VOL. V. No.7
April 7, 1947
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Editor ................ Margie Penrod
Assistant Editor .... Joyce Gaston
Features ............ Annette Gaston
Sports .................... Bill Carpenter, Jimmie Gilmore
News ...................... Ruth Fishback, Helen Capps, Laura Donner, Marie Haines
Class Reporters
Senior ........................ Eula Wisner
Junior ................ Virginia Clowser
Sophomore ............ Vera Sattgast
Freshman ........ Alene McDaniels
Business Mgr..... Clara B. Harris
Advertising ............ John Green
Charlene Chandler Circulation ....... Mary Louise Baker, Shirley Harwell, Neil Dillon
Advisors ........ Miss Kostenbader, Mr. Price
"Oh, Love Is So Sweet in the Springtime" seems to be the theme song of every lad and lassie around N.P.H.S. about now Why? Well, you can guess, but we,ll tell you-its spring and birds are singing and the grass is green and - . What we've been trying to say is this! Three little words can sum up the entire incident. (Pound in every Webster dictionary). Teachers call it spring fever and the urgent longing to be out of doors, but we students could five them a different slant or that particular subject. If we study real hard, maybe the faculty will take pity on us and cut down on assignments.
We also hope spring will see us tripping the light fantastic in the gym to some soft and swoony Glen Miller platter.
With spring also comes the Jr, play, a very much looked-forward to event. All ready there's practicing and discussion as to who's the better actor or actress.
The way the weather has been, a promising season of baseball is ahead. And when we play other towns - all those boys. Maybe the girls can make up for the fact that their names aren't mentioned in the "Sweethearts' Song"!
by Joyce Gaston, Asst' Editor
Millie was born in Wilder, Idaho, December 1, 1929. She has blue-gray eyes and brown hair (at which all the girls cast envious looks) and is a very popular member of the Senior class.
She came here at the end of the eighth grade and has since then been vice president of the Sophomore class, vice president of the Girl Reserves in her Sophomore year, has been a member of the Glee Club for four years and the Senior Girls' Sextette. In addition she is a member of the student council and treasurer of the student body this year. She has taken P.E. for three years and in her first three years of high school was a member of the Buzz Saw staff.
Millie's favorite actors are Gary Cooper and Alan Ladd and she says vivacious Betty Hutton is her favorite actress. "Anything chocolate" is her best liked food, she is also partial to basketball as a sport and dog stories (to read of course).
"The Jolson Story" heads her list of favorite movies and she prefers "Chopin's Polonaise" or "Till the End of Time" above all other musical numbers. Typing (but, oh, the mistakes) is her favorite subject and History is definitely not the bright spot of the day for her.
Well, well, it says here that her favorite pastime is picking out furniture?? Millie says to get out of school is her ambition and what with that diamond on third finger, left hand I know why she is so anxious to get out of school.
Best of luck and happiness, Millie!
Lynn, (otherwise known as Ben) was born September 26, 1929, right here in our own dear New Plymouth. He has blue eyes, brown hair, weighs 150 pounds and is 5 feet 8 inches tall. Ben has gone to New Plymouth high for four years, the first eight years of his schooling being spent at Falk.
To get you better acquainted
Food: Chicken and ice cream: with Ben, here are a few of his favorites:
Actor: Alan Ladd.
Actress: Greer Garson.
Song: "Open the Door Richard."
Sport: Basketball.
Book: Any mystery (he must be the man who, loves a mystery).
Movie: "The Outlaw."
Pastime: Sleeping.
Subject: Trigonometry.
Ambition: To be an engineer.
Ben is president of the Letter-mans club this year. He has played on, and lettered in, basketball for two years and in baseball two years. Lots of luck in whatever you undertake in the future, Ben.
Last Wednesday night, the N.P. Athletic club sponsored a student body hayride. They thought they had everything arranged and enough tractors available, but what should happen, but just the one tractor shows up. After much discussing and inquiring, Keith R. finally decided to take his truck. So, at 7:45, off we went on the wagon and truck, headed for Pomeroys. A few of our gallant males, being unable to stand the open air of the wagon, went on ahead and built a huge fire and had everything ready when the weaker sex arrived. We quickly devoured the weiners, buns and coke and as people are prone to gossip, we sat around the fire and jabbered for a while. After spending a very enjoyable evening everyone was agreed on leaving for town, because it was a week night and everyone wanted to go to school the next day - I think -think that is. Anyway, when they arrived home, some were warm and others were cold. Everyone had a very enjoyable evening-I guess, guess, that is.
The New Plymouth Pilgrims won an easy victory over the Notus nine last Friday afternoon by a 10-0 score. The local team found the slants of the Notus pitchers to their liking and punched out 8 hits. The best the Notu-boys could do with the offerings of Gilmore and Carpenter was a single hit. Groves and Hillis made one error each, while the rest of the team kept their fielding records intact. The Notus team was charged with 8 errors.
