The Payette Independent
Thursday, October 07, 1926
Mrs. Florence Eunice Chadwick died Friday, September 24 at the home of her mother, Mrs. George Jeffries of Emmett, after a long illness.
Mrs. Chadwick was born in Little Falls, Minn., March 12, 1905. She was a resident of Payette for six years and attended the grade school there. She was a member of the Christian church there and will be remembered as Florence Russell.
On June 20, 1921 she was united in marriage to R. J. Chadwick of New Plymouth, and two children were born to this union, Robert, age 4 years and Dorothy age 2 years. She was a devoted mother and wife and was a great comfort to her mother, and had a bright smile and pleasant word for everyone. In addition to her husband and children, she leaves a mother, step-father and two half brothers to mourn her loss.
Funeral services were held at the chapel in Emmett Sunday afternoon, Rev. Jendson Brown, pastor of the Christian Church and Rev. Warrvas, pastor of the Baptist church officiating. Burial was in Riverside cemetery. (Emmett Cemetery)