The Payette Independent
Thursday, January 22, 1925
Mrs. Mulholland Dies Suddenly
The community was shocked Saturday morning when the news of the sudden death of Mrs. Alice Mulholland was spread from person to person. She was standing near a window watering a cherished plant, when she apparently fainted, from which she never regained consciousness. Her physician was summoned immediately and upon his arrival pronounced life extinct. Death was instantaneous, caused by cerebral hemorrhage.
Mrs. Mulholland had been in very poor health the past year, having suffered a paralytic stroke in the summer. She had enjoyed better health the last few days previous to her death and was in a more happy frame of mind than usual, and her friends were quite hopeful that she would regain her health.
Captain and Mrs. Mulholland moved to New Plymouth, where they had ranch interests, ten years ago, from Cleveland, Ohio. Captian Mulholland died about a year later. Mrs. Mulholland moved to Payette, where she resided up to her death. She has won many warm friends since coming here and a large circle of acquaintances who are deeply grieved over their loss.
She was a member of Lorraine Chapter No 20, Order of the Eastern Star, of which she was an earnest worker.
She leaves a sister at Menasha, Wisconsin, and a brother at Case City, Michigan.
The remains were shipped Monday morning to Willoughby, Ohio, where funeral services under the auspices of the Order of the Eastern Star will be held. The body to be laid to rest by the side of her husband, the late captain Mulholland. The remains were accompanied by Mrs. D. G. Gardner, of New Plymouth, an old friend.