The Payette Independent
Thursday, May 12, 1927
Death Calls Aged Pioneer
After an illness of several months, death put an end to the sufferings of L. H. Collins, aged pioneer of Idaho. Mr. Collins had lost his reason for the past two months and was a source of anxiety and care to those who watched over him. He regained his reason about an hour before his death and recognized his children who had gathered by his bedside. Mr. Collins came to Idaho over 50 years ago, settling in the county about Moscow. He retired from active work several years ago and made his home with his sons and daughters. For the past few months he has been in the care of his daughter, Mrs. Ralph Hall, of New Plymouth. The body will be shipped to Moscow for interment. Funeral services will be held in the First Baptist church of Moscow.
NOTE: According to the Idaho Death Index, Lyenrgus H. Collins was born 8-7-1842 and died 5-10-1927, New Plymouth. ch