VOL. V. No. 6
March 24, 1947
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Editor ................ Margie Penrod
Assistant Editor .... Joyce Gaston
Features ............ Annette Gaston
Sports .................... Bill Carpenter, Jimmie Gilmore
News ...................... Ruth Fishback, Helen Capps, Laura Donner, Marie Haines
Class Reporters
Senior ........................ Eula Wisner
Junior ................ Virginia Clowser
Sophomore ............ Vera Sattgast
Freshman ........ Alene McDaniels
Business Mgr..... Clara B. Harris
Advertising ............ John Green
Charlene Chandler Circulation .. Mary Louise Baker, Shirley Harwell, Neil Dillon
Advisors ........ Miss Kostenbader, Mr. Price
I believe that spring is the most wonderful time of the year. Particularly after a long dreary winter. It seems to make one feel more alive and even gives an energy lift to see the fresh green grass, the budding trees and the flowers.
Some of the sure signs of spring are the grade school boys playing marbles, the girls all decked out in new print dresses, gay skirts and blouses, bare legs and sandals, and maybe even a wrinkle or two erased from the teacher's brow.
By now you've probably guessed that your editor has a bad case of spring fever and I'm positively convinced that its incurable. On second thought it gives one such wonderful feeling that I don't believe I'd cure it even if I could. I'm sure that all of the N. P. high school students feel the same way I do about spring and will admit it's a pretty nice world to be alive in.
In the Spring of 1929 (April 18, to be-exact) that famous bird— you name at-was flying leis rely above the house-tops of that great metrapolis—New Plymouth. As it swooped down it accidently dropped a small (?) bundle on the doorstep of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Dillon. You guessed it, the big bouncing baby boy was none other than Wayne.
He has grown a little since then and has now reached the height of 5 feet 11 inches. He weighs 170 pounds. With that build goes brown eyes and brown wavy hair. He loves to eat, with fish being his favorite food. "Someday" is his favorite song and "The Robe" rates first in the line of books. His pet peeve is his car, which he can never get to run.
Wayne doesn't have a favorite movie, actor or actress because as he says, "I don't have time for shows what with Nyssa and that beautiful blue-eyed blonde." This, he claims, is his favorite pastime too. No one knows his plans after graduation, but we can all guess so best of luck to a swell Senior.
On December 7, 1928 at Twin Falls, Idaho a blue-eyed, brown-headed "bundle from heaven" arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Rasmussen. Don't be alarmed—the bundle was only Lawrence. Lawrence is now 5 feet 11 inches and weighs 154 pounds. He attended school at Elba and Richfield, Idaho, entering N. P. H. S. in December of his Freshman year. To get better acquainted with this Senior, here are a few of his likes and dislikes:
Song: Idaho.
Food: Ice cream.
Book: "Thomas A. Edison."
Actor: Ray Milland.
Actress: Judy Garland.
Movie: "Sgt. York."
Subject: Chemistry.
Pet Peeve: A test every day in one subject.
Pastime: Reading.
Sport: Football.
Lawrence is a two-year Letter-man and he plans to go to college after graduation. He isn't sure yet about which college—but we wish him lots of luck just the same.
Friday, March 21, the Economics class, who have been studying about the banking system, spent most of their class period at the bank. Mr. Green told the class many interesting things in relation to banking. This made Economics, which is usually thought of as a "dry" subject, much more interesting to the students.
Teacher: What is a sawhorse?
Student: Past tense of a seahorse.
"I got thirty-five in arithmetic and forthy in spelling, but I sure knocked 'em cold in geography."
"What did you get?"
La Moyne seems to be happy lately. Couldn't be because of some soldier could it??
Helen C. adds another diamond to the Senior class. Seems the lucky guy is from Emmett—Floyd Evans I believe. Good luck to you both, Helen.
Spring has sprung. Especially for Erma B. and Gene T. We see them together constantly.
What's this we hear about a 42 Buick and Nadine D. It seems he's from Fruitland. Couldn't be Gillum could it. What about, Jay, Nadine?????
What' this about Annette giving wolf calls all day at Boise? It's customary for the boys to do the wolf calling, Annette.
Jimmie Fitzimmons seems to find an attraction in the Senior class. We don't blame you Jim, we think Eula's cute too.
What was this little gathering with razor blades one night. Anyhow the paint was all scraped off the chemistry room's windows I don't think I should include any names in this little item, though.
It seems a little battle was had between some Emmett boys and some Plymouth boys one Sun. night. What's the matter Gene T. can't you fight your own battles or was he to tough for you??
Beverly S. and Keith Wooley have been seen after play practice the last few nights. Maybe they've got spring fever too.
What's this we see on Glen Watson's finger. Couldn't be Irene Kreps's class ring could it??
We tho't we'd be able to give you the low-down on the Spring couple—Gene and Erma—but looks as if Keith W. has stepped in and taken over. Keep watch in the following editions for the latest developments.
Another steady couple! Marie 11. and Glen D. Wonder why these Jrs. and Srs. always pick on the Frosh?
