VOL. V. No. 8
April 21, 1947
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Editor ................ Margie Penrod
Assistant Editor .... Joyce Gaston
Features ............ Annette Gaston
Sports .................... Bill Carpenter, Jimmie Gilmore
News ...................... Ruth Fishback, Helen Capps, Laura Donner, Marie Haines
Class Reporters
Senior ........................ Eula Wisner
Junior ................ Virginia Clowser
Sophomore ............ Vera Sattgast
Freshman ........ Alene McDaniels
Business Mgr..... Clara B. Harris
Advertising ............ John Green
Charlene Chandler Circulation ..…. Mary Louise Baker, Shirley Harwell, Neil Dillon
Advisors ........ Miss Kostenbader, Mr. Price
With the coming of the last six weeks, we suddenly realize that the school year is almost over. Most of us will be glad to get out and away from the routine of classes, but we still have some pretty vivid memories of '46 and '47 that will be very hard to forget.
It has been a very important year in many ways - both good and bad. But I feel the most important issue of this school year is our paper-the Buzz Saw. The improvement in appearance it has undergone in the last two years makes us of N. P. H. S. proud to be able to publish it and send it to other schools. Many of us, I know, like to read more gossip than any other feature, but if YOU would take time to analyze the meaning of a school paper, you would come to the conclusion that it is a review of the past weeks school routine. Can'f we all co-operate by reading other features as well? These features are entered for your benefit not someone else's. With this co-op-oration we can make the paper a bit more wonderful and be proud to ask "Have you read the new edition of our Buzz Saw?"
Joyce Gaston
Ass't. Editor
It would be most unfortunate if, after having gone through a year of school, we were not able to glance back over events and profit by our mistakes and rejoice in our pleasures.
The many likes and dislikes of school have their chief justification in that they help qualify us to live better in the present and to prepare more wisely for the future. Perhaps many of us resolved last fall that we would live the most complete and full life possible during the school year. Others of us, came to school without any thought of what we were going to do, other than attend classes. Now, that the year is nearing its finish, have you checked over what you have gained and accomplished, as well as what you have contributed for the betterment of New Plymouth High? Can you point to even one single activity or achievement and say, "I helped to do that."
If your year has been one of unpleasant memories and meaningless routine procedure, perhaps a backward glance may reveal the reason. It is immensely important that we be intelligent enough and brave enough to face facts even when they are unpleasant. We must oft'times sacrifice our desires for the betterment of the group; we must cooperate with others in doing things that would be of benefit to all.
In order to help you evaluate the past year and to get your sights fixed on the coming years, here are three pieces of timely advice:
1. You can never know too much! All facts are not equally valuable, but the more you know, the better will you be likely to understand your associates and problems.
2. You can never be too wise. Knowledge and wisdom are very different. A man may know thousands of facts and not use one of them profitable. The wise man knows how to employ the knowledge he has acquired.
3. You can never be too good A thoroughly good man may make mistakes, but knowledge without goodness is exceedingly dangerous. The good man will always have the sympathy of the thinking part of mankind instead of disapproval and contempt.
There are many tough assigments ahead, but none are too tough for the individual that will put forth a little effort. More foresight will prevent your having regrets when you make your hindsights, and it will also increase your pleasures.
H. T. Thompson, Principal
The Pilgrim track squad showed some improvement last Friday when they finished fifth in a field of eight at the Snake river valley relay carnival at Ontario.
Individual records did not count since in a relay carnival every event is contested as a team. Wight, Crawford and Townsend took third place in the hurdle relay. Curritt, Gardner, B. Zahm and Stukey won fourth place in the two-mile relay. Shaw, Remington and Penrod took fourth in the shot-put. Penrod, Shaw and Sasser copped first place in the discus relay with Penrod making the longest toss of all the contestants. 124.6 feet, a little short of his best throw a week ago. Paul Criss had the third longest throw in the javelin, but the team failed to place.
cContesting schools and the order in whih they finished were Weiser, Emmett, Ontario, Nyssa, New Plymouth, Vale, Payette and Adrian.
The boys are rapidly rounding into shape and are expecting to take the county meet at Payette Saturday.
In the district declamation contest at Wilder last Friday three contestants from the local school were entered. Lawrence Rasmussen was rated superior in the memorized orations. Mary Louise Baker rated excellent in the poetry reading and John Green rated good in the humorous division Bessie Knight was ill and did ro' get to participate. Ratings of superior and excellent qualify for the state contest at Twin Falls this week end. Lawrence and Mary Louise accompanied by their speech instructor, Troy Thompson, will attend the state meet.
Tuesday afternoon the baseball nine journeyed to Marsing and returned home with a 2-0 victory. The game was a pitchers' duel and Gilmore missed a no-hit, no-run game when Ilhi, Marsing catcher hit a Texas leaguer in the last of the seventh.
In the first inning, Carpenter lead off with a two bagger and as he tried to reach third, an over-throw permitted him to romp home with a tally. Gable, Marsing chucker, handcuffed the local batters until the sixth when Strom singled to left field.Gilmore -was safe on an error, as was Groves with Strom reaching home on the overthrow.
