41
"The Home of Good Things to Eat and Wear"
Nicholson Equipment Co.
Mary's Beauty Shoppe
Shampoo - Hair Cream
Mahdeen for Dandruff
Jensen's Cafe
"It's a Good Place to Eat"
Idaho Power Company
"A Citizen Wherever It Serves"
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