Gilmore was credited with 6 strike outs in the four innings he worked on the mound, and Carpenter whiffed 8 in three innings. Newkirk, Notus pitcher, fanned three of the Pilgrim batters.
Strom hit 3 for 4 to lead the Pilgrim attack. Gilmore was credited with a home run in the 6 th inning when a long hit rolled a-cross the highway.
Coach Hills used 16 players, which included 6 freshmen boys, in an effort to keep the ball game from being a walk-away.
The local team journeys to Homedale next Friday. In the other games in the conference, Parma bested Homedale 8-7 and Marsing scored a 8-1 victory over Wilder.
Track Meet
Today the track squad will test its strength against Ontario, Weiser, Fruitland and Emmett in a practice meet at Ontario. The following Friday the team will compete in the SRV relay carnival, which will also be held in Ontario. These two meets should give Coach Thompson a fair lineup on his material and prepare the squad for the county meet in Payette.
There are, as we know, four classes of high school students: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors. Each-group has certain characteristics and certain interests peculiar to itself. The Freshmen are, indeed unique. They are as the lambs that, when morning dawns, come gamboling out to graze in the green pastures of education. There they feed, frisk or lie down to rest, according to the desire of each. And when evening comes they return to their fold bleating and spent. In the fall they enter high school with fear and trembling, but possessed with an abundance of confidence. They soon "rise to a point of order" - the Sophomores refuse to accept them without proper ceremonial rites! Is this the reward for being duly graduated from Grammar school? They ask. For shame. They soon adopt the motto "plug, cram and be studious, for tomorrow we may flunk." With enthusiasm to spare, these under classmen toil earnestly so that some day they will be big and bold like their Junior cousins and that some glad May they will, like the Seniors, receive that coveted bit of paper, except for too many "F's."
Here's to the Freshmen
f So gentle and meek
So weary and tired
At the end of each week.
Keep on a plugging,
Stick out your chin
No one will know
That a Freshman you've been.
Mr. Riddlebarger
Thursday morning, March 27, the student body had the pleasure of hearing Mr. Nephi Combs, the bird man. Mr. Combs toll many interesting things about birdlife and imitated their songs very successfully. When the teacher asked Gene T. to spell the word "Straight," he spelled it "S-t-r-a-i-g-h-t," Fine!" she said. "What does it mean?" Gene T.: "Without ginger ale."
Friday, March 31, the Freshmen gathered together for a weiner roast and hay ride combined. It seems more upper classmen came than Freshmen. Some Juniors and Seniors were caught by the wagon and came over to watch them eat, while the Freshmen's brilliant minds schemed a revenge. A few Freshmen worked on the Junior's and Senior's cars while the other kept them busy. Then they gathered everybody and everything on the wagon and made their getaway. Filled with mischief, the Freshmen were not ready to go home, so they journeyed to the white bridge. Here on the top of the hill they watched in vain for the Sophmores. At last they started for town. As they drove along a Senior car, which somehow had gotten away, appeared. Darrell Barker pushed the tractor to full speed. Then there came another Senior car from town. Now there were two cars fast on the tail of the Freshmen. When they reached town they parted but not without a small bit of trouble with the Juniors and Seniors.
1. You pick up the receiver
You turn the crank.
If she's not at home,
Then she's out with Hank.
2. You're wasting your time,
So why even try,
She's gone as usual -
And Robert's the guy!
3. Just hang up at once -
Your chances are void,
Cause she's taken out by -
That diamond and Floyd.
4. You might as well call up
A Brooklyn Dodger,
Unless you're car is green
And your name is Roger.
5. Get a date?
Don't you wish you could?
But that's all off-Cause she's almost a Wood.
6. Hang up real quick -
And as fast as lightning,
Cause she's gone out -
With Junior Breitling.
7. You hope you're not bothering
And were you in bed?
Oh-sorry. Good-bye, then If you're going with Red.
8. Here, too, your times a waste
So why even try,
She, too, has gone out -
And Robert's the guy.
9. Again, you pick up the receiver,
You turn the crank.
And if she's not home,
Then she's out with Hank.
10. You're 'bout out of nickels, You're having to dig.
And then her Mom says She has gone out with Nig.
11. You hope you can get her -
You never can tell.
Then she turns up by saying
She's going out with Martel.
1. 20 R 11
2. 90 J 5
3. 14 J
4. 8 J 2
5. 79 J
6. 75 R 2
7. 103 W
8. 51 M
9. 11 R 11
10. 111 J 1
11. 51 M
Hear that funny noise?
Someone's got some logs too saw,
Yes, it's coming from the boys
Who are sleeping in study hall.
That's the best place to sleep
No matter if they don't want them to,
They say, "If I want to I'll sleep,"
And that's just what they do.
Where were they last night,
When they should have been in bed?
Why they were making the night bright,
By painting the town up red.
Whenever that period is up,
You'd better not sleep on past,
For they might think it's enough
And that sleep would be your last.
June Selders
What has happened to the Gene Erma romance. Things have cooled off since the day of the Jr. sneak. How did she rate going with the Juniors anyhow, her only being a Frosh?