Gable was credited with 15 strike-outs and Gilmore with seven. New Plymouth made three errors and Marsing made five.
In the other league games Home dale handed Notus its fourth defeat while Parma was outscoring Wilder. At present Marsing, Homedale and New Plymouth are tied with three wins and one loss each. Notus and Wilder haven't yet been able to get into the win column.
Friday, April 11, the Junior class presented their play, "Tell It To The Marines" at the high school auditorium. A good crowd attended and the play went off very successfully.
Mr. Thompson presented the letters to the football players Friday, April 18. He announced that more letters would be given at the close of the school year.
A. Adventurous: Floyd Strom.
B. Bashful: Wayne Forgy.
C. Cave man: Gene Tackett.
D. Dashing: Vance Wilson.
E. Exciting: Senior boys.
F. Fragil: Bill Carpenter.
G. Gentle: Wayne Dillon.
H. Helpless: Paul Criss.
I. Industrious: Jack Penrod.
J. Jokes: Gary Wilson.
K. Kilroy: Roy Jennings.
L. Lonely: Junior Darnall.
M. Musculine: Lynn Groves.
N. Nutty: Don Hendrickson.
O. Oomph: Leslie Brincken.
P. Popular: John Crawford.
Q. Quiet: John Green.
R. Romeo: Bob Boyer.
S. Shorty: Brian Hillis.
T. Timid: Keith Woolley.
U. Unique: Douglas Cross.
V. Vitality: Kenny Cisney.
W. Worthless: (?????)
X. 'Xtra ordinary: Jim Gilmore.
Y. Young: Freshmen boys.
Z. Zealous: Weldon Wight.
Gene Tackett - 10.
Phyllis Henry - 16.
Wayne Dillon - 18.
Gean Robison - 21.
Don Hendrickson - 24.
Richard Stockton - 24.
Lorraine Paulsen - 17.
Leroy Paulsen - 17.
Michael Zahm - 13.
Paul Currit - 29.
Darryl Betts - 20.
Weymer Alderson - 29.
Kenneth Cisney - 21.
John Crawford - 10.
Who was Wayne Forgy's Fruitland girl friend the , other day at the game? The one he wouldn't introduce to interested on-look-ers? This is the question of the week.
What's this I hear about Wayne Dillon telling everyone his matrimonial intentions for next summer? Maybe he likes the idea of Betty as a June bride!
Bob Boyer has been very pleasantly drooling over a picture of a Boise girl the past few days. From what I hear the name is Pat Pond and might you know it - she's a blond!!!
I wonder if the ecstacy of last weeks big event has left the mind of Geraldine yet? I mean the big visit of her two Seattle boy friends who hitch-hiked all the way to see "lucky her."
This wonderful spring weather predicts fine romances but so far nothing has happened to bring about this so-called love.
Thurs. night at the Emmett dance we saw Helen C. and Floyd dancing away. No wonder Helen goes about like she's half asleep, with a "dream" like that for a fiance! Also seen at the same occasion tripping the light fanastic were Jeanette and Nig Larsen, Mary and "Perce" Larsen, Joyce and "Buck" Schiller, Shirley and Hank Garatea, and Annette and Hank's older brother.
Beverly has been seen quite lately with Floyd Strom. Pretty good, Beverly, all this and Ontario too?
"He-Man" Darnall and his fresh man-steady are still casting love glances in the hall. And from what I hear - every night too.
Eula and Jimmy F. buzzed over Canyon county last Sunday in I an airplane. Eula is another lucky girl with her head in the clouds.
True love is bliss. Anyone seen Jack and Ruth in the halls? That's only for Seniors, so they say.
Have you noticed the hangman's noose Leona Lake has been keeping around Darrell Barker's neck at the games? For all we know it may be other times too. Better watch it, Leona, someone is getting angry!
Seems as though Charlene is rather droopy (?) these days. Roger will be back soon, but he's probably enjoying himself, too.
Mildred seems pretty happy when she gets a letter from a certain soldier then too, La Moyne Nate haunts the post office every time the mail comes in.
I wonder what has come between Shirley H. and Jimmy Hatfield? Could it be just mutual dislike? So they say!
Erma, You shouldn't be so fickle. Why ditch a Junior for a Sophomore? What was the matter? Everyone's curious.
Alberta, can't you make up your mind about those two Emmett men, or does one just go along as chauffeur??
On the planet of Venus there lived a Venie whose name was Mat. He was the baker in the village of Htumylp. Now of course all the people in Htumylp were very nice and average people. On day a horrible thing happened! The Bakery was robbed! Someone in Htumylp was a thief! This was terrible. The people were all very excited. Mat looked very sad and the people were all sorry for him.
The sheriff whose name, was Htmis was trying hard to find a clue. He said, "First, Mat, you I must tell me everything that happened. I will soon solve this baffling case."
"Well," said Mat, "I came to my bakery this morning and everything was gone but the building even the stoves and counters. I don't understand it at all."
