Richard Davis

Payette Independent
Thursday, February 04, 1915


Mr. Richard Davis living four miles east of New Plymouth died Saturday night at 9 o'clock of tuberoses. He is survived by a wife. The funeral was held at his home Monday morning at 11 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Thompson of the Congregational church. The remains were shipped west to Cleveland, Ohio, his former home.

New Plymouth Sentinel (Thursday, February 04, 1915)

Mr. R. S. Davis died at his home a few miles south of this city Saturday evening, after a long illness of lung trouble. The funeral services were held at the home Monday morning and the body was shipped to Cleveland O. for burial that afternoon. Mr. Davis has been a sufferer from lung trouble for a number of years, and three years ago, he and his wife came to the Payette valley in hopes the climate would agree with him. Mr. Davis was born in Buffalo N. Y. 89 years ago. In 1902 he was united in marriage to Miss Anna Nason, at Cleveland Ohio; and lived there until three years ago when he moved to the Payette valley.