We see Nadine D. going with Glen W., but that hasn't stopped Beverly. We also see her and Keith W. riding in the car with them.
Heres some advice to Carroll Flack. You'd better be quicker on the draw when you reach for those dice out of turn next time-confidentially tho' he only hurt his arm with some milk cans! (Cookie didn't mind when a Junior girl held his hand all the way to Emmett.
The only news about Imogene this time is that if you happen to pass Russell's between 4 and 5—it's ten to one you'd find her out digging in the potato patch.
The Freshmen don't know it. but the rest of the high school have a secret agent "planted" in the Freshman class—particularly when there's a class meeting. Anyhow they all knew about the Frosh hayride and weiner roast-almost before they did themselves.
Wayne F. wants to add this bit of "to whom it may concern" information, he has changed his name (what again?) This time its "Kilroy No. 2 .
Friday night after Emmett won at the tournament—5 New Pl ymouth gals helped them celebrate at the Gay Way. The luckly gals were Annette G., Joyce G., Mary C., Jeanette F.and Shirley W. What's this world coming to??
"Glenna" is floating along on a pink cloud after hearing about that cute guy from Emmett asking about her. And can you blame her—what with all his ruggedness, a snazzy car and dough?
After the sneak and all some of the participants were still energetic enough to have another weiner roast after play practice. (Junior sneak that is.)
The president of a small college was visiting the little town that had been his former home, and had been asked to address an audience of his former neighbors. In order to assure them that his career had not caused him to put on airs, he began his address: "My dear friends, I won't call vou ladies and gentlemen; I know you too well to say that."
"What would you do if I kissed you?" "I'd yell."
Silence. A kiss. More silence. "Well?"
"I'm still hoarse from last night."
Nit: The first act of the play was good.
Wit: What about the second act?
Nit: I didn't see it.
Wit: Why not?
Nit: I couldn't wait that lone
Wit: What do you mean "that long?"
Nit: Well on the program it said the next act takes place two years later.
First Ghost: How did you get that bump on your head?
Second Ghost: Oh, I was coming through the keyhole as usual and just then someone put a key in.
Where can you find happiness?
Under H in the dictionary.
Friday morning, March 14, the Buzz Saw Staff sponsored a Student Assembly program. The program was announced by Margie Penrod and was as follow: Mr. Hills played a clarinet solo, "The Waltz You Saved for Me" and "Whispering Hope," accompanied by Annette Gaston on the piano: Charlene Chandler gave a humorous reading about "Talkative Tilly"; a piano duet, "Ben Hur March," was played by John Green and Elva Worthington and also an encore duet; a short skit "The Modern Version of Romeo and Juliet," starring Mary Louise Baker and Jack Moss; a vocal duet, "The Old Lamplighter" was sung by Shirley Harwell and Marie Haynes, accompanied by Joyce Gaston; and a piano solo "Night and Day," played by Annette Gaston, concluded the program.
Tuesday, March 18, Mr. Harder representing another in our series of national assemblies, spoke to the N. P. student body and faculty about one of his three very interesting trips around the world. His talk was of special interest to the high school boys because of the fact that he made his trip around the world without hardly any money.
Before Mr. Haider left the United States he told how he and another friend bad a very inerting interview with the late President Roosevelt and other high ranking men. Mr. Harder toll how he had traveled through 57 different countries. He showed the student body different swords that he had acquired in these countries. Mr. Harder also sang some songs in Chinese and Egyptain.
It proved to be a very interesting as well as valuable national assembly for the student body.
Marie H.: Makes me dream of people.
Irma B.: Causes me to get bad ideas (such as playing hookey).
Chuck D.: I just get spring fever, as usual.
Allen O.: It makes me kinda sick.
Verna S.: Guess?
Nadine D.: I don't know.
Keith W.: Not so bad as Gene T.
Tommy M.: Junior sneaks.
Gean R.: What a question! Makes me wish school was out.
Shirley H.: I'm all twitter-pated
Joyce G.: Brings thoughts of Emmett and other creepy places.
Beverly S.: Think of Weiser.
Vera S.: Playin' hookey.
Charlene C: Makes me hope for summer.
Florence S.: Just a cold!
Eula W.: They smell.
Jack M.: I don't. Floyd S.: Crummy.
Joyce G.: Creepy. Beverly S.: Kinda dumb.
Don H.: Insipid. Douglas C: Pretty crude.
Ronny M.: It's hard to say. Bernard S.: (Speechless).
Marie H.: Brainy (lack of). Carroll F.: All I've got to say is it'll keep the Seniors broke buying razor blades to scrape it off.
Martha C: It hurt my eyes. Helen C: They'd look better lavender.
Charlene C: I'm afraid to think of what they'll do next. Elva W.: Reminds me of prison.
Ruth F.: All it lacks is the bars. Mary C: If I could only get at 'em.
Laura D.: I don't think it'll make the students any smarter June S.: Makes me want to scrape it off.
John Crawford's sense of humor
Paul Criss' ability to be a regular fellow.
