Jennie Inman

Payette Independent
Thursday, August 12, 1915


Mrs. Jennie Inman was born at Johnstown, Pa., April 26, 1859 and died at Payette, Idaho, August 9, 1915. She leaves a husband, C. Inman, 2 sons, O. W. Inman of Pocatello and G. L. Inman of Payette; the sister, Mrs. Mary Klen of Payette; two brothers, I. F. Teeter, of Boise, and J. Teeter, of North Bend, Nebraska.

Mrs. Inman moved with her parents to Waterloo, Iowa, in 1863 and lived there until 1891 when she moved to Minnesota, near Minneapolis. Came to Payette in 1901 and had since resided here. She was a good wife and kind mother. She has many friends and was loved and respected by all who knew her. She had been sick since last October and her sickness was of a nature that caused her very great suffering, which she bore with Christian fortitude. She was an earnest believer in the teachings of the Bible and when death approached she welcomed the messenger that carried her away from earthly suffering. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. Farnham from the Church of God. Her son, O. W. Inman and daughter, Mrs. Kien left Wednesday with the body for Waterloo, Iowa, where it will be interred amid old home scenes.

"There is no death what seems so is transition. This life of moral breath is but the suzurbs of the life elysian whose portals we call death."