The Payette Independent
Thursday, April 14, 1927
It is with deepest regret that we announce the death, at an early hour this morning, of Mrs. Jennie B. Peterman, mother of J. G. Peterman, one of the proprietors of the Independent. Mrs. Peterman, who has been living at La Grande, Oregon, was recently taken to a hospital there and it was developed that she was suffering from cancer of the stomach. Mr. Peterman went to La Grande Friday and visited with her over the week end. On his return Monday he held out little hope, although the doctors said she might live for a couple of months.
It was the pleasure of the writer to know Mrs. Peterman, who visited her son and family here several times in the past three years, and to know her was to appreciate her noble character. With smiling countenance and gentleness of heart she scattered sunshine in her path and to know her was to love her.
Funeral services will be held at Cove, Ore. Saturday and interment will take place there.