The Payette Independent
Thursday, October 13, 1927
William S. Orbin, who had been working at the L. C. Shubert place, on the bench, for three weeks, failed to report for duty Friday morning, and on investigation Mr. Schubert found him dead in his bed. He was a man 73 years of age, and had been ailing for sometime. A few days previous to his death Dr. Weiss, of Ontario, had been called to see him and he was apparently better and had resumed work. He was suffering from heart trouble.
The aged man had just written a letter to a brother at Marquette, Nebraska, and this was opened and the brother notified by County Coroner Adair, and the brother arrived here Monday.
Liberty bonds to the value of nearly three thousand dollars were found in a belt around the dead man's body, also a bank book showing funds on deposit, together with deeds to property in Oregon. The brother arranged for the probating of the estate and left for the east on the early train Tuesday morning.