Payette Independent
Thursday, May 13, 1915
John C. Kenward was born at Hallsham, England, Oct. 2, 1832, and came to America at the age of seventeen years. In 1833 he was married to Nancy Westbrook, in door County, Wisconsin, and lived in loved companionship with her for over half a century, until her death about six years ago.
To them were born ten children, seven of whom survive; Joel, of Fisher, Ill., Ira Westbrook, of Payette, Idaho, Samuel, of Seattle, Wash., Aaron, of Onarga, Ill., and Willard, Miss Patience, and Mrs. Jennie Jensen of Roberts, Ill.
John C. Kenward died at Payette, Idaho, May 6, 1915, of pneumonia, brought on by the shock of a fall he sustained two weeks previously when he was thrown from a buggy while coming into town from a visit on Willow Creek. He had spend the winter at Payette, and had endeared himself to many new friends.
He had been for many years a steadfast Christian, a member and an officer of the Methodist church.
He had crossed the Atlantic several times to visit relatives in England, the last time he went four years ago, he was a passenger on the ill-fated Lusitania.
The remains were accompanied to the old home at Roberts, Ill., by the son, Ira, leaving at noon on May 7, 1915.