Willis N. Hayes
The Payette Independent
Thursday, May 28, 1925
Willis Newton Hayse was born in Illinois on April 6, 1863, and died May 26, 1925. He was married to Julia Ann Book in Illinois. To this union were born fourteen children, three of whom preceded their father in death.
Mr. Hayse has made his home in Weiser since 1900 and died in Payette while visiting his daughter, Mrs. Horn. Funeral services, conducted by T. A. Wayne, were held from the Landon Undertaking Parlors on Wednesday, six sons of the deceased survive him. The body accompanied by the eleven surviving children, was taken for burial at Mann's Creek by the side of Mrs. Hayes.
Payette Enterprise (June 04, 1925)
Willis N. Hayes, was born April 6th, 1863, and died at Payette, Idaho, May 26th. He was united in marriage to Julia Ann Brooks in Illinois. To this union 14 children were born, of which seven sons and four daughters survive. The family came from Illinois to Weiser 25 years ago, where they have since made their home. Mr. Hayes was taken ill at the Horn home before his death, at which place he passed away on May Sixth. Funeral services were held from the Home Undertaking parlor, Thursday, May 28th, conducted by Rev. T. A. Wayne. Interment took place in the Mann Creek cemetery beside his wife who passed away several years ago.