The sheriff questioned everyone. Everyone said that they' had heard nothing. This was very strange - who could move everything away so fast?
"I have only one clue." said the sheriff. "Here it is. I found it in the store."
"A handerkerchief," shouted everyone at once.
"Yes," said the sheriff, "and it has an initial in the corner. M! With the aid of this and my favorite detective book I now know who committed this crime."
"Who?" asked the citizens of Htumylp.
"Him" exclaimed the sheriff and pointed at Mat!
"What! Why should he rob his own store?" asked the blacksmith.
"Because," answered the wise and wily sheriff, "he thought no one would suspect him since it was his own store. He thought it was the perfect crime."
"Ahah!" exclaimed the crowd in one voice and they turned to put Mat in jail.
But alas! Mat, the sinister culprit had escaped, he was probably on his way to commit the very same ghostly crime in another unsuspecting and peaceful village.
Will crime never end?
A young woman who clerked in a store came home one evening and told her mother she had lost her job.
"What was the reason?" asked her mother.
"Just because of something I said," she replied. "After. I had tried 20 dresses on a woman she said, I think I'd look nicer in something flowing, so I asked her why she didn't jump in the creek."
The newlyweds were touring the west on their honeymoon and halted at a little wayside restaurant in the mountains one afternoon for lunch.
As the food was being served the bridegroom noticed that he had no spoon. He beckoned to the waiter and said, "Waiter, we want a spoon." "Well, go right ahead," replied the waiter, "no one here cares - and they all do it."
The little tike upon going to bed always insisted on the bedroom door being left open.
"Is it because you want to let the light in?" asked his mother.
"No," came the surprising reply, "It's because I want to let the dark out."
Respect Dead With Rugs
As moderns express respect for the dead by placing flowers on graves, in the orient it has been the custom since earliest times to hang oriental rugs over graves. Even today at the church at Hebron, where the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are said to be buried, oriental rugs are hung in respect for the great men.
Precooked Foods
Precooked foods containing protein can be dangerous if improperly handled. A dozen universities and several governmental agencies and industrial laboratories are working on the various methods of freezing and proper pretreating, on packaging materials and storage temperatures. One project of the National Restaurant association is concerned with bacterial and flavor tests of frozen chicken a la king.
Milk Nutritive
A quart of milk - four large glasses - supplies approximately these percentages of the daily nutritive requirements of an average adult: calcium 100 per cent plus; riboflavin (vitamin G) 79 per cent; phosphorus 69 per cent; protein 49 per cent; vitamin A 37 per cent; niacin 30 per cent; vitamin Bl 28 per cent; iron 16 per cent; vitamin C 16 per cent.
Fast Cottons
To be satisfactory, especially for summer wear, cottons need to be color fast to light, washing and perspiration. Shoppers are advised to look for labels giving specific color information. Labels with positive statements such as "Fast to Light" or "Fast to Washing" are more helpful than those that simply say "Washable" or "Can Be Washed." The latter do not guarantee that fabric will hold its color if washed.
Income From Milk
Milk as a source of cash farm income was 14 per cent of all farm income in 1945 - larger than hogs, over twice wheat or eggs, and three times cotton or tobacco. One out of every 15 families is dependent on milk for a livelihood. More than 26 million cows on three-fourths of the nation's 5,877,000 farms produce milk.
Vegetables Furnish Vitamins
Many vegetables furnish vitamin C. For instance, one medium-sized raw bell pepper if eaten raw will supply an individual's vitamin C for a day. The pepper may be cut up in a salad, or cut in strips and served with salt and pepper, as you would green onions or radishes.
Milk Production
Enough milk is produced annually in America to fill a river 3,000 miles long, 40 feet wide and 3 feet deep. If all of the milk produced in the U. S. in 1945 had been put in quart bottles side by side, they would extend almost 150 times around the earth.
Unchanging Looms
Drawings on ancient monuments indicate that hand looms for the weaving of oriental rugs were in use thousands of years ago. Oriental rugs are still woven by hand with painstaking care on primitive looms that have changed but little through the centuries.
Heating Systems
There are three types of central heating systems, each of which may be automatically fired. These are hot water, steam and warm air. There is no relation between the type of heating system and the fuel. In other words, any one of the three kinds of central heating systems may be fired with any one of the three kinds of fuels. This means that the owner has an option in the choice of the heating system and in the fuel.
Drake Drug Co.
Sav-Mor Drug
Phone 1
Marshall-Wells Store
WARE and SON, Owners
You'll find scores of extra values in every
Glenn's Shoe Repair Shop
Wherry Hardware
New Plymouth Groceteria
R. J. Sullivan, Owner
Hatfield Feed and Fuel
PHONE 32 RES. 83
Payette Valley Co.op. Oil Co., Inc.
New Plymouth Mercantile Co.
"The Home of Good Things to Eat and Wear"
Nicholson Equipment Co.
Mary's Beauty Shoppe
Shampoo - Hair Cream
Mahdeen for Dandruff
Jensen's Cafe
"It's a Good Place to Eat"
Idaho Power Company
"A Citizen Wherever It Serves"
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