The Payette Independent
Thursday, November 29, 1928
William Niberger, who has been a sufferer from heart trouble for some time, passed away at his home on Third Avenue North last Thursday night, November 22. He had been gradually growing worse and his death was not unexpected.
William Niberger was born at Terrehaut, Indiana, October 31st, 1874. His early life was spent in his native state, but later he came to Baker, Oregon, where he was married to Effie Michael on October 31st, 1912. Three years ago he moved with his family to Payette and have since made this their home. Two daughters, Olathe Evelyn, aged 13, and Maxine Arleta, aged 20 months, were born to their union and with the wife are left to mourn his death.
Funeral services were held at the Baptist church at Nampa at 2:30 Sunday afternoon, under the auspices of the Eagle lodge, and the sermon was preached by Rev. Hughes of that city. Interment took place there.
Mr. Niberger was engaged in the dray business until ill health forced him to cease work, and was an honest, upright citizen whose death is regretted by all. His family have the sympathy of the entire community.