The Payette Independent
Thursday, November 10, 1927
Word was received in Fruitland Sunday of the death of Mrs. Milt Bowers in Nampa Saturday afternoon, death being due to plural pneumonia. She was taken sick about a month ago at her home in Glenns Ferry, and was brought to the hospital in Nampa. She got better and was removed to her home but suffered a relapse and was brought back to the hospital unconscious, from which she never recovered. Besides her husband she leaves three daughters, Berniece, Miriam and Bett Lou, to mourn her loss, besides a host of friends. She and Mr. Bowers made their home in Fruitland a number of years. Funeral services were held in Nampa Monday, afternoon at 2 o'clock, and interment made in the cemetery there. The following friends and relatives went over from Fruitland to attend the funeral; Mr. and Mrs. L. Z. Schubert, Mr. and Mrs. William Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Danah Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bowers, Rev. and Mrs. Harvey Hostetler, Ed Jones and Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Martin.