Annette G.'s talent for the piano.
Shirley Harwell's voice.
Pat's love for Frank.
Mr. Hills' patience with his students.
Shirley Pope's cute little nose and her gum chewing ability.
Bill Carpenter's executive ability.
Gary Wilson's worldliness.
Glenn D's. rugged good looks.
Ron Moss' darling tininess.
Mike Z's. sweet smile and personality.
Mr. Thompson's athletic powers and his super par excellent intelligence.
Florence S's. ability to write witty stories, do good drawings.
Miss Kostenbader's flair for getting along with everyone.
Jeannette and Shirley W's. pert way of looking so alive.
Beverly S.-because she is so cute.
Laura D.-Ditto.
Duane S's. practical joking.
Mr. Gerlach's ability to give such easy tests.
Jack Penrod's basketball playing.
Ben G's. ease in taking a joke.
Virginia B's. good judgment and ability for being broadminded about everything.
John G's. mischievousness.
Milly Ann's lovely hair.
Lorraine Albaston - because she likes everyone.
Eula W's. sweetness.
Bessie's ease in getting Chem.
Nadine D's. patience when she doesn't hear from Jay.
Once upon a time, in a sunny little valley in a sunny little country there lived a sunny little boy and his name was Sonny. However, this little boy was not (as you might think) sunny, he was on the contrary very gloomy His mother and father and his sisters and his brothers were all very happy and they wanted Sonny to be too.
They tried everything they could to make him happy, they gave him toys, ice cream, sneaks, scrapped the paint off his school windows and even stopped beating him twice a day. But still Sonny was very unhappy he wouldn't smile at all.
One day his mother said to him, "Sonny why aren't you happy?" Sonny wiped a tear from the corner of his eye and said, "I got an F in my American History test."
Our very sweet little story would have ended here keeping us in suspense if I hadn't seen a news item in the Sunnyville Suzz Baw. It said, We are happy to report that Sonny is doing very nicely. His keepers report that yesterday he was heard to say, "Well so what? Maybe I can make it up." Of course he still has a long way to go before he can assume that wonderful carefree attitude of other students.
by Florence Stockton
Everyone was gathered at the school bright and early, Thursday morning. The big day was here at last after three days of arguing and trying to browbeat the boys into going. We finally found enough cars to squeeze into, and so started on our way at 8:00, headed in the general direction of Boise. Arriving there, we all started out in different directions, not knowing where nor why. Going into the capital, we found Weldon W., Jeanette F., Shirley W. and John G. admiring (?) all the things of interest, and trying to find a way up to the dome. A little farther on, we found Mr. Thompson perched a-top a statue, having his picture taken.
About that time, Bessie had a little streak of luck, and so went to pay her compliments at the Police Station!! (We bailed her out, though.)
At noon, everyone was present for dinner at the mezzanine at C. C. Anderson's, to the consternation of one poor waitress! After John G. had related all the gory details he could think of, we politely pushed back our food, and left for the State Penitentiary. (No connection). There we were shown around by the warden. Once inside, everyone was immediately for swiping those salt shakers and menues, and all other crimes they had committed. After counting noses to make sure we were all there, we took off again. Back in Boise, a few wanted to go to Horseshoe Bend for a picnic, which was quickly vetoed, so we all came to the parting of the ways again.
We found Faye, Bessie and Emma, bowling both arms off, and not doing so bad, either.
Of course everyone went shopping, at least Shirley W., Ruth, Annette and Helen were showing off their purchases. Up town we ran into Shirley P., Milly Ann, Virginia and Charlene, apparently Easter shopping, too.
Saw Bobby B., Brian and Keith wandering down the street, with nary a blonde in sight!! Hardly saw anything of the other males, (maybe they know more about the town than the rest of us.)
After gadding around some more, and seeing the beginning and end of "California," (some of us would like to see the middle sometime), we finally decided to leave. We arrived in our little N. P. very tired and sleepy and very willing to go to school the next day!! (big joke) We hope the Juniors have as good a time next year!!
"If you stay overnight at my house, you'll have to make your own bed."
"I don't mind."
"Here's a hammer and saw."
Employer: So you have been to college, eh? How high can you count?
College Student: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, jack, queen, king.
Mother: "Sonny, don't use such bad words."
Son: "Shakespeare used them."
Mother: "Well, don't play with him."
Marshall-Wells Store
WARE and SON, Owners
You'll find scores of extra values in every
Glenn's Shoe Repair Shop
Wherry Hardware
New Plymouth Groceteria
R. J. Sullivan, Owner
Hatfield Feed and Fuel
Payette Valley Co.op. Oil Co., Inc.
New Plymouth Mercantile Co.
PHONES 40 and 41
"The Home of Good Things to Eat and Wear"
Nicholson Equipment Co.
Mary's Beauty Shoppe
Shampoo - Hair Cream
Mahdeen for Dandruff
Jensen's Cafe
"It's a Good Place to Eat"
Idaho Power Company
"A Citizen Wherever It Serves"
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