D. C. McDonald

Payette Independent
Thursday, September 16, 1915


D. C. McDonald died at St. Luke's Hospital, in Boise, Wednesday of this week. Mr. McDonald was station agent at Fruitland when he asked for leave of absence some time ago. He went to his ranch for his vacation and while there was taken sick and later went to the hospital. Mr. McDonald was well known and much respected by a wide circle of friends. He leaves a wife and adopted boy. Funeral services will be held in Ontario on Friday, at 2 o'clock from the Baptist church, conducted by Rev. Tickner, of the Fruitland Baptist church.

Fruitland Banner (Friday, August 20, 1915)

D. C. McDonald Dies in Boise Hospital

After about six week's illness D. C. McDonald, recently agent at the Fruitland depot, died at St. Alphonsus hospital in Boise Monday night. Shortly after leaving here about two months ago he was stricken with paralysis while working on his ranch near Homedale and since that time gradually grew weaker until the end came. Mr. McDonald resided here for about six months. He was a prominent member of the Masonic lodge.