Frank Creighton

The Payette Independent
Thursday, September 30, 1926


Frank Creighton, one of the old residents of Payette, passed from this life Sunday morning, September 26, after an illness covering a period of two or more years.

Deceased was born in Manchester, England, in 1869. He came to America when a boy between the ages of 12 and 14 years and grew to manhood in the east. In 1893 he came to Payette and was first connected with the clerical force during the construction of the first irrigation ditch on the Bench. Later he engaged in the fruit and mercantile business and continued in that for many years. He was also active in civic affairs and served several years on the city council and was mayor of the city for one term.

On Easter Sunday, 1905, he was married to Mrs. Minnie Holden. In 1920 his wife's health began failing and they moved to California where she passed away in 1923. Two years ago he returned to Payette, but has been in ill health ever since. He leaves a daughter, Patsy Creighton, a step-daughter, Mrs. Phil Bleger, of Weiser, and a step-son, Norman E. Holden. Miss Creighton makes her home in Weiser also.

Funeral services were held in the Episcopal church in this city Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock and were conducted by Rev. Thos. Ashworth, rector. Interment will take place in Portland and the body was shipped there last evening.