Effie Uida Gregory Miars

The Payette Independent
Thursday, January 19, 1928


Although months of suffering had presaged her death, and all realized the end was fast approaching, the death of Mrs. W. E. Miars was sad news to her many friends and the friends of the family.

Effie Uida Gregory was born in Henry, Illinois, November 29, 1878. In 1883 her parents moved to Orient, Iowa, where she grew to womanhood. She married at Corning, Iowa, in March 1908, to W. E. Miars, and they lived near Orient until 1910 when they came to Idaho and located on a ranch near Nyssa and lived there for eight years. Then they moved to Caldwell and lived there until 1924 when they located in Payette and have since made this their home.

Mrs. Miars is survived by her husband and three children, Lewis, 19; Earl, 16 and Dorathy, 13. She also is survived by a sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Wakefield, of Denver, Colorado, and a brother-in-law, J. C. Yech, of Long Beach California. She passed away Monday, January 16, a few minutes after midnight, surrounded by her loved ones, who had done all in human power to prolong her life.

Funeral services were held at the Episcopal church Wednesday morning at 10:30 o'clock and were conducted by Rev. Thos. Ashworth. Interment took place at Boise, where she was buried the same afternoon by the side of a sister who had preceded her to the other world.

Mrs. Miars was one of Payette's most lovable characters. Her home life left nothing for either husband or children to long for in the way of wifely and motherly devotion. All who knew her loved her for her womanly graces and consideration for the happiness of those about her. The bereaved husband and children have suffered a great loss and have our deepest sympathy.


Please convey to our kind friends and neighbors our sincere thanks for their acts of tenderness and mercy in the long illness, last hours and passing away of our beloved wife and mother. We shall never forget your ministrations to her and friendship for us all. W. E. Miars and Family