Beckford Kutch

The Payette Independent
Thursday, September 22, 1927


The entire southeast district was shocked to learn of the sudden death Monday afternoon of Beckford Kutch. Death resulted from the third attack of heart failure.

Mr. Kutch who lived at 205 Grand avenue, Walnut Park, was 69 years old last July. He had made his home in Walnut Park for the past six years and although retired from active business he had an unusually keen mind and took a deep interest in local affairs. Many of the improvements that have been made in Walnut Park in recent years were made to conform to his analytical ideas for he could readily tell if improvements were to be equal to their cost or if the property owner would eventually lose.

He had a genial, wholesome personality that had won him a host of friends. He leaves a wife and one son, Rolf Kutch, whose home is on Hill street. His brother, Robert Kutch and his wife of Salem, Oregon, arrived in Walnut Park yesterday.

The funeral of Mr. Kutch will be held from the Wheat Undertaking Parlors, 248 South Seville, at 2 p. m. Friday afternoon. Interment will be at Inglewood cemetery - Huntington Park (California) Advertiser.

Mr. Beckford Kutch was for many years one of the prominent and substantial citizens of Weiser, and had many friends in the vicinity of Payette who will regret to learn of his death. The editor of the Independent counted him as one of his best friends and enjoyed a very pleasant visit with him when he was here on a visit from California a year or so ago. He was a rare personality, and he was ever thoughtful of the welfare of his fellowmen. We join sincerely with the grief stricken wife and son in lamenting the taking away of one we always held in the highest esteem.