Spring must really be here what with all the diamonds on the girls' fingers. We see another had been added to the Senior class.
April Fools' day proved to be quite the day for Ruth and Jack. From the looks of that diamond this is really no fooling. Here's wishing two swell kids lots of luck and happiness in the future.
Shirley W., Mary C, Annette G. and Jeannette F. current flames hail from down Emmett way. Things seem to be pretty serious from what I've gathered.
Who's the big tarzan from Emmett we see with Laura lately. That light green '42 Chrysler is quite an asset too.
Imogene's romance with Bob still seems to be running smoothly. Love must be grand. Also that cute couple, Helen and Floyd have been seen at all the current dances What's this we hear about Floyd winning a Silex coffee maker at an Emmett dance. All ready to start housekeeping.
Rumors have it that Nadine and Jay have broken up. Glen V. couldn't have had anything to do with it, could he??
Virginia is busy getting the other half of her ring set altered to fit. For the coming big event. I believe the date is set for soon after graduation. Milly Ann is also seen in town shopping for that certain day in the future.
Fun was had at the Roy Stone by some of the Plymouthites last week. Some of the couples at the pool were Floyd and Verna, Keith and Alberta D., Vance and Laura, Nadine and Glen. It seems Beverly, Tom M., and Don H. didn't make it to Roy Stone due to the lack of some pushwater.
Eula and Jimmie seem to have joined the ranks of the steadies around town. Very cute couple they make too.
Lorraine A. was seen Saturday night with some guy by the name of Edgar Jim. By the way Lorraine where does he hail from??
The hayride was enjoyed by everyone attending. Especially Tom M., Joyce G., Beverly and Don Henrickson.
Wayne Dillon was seen parked on Main street Saturday night all cuddled up with his blonde from Nyssa. Isn't Main street too public, Wayne?
Joyce Gaston seems to be doing alright lately. Some guy by the name of Joe Westbrook and he has a '47 Chev. too, oh boy!
We haven't heard Geraldine talking about Bill Colefeild lately. What has happened. I wonder?
Faye G. broke up with Fred N.. but is going with Bernard S., could it be because B. S. is so much like F. N.-
Joyce A.: Just anything.
Shirley P.: School.
John G.: School in general.
Duane S.: Guess who?
Jeannette F.: Gripers.
Mr. Gerlach: Ditto.
Ruth Grover: Jeepers creepers (who's that)?
Marie H.: People who swipe my things.
Jack M.: Forgy.
Jack P.: Economics.
Norma F.: Conceited people (guess who)?
Joyce S.: People who talk too much.
Martha C: People with yo-yos.
Darryl Barker: Green windows.
Eula W.: People who pop paper sacks.
Elva W.: Fly balls.
Lorraine A.: Everything in general.
Emma C: Teacher's pets.
Bessie K.: People who stick their noses into other people's business.
Florence S.: Always being 1 point off in Bookkeeping.
Gean R.: Same as above.
Imogene R.: Girls with fingers like Amazons.
Helen C: None - I'm happy.
Paul C: Shy lock's temper.
"Now, we're all set. Just turn the jigger over and push on the hickey with your left hand and pull down on that other little jim-crack with your right, then press down the doodad with your foot and pull the thingumbob at the same time and when it starts you push down on the doofunny with your left foot and yank the ump-tydiddy back, then let up on the foot dingus and put your other foot on the hickey-madoodle; and don't forget to push down on the hootnanny every time you move the whatyoumacallit, and you'll be hunk-dorey.''
Visitor: What a beautiful mountain. There must be many romantic tales connected with it.
Mountaineer: Yep, two lovers went up the mountain once and never came back.
Visitor: My, my, what became of them?
Mountaineer: Went down the other side.
Silly Billy: What's them?
Storekeeper: Them's grapefruit.
Silly Billy: Wouldn't take many of them to make a dozen, would it?
"Did it make you nervous to ask your dad for spending money?"
"No, I was calm - and collected."
Waiter: "But the steak is cooked, sir."
Cowpuncher: "The devil you say! I've seen cows hurt worse'n that and get well!!
Woodrow Wilson, twenty-ninth President of the United States, was elected to that office in 1912 with an electoral vote of 435.
The Yellowstone river is about 1100 miles in length.
Marshall-Wells Store
WARE & SON, Owners
You'll find scores of extra values in every
Glenn's Shoe Repair Shop
Wherry Hardware
New Plymouth Groceteria
R. J. Sullivan, Owner
Hatfield Feed and Fuel
Payette Valley Co.op. Oil Co., Inc.
New Plymouth Mercantile Co.
PHONES 40 and 41
"The Home of Good Things to Eat and Wear"
Nicholson Equipment Co.
Mary's Beauty Shoppe
Shampoo - Hair Cream
Mahdeen for Dandruff
Jensen's Cafe
"It's a Good Place to Eat"
Idaho Power Company
"A Citizen Wherever It Serves"
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