G. W. Gupton

The Payette Independent
Thursday, April 23, 1925

G. W. Gupton Passes

G. W. Gupton, father of L. A. Gupton, of this place, died at Eureka, Cal., Sunday night, April 19 at 7:30 o'clock. Mr. Gupton lived in Payette about 25 years ago and has made his home here and at Fruitland off and on since. He was living with a son in California at the time of his death and interment took place there. He was a respected citizen of this community and his old friends will regret to hear of his death.

Payette Enterprise (April 23, 1925)


L. A. Gupton received the sad news Monday, announcing the death of his father, G. W. Gupton which occurred at his home at Eureka, California, Sunday evening at 7:30. Mr. Gupton was quite well known here, having lived at this place and at Fruitland for several years, moving away from Payette about four years ago. He has many friends in this community who will be grieved to learn of his death.