Thomas H. Guffey

The Emmett Index (Emmett, Idaho)
March 08, 1938

The death of T. H. Guffey Monday, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. L. Burt near Falk, removed another of the valley's early settlers. His demise was a surprise to many, for just a few weeks ago he celebrated his 90th birthday and was so active in mind and body that he gave promise of rounding out a century span.

Mr. Guffey had lived in Idaho 37 years. He accompanied the Callie Burt family from Exline, Iowa to Boise in 1891, traveling overland with team and wagon. A few months later he moved into the Payette valley and filed on a track of arid land near Falk. Through strenuous years he stayed with the desert to eventually see the water come and the land respond to honest effort as reward for his courage and labors. He was a man of splendid physique and stature, standing more than six feet tall and being broad shouldered. Several years ago he met with an accident that resulted in one of his legs being fractured, and since then had need of a cane in walking about.

Mr. Guffey is survived by four daughters, six grandchildren and three great grandchildren. The daughters are; Mrs. C. L. Burt of Falk, Mrs. Anna Nichols, Mrs. Jessie Blayden and Mrs. John Boeck of Boise. The grandchildren are Dallas, Ernest and Earl Burt, Mrs. Gove, Mrs. Meecham and Thelma Blayden. The great grandchildren; Bobbetta and Harriet, Kathryn Gove and Camille Meecham.

Funeral services were held in the Bucknum chapel on Wednesday afternoon. Rev. D. J. Wampler, long time neighbor and close friend, officiated and paid a deserved tribute to this most worthy man. Burial was in the family plot at the Falk